World Destroying Demonic Emperor

533: The duel is over! Du Yan's disgraceful defeat!

Du Yan was sent flying by Lan Ling's sword, and blood sprayed wildly in the air.

This scene completely surprised everyone.

Ninian and Chief Constantine stood up abruptly, looking at this scene in disbelief.

They knew about Du Yan's cultivation. He was the best among the Chimera tribe.

However, no one's horror can compare to Du Yan himself, his heart is completely horrified.

Didn't Lanling even have a breakthrough with the magic warrior? His strength is only about 1,300 jin at most, even if he used the power of blood to strike violently, plus the strength of his hands, he would only have a strength of 4,000 jin.

However, Lanling's blow just now had a force of more than 10,000 catties.

Where did Lanling get such a strong cultivation base?

Suddenly, Du Yan's heart was almost terrified.

After staggering to the ground, he swung his sword violently to prevent Lan Ling from taking the opportunity to attack.

But Lan Ling was more than ten meters away from him, motionless.

So the scene looked a little funny, Du Yan stood there and danced his sword wildly at the air.

Lan Ling smiled and said, Brother Du Yan, you should take off the cloth strips covering your eyes.

Du Yan was startled, and suddenly felt extremely humiliated.

Then, he gritted his teeth violently and tore off the black cloth strips that covered his eyes.

Hush... Immediately, many people watching the match hissed and began to boo.

Hearing this, Du Yan felt extremely uncomfortable. He instinctively glanced at Nini'an.

Then he was shocked.

Because Ninian's eyes could almost be called extremely warm. It seemed to be on fire.

It's not just the eyes, but the chest is constantly rising and falling. This posture seems to be... in heat.

As everyone knows, the person in Ninian's eyes is not Du Yan at all, but another person.


In Du Yan's heart, Ninian only loves him. Because, she said it herself several times.

Look at Chief Constantine again.

Constantine nodded, expressing encouragement.

Du Yan was immediately encouraged, automatically blocked the booing around him, and sneered at Lan Ling: You are really impressive? But it's useless, how many times can you use the power of blood to crit? A dead end.

Taking a deep breath, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Du Yan fixed his gaze on Lan Ling.

Lan Ling said: Do you want to untie your bound right hand?

No need... Du Yan said sharply, One hand is enough to kill you.

Du Yan found that it would be difficult to kill Lan Ling simply by relying on the strength of his left hand, so he must use speed to win, and don't give him a chance to block.

Use the fastest speed to pierce his heart or neck.

Take a deep breath.

Du Yan arched violently, gathered all his strength, and prepared for the fatal second blow!

He still doesn't plan to use the power of blood, because he doesn't need it yet.

His body, like a cheetah, gradually arched.

Cohesion, cohesion, cohesion.

Then... it erupted violently.

Du Yan was as fast as lightning, stabbing Lan Ling's heart with the big sword in his hand.

This move, on the surface, looks like stabbing Lan Ling's heart from the front, but in the middle of the move, it will quickly change to go around and stab Lan Ling's heart from behind.

Of course, with Lanling's invincible mental power and brain, he could judge Du Yan's intention almost instantly.

Because any trick has traces to follow, through complex calculations, it is completely possible to deduce Du Yan's real purpose.

But beforehand, even if Du Yan's true intentions were discovered, it would be useless, as the speed was far inferior to Du Yan's.

But now...

Although Lanling's cultivation base was four levels lower than Du Yan's, Du Yan tied his right hand and didn't use his blood to pretend to be aggressive.

Therefore, once Lan Ling used the power of blood, he would even be faster than Du Yan.

Whoosh... Du Yan rushed in front of Lan Ling like lightning, then suddenly accelerated, his body flashed, and he circled behind Lan Ling, aiming at his heart and stabbing fiercely.

However, his speed is fast, and Lan Ling's speed is even faster.

Lan Ling quickly turned around on the spot, and thrust out the sharp sword in his hand.


There was a crisp sound.

The two swords collided again.

It's just that this time it's sword point to sword point.

Sparks flew.

Lanling still uses both hands, and still uses the power of blood to strike critically.

After the 12,000 jin of force was neutralized, the remaining 8,000 jin of force passed through the sword and slammed into Du Yan's left arm.

Suddenly, there was another burst of tearing pain.

The skin of Du Yan's left arm was cracked and bleeding inch by inch, and many veins also leaked blood.

And Du Yan's body staggered back quickly.

This time, he tried not to vomit blood.


The people around exclaimed again.

In the first strike, Du Yan was knocked into the air and vomited blood, which can be called an accident.

