World Destroying Demonic Emperor

449: Ambiguous Fang Qingzhuo! Fish dead net broken!

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The poison in Fang Qingzhuo's body is called entanglement!

It is also the strange poison of Yaozhou, which will not kill people immediately, but except for Yaozhou, it is completely unsolvable. 【】

It is directly entrenched in the heart, constantly devouring vitality.

In this way, the vitality of the poisoned person gradually withered, and if he wanted to survive, he could only beg for an antidote from Yaozhou.

This kind of reasoning is similar to the effect of capturing Fang Qingzhuo as a hostage.

The demon star turned into countless strands of energy, entered Fang Qingzhuo's heart, and then bit by bit pulled out the strange poison entrenched here.

These poisons are mixed in the blood and flow out of the body from the golden needle pierced in the heart.

The whole process is really like spinning.

It can be said that apart from the demon star, there is really no way to undo this poison, because it has completely occupied every corner of the heart.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour!

An hour later, 80% of the strange poison entrenched in Fang Qingzhuo's heart was forced out, and 20% remained.

However, when 80% of the venom was discharged, Fang Qingzhuo gradually regained his vitality.

At this time, her delicate body trembled slightly, and at this moment she actually woke up, her long eyelashes fluttered, and she opened her eyes.

Then she saw her chest open, and Sauron's fingers pressed against her chest.

This look is too intimate, and it's too difficult to explain. It's really embarrassing now.

Fang Qingzhuo instinctively wanted to cover up his clothes like a frightened little beast, and then quickly looked at the owner of this hand.

Seeing that it was Sauron, she was startled for a moment, then relaxed, her face flushed completely, and she immediately understood what Sauron was doing.

After that, she didn't know what to do, and hated why she woke up.

I don't know where to put my eyes, and I don't know where to put my hands and feet.


She simply closed her eyes as if nothing had happened.

A quarter of an hour later, the last trace of venom slid down the golden needle.

After the demon star pulled out the poison, Sauron's hand left Fang Qingzhuo's chest.

Fang Qing was stunned for a while, then opened his eyes and said, Okay?

Okay. Sauron said.

Fang Qingzhuo stayed for a while, and then hurriedly put on his clothes.

At this time, she is really cute, and her reaction seems to be always half a beat behind.

Don't tell anyone about this, Sauron said.

Fang Qingzhuo's soft and beautiful face turned red again, she nodded vigorously and said, Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Sauron was speechless for a moment, she must have misunderstood.

So, he said again: I mean, I'll give you the way to detoxify, don't tell anyone.

Only then did Fang Qingzhuo realize that it was really strange why Sauron was able to bind himself to detoxify himself.

This is a strange poison from Yaozhou, why can Sauron cure it? And the way of detoxification is so strange, it is to insert a golden needle into the heart, and then squeeze out the venom little by little.

Fang Qingzhuo immediately thought of the seriousness of this, and nodded seriously: I know, I won't tell Shen Ning.

Thank you sister-in-law. Sauron said.

Fang Qingzhuo immediately looked at Ash Liren next to him, and said, Hurry up and save the city lord Ash Liren, without her, our mother and daughter will be in disaster.

Don't worry, I will. Sauron said.

Do you need my help? Fang Qingzhuo asked softly.

Sauron shook his head.

Then I'll go up. Fang Qingzhuo said.

Wait a while. Sauron said, and then supported her shoulder with one hand, reached out and pulled out the golden needle on his chest.

Fang Qingzhuo blushed and left pretending to be calm, but just after taking a few steps, she staggered and almost tripped and fell.

Sauron looked at her back and sighed in his heart.

She really couldn't imagine how such a gentle and kind woman could be cultivated in the environment of the Four Great Continents.

The people from the four great hidden continents he knew were all condescending and contemptuous of life. That kind of indifference, cruelty, and ruthlessness from the bottom of his heart, almost everyone is like this.

Only Fang Qingzhuo, compared to most people, her heart is full of love and affection.

Perhaps this has something to do with her studies in the Dragon Temple.

There are two types of learning in the Dragon Temple. The first is for the children of the four major secret continents. This is the real elite education. There is only one teaching content, and that is to rule the human kingdom in this way.

The second is for the royal family members of the human kingdom. This kind of education is brainwashing, allowing you to accept advanced ideas, and then be better ruled by the Dragon Temple.

Fang Qingzhuo, as Yinzhou's prostitute, should have received the first kind of elite education.

But Yinzhou sent Fang Qingzhuo to get close to him in order to better control Xili, so Fang Qingzhuo and Xili were put together to receive the second education.

Of course, character is destined.

After Xili received education, he was still ruthless.

Even Princess Shenning is not a light-hearted lamp, and only after giving birth to a child did she change completely.

