World Destroying Demonic Emperor

572: The war is over! The whole army is destroyed!

This scene is undoubtedly extremely strange and shocking. Top point novel ⒉②

I believe that many people will never forget this picture in their lifetime.

More than 20,000 people lined up, walked towards the huge pit of death, and drowned themselves alive.

The people behind obviously saw the person in front fell into the water and drowned, but they still jumped down one after another.

Even after these people fell into the water, they didn't struggle and let themselves suffocate in the water.

The spirit of each of them is controlled by the Mirror Demon King, and they don't feel pain, on the contrary, they feel like they are in heaven. So even if you suffocate in the water, you don't feel any pain at all. It wasn't until death came that you regained your light and regained a moment of sobriety.

After only a moment of sobriety, they struggled a little, and then died completely.

Plop, plop, plop...

Group after group of tribal soldiers fell into the death pit.

The brothers of the Flame Demon Tribe were ready to fight, ready to fight and die, but what awaited them was such an amazing and terrifying scene.

They are no longer familiar with this huge pit.

Building walls, laying dirt roads, and even building houses requires a lot of soil.

More than a thousand people dug for almost two months before they dug out such a huge pit with a length and width of nearly one mile.

Later, it rained heavily, and the huge pit was filled with stagnant water taller than a person, so the huge pit had to be abandoned.

As a result, Lanling ordered to build a bracket in the huge pit, and then covered it with huge branches to hide the entire huge pit.

No one knew why they did this. Many people even thought that the chief wanted a clean water source, a huge artificial lake or something like that.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a death trap.


Constantine has been screaming desperately, sending wave after wave of soldiers into the ghost world, trying to wake up the soldiers who are walking towards the death pit.

However, no matter how many waves of people went in, instead of waking up the soldiers who were walking towards the death trap, they themselves followed into the death trap.

Come back, come back... Constantine roared at the top of his lungs.

Go and wake them up, go... He beat the tribal warriors around him with a whip, and let them enter the ghost world to wake up the soldiers of his two tribes.

However, none of the guards of the two chiefs dared to go in.

Because none of the people who entered could come back, and all of them followed into the death trap.

In this way, Constantine and Alfonso watched their soldiers go to the trap and die!

Constantine's heart was not only bleeding, but was completely torn apart. He didn't even feel the sharp pain, but felt cold all over his body, and almost lost consciousness.

He fell for it again!

How many times is this? The third time, or the fourth time?

For the first time, he was dazzled by Lanling's gold coins, which forced him to start a war with the Ankara tribe ahead of time, making Lanling lead the foreign army to rebel successfully.

The second time, he was hit by Lanling's attack, which made Lanling lead the foreign army into the ghost world and establish the Yanmo tribe.

For the third time, he fell under Lanling's aggressive general method, sending all soldiers into the ghost world, and into hell!

Clearly knowing that Lanling is full of tricks, insidious and cunning, but he still falls into the trick time and time again, and falls into the trap again and again!

But this time, it was really painful!

A whole 14,000 troops were buried by him!

This is almost all the military power of the Chimera tribe. Today, the entire tribe only has more than 3,000 second-line troops.

These 14,000 people are all the capital of Constantine, and now they are completely lost.

The Chimera tribe really wants every household to hold funerals!

His grand ambitions of Constantine really burst like soap bubbles.

He really wants nothing.

He just stared blankly at everything, his whole body was completely numb, and his whole nerve was completely numb.

For a long time,

He just felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

Puff puff……

Big mouthfuls of black blood spewed out wildly.

After a while of dizziness, Constantine, the chief of the Chimera tribe, fainted and fell down.


Alfonso, the chief of the Ankara tribe, was not much better. He also became furious, desperately expelling the warriors around him into the ghost world, and awakening the soldiers who were going to the death trap.

However, the result was the same. Any soldiers who went in were unable to come back, and all followed them to death.

In the end, Alfonso lost his mind and rode into the haunted world by himself to wake up his tribal army.

However, he was held back by Yin Ji, a female shaman.

Father, don't go in, if you go in, you will die! Yin Ji used her mental power to wake up Alfonso.

Alfonso's eye socket was cracked, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his eye.

Fourteen thousand troops, all buried!

Originally, he and Constantine conspired to destroy the wild horse tribe, and then doubled its size all of a sudden. How proud is it?

