World Destroying Demonic Emperor

592: The little girl's mother! A Shili's magic transformation!

Back in time, two years ago!

After Ashi Liren, Shen Ning's mother and son, and Fang Qingzhuo's mother and daughter were kicked out of the Dongli Palace, they realized that the world was so big that there was no room for them at all. 【Latest chapter reading】

For a while, I don't know where to go!

Ash Liren wore a cloak and a veil, and drove a carriage, leaving Yanjing quickly.

Originally, Liren felt that Dongli Kingdom was safe, so she did not hide her identity when she entered the palace, but now it seems...

During the period of master's absence, the Dragon Temple did not fail to infiltrate the Dongli Kingdom.

At this time, Ash Liren finally understood why he didn't like Jiang Li all the time, and even his master didn't like Jiang Li either.

He was too timid, too focused on his own power and Dongli Kingdom.

Master Jiang Shang also attaches great importance to the Dongli Kingdom, but he regards the Dongli Kingdom as a vassal state conferred by His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, while Prince Jiangli obviously regards it as his own Dongli Kingdom.

It seems that there is also a dispute of consciousness within the Dongli Jiang family.

Ash Liren firmly believed that if the master was there, he would not hesitate to take him in and protect him, even if he was an enemy of the Dragon Temple.

Li Ren, there seems to be someone following behind! Suddenly, Fang Qingzhuo said.

Ash Liren's heart shuddered, and he really sensed a sneaky figure following him. It seemed that he was really upset, and he didn't even know he was being followed.

She pretended not to notice, and drove the carriage towards a remote place.

And the person who followed was obviously not very professional, and he still followed in a silly way.

Arriving at a relatively remote place, Ashi Liren was about to make a move to catch this follower.

No, the stalker actually spoke.

Xining, is that you? An excited but timid voice sounded.

It turned out to be... Prince Ji Min, Prince Ji Min of the Yan Empire.

Xi Ning could hardly believe his eyes, how could Ji Min be here?

Immediately afterwards, the stalker behind him lifted his cloak,

Showed his true face.

Sure enough, it was the handsome Prince Ji Min, but compared to before, this face was much more mature and less childish.

However, seeing Shen Ning coming out with Baby Shen Yu in his arms, Ji Min still shed tears without hesitation.

He is also full of affection for Baby Shiyu.

From when Shen Ning was pregnant to when the baby was born, Ji Min went there almost every day.

Not only that, but on the day when Zhi Ning gave birth, Ji Min was also waiting outside the door. Hearing Shen Ning's screams, he almost peed in fright, and when the baby's cry was finally heard, he sat down on the ground and cried himself.

However, he didn't see Shen Ning or the baby that day, so he was driven away directly.

From then on, he even came to visit Shenning and the baby every three days.

He kept saying that if Xi Ning married him, he would definitely treat the baby as his own. As a result, he just wishfully invested his emotions in the baby, and now he can't take it back.

The baby is so big? Can I hug it? Prince Ji Min asked cautiously.

If it were anyone else, Xi Ning would be full of doubts.

But at this time, she still passed the baby over and said, Come, give it to Uncle Baby.

Prince Jimin held the baby carefully.

The baby's eyes widened, and he looked at Ji Min's face with some seriousness. Seeing his face full of tears, the baby's face was blank, shouldn't I be the one who should cry? I didn't even cry, why is this person crying?

Ji Min hugged the baby a little harder, pressed against the baby's face, and sniffed his body.

Shen Ning asked, Why are you here?

Prince Ji Min said: I heard... After he had an accident, he immediately inquired about you and took the warriors to Nulang Kingdom to rescue you, but before he left Yanjing, he heard about Ashi Liren took you and ran away. I think you will definitely come to Dongli Kingdom, so I waited here! I stare outside Dongli Palace every day. I saw your carriage today. Or other reasons, I think it is you, so I followed up!

Xi Ning's eyes felt hot.

Since she was a child, she has always felt that Ji Min is unreliable and irresponsible by being exaggerated.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly irresponsible man is so infatuated and the most dependable.

Instead, Sauron is an asshole, irresponsible and untrustworthy.

But love is the most fucking and unreasonable thing. It's not that whoever is trustworthy will love someone.

Always be the worst man, the man you love the most.

Ji Min said: Ji Ning, if I risk my life, Ji Xiu Ning and my parents should be able to protect you and the baby. You... Would you like to go back to Yanjing with me?

he asked very carefully.

Xi Ning shook his head.

Ji Min's eyes turned hot, he knew this result a long time ago.

I thought Dongli Kingdom could protect you, but now it seems that Prince Jiangli is far less upright than his father. Ji Min said: You can't stay here for long, although the power of the Dragon Temple has not penetrated yet, but This place is still full of the eyes of the Dragon Temple, I can imagine that you will come to Dongli, and the Dragon Temple must also think that you must leave immediately.

