World Destroying Demonic Emperor

564: Gou Li is on fire! Devour the Ghost King's Eye!

When Lanling took Ari to escape from the Chimera tribe, he did not forget to take her daughter with him.

In fact, when Goufu died, his daughter Gou Ling didn't feel much sadness.

When Ari fled with Gou Ling, Gou Ling's heart was also ready to move, full of inexplicable excitement.

Although she has always looked down on the foreign army, of course she also looked down on Lan Ling and others. But she still found Lan Ling's crazy behavior that night very exciting.

When her mother's adultery with Lan Ling was exposed and she was about to be burned to death, she also went to her aunt Gou Li to ask for love.

So she has some feelings for her mother Ari.

However, when Lanling led the foreign army into the ghost domain world and announced the establishment of the Yanmo tribe.

Everyone was working like hell, building like hell, even her mother picked up a needle and started sewing.

She is already thirteen years old, besides learning to sword every day, she also needs to do some things within her power.

She has been used to eating and being lazy since she was a child, how could she suffer? When she was criticized for practicing sword, she directly wanted to slap the teacher, and finally refused to learn sword.

And wanting to make her work would cost her life even more.

She originally thought that she came here for good fortune. Her mother is the chief's woman, so she is equivalent to the chief's daughter. She should live a life like Ninian's, but who knew it was not like this at all.

Here they live in a shabby house, and what they eat every day is either fish or wild vegetables.

She had had enough of this kind of life, so she kept complaining.

Of course, as the chief, Lan Ling, such trivial matters would definitely not reach his ears, and Dina handled them secretly.

Dina felt that Gou Ling was still young, so she gave Gou Ling the venison, goat's milk, fresh fruit and other delicious food that belonged to the little Yaya.

After Gou Ling ate it, she became even more jealous. One day, she saw the little girl having a great time with the little griffin, so she stepped forward and kicked the little griffin, and then pushed the little girl to the ground. On the ground, he pinched the little girl's waist a few times.

Dina was very angry when she found out, so she told Ari.

Ari taught her daughter a lesson,

Instead, he was scolded to tears.

After all, she was at fault for hooking up her husband, and she was so scolded by her daughter that she couldn't even pay back a word.

Why she and Lanling are adulterers (**** and conspired to kill her father Goufu.

Therefore, Ari can't control this daughter at all. After that, Gou Ling felt that she had mastered the weapon to attack her mother and Lan Ling, and said in public many times that Lan Ling raped her mother and murdered her father, and that one day she would take revenge.

Dina couldn't bear it anymore and put her under house arrest. But the entire Balrog Tribe is very busy, everyone is desperately building, and no one can find someone to take care of it, and she is too soft-hearted, thinking that Gou Ling is just a child, and she is Ahri's daughter, and she doesn't want people to think that she can't tolerate it As a result, Ari was asked to take care of her daughter.

However, how could the kind and innocent Ahri be her daughter's opponent? After being scolded by her daughter, she burst into tears immediately, and her heart was filled with infinite guilt.

At this time, Gou Ling was already full of hatred towards the Yanmo Tribe, towards Lan Ling, and even towards his mother Ari.

Moreover, she wants to live a rich life.

So, she thought of a good way to sell the Balrog Tribe and Lanling to her uncle, Chief Constantine. This way, she would definitely get a huge reward and get revenge on Lanling.

As for why she wanted revenge on Lanling?

Is it because of revenge for killing his father?

Probably not, the night Goufu was killed, the night Lanling led the foreign army to rebel, she felt more excited and stimulated.

Her hatred comes from a psychological gap.

When Lanling announced that she would create her own tribe, she thought she would become the chief's daughter and live a life like Ninian.

Who knew that in this garbage place of the Flame Demon Tribe, everyone actually had to work.

Even the wife of the chief and the concubine have to work in person.

This gap caused her anger and hatred.

Therefore, she easily knocked out her mother Ari, and then took advantage of everyone's inattention, stole a horse that was grazing, and left the ghost world with her mother on her back.

She originally wanted to go directly to her uncle Constantine, but later she felt that she should go to her aunt Gouli first, so that she should be able to get more benefits.

Originally, a little girl like her shouldn't have managed to throw a horse and escape.


There are too few people in the Balrog Tribe, everyone is building, and they have almost no defense against their own people. There are a total of two thousand war horses, and the stables have not been built yet. Most of the time, the war horses are tied to the woods to graze. If you have the heart, you can easily steal a horse.

After all, the entire Balrog tribe is united as one, who knew there would be such a little rebellious girl?


The Chimera Tribe, the chieftain's castle that is still under renovation.

The chief's wife, Gou Li, lost a lot of weight. She didn't go out during this period of time, and stayed in the castle all the time.

She no longer has the face to face people, and even when she sees any servant, she feels that others are pointing and laughing at her behind her back.