With the second strike, Du Yan was hit again and staggered back.

Du Yan felt that his entire left arm was on fire, and he was paralyzed. He is a descendant of a demon, so this injury is nothing, but it is impossible to use his left arm in a short time. After all, he is not like Lanling, who can recover instantly from any serious injury. Once the tendons are damaged, it still takes time to recover.

Du Yan was really terrified.

His second sword is not about strength at all, but about speed.

Unexpectedly, Lan Ling can still intercept, why is his speed so fast?

Lan Ling stopped and said, Brother Du Yan, why don't you untie your right hand?

As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into laughter.

Du Yan really wanted to get into the ground, he is a person who loves his face.

According to his thinking, he would rather die than untie his right hand.

However, if he didn't untie his right hand, he might really lose.

Compared with life, face is nothing, right?

So, amidst everyone's roar of laughter, Du Yan untied the rope that helped his right arm.

For a moment, Constantine and Ninian couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Why bother?

Just now, in order to pretend to be aggressive, he blindfolded his eyes and tied his right hand.

Now untie it again.

This, this is equivalent to taking one bite at a time and then eating back the shit you pulled out.



The people watching the battle around cheered desperately.

In the eyes of the foreign army brothers, Du Yan's behavior is no different from that of a clown.

Du Yan, your face is not as good as my butt.

Many rude barbarian men took off their pants, pointed their buttocks at Du Yan, and slapped them desperately.

At first, only one person did this, but later, a group of people took off their pants, spanked their buttocks, and mocked Du Yan.

Du Yan had never experienced such embarrassment, he almost vomited blood.

At the same time, he completely hated Lan Ling to the extreme, and it was because of him that he received such humiliation.

Lanling, I won't show mercy anymore. Du Yan said coldly, then held the big sword in his right hand.

Lanling raised his sword, clenched his hands tightly, and said, The previous two times, you took the initiative to attack, now it's my turn, let me tell you what is the bombardment of power!


Lan Ling roared violently.

The violent charge of blood power!

Immediately, like a cannonball, the whole person shot towards Du Yan and rushed in front of him in an instant.

Then, holding the big sword tightly with both hands, he slashed towards Du Yan frantically.

When, when, when...

Every trick of Lanling is a terrible blow of blood power.

The epee in his hand weighed more than five hundred catties, it was not so much an epee as an iron rod.

Every trick was smashed with a force of more than 12,000 catties.

Du Yan gritted his teeth, resisted violently, and raised his sword to block!

Three swords, four swords, five swords...

Du Yan originally thought that Lanling would use the power of the bloodline to strike violently at the beginning in order to win the first blow, but after five or six sword strikes at most, the power of the bloodline would be exhausted.

However, the power of Lanling's blood seems to be endless.

Crazy crit strikes, falling down like raindrops.

Even after the defeat just now, Du Yan still had a lot of thoughts about this duel.

For example, using the power of the bloodline to strike critically and instantly kill Lanling.

For example, using Qi Dao to instantly kill Lan Ling!

But the airway needs distance, it needs surprise.

As for the critical strike of the power of blood, you need to hold the sword with both hands to exert its greatest power.

However, Du Yan had already injured his left arm in order to pretend to be aggressive.

A crit strike with pure right arm strength is only nine thousand kilograms of strength, and it cannot cause fatal damage to Lanling.

The point is, now Lanling's critical strikes are falling like raindrops.

Crazy crit!

Without any fancy, just like the last time Lanling defeated the Berserker, he held the sword in both hands and slashed straight down.

It's just that the speed is not known how many times faster.

At this time, Lanling was about to slash more than a dozen swords in a second.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

Therefore, this duel has become extremely straightforward.

If it were in the human kingdom, this would be a boring duel.

But in the wild world, this is a bloody duel, this is a wonderful and dazzling battle, this is a duel of the truly brave.

A bump of pure power.

This is the favorite of the savages.

Everyone's blood boiled with excitement.

Lanling's big sword is getting faster and faster, faster and faster!

Kill, kill, kill!

At this moment, there was no need for him to roar anymore, tens of thousands of people around shouted in unison, cheering for Lan Ling.

The hateful Lan Ling didn't even move half a step.

Standing there, holding the sword in both hands, he slashed like a rainstorm.

If there was a name for this trick, it would be to split Huashan Mountain.


Lan Ling slashed more than a dozen swords every second.

But Du Yan had to block more than a dozen swords every second.

He had to block, because Lanling's speed was too fast, in order to save his life, he had to stand still and block, unable to change his moves or counterattack.