Then, Prince Ji Min put away his tears and said: Go to the beach, I have prepared dozens of boats, go out to sea and get away from the crowd first, as for where to go... I really don't know. Prince Ji Min said: Every boat, I have prepared a lot of food, fresh water!

A Shi Liren looked towards Zhi Ning, among the three women present, Li Ren had the highest martial arts skills, but the most simple-minded, and Zhi Ning was the most cunning.

Therefore, it is up to Shen Ning to decide whether to listen to Ji Min or not.

Xi Ning nodded.

Then, a group of people drove the carriage and galloped towards the beach.

Two days later, the group arrived at the beach and boarded the big boat prepared by Ji Min.

Ji Min followed onto the boat very naturally.

Xi Ning asked, Ji Min, what are you doing?

Prince Ji Min said: Of course I will go with you. In case you encounter enemies, you take me as a hostage. After all, I am Ji Xiuning's own younger brother and Emperor Yan's own son.

Xi Ning smiled and said: Thank you, Ji Min, I will never forget you in my life, and I will regard you as my dearest relative. But, you'd better forget about me, find a good girl, go on a blind date, and find a good girl. A woman who loves you lives a lifetime!

Then, Ash Liren patted Ji Min on the neck and threw him on the shore.

On the shore, an elderly eunuch caught Ji Min.

This official watched Ji Min grow up since he was a child, and spent more time with Ji Min than his biological father.

Just like Li Chenglian's relationship with Xili, and Gao Yin's relationship with Xibian, this kind of relationship between master and servant and father and son will never betray.

Even if Zhili chooses the craziest and most destructive path to go, the eunuch Li Chenglian will follow without hesitation, so he will personally assassinate King Jibian.

His Royal Highness Princess Xining, take care! the eunuch tremblingly hugged Prince Ji Min.

Xi Ning saluted and said, Ning Weng, take care!

Prince Ji Min couldn't move his body at all. He watched the ship getting farther and farther away, and burst into tears.

The eunuch Ning Weng did not release Prince Ji Min from the prison until the boat on which Shen Ning's mother and son were boarding disappeared.

Ah Weng, my heart is dying! Prince Ji Min said.

No, some people's hearts are dead, but yours will always be fresh. The eunuch Ning Weng said: Go back. Although this old slave has no future in this life, he still has a keen eye for people. Ning Ning The princess will be safe and sound, and you will meet again!


What Ji Min said was right, because King Jiang Shang was not in the country for a long time, so the Dragon Temple's infiltration of the Dongli Kingdom was not fruitless.

When Ashi Liren brought Shen Ning's mother and son and Fang Qingzhuo's mother and son into the Dongli Palace, they were discovered immediately and then spread the news.

Just half an hour after they took the boat out to sea, the nearest air force of the Dragon Temple took off and flew towards the east to hunt down Shen Ning's mother and son.

This is a patrol team of dozens of pilots!

There are thousands of such patrols in the entire human kingdom, and the goal is to hunt down the relatives of the Devil Emperor Sauron who slipped through the net.

This patrol of airmen kept flying east, searching for every ship.

Finally, after three days...

They found the boat on which Ashiliren and Shen Ning's mother and son were traveling.

Crunch... crunch...

There was a burst of hissing from the flyer, and it swooped down from the air to launch an attack!

Fang Qingzhuo, protect the child, protect Shen Ning! As Shi Liren gave an order, he drew out the Dragon Golden Sword and rushed out.

In the human kingdom, Ashi Liren's martial arts has almost reached its peak.

Her cultivation base is on the same level as Jian Zun, Gao Yin and others, second only to Master Jiang Shang and the powerhouses of Shenlong Temple.

As for the fliers of the Yaoxing Pavilion in the Shenlong Temple, their cultivation level is roughly on the same level as that of the Dragon Warrior. However, because they can fly, their combat effectiveness is particularly terrifying.

They can hit you, but you can't hit them.

However, this is not a problem for Ash Liren.

Her attack was very violent, very stunning.

It directly releases the terrifying icy energy, instantly freezing the flyer in the air, and then directly smashes the frozen enemy into pieces with a direct burst of dragon power sword light.

Not only that, when she was fighting fiercely, the surrounding temperature instantly dropped to tens of degrees below zero.

The blood of all flyers near her will be coagulated, their speed will be slowed down, and they will even fall directly from the sky.

Before, in the decisive battle with Shili, Ashili fought against twenty dragon warriors at most.

But now, her heart is desolate, desperate, and painful, and the energy she erupts almost doubles.

Endless cold energy gushed out from her body.

She fought 80 fliers by herself, and the fliers who were trained at the dragon warrior level were already exhausted before they were replaced.

But at this time, he was not at a disadvantage.

Even, the icy cold energy bursting out of her body is getting stronger and stronger, more and more amazing!

And her face became more and more alluring.


Suddenly, the sea water under the boat was actually frozen.

The air around Ash Liren actually turned into blue and gorgeous frost.

And A Shili's body became almost inhuman.