This bastard, Lan Ling, not only raped her, but also in front of everyone.

Not only that, but she has been dreaming every night since that night.

In the dream, Lan Ling defiled and ravaged her again and again.

Then, she deeply felt that her whole body was on fire, filled with endless emptiness.

She finally experienced the feeling of poisoning that her daughter Ninian said.

It's just that she won't be as ignorant as the young woman, full of longing for Lanling,

She will turn this anxiety and pain into hatred, as a belief in revenge.

Gou Li looked at Ah Li viciously, and said with a sneer: Bitch, you have fallen into my hands again, this time I really want you to die!

Then, she looked at her niece Gou Ling, and said with a smile: Gou Ling, it's fine for you to run out by yourself, why did you bring your mother out?

Gou Ling only thought of this question at this time, yes, he can just run out by himself, why bring his mother with him? She knew very well in her heart that no matter whether her mother fell into Gouli's hands or Constantine's, she would die without a burial, even more painful than death.

But she vaguely felt that she needed something like a vote certificate in exchange for more benefits.

Hearing Gou Li's question, Gou Ling said: Because I am the daughter of the Raksha tribe, I am the daughter of the Chimera tribe, and from the moment my mother cheated on the Lanling bitch, she was my enemy. Not to mention she murdered my father. For the sake of the Chimera tribe, I would rather kill my relatives righteously.

Okay... Gou Li smiled and said, You really deserve to be my daughter, and you really deserve to be loved by my aunt.

Gou Ling immediately knelt in front of Gou Li's knees and said, Auntie, Sister Nini has gone to Raksha City. From now on, I will be your daughter. May I call you mother?

Gou Li smiled and said: Okay, my good daughter! Tell me quickly, what is your plan to eliminate the Lanling bitch?

Gou Ling said: Auntie, I will stay with you from now on, how about living in the castle on the top of the mountain?

Okay, I just need a lovely person to accompany me. Gou Li said.

Gou Ling said: Sister Nini is no longer in the tribe, so can I live in her house? Can I wear her clothes?

This greedy and stupid girl began to push forward and made further demands.

The chief's wife Gou Li's beautiful eyes trembled, and she said, Of course, everything belonging to Sister Nini is yours from now on.

Gou Ling opened his eyes wide, pretending to be innocent and said: My father said earlier that he would leave me a thousand gold coins, but when he died, these gold coins disappeared. They must have been stolen by the Lanling bitch.

This greedy and stupid look is really almost exactly the same as Goufu. It is said to be smart, but in fact it is extremely short-sighted and stupid. The greedy face doesn't know how to hide it, it's a way to kill.

Chief Gou Li narrowed his eyes and said, I am your aunt, and will be your mother in the future. Of course I will give you this gold coin. One thousand gold coins is too little, at least two or three thousand.

Gou Ling said cheerfully: Auntie, then hurry up and prepare a griffin for me, and I'll tell my uncle right away how to get rid of this cheap dog Lanling.

Gou Li sneered in his heart, and then he followed the good advice and ordered to prepare a Griffon Knight, and flew Gou Ling to Constant's army camp with him.


Inside Constantine's camp.

Uncle, there is a demon relic in this ghost domain world, what is it called the mirror demon king. I don't know why, but it was cracked by the Lanling cheap dog, so the people of the Yanmo tribe will not be confused after entering the energy shield of the ghost domain world. Mind. Gou Ling said excitedly in front of Constantine.

What Balrog tribe? Constantine asked.

At this time, not only Constantine was there, but Alfonso, the chief of the Chimera tribe, and the female shaman Yin Ji were also there.

Ahri's daughter Gou Ling said: It's that cheap dog in Lanling, who established a tribe called the Flame Demon Tribe in it. They said that they wanted to reproduce the glory of three thousand years ago, and they said that they were close to the motherland of the human race, etc.

The female shaman Yin Ji said: Three thousand years ago, in the northern wilderness, a man named Yanmo Great Emperor created a powerful near-human empire, ruling almost half of the northern wilderness. The motherland in the eyes of the human race.

Constantine sneered and said, Trying to establish the Flame Demon Empire on His Majesty's territory is really a dream.

Gou Ling continued: However, this energy shield won't last long. At that time it was said to be three months. I calculated it. There are still about twelve days before this ghost world energy shield will disappear.

Constantine said: The energy shield disappeared, why?

Gou Ling said: I eavesdropped on their chat saying that the Mirror Demon King was injured, and he had no spiritual slaves, so his energy was exhausted. Therefore, the cheap dogs of the entire Balrog Tribe worked hard every day, and they have built a The city wall is more than one mile long, and dozens of houses have been built inside Chengsha.”

Impossible! A person next to him said, In less than three months, how can we build a mile-long city wall and return dozens of houses?

Gou Ling became anxious immediately, and hissed: I guarantee with my life, they work like a dead man, and they want me to do it together, I don't want to.