But Fang Qingzhuo was really attracted by the values ​​of benevolence and compassion, and became a truly kind and just person.


Sauron came in front of Ashi Liren!

At this moment, Li Ren's whole body was covered with a layer of frost.

The whole person looks even more like icy muscles and jade bones.

She was already extremely beautiful, but at this time, after being bitten by Long Yin Juemai, she became even more coquettish in this icy coldness.

This kind of beauty is really not like ordinary people.

Coupled with her delicate body with devilish curves, such a witch really only fits in some kind of scriptures.

Sauron would risk his life every time he saved Ashili.

When the icy energy of the demon star suddenly passes through his body, it will finally reach his heart, because the demon star resides in his heart.

And once the icy energy swallowed exceeds the limit that Sauron can bear, his life will be in danger.

Taking a deep breath, Sauron took out the dagger, cut a gash on Ashi Liren's jade-like wrist, and then pressed the wound on his finger, allowing the blood of the two to blend.


Sauron could hardly bear the momentary contact.

If there is no demon star, the instant cold can cripple Sauron's entire arm.

Then, the demon star crazily devoured, devoured, devoured...

At a speed visible to the naked eye, Sauron's body also began to be covered with a layer of frost.

His entire body gradually became an icicle.

At first, Sauron could still feel incomparable pain.

But later, the whole body gradually lost all feeling.

At this time, it was fortunate that there was a demon star who could guarantee Sauron's vitality, otherwise he would have died.

After only a quarter of an hour, Sauron completely lost consciousness and passed out.

And the demon star crazily devoured the icy energy that Ash Liren's dragon's yin and veins counterattacked.


Shidu Temple!

The holy priest Ge Li categorically rejected the request of Fang Qingyi, the young master of Yinzhou.

Just kidding, dispatching the Templar Army to kill Sauron?

This is equivalent to a war between the Dragon Temple and the Nulang Kingdom!

At that time, this turmoil will not only be within the territory of the Nulang Kingdom, but will also detonate the entire world.

At that time, regardless of winning or losing, Ge Li will be finished, and Rogo will also be finished.

Fang Qing, the young master of Yinzhou, said: Then what should we do? Could it be that we just watched Sauron's fish die, his nets were broken, and his jars were smashed, causing the Nulang Kingdom to completely collapse and chaos?

The holy priest Ge Li said coldly: Your Excellency Fang Qingyi, Sauron would rather smash the Nulang Kingdom to pieces than compromise, it is because this kingdom is not his, and he doesn't have much affection for it in his heart. And Xi Yan The princess is different, the Nulang Kingdom is a foundation that the Shi family spent hundreds of years to build, how could she be willing to destroy it just like that?

Fang Qing said, I know that Priest Yanping has approached Princess Sheyan and threatened her with a coronation ceremony, but she has not compromised.

Ge Li said: What Xiyan said is correct, even if the priest of the sky crowns her, it is only a matter of face. And Sauron is her heart, and any smart person will not lose face because of it. Lizi. But now Sauron will die with you, and the price will be to completely destroy the Kingdom of Raging Waves. Then this will not only involve Lizi, but the root of the kingdom, Xiyan is not that stupid.

Fang Qingyi fell into silence, then nodded.

Ge Li said: It's your Yinzhou now, what price are you willing to pay to make Princess Xiyan abandon Sauron?

Fang Qing said: Hand over the gold coin inventory of Wangcheng Jinhao, 11 million!

Not enough. The holy priest Ge Li said: And this money is the savings of the Nulang Kingdom, and it does not belong to you. You are talking to me, so you can meet the conditions in one step.

Fang Qing said: Exempt the debt of 4.5 million gold coins owed by Nulang Kingdom to Yinyuanhui, and help repay the shortfall of 3.8 million gold coins that Shili misappropriated Wangcheng Jinhao, and within the next year, every Lend 150,000 gold coins to the Kingdom of Raging Waves every month to help maintain the operation of the Kingdom of Raging Waves.

Ge Li said: In other words, for a mere Sauron, you are willing to pay tens of millions of gold coins.

Yes. Fang Qing said.

Ge Li laughed and said, You are too cunning, you are secretly changing concepts!

Fang Qingyi was indeed secretly changing the concept, buying Sauron's life with 10 million gold coins. This is an absurd proposition.

With this amount of money, it is enough for the Underworld to dispatch Sauron ten times.

On the surface, Yinzhou did have to pay a price of 10 million gold coins, but half of it was debt, and Yinzhou didn't need to pay at all.

As for filling the shortfall caused by misappropriation, it is basically transferring gold coins from the left hand to the right hand. This money has been circulating in the Wangcheng Jinhao.

What he really paid was only lent 150,000 gold coins to Nulang Kingdom every month.

