World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 46: Another breakthrough in power!

Note: Brothers, let me ask for some Sanjiang tickets, please!


Apparently, Ye Jingyu and Tuoba Ye had not once or twice been arguing about the freedom of samurai responsibility, and the two even broke up for this reason.

Could it be that the relationship between you and me is not worth your loyalty to this dandy? Tuobaye said angrily.

Lan Ling's face trembled, but he didn't say anything. His ex-girlfriend had a fight, so he better not interrupt.

Moreover, couples like Ye Jingyu and Tuobaye will definitely break up, because both of them have too strong temperaments and they will not back down.

Ye Jingyu looked at Tuobaye, and said word by word: Tuobaye, you have saved my life many times, I am very grateful. Even, this scar on your face was left for me. However, our previous relationship was completely over the moment you climbed onto Xiaotian's bed.

Suddenly, the sweet woman beside Tuobaye let out a cold snort, and she was Xiaotian.

Tuobaye said: Then I was just trying to annoy you. No matter how hard I tried to persuade you to stay, I refused to stay. I wanted to go back to that decadent family with no future. Nothing happened to us that night.

As soon as these words came out, the sweet girl next to him had red eyes and almost shed tears.

That has nothing to do with me. Ye Jingyu said: Xiaotian is a good girl, you should cherish it. As for me, I just want to help and serve my lord wholeheartedly and revitalize the Suo family.

Fuck you, the Suo family is finished, and that dude next to you won't live long. Tuobaye said, Everyone knows that Prince Xili won't spare him.

Ye Jingyu grabbed the scimitar sharply, and said coldly, If you and I don't want to meet each other, then shut up.


After leaving the tavern, Ye Jingyu opened his mouth to explain something.

Don't say anything, I won't care about what he says. Lan Ling said, implying that if Tuobaye did something, he would care about it.

Ye Jingyu nodded, and then walked into a weapon shop.

This weapon shop is underground, and behind the weapon shop is a blacksmith shop.

Oh, let me see who's here. It's Miss Ye whose figure is hotter than my stove. A very thick blacksmith came out and opened his arms towards Ye Jingyu.

Ye Jingyu stepped forward and hugged him lightly.

It was the first time that Lan Ling saw such a majestic person, the muscles on his body were really made of steel.

The blacksmith was still middle-aged, but his beard was full of gray hair. When he hugged Ye Jingyu, he was still holding an extremely huge hammer in his hand. Lan Ling suspected that the hammer weighed at least three or four hundred catties.

Who is this guy who is more beautiful than a woman? The majestic blacksmith looked at Lan Ling and said, Is it Miss Ye, your lover?

Ye Jingyu blushed and said, Uncle Moye, don't make fun of me, this is my lord.

Is he still a nobleman? The blacksmith pretended to bow and saluted.

In fact, Lan Ling knew that in this wild frontier, force was the number one priority. Unlike in Wangcheng, power comes first.

Miss Ye, what business are you here to take care of me this time? Blacksmith Mo Ye asked.

A black-gold-plated arrowhead. Ye Jingyu said.

Yes, one ten silver coin, there are thirty-three in total. The blacksmith said.

Lan Ling asked, Aren't there more?

The blacksmith smiled and said, Young man, black gold is an extremely expensive thing. The miners in the village can only mine a black gold ore occasionally. After refining the black gold ore I received two months ago, I used all of them, that is, made Thirty-three arrows.

We want them all. Ye Jingyu said.

If you want all of them, it will count as six gold coins for you. The blacksmith said.

Ye Jingyu took out gold coins to settle accounts, and blacksmith Mo Ye said: Although this place is dangerous and chaotic, there is something good about it. Once you open it, you can eat it for three years.

Then, the blacksmith moved out a large box, and when he opened it, it was filled with shiny black arrows.

And the black-gold-plated arrowhead was different from what Lan Ling had imagined, it was not black, but dark red.

That's right, uncle, let's take our leave. Ye Jingyu said.

Then, she put thirty-three black-gold-plated arrows into a special wire quiver, carried them on her back, and left the weapon blacksmith shop.

Outside, Tuobaye and his team were waiting outside.

Yeye, how about joining our Night Squad again? Tuobaye said, We are going to hunt the Shadow Spider Queen in the depths of Shiwanda Mountain.

The Shadow Spider Queen is the monster with the highest reward recently, worth thousands of gold coins.

Moreover, the bounty has been offered for several months, and the adventure team who died under her claws has exceeded hundreds of people. Even, all the adventure teams, even without knowing what it looks like, are already dead. Even a quasi-dragon warrior died under her claws.

Ye Jingyu pretended not to hear, and left directly with Lan Ling.

Tuobaye looked at her back, full of fascination and anger.


Once again, I came to Bison Valley and slept comfortably all night, so that my body and spirit were in the best condition.