Seeing that he was about to become the most powerful tribe in the entire Silver Alliance, as long as he completely annexed the Mustang tribe, he would be able to generate 30,000 warriors and sweep the Chimera tribe within three years.

Lanling led the foreign army to rebel. It was originally a civil strife in the Chimera tribe, so it was none of his business.

It was because of his greed for 100,000 gold coins that Lan Ling took advantage of him and got involved in this huge trap. Not only did he have a battle with Constantine for no reason, but he was also dragged in by Constantine to encircle the Balrog tribe in Lanling.

Of course, he is not considered to be used by Constantine, he is just not resentful to be used by Lanling, and wants to wipe him out completely, and Constantine's daughter Ninian has become the concubine of the Little Man King, so he wants to take the opportunity to please Constantine, the two partnered to dominate the entire Silver Alliance.

As a result, the 14,000 troops were completely destroyed.

Now, his army is only 5,000 people, and he has to defend the two tribes of Ankara and Chimera. How can he resist the tigers and wolves around him?

At this time, the death in the ghost domain world is still going on.

Twenty-five thousand people are too many, densely packed like ants.

Team after team of soldiers walked towards the death trap with a neat pace, smiling.

Looking at these pictures, Alfonso hissed: Lan Ling, he is not human at all, he is just a ghost, a monster, a...

He couldn't find any words to describe it.

Female shaman Yoon Ji feels the same way.

This Lan Ling is not human at all, he is really a devil, a monster!

What kind of person can create one miracle after another?

He is really not human, he is a monster, which reminds her of a person in the human kingdom, who is also a monster who has created countless miracles.


Also with cold limbs is Doduo, the chief of the Mustang tribe!

He stared wide-eyed at all this.

Even though he was also the winner of this battle, he still felt cold and chills in his body.

Looking at Lan Ling was also full of fear.

Really unpredictable!

The most important thing is that Lanling had already planned everything in front of him a month ago.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bet with himself.

Thinking of what Lan Ling said to him, I am not worried about this battle, because I will definitely win. What I am worried about is the next battle, the 100,000 troops of the entire Silver Alliance!

Sure enough, Lanling won this battle! turned out to be zero casualties!

The expected tragic battle did not happen, but the whole battle ended with this strange, mysterious, stunning and terrifying scene.

With his own strength, Lan Ling wiped out Constantine's 30,000 coalition forces.

After a long while, Duoduo, the chief of the Mustang tribe, said, Is this... hurting the peace?

Sending 20,000 to 30,000 people into a death trap with almost sorcerous behavior seems to be hurting the peace of heaven.


Lan Ling had already killed tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

He had already injured Tianhe badly.

Of course, he himself was shattered by revenge and lost everything, even his life.

God has already taken revenge on me. Lan Ling said indifferently: After I die, my fate will be involuntary.


Constantine's wife, Gou Li, has been watching all this in a daze.

Watching his Chimera tribe soldiers go to their deaths one by one.

The trembling, coldness, fear, and feeling of death welling up from the depths of her heart pervaded her whole body.

For a long time, she really couldn't feel any temperature in her body.

There was only one thought in her mind: the Chimera tribe was over, Constantine was over!


This death performance lasted for nearly half an hour.

More than 20,000 people stepped into the death trap one after another, drowning themselves alive.

It's all over.

More than 20,000 corpses completely buried the entire huge pit.

The two camps on both sides were deadly silent!

Yin Ji, the female shaman, said to Afanguo: Father, let's go, it's time to go back!

Alfonso was still staring blankly at the giant pit.

The female shaman Yin Ji said: Father, we have lost more than 10,000 soldiers, the most important thing now is to go back to suppress any possible rebellion and stabilize our two tribes, otherwise we will be like Duoduo, with nothing!

Her voice was infused with spiritual energy again.

Alfonso, as if waking up from a dream, said: Yes, return to the tribe and suppress order!

Then, without even looking at Constantine, Alfonso was about to lead more than a thousand tribal warriors away.

More than half of the reason why he has today's results is due to defeating Constantine.

The female shaman Yin Ji said: Father, you must join forces with Chief Constantine now, don't forget that his daughter is the concubine of the Little Man King. You are now sharing prosperity and humiliation!

Alfonso thought for a while.