However, at least 80% of the 150,000 gold coins will be returned to Yinyuanhui through various channels.

Therefore, for Yinyuanhui, it is just a few numbers games.

But for the Nulang Kingdom, the ten million gold coins are real, enough to save the entire kingdom and prevent the order of the kingdom from collapsing.

The holy priest said: Okay, on this condition, I will let Yan Ping talk about it.


More than half an hour later, Priest Yanping from the Temple of the Capital City visited the Princess Mansion again and met with Princess Xiyan.

His Royal Highness, I believe you already know that the gold coin reserves of Wangcheng Jinhao have disappeared, a total of eleven million gold coins. Yan Ping said.

Princess Xiyan nodded.

Yan Pingdao: I know Sauron's plan. First, use force to take down the King City Gold, and control the 11 million gold coin reserves. This will stabilize the kingdom's economic fundamentals. Next, get it from the Minister of Finance Sof The ledgers of corrupt officials and nobles were ransacked one by one. The millions of gold coins confiscated were used to fill the shortfall that Shili had embezzled and to maintain the operation of the kingdom. As for the debt owed to the Yinyuan Society, Sauron would definitely push it to Shili I will never pay it back. I have to say that this is a very effective method.”

Princess Xiyan nodded again.

Yan Ping said: But now, the gold coin reserve of Wangcheng Jinhao has disappeared, and the deficit of Nulang Kingdom has suddenly risen from seven to eight million gold coins to 20 million gold coins. Even if Sauron has great abilities, he can't make up for it Shortfall. What will happen next? Can Princess Xiyan imagine it?

She Yan said: The Wangcheng Gold Company ran wildly, but we couldn't get out a single gold coin, and the kingdom's credibility completely collapsed. Next, we had no money to pay the soldiers, no money to pay the officials, and the entire state machine stopped working. The order of the kingdom has completely collapsed!

Yan Ping said: Yes, Her Royal Highness made it very clear. Of course, Sauron actually has another way, because most of the nobles in the entire kingdom live in the capital of the royal city. As long as Sauron ransacks all the nobles' homes, he can get a piece of money. More than tens of millions of gold coins, this will almost fill up most of the shortfall, and can maintain the operation of the army. But does Her Royal Highness know the consequences of doing that?

Princess Xiyan said: Sauron and I have become public enemies of all princes, nobles, and officials in the world, and we will never die.

Yes. Yan Ping said: There is a saying that is very good, if you cut off my money, I will cut off your livelihood. And Sauron made up the shortfall to run the state machine, but who are the people who make up the state machine? It is these princes, nobles, and officials, if Sauron steals their homes, it is equivalent to taking away the entire state apparatus, which is equivalent to cutting off the flesh of the head to fill the hole in the torso!

Xiyan remained silent.

Yan Ping said: And once you get to this point, all the nobles, princes, and officials in the world will jump over the wall in a hurry. How much power is this? Then you will not only face millions of troops.

Princess Xiyan remained silent.

Yan Ping said: Your Royal Highness, Sauron can be killed, and the pot can be smashed. Because the Nulang Kingdom does not belong to him, he does not love this country. However, the Nulang Kingdom belongs to you. Sauron does not love it. This country, you love it!

Sheyan said: What do you want to do, tell me!

Yan Pingdao: Now the only one who can save the Nulang Kingdom is Yinzhou. Yinzhou is willing to return the 11 million Wangcheng Jinhao gold coin reserve, and is willing to help repay the 3.8 million Wangcheng Jinhao that Shili misappropriated. The gold coins are short. And they are willing to waive the 4.5 million gold coin debt that Nulang Kingdom owes to Yinyuanhui. And in the next year, Yinyuanhui is willing to lend 150,000 gold coins to Nulang Kingdom every month without interest, so that The entire state machine is running smoothly.

Sheyan said, You guys are so generous? What about the conditions?

Yan Ping said: Kill Sauron!

Xiyan said: Shall I kill my husband Sauron?

Yan Ping said: Yes, you kill it yourself! Of course, if you don't have the heart to do it, you can also hand it over to Yin Yuanhui.

Then Yan Ping smiled and said: Princess Xiyan, Yinzhou is willing to spend 10 million gold coins to buy Sauron's life. This is the most expensive life in thousands of years. Even if Sauron dies, he should feel extremely honored. Already!

Xiyan remained silent.

Yan Ping continued: Exchanging one person's life for the entire Nulang Kingdom, I think there is no more cost-effective business in the world. Your Royal Highness, don't hesitate anymore, kill Sauron alone in exchange for the stability of the kingdom!

Princess Xiyan raised her beautiful eyes, and a sneer of disdain appeared on her incomparably beautiful face.


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