World Destroying Demonic Emperor

471: Capture the Devil Emperor! Sauron Goes to Sea! (Important)

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Who? Ning Wuya asked.

My son, Sauron. Fu Lingxi said.

Oh? If I remember correctly, his martial arts are very, very low, he will be the World Extinguishing Demon Emperor? Ning Wuya said, Why?

Fu Lingxi said: Originally he was a worthless dude, but three years ago he suddenly became extremely wise. Not only did he take back Tianshui City, but he also defeated Xili and gained the entire Nulang Kingdom. body, how could there be such a huge change.”

Ning Wuya looked at Fu Lingxi silently, and then said, Just for this reason?

Fu Lingxi said: After returning from the Tianmo Mountains three years ago, he has become very wise and powerful. This coincides with the time when the demon star came into the world. Of course, it also comes from the intuition deep in my heart!

In fact, it's not just that much, but Fu Lingxi can only say so much.

However, this intuition of hers is indeed very convincing to others, because her lifelong mission is to kill the Demon Emperor and attract him as a pretender.

Although, the mission of being a pretender ended ten years ago. But for the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor, it's not surprising to have a certain intuition.

No wonder Voe was still crazy with Shili even at the last moment, because he wanted to show a completely hostile position with Sauron.

In this way, after successfully killing the World Extinguishing Demon Emperor in the future, Fire Worship City will receive the greatest reward from the Dragon Temple.

It's just a pity that Voe has died to enjoy all this.

Ning Wuya said: You originally planned to hand over the Devil's Tears to Poluosha, and then he would forcibly turn the case of Xili's blood into the case of arresting the World Exterminating Devil Emperor, right?

Yes. Fu Lingxi said.

Because of the death of Ashiro last time, the clues to arrest the World Extinguishing Demon Emperor were interrupted, so the Sky Temple was very dissatisfied with the Jidu Temple.

Therefore, Huai Bingji was entrusted with the task of arresting the World Extinguishing Demon Emperor.

As for Huai Bingji and Ji Xiuning, these are the two carriages of the future leader of the Sky Priest, both of whom belong to the Light Faction.

And under Fu Lingxi's plan, if the Xietong faction finally captures the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor, the consequences for the Bright Faction will be serious.

Not only that, but according to Fu Lingxi's deduction, the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor is his son Sauron. Whether it's pregnant or Ji Xiuning, they all have a close relationship with Sauron.

Huaibing even gave Sauron a chance to protect the gold medal, and Ji Xiuning even cooperated with Sauron to forcibly take away Xili.

After capturing the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor, the evil lineage faction can completely beat him back, saying that letting Xili bear the blood of the devil is entirely for the purpose of arresting the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor.

Some people may ask, why not let the Dragon Temple come forward, open the demon laboratory and then call out a tube of demon blood? And want to sneakily plant the devil's blood on Xili?

The heretic faction would say that because Ji Xiuning and Huai Bing were already in close collusion with Sauron, if the blood of the devil was publicly called out, the Light faction would inform Sauron, and they would probably startle the snake.

For the Dragon Temple, killing the World Exterminating Devil Emperor is the most important task in the world, it is the highest priority, and everything else must make way for it.

Because the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor is the biggest crisis for the Dragon Temple, killing the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor is tantamount to saving the Dragon Temple.

Therefore, it is entirely the greatest contribution in the world! It is even greater than all other credits combined.

In the cauldron of catching the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor, anything can be put in it. The mere case of Shili's blood of the devil was completely worthless, and it was washed away casually.

As for Huai Bingji and Ji Xiuning, who really had a close relationship with Sauron, if the Guangming faction captured the World Extinguishing Demon Emperor, then it would be fine?

And if it is caught by the evil lineage, the consequences will be serious, and it will be a complete disaster.

As the heir to the supreme leader of the Dragon Temple, he actually colluded with the Demon Emperor, which is a heinous crime.

By that time, Ji Xiuning and Huai Bing will be considered immortal,

Also peel off a layer of skin.

Holding the great merit of killing the World Demon Emperor, the Evil Lineage Faction immediately launched a counterattack against the Bright Faction. By that time, not only will they be able to survive this crisis smoothly, but they will also be able to deal a fatal blow to their opponents. The Shenlong Temple family dominates.

However, Ning Wuya stopped this big plan now!

He took the fruits of victory with ease.

Whether it is the Guangming faction or the evil faction, it is not in our interests, nor in the interests of the Dragon Temple, for either party to be severely injured. Ning Wuya said: Our Yaoxing Pavilion, we must do a good job in this center. Adjudicator.

Fu Lingxi's eyes lit up, and he said in a trembling voice, Yes.