Yes, it is.

He only has 5,000 soldiers on hand, and he has to defend two tribes, a territory of 300 miles, which cannot be defended at all. How to resist the horde of wolves and tigers?

The whole tribe is always prey to the weak, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to annex and divide Alfonso's territory. How could the surrounding tribes let it go?

Although Constantine was even worse, with only 3,000 troops left, his daughter married the little barbarian king, so no one dared to attack Constantine. If Alfonso wants to keep his territory, he must firmly hug Constantine's thigh.

So, he shouted loudly: Warriors of the Chimera tribe, what are you doing with them? If you haven't carried your chief into the carriage and returned to the tribe, I will give you the queen!

At this time, the supreme leader of the Chimera tribe became Yanggu.

After hearing what Alfonso said, he hurriedly said, Yes!

Then Alfonso took the three thousand troops joined by two tribes, escorted the unconscious Constantine, and fled in embarrassment.

The first battle of the Balrog Tribe is completely over, with a complete victory!


Lanling stood on top of the city!

Quietly looking at more than a thousand soldiers of the Balrog tribe below.

This battle is over!

Our Flame Demon Tribe was not destroyed in its infancy!

Next, our tribe will enter a golden period of rapid expansion!

We won, but there was no celebration, no bonfire. Because I know you don't want to celebrate, and neither do I!

I even know that you feel that this victory has nothing to do with you. It is entirely due to the unpredictable abilities of me and the Mirror Demon King. Therefore, you even feel ashamed!

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the soldiers of the Balrog Tribe trembled.

Lan Ling's words reached their hearts, the war was won, and they had the joy of surviving the disaster, but they were shrouded in a more complicated emotional thread, and they didn't know what it was.

And Chief Lan Ling explained everything clearly.

Yes, a shameful feeling.

The Balrog tribe's victory, however, has nothing to do with me, it's all thanks to the chief alone.

It's good that you can think like this, I'm very happy! Lan Ling shouted loudly: Be brave after knowing your shame!

At this time, it began to rain!

Raindrops fell on everyone's faces and bodies.

However, all the soldiers of the Balrog tribe remained motionless.

Then let me tell you, in the next battle, we will have nothing to rely on, no ghostly death traps, no spiritual energy shields, and the only thing we can rely on is the sword in your hands!

This battle, I fought for you, the next battle is up to you!

How many enemies will there be in the next battle? Eighty thousand, one hundred thousand, or even more!

Brothers, never forget that death is always less than three days away from us! Our struggle, our battle, has just begun!

Here I issue an order. Within three months, if the Chimera tribe and the Ankara tribe are not wiped out, and our territory is not expanded by thirty times, then our Balrog tribe will no longer exist!

Lan Ling's last words completely ignited the blood and hearts of more than a thousand people present.

Within three months, destroy the Chimera tribe and the Ankara tribe, expanding thirty times!

This is a new goal, this is a miraculous goal, and this is an almost impossible goal.

Let me ask, can this goal be achieved? Lan Ling asked coldly.

Yes! More than a thousand brothers from the Balrog tribe hissed and roared.

Lan Ling said: Okay, then I will remember! If this goal is not achieved within three months, the Balrog Tribe will officially disband!

Dodo's eyelids trembled violently.

Lan Ling is too crazy to say such decisive words and behave like a qualified leader at all, so irrational.

But I don't know why, but his blood is boiling with enthusiasm, and he can't help but want to fight, fight, and worship together.

Long live the chief, long live, long live!

More than a thousand people kneeled neatly.

Looking at Lanling on the top of the city, his eyes are full of awe while being fanatical!

Everyone knelt down, leaving only a hundred or so remnants of the Mustang tribe standing there alone.

Duoduo's face trembled slightly, remembering his bet with Lan Ling.

In the wild world, what you say is what you say, and the vows you make must be fulfilled, otherwise you will not be able to hold your head up for the rest of your life.

Gritting his teeth suddenly, Duoduo knelt down on both knees and shouted loudly: From now on, there will be no wild horse tribe. I, Duoduo, will lead the tribe and give my allegiance to Chief Lanling. Please accept me!

Chief, long live, long live, long live!


Note: The second more than 4,000 words are sent, please support, please ask for monthly tickets, thank you everyone! (To be continued.)

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