Constantine waved his hand and stopped others from questioning, What else?

Gou Ling said: Also, the Lanling cheap dog is not in the tribe, I don't know where he went, but I heard him quarreling with the chief of the Mustang tribe, saying something about centaurs, I am too far away, I can't hear clearly .”

Constantine said: Lanling wants to find reinforcements, and he has taken a fancy to the centaur tribe? Trying to make the centaur tribe become his reinforcements and rescue his foreign army?

Gou Ling said: I don't know, but after twelve days, the energy shield of the ghost domain world will disappear, you can go straight in and kill the Lanling cheap dogs and all the cheap dogs of the Balrog Tribe.

Female shaman Yin Ji said: How many people are there in the Balrog tribe you mentioned?

Gou Ling said: More than a thousand people.

The female shaman Yin Ji said: Then what do they eat? Are there so many prey in it?

Gou Ling said: Eat fish. In a cave, more than 30 people are sent to catch fish every day. Within half an hour, several thousand catties are brought up. I eat fish every day. I feel like vomiting, but those cheap The dogs eat with gusto.

The female shaman Yin Ji said: If I'm not wrong, there should be a dark lake inside. Gou Ling, is the fish you eat salty? Is it the smell of earth or the sea?

It's salty, even if you don't need to rub salt on it, it's still salty. Gou Ling said.

The female shaman Yin Ji said: This dark lake leads directly to the sea, so their food is endless. No wonder they don't have to leave the ghost world at all.

Constantine said: Gou Ling, you go out first, uncle will credit you first!

After Gou Ling went out, Constantine asked, Yin Ji, is Gou Ling talking?

The female shaman Yin Ji said: I monitor her breathing and spirit, and everything she says is true. However, I can't guarantee if this is Lan Ling's bitter trick, even Gou Ling was used.

That's right, Lan Ling is so treacherous and vicious that he can use any tricks.

If it was Lan Ling's trick, after twelve days, the energy shield disappeared, and the army rushed in, only to fall into the trap.

Yin Ji, the female shaman, said, Did that woman named Ari fall into the hands of the chief's wife?

Constantine nodded and said, Yes,'s already been tortured.

The female shaman Yin Ji said: Then how likely is it that Lanling sacrifices his own woman to perform a cruel trick? According to your understanding of him.

It should be zero! Constantine said, He's a lunatic, so you can't use the usual theory. He may be cruel and cunning, but he will definitely not sacrifice his own people.

The female shaman Yin Ji said: I also feel that with Lan Ling's character, it is absolutely impossible to sacrifice his own woman to stage a bitter trick, so it is true, everything this little girl said is true.

Last time, she and Ninian's judgment about Lan Ling was correct, while Constantine and Alfonso were wrong, so Lan Ling led the foreign army to escape into the ghost world.

This time, do you want to trust her?

Are you sure? Alfonso asked.

I'm sure! the female shaman Yin Ji said.

Constantine and Alfonso looked at each other, and then said: Then get ready, wait for the disappearance of the energy shield in the ghost domain world in twelve days, and kill all the bastards in Lanling!


In the Balrog Tribe!

Mirror Demon King, Gou Ling led Ari to escape from the Flame Demon Tribe. If others didn't notice it, it's impossible for you not to notice it. Lan Ling said.

Yes, I found out. I can even see how she stunned her mother and how she stole the horse. I even know her thoughts. The Mirror Demon King said: She took your woman Ari , went to the Chimera tribe.

Lan Ling's eyes turned cold and he said, Why did you do this?

The Mirror Demon King said: I think this should be a perfect bitter plan, so that after twelve days, Constantine's 30,000 army can attack us with more confidence.

Lan Ling said: You clearly know that Ahri might be sacrificed in that way?

Yes, it's just a woman! The Mirror Demon King said, For the great cause, what is a woman?

Lan Ling felt a chill in his heart, but he couldn't blame him!

At this time, Dina asked anxiously: Husband, what's the matter?

Lan Ling closed his eyes and said, Ahri should be in the Chimera tribe at this time, and has fallen into Gouli's hands.

Dina said: Then what should we do?

Lan Ling closed his eyes, and said: The overall situation is the most important thing. I can't abandon the important tasks of the tribe and go to the Chimera tribe to save her, but I will let people try to protect her life.

He was referring, of course, to the second wife, Si Si.

Now the entire Chimera tribe must have laid a net and waited for Lanling to go to rescue Ari. It is impossible for Lanling to be so unwise and risk his own life. Alone, he might have done that, but now he carried the entire Balrog tribe on his back.

The Mirror Demon King said: Master, you have obtained the Eye of the Ghost King. Next, we will start to devour its energy. Be prepared. Although most of it is spiritual power, there is also some dark magic power, which can give your cultivation Brings a lot of improvement!

At this time, Lanling's cultivation was only one step away from the Great Demon Warrior.


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