Ning Wuya suddenly said again: Don't wait for tomorrow, now go and inform the Envoys of the Bright Sect, the Evil Legacy Sect, the Sky Paladins, the Yan Empire, the Xiliang Kingdom, the Beiting Kingdom, and all the countries in the world to assist my demon star The court punishes and kills the World Demon Emperor!

This Ning Wuya wanted to use the world's largest and most amazing lineup to capture and kill the World Exterminating Demon Emperor.

Show a posture that the whole world will work together to destroy the Great Demon King!

The World Extinguishing Devil Emperor is an unprecedented super boss, and all participants can share astronomical experience points.


Two hours later!

Countless fliers flew out from the Yaoxing Pavilion.

Countless, covering the sky and the sun!

Immediately afterwards, thousands of sky paladins appeared in the sky, shining with golden light.

Then, dozens of griffin beasts flew up from the Yan Empire.

Dozens of griffin beasts flew up from Yanjing Temple.

Not only that, all the 30,000 temple cavalry troops from the Yanjing Temple came out in full force, heading south to the Nulang Kingdom.

After receiving the secret envoy from the Yaoxing Pavilion, the monarch of the Yan Empire suddenly felt chills in his back.

In any case, he never expected that an inconspicuous Fu Lingxi would hold a killer weapon.

Almost, he and Ji Xiuning were about to face a fatal crisis.

If it is true that the evil lineage faction kills the Demon Emperor and puts Ji Xiuning on the charge of colluding with the Demon Emperor.

Then the Yan Empire and the Guangming faction will face the counterattack and liquidation of the evil lineage. Although the Yan Empire will not be injured, Ji Xiuning's future in the Dragon Temple will be completely ruined.

The Yan Empire and the Dragon Temple are complementary and bound to each other.

Without Ji Xiuning's position as the supreme leader in the Dragon Temple, the Yan Empire's position as the world hegemon will also be unstable.

Fortunately, Ning Wuya of the Yaoxing Pavilion took the overall situation into consideration and had a far-sighted view, allowing Ji Xiuning to escape this catastrophe.

And this Ning Wuya is very good at being a man, he didn't take the credit for killing the World Demon Emperor all by himself, but shared both the rain and the dew!

At that moment, Emperor Yan immediately reciprocated, and issued more than a dozen decrees in succession.

The 200,000 troops of the Southern Army of the Yan Empire are heading south, approaching the Kingdom of Nulang!

The main force of the Yan Empire's navy is going south to block the sea area of ​​the Nulang Kingdom.

The first, second, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth legions of the empire, with a total of 900,000 troops, have all entered a state of war. They are heading south and approaching the Kingdom of Raging Waves, ready to enter and fight at any time.

Leave a message to Beiting Kingdom and Xiliang Kingdom, and let the two countries raise their troops to surround Nulang Kingdom.

Leave a message to Dongli Kingdom, and ask King Jiang Shang to send his troops south to participate in this just war of salvation.

Decree to all the countries in the world, gather the power of the world, carry out the battle of salvation, and kill the world-destroying devil emperor!

As the overlord of the world, the moment Emperor Yan came out with these decrees, the whole world was shocked.

Meanwhile, Ji Xiuning and Huai Huai were already participating in the interrogation of Fang Qingyi, Luo Ge and Ge Li.

Soon, both of them received the highest order from the Sky Temple.

Immediately stop all interrogations, unite all forces, and kill the Demon Emperor!

Immediately afterwards, Ji Xiuning received a secret letter from her father, Emperor Yan.

After reading it, Ji Xiuning felt a chill on her back for the first time, and broke out in cold sweat.

Almost, almost, she was finished!

Immediately, Ji Xiuning, who was already ill, rode on the griffin beast, and led hundreds of judges from the Sky Temple to gather in the southeast airspace.

Only the sky priest Boluo Sha was furious.

The opportunity to defeat the Guangming faction in one fell swoop is once in a thousand years, but it was ruined by Ning Wuya of Yaoxing Pavilion.

You are a good hermit, if you don't hide in your big rock, why do you come out and mess around?

Well now, Yaoxing Pavilion has become the supreme leader.

Moreover, the Evil Legacy faction can't have any dissatisfaction, but also thank him, Ning Wuya, for saving the Evil Legacy faction.

If it weren't for his orders, many members of the heretical faction are still being interrogated by the detainees.

Ge Li, Rogo, the two of you immediately return to the Temple of Jidu, and all the temple legions come out in full force to kill the Demon Emperor!

Order all the punishers of the Yanjing Tribunal to come out in full force and kill the World Mie Demon Emperor.


Three hours later!