The skin that is completely like white jade has no color except white, and it is whiter than Baixue.

Eyes, dark blue.

Lips, ice blue.

Even, Ashi Liren felt that his body seemed to be out of his control.

The blood in her body, the suppressed surge, was about to burst out crazily.

She felt as if something special in her body was awakening!

Kill, kill, kill...

Ash Liren frantically killed.

One after another, the fliers were frozen in the air, and then were beaten to pieces by Li Ren.

One after another the fliers fell.

More than a dozen, more than twenty, more than thirty, more than fifty...

The dragon warrior-level fliers followed one after another, but one after another was torn to pieces by Ashi Liren.

The icy energy deep in Liren's blood was released crazily, and crazily backlashed back.

She felt that she was really going to lose control, and even her own soul was about to be frozen.


Deep in her soul, there is always a strong will supporting her.

I can't fall down, no one will come to help me this time.

Before, I couldn't protect my son Ash Yuanba. Today, if I can't protect Shiyu, then what's the point of my life?

Before switching to it, Ashi Liren had collapsed long ago, completely backlashed by the icy energy of the blood, and frozen.

But now, she exhausted the energy of her soul to hold on desperately, not letting herself fall down.

Last time, in the pincer between Rogo and Ge Li, the energy in her body was ready to move, as if it was about to wake up and explode.

But Hell Knight Shili appears and saves the day.

But this time, no one appeared to save the situation, and Ash Liren could only rely on himself.

In this way, in the end, Ash Liren couldn't see anything with his eyes, nor could he feel anything.

She felt that her soul and her body seemed to be in another world. This world is full of darkness and nothingness, as if in hell.

She fights purely by instinct.

Release the icy energy, freeze the enemy, and then shatter it with a single strike!

that's it……

Eighty-odd dragon warrior-level fliers were killed completely!

All turned into ice cubes all over the floor!

All the enemies were killed by him alone.

A Shili could not see, nor could he sense his own body.

Is it over? Are all the enemies dead?

She breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then, her body fell straight down, falling heavily on the deck.


At the same time, the already frozen sea thawed instantly.

The fragments of the flyer's body were originally ice cubes, but now they turned into broken flesh.

Liren... Fang Qingzhuo exclaimed, and then rushed forward.


She found that Liren's body seemed...not human anymore.

The whole body turned into jade!

Not ice, but jade.

Flawless jade.

The whole person seemed to be carved out of jade from heaven.

There is no temperature, no elasticity, and no breath.

And at this moment!

The sky suddenly flashed golden light, a huge wing blocked the sun and cast a huge shadow on the sea.

A flyer lands slowly.

Seeing this, the warriors on board shot arrows at the golden flyer.


These arrows were all frozen in the air, and then turned into powder.

With a light wave of the flyer's hand, all the warriors on board were wiped out.

The golden winged flyer landed on the deck of the ship.

Her whole body is covered in golden armor, and she has a nearly perfect devil figure.

She wore a golden mask on her face, only revealing two eyes, golden pupils, extremely charming.

Fang Qingzhuo drew out his sword and was about to rush forward.

The flier with golden wings waved his jade hand, and Fang Qingzhuo's body was frozen.

She came to the side of Ash Liren's body and squatted down.

Immediately, the delicate body covered by the golden soft armor folded into a perfect arc.

The curve of the waist and hips is full of the temptation of the devil.

Her body curves are only rivaled by Ashi Liren.

This is not just a curve, but a special kind of charm, a magical charm.

She stretched out her jade hand, took off the golden soft silk gloves, gently stroked Ash Liren's face, and then sniffed lightly under her nose.

It's not a human, but... a demon race. Dongli Wang Jiangshang is indeed a peak human powerhouse. She has been able to hide her demon bloodline, and no one has discovered it for decades! The voice of the flyer, Full of infinite charm.

The combination of magical and dreamy voices makes people feel as if they are about to fall into a dream.

You still haven't escaped... The golden-winged flyer sighed: We originally received the order to capture you alive, but for some reason, the order changed yesterday to kill you and return with your head!

The golden-winged flyer stood up, looking at Shen Ning and Fang Qingzhuo with charming beautiful eyes, and said, I'm so sorry, I have to take your heads off!

She gently pulled out the dragon golden sword.

Her martial arts are extremely high.

It's so high that you don't need to do anything, you can freeze all the people in the whole ship.

To show my respect, I should take off the mask and kill you! Then, the golden-winged flyer took off the mask on his face.

He revealed a face that was so beautiful that it took people's breath away.

The face that turns all beings upside down and overwhelms the country and the city.

A face comparable to that of Ash Liren, Ji Xiuning, and Xiyan.

If Lan Ling sees this scene, he will be amazed, why this face is so familiar, especially the gorgeous flame imprint between the eyebrows, how is it exactly the same as his adopted daughter, Xiao Yaya!


Note: The second is more nearly 5,000 words, please support, thank you everyone! Please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket, bow and thank you. (To be continued.)

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