Then Lanling and Ye Jingyu set off again to look for the fiery red bull.

At this time, Lanling and Ye Jingyu had roughly figured out the rules. At other times, the fiery red bulls were in the herd, enjoying the feeling of being superior.

Only when it is going to sharpen its hooves and corners will it place an order. Therefore, Lanling and Ye Jingyu only need to find the kind of stone wall that can sharpen their corners.

Two hours later, Lan Ling heard your ear-piercing rubbing sound in the cliff ahead.

Taking a closer look, it was indeed a bull as huge as a flame, sharpening its horns desperately.

After grinding for more than ten minutes, I lazily half-opened my eyes, enjoying the aftertaste of grinding.

Lan Ling drew out a precious Wujin arrow and put it on the string, took a deep breath, poured dragon power into his arm, and pulled the string violently.

Crunch... In an instant, the one-hundred-jin bow was fully drawn.

Mental power lock, one second, two seconds!

Lockdown complete!

Swoosh... An arrow shot out suddenly.

The fiery red bull instinctively closed its eyes, but Lan Ling shot a black-gold-plated arrow, which directly pierced its hard eyelids and penetrated into its brain.

In an instant, the huge body of the flaming bull fell to the ground and died.

This black-gold-plated arrow is really awesome. With this thing, killing the fiery red bull is easy.

Lan Ling rushed over immediately, and let the demon star desperately devour it while the blood dragon power of the fiery red bull hadn't dissipated.

Half a minute later, the demon star swallowed up the blood energy of the fiery red bull.

You still need to hunt three more, then you can temper your arms again and increase your strength. Yao Xing said: But I think it would be better to improve your strength together after hunting all the fiery bulls.

Lan Ling fully agreed, and enthusiastically went on to hunt the next flaming bull.

This day should be Lanling's lucky day. He hunted and killed four fiery bulls in one day, and when he was going back to the tent at night, he unexpectedly met one on the road.

He didn't let Yaoxing temper his arm immediately, but accumulated it first.

Early the next morning, Lan Ling once again hunted the flaming bull with great interest. Even Ye Jingyu doesn't know why he enjoys hunting bison so much, because up to now, he has hunted and killed hundreds of bison, and he has achieved the goal of actual combat shooting.

Next, he should try to shoot smaller, more agile beasts, so that the level of archery can be improved.

How did she know that Lan Ling was hunting for the purpose of devouring blood energy.

On the second day after the black-gold-plated arrow was replaced, luck was not very good. After the whole day, only one fiery red bull was found.

But on the third day, he was so lucky that he hunted down three fiery bulls at once.

In the next four days, five days, and six days, Lan Ling hunted and killed five flaming bulls in total for three days.

Moreover, as Ye Jingyu said, the entire Bison Valley is just a dozen or so flaming bulls, and they have probably all been killed.

However, just when Lan Ling felt that the killing was almost finished, he found a fiery red bull lying there motionless in a cave.

Moreover, it is a rare cow whose stomach is already bulging at this time.

Immediately, Lan Ling put away his bow and put down his arrow. He has killed enough flaming bulls in the entire Bison Valley, this should be the last one, and it is pregnant, so don't exterminate the flaming bulls here.

Seeing Lan Ling's actions, Ye Jingyu's gaze softened immediately, and he said, Go back, the hunting in Bison Valley is over.


After returning to the camp, Lan Ling immersed himself in the lake water, listening to Ye Jing Yu's tranquility formula to restore his mental strength.

In the past six days, Lanling had hunted and killed fourteen fiery red bulls. The demon star has also devoured a considerable amount of dragon power. Next is the big harvest, the time to concentrate the dragon power, temper the muscles and bones, and strengthen the strength. I hope there will be a big improvement.

The demon star began to release dragon power, which poured into Lanling's arm one by one.

It is still the first to temper the tendons, then the skeleton, and finally the muscles.

And the dragon power gushing out this time was several times that of the previous tempering. Lan Ling felt his arm was hot, and even felt like it was about to swell.

This kind of tempering is really like a bombardment of energy!

One hour, two hours, three hours...

A full seven hours have passed.

Finally, this time's dragon power tempering is completely over!

Yao Xing, how much has my arm strength improved this time? Lan Ling asked.

Thirty catties, three times more than last time. Yao Xing said: And, I have left some dragon power in case it is needed!

That is to say, now my single arm strength has reached 120 jin? Lan Ling said, Can I draw a 100 jin bow without dragon power?

Yes. Yao Xing said.

Coming out of the water, Lan Ling picked up a one-hundred-jin bow and pulled it away without any dragon force.

There is no problem at all, and after pulling it apart, it can stay there without moving, and there is enough time for mental locking and aiming.

The feeling of this kind of strength increase is so refreshing. The whole trial of Bison Valley has increased his strength by sixty catties.

At this time, there is still 180 catties away from the goal of arm strength of 300 catties.

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