In the southeast airspace of the Yan Empire, there are as many as two thousand of the incomparably precious griffin beasts.

Tens of thousands of fliers from Yaoxing Pavilion covered dozens of miles of sky.

In the leading flying carriage, there is a group of black shadows imprisoned!

That's right, this is a black shadow, a figure without a body.

This is a false hell knight!

What is a false hell knight?

He was not picked by the Devil Emperor, but a puppet picked by the Dragon Temple, planted the devil's blood on him, and then swallowed the devil's tears on him.

In this way, he formed some kind of energy contract with the Devil Emperor Mieshi, even if thousands of miles away, he could still sense the Devil Emperor Mieshi's existence.

The devil's blood brought by Fu Lingxi was used on this pseudo-hell knight.

Next, rely on this fake hell knight to find the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor.

Two griffins flew over dragging a snow-white carriage, and Ning Wuya from Yaoxing Pavilion stood on the carriage.

Ning Wuya came to Ji Xiuning, who was already ill, Fu Lingxi, and Ji Mengbai, and said, This time, I will entrust the four of you to kill the Demon Emperor. All flyers, sky paladins , Judges of the Sky, I will leave everything to your command, and I will wait for your triumphant return!

Ji Xiuning and Huai Biao represent the Guangming faction, Fu Lingxi represents the Yaoxing Pavilion, and Ji Mengbai represents the Xietong faction.

Follow the order! The four said in unison.

Ji Xiuning asked: Your Majesty Wuya, should we arrest or execute?

Ning Wuya was silent for a long time.

Yes, arrest or kill?

At this time, the World Extinguishing Devil Emperor is still very weak, and originally arresting him was the most appropriate.

But... Once captured and returned to the Sky Temple, if there is a connection and resonance with the former host of the demon star, then something bad will happen.

At this time, the Demon Emperor and the demon star are very weak, as long as the Demon Emperor is killed, the demon star will naturally die.

Execute! Ning Wuya said.

Yes! Ji Xiuning said.

Set off!

One order!

Four people representing all the factions of the Dragon Temple, with tens of thousands of powerful air corps from the Sky Temple, followed the guidance of the pseudo-hell knights and flew towards the southeast.

At the same time, on the ground, tens of thousands of Templar Legion rushed towards the Kingdom of Raging Waves like a tidal wave.

The Yan Empire's million-strong army began to gather, ready to push into the Nulang Kingdom.

Under the leadership of the Dragon Temple, the whole world is united to kill the Demon Emperor!


The City Lord's Mansion of Tianshui City.

Last night, he tossed so hard that Sauron didn't wake up until near noon.

At this time, he was alone on the bed, and Xiyan had already woken up.

At this time, Xiyan did not sit cross-legged to practice, but stood by the window, as if she was holding something in her hand and staring at it.

Sauron stepped forward, came behind Sheyan, hugged her waist and leaned over to have a look.

She only saw an extremely beautiful butterfly in Xiyan's hand.

Sauron had never seen such a beautiful butterfly, like a ball of flame. At this time, the butterfly was flapping its wings rapidly in the palm of Xiyan's hand.

Wow! What kind of butterfly is this? How beautiful is it? Sauron asked in surprise.

Wu Yudie. Princess Xiyan said, Have you slept enough?

Yeah. Sauron said: Yesterday was really tossed too hard by you.

Princess Xiyan said: I feel that I might be pregnant last night.

Sauron smiled and said, You have said this sentence at least ten times.

Princess Xiyan smiled softly, and suddenly turned around, staring at Sauron with her beautiful eyes.

What is love? Suddenly, Xiyan asked.

Sauron said: Love is caring about another person, caring and worrying, no matter what you do, you will think about protecting this person. When it comes to critical moments, you are even willing to give your life for it.

Yes. Princess Xiyan responded softly.

Then, Princess Xiyan said again: Husband, do you believe in fate?

Sauron said: I believe it.

Yeah. Sheyan replied softly again.

And at this moment, the demon star in Sauron's body said in an unprecedented tone: Master, your destiny is to destroy the entire world!

At this time, Princess Xiyan said again: Husband, do you still remember the boat you told me about last night? If things turn to the worst, you will take your family to sea on that boat.

Sauron said: Remember, this ship has been launched, but it hasn't been finalized yet.

Princess Xiyan said: Then can you take me to have a look?

Now? Sauron asked.

Well, now. Princess Xiyan said, I'm very curious.

Okay. Sauron smiled.

After half an hour!

Sauron and Xiyan rode a griffin and flew towards the east sea area.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of air corps of the Dragon Temple have already flown over the border of the Nulang Kingdom, and they are still 900 miles away from Tianshui City.


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