Because if he didn't use the power of blood to strike violently, his speed would not be as fast as Lan Ling. Once he changed his move or counterattacked, he would not be able to stop Lan Ling's sword that slashed at Huashan, and he would be split in half alive.

So at this time, Du Yan was really forced to go to Liangshan, and he had no choice but to block desperately.

He didn't dare to use the power of the bloodline to make a critical strike, because for him, there were only four or five chances for a critical strike with the power of the bloodline.

However, the strength of his right arm is only 4,500 jin, which means that every time he has to bear the strength of 8,000 jin alive.

His right arm couldn't withstand the attack of such a terrifying force at all, so he could only transfer and dissolve these forces.

Then, a strange scene appeared.

Du Yan is getting shorter and shorter.

It wasn't that he became shorter, but that he was thrown into the ground by Lan Ling.

This duel field is made of mud, although it is exposed to the sun, it is very hard.

However, he couldn't bear the force of several thousand catties. Every time Lanling slammed down with his sword, Du Yan's feet sank a millimeter into the ground.

Lan Ling slashed more than a dozen swords in a second, and Du Yan sank more than one centimeter into the ground.

In just half a minute, Du Yan was smashed into the ground more than a foot alive.

Seeing this wonderful scene, the people watching the battle were really excited.

Even Constantine II applauded wildly.

So judging from the scene, Du Yan was more than a foot shorter than Lan Ling.

When he discovered this, he became even more ashamed and angry, and completely lost his mind.

Ah... He roared frantically.

Holding the sword in both hands, he used the power of blood to strike violently.

Ah... ah... ah... ah...

The incomparably precious blood power crit, Du Yan made four crit strikes in succession.

But unfortunately, after being tortured by Lanling, both of his arms were injured. Even if it was a critical attack with the power of blood, it only had the strength of a mere 13,000 jin.

Lan Ling can easily resolve it.

However, Du Yan also took the opportunity to jump up from the one-foot-deep pit.

However, when he just jumped up, his blood power crit was exhausted.


Lan Ling roared loudly.

Crazier blood power crit.

With a strength of 12,500 jin, the frenzied slashing is as much as fifteen swords per second.

His blood was almost boiling.

He had just devoured the blood power of a ten-thousand-jin devil-toothed tiger.

The more you fight, the braver you are.

So, just as Du Yan jumped out of the ground, he was thrown into the pit again alive.

The next battle was not only exciting, but also wonderful.

Lanling violently attacked wildly.

Du Yan was smashed into the ground deeper and deeper.

Du Yan's whole body sank into the ground to become two feet, three feet, four feet, five feet...

His whole body began to crack and bleed.

His internal organs couldn't bear it, and he began to spurt blood.

Kill! Finally, Lan Ling let out a roar.

Slash with all your strength.

The sword in Du Yan's hand flew out.

At this time, Du Yan's entire body was smashed into the ground by Lan Ling, only his head was exposed.

And his self-confidence, his courage, seemed to be completely destroyed.

The sword in his hand was knocked out, he was in a daze for a while, and then boundless fear surged up.

Kill him, kill him! the barbarians onlookers yelled frantically.

At this time, Du Yan's whole body was buried in the soil, only his raised arms and a head remained, which could be beheaded directly.

This is a duel, and it is normal for the loser to be beheaded.

Lan Ling looked at Du Yan with complicated eyes.

For this duel, Lan Ling is as if he is facing an enemy, and he is ready for a difficult battle.

Even if he breaks through the tenth level of the magic warrior, even if he can strike countless times with the power of blood, it is not so easy to defeat Du Yan, and his life will be in danger.

After all, if Du Yan holds the sword in both hands and strikes violently with the power of blood, his strength will be about 18,000 jin.

Although Lan Ling could bear this strength, it was also very uncomfortable, probably about to vomit blood.

What's more, Du Yan also has the most dangerous trump card, the invisible airway, which can kill in the air, making it even more difficult to guard against.

However, he never thought that Du Yan would commit suicide to this extent.

Because he underestimated the enemy in his heart, he first blindfolded and tied his right arm, so that he injured his left arm, making the crit attack of the blood force useless.

Next, in order to protect his life, he tried his best to block Lan Ling's critical blows all the time, so that he was smashed into the ground alive.

And under the anger of embarrassment, he wasted the precious four critical strikes of blood power.

In short, Du Yan's death and underestimation of the enemy turned a duel that was supposed to be evenly matched into a one-sided crush.

Kill, kill, kill, kill... Tens of thousands of people around roared wildly.


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