World Destroying Demonic Emperor

440: Abandon Sauron? Suicide!

Seeing this witch, Sauron once again hated the Dragon Temple and the four secret continents.

Xili participated in the assassination of Sauron and the king, and finally died. Even if he hadn't been captured by the Dragon Temple, he would have died in the hands of Sauron and by the laws of the Raging Wave Kingdom.

However, in every assassination, Princess Yaozhou's concubine played an ulterior role.

But who can do nothing to get her, knowing that she participated in the assassination of the king, but still can't bring her to justice.

Now, she swaggered into the king's city and entered Sauron's mansion in a grand manner.

Whether it is the Yao Continent or the Yin Continent, it seems that the entire human kingdom has become a lawless place, which makes Sauron especially angry.

And the culprit of all this is the Dragon Temple, the mountain of evil that hangs over the human kingdom.

Today's Yaozhou princess, 妧妧, is still so beautiful, she looks the same as Xiyan today.

The white dress is like snow, and the beautiful face also looks dusty, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.

Her beauty is second only to Xiyan and Ji Xiuning, almost on par.

So this appearance really looks like the saint of the Dragon Temple. But her eyes were full of smoke and charm, as if she was always teasing and seducing others.

In short, at this time, half of the temperament of the demon girl concubine is that of a fairy, and the other half of her temperament is that of a prostitute.

The reason why she dressed like this was for one purpose, and that was to satirize Xiyan.

Heyan, I heard that you were slept by Sauron? From a fairy to a slut? She laughed.

You made a mistake in the first half of the sentence, I put Sauron to sleep. Xi Yan said: The second half of the sentence is also wrong, I have never been a fairy.

Seeing Sauron's undisguised disgust, my concubine frowned and said softly, Mr. Sauron, why are you looking at me like this. I killed you before, but you are still alive?

In her tone, she didn't take the assassination of Sauron seriously at all.

I think you're disgusting. Sauron said coldly, and then said to Zhuang Zhixuan, Tell me something quickly.

Hearing Sauron's disgusting words, the concubine said coquettishly: Sauron, don't see you ruling the Kingdom of Raging Waves,

Become the king of a country. But in my eyes, you are still no different from the little princes at that time. Be careful, don't fall into my hands again.

Hearing the threat from the witch, Sauron narrowed his eyes, remembering what happened to Ashiro.

Among the four major secret continents, the Yaozhou is the darkest and evil, and there will always be someone who wants to sweep the Yaozhou, kill the Yaozun family, and slap the demon concubine in front of her.

Turingdo is dead, and the coffin has been concluded. She is a vicious, selfish, and pitiful woman, but the reason why she ended up in the end is largely because of her father Turingtuo's force, at least she is not a born bad person.

But this demon girl concubine in front of her is a villain who is inherently evil.

She has always been above the human kingdom, and regards human life as worthless.

Since the law can't control you Yaozhou, then Sauron doesn't need the law. One day, he will skin the woman in front of him and make her cramp, so that she will not be able to live or die.

Perhaps this day will be far away, but one day Sauron will do it.

Honey, come home with me. My concubine waved at Zhuang Zhixuan and said, Don't forget, you used to be my male favourite, why are you such a woman now, I don't like it.

As soon as these words came out, Zhuang Zhixuan was suddenly recalled with some memories, her body trembled suddenly, and her face turned pale.

For a long time, she was dressed up as a man by her concubine and forced to play some phony games with her.

For Zhuang Zhixuan, this was a dark memory that could not be recalled.

My concubine has been Zhuang Zhixuan's master for more than ten years.

And it was only about a year before Sauron became the master of the concubine.

In the past ten years, although Zhuang Zhixuan's martial arts has become stronger by many times, the fear of his concubine, even the fear, has penetrated deep into his bones.

Besides fear, there is obedience.

The former Zhuang Zhixuan never dared to disobey his concubine's orders, so he was forced to give his virginity to Sauron.

Because the fate of those who disobeyed the orders of concubine concubine is very terrible, extremely miserable, and it can't even be described as not being able to survive or not being able to die.

Seeing that Zhuang Zhixuan didn't respond, the witch girl's beautiful face turned cold and said: Did you hear that? This is an order, follow me!

Zhuang Zhixuan's face was pale, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she looked towards Sauron with her beautiful eyes.

If you don't want to go, no one can take you away. Sauron said lightly.

My concubine sneered and said, Why, did you become emotionally attracted by Sauron Sunrise? If you stay by his side again, maybe you will end up dead. I miss my old love so I came to save you by the way.

Zhuang Zhixuan took a deep breath and said, If that's the case, I would like to thank the concubine princess for her kindness. But I am very good with Master Sauron, and I don't want to leave.

The concubine said: You know, he has almost become a thorn in the side of the Dragon Temple, and his death is not far away, and you are still willing to stay by his side.

Zhuang Zhixuan said: If a person has no dignity, even if he is alive, he is like a walking corpse. If he has dignity, even if he dies immediately, he will have no regrets.

Alright then. The demon girl shrugged her shoulders and said, You missed it yourself.

Then, under the protection of dozens of Yaozhou masters, the demon girl concubine withdrew from the princess mansion.

Immediately, Zhuang Zhixuan let out a long sigh of relief, feeling that her entire back was soaked.

Go back, it's late at night, it's time to sleep. Sauron said.

Yes! Zhuang Zhixuan said.

After entering the room, she immediately prepared a large bucket of hot water, and then took off her clothes and sat in the hot water. Only then did she feel that her delicate body gradually returned to temperature.

Just now, the enchantress said that Xiyan is a slut, and Xiyan immediately proved her words with facts.

She made Sauron want to die again, and even his toes were cramped.

Princess Xiyan's beautiful delicate body was lying on Sauron's body, and the bodies of the two were still inseparable.

Ever since she had the fallen dream, her whole body was full of lust, and her body fragrance became stronger and stronger, almost catching up with Ashi Liren.

At this time, because she has been completely upside down for nearly an hour, the whole room is filled with her charming fragrance.

Sauron fondled her beautiful buttocks, the curvature was perfect, as delicate as porcelain, and as white as snow.

Husband, the baby is really too cute. She Yan said: You said that we work so hard every day, why is my stomach still not moving?

Sauron stroked Sheyan's lower abdomen and said, You have just escaped from the torment of the Dragon Temple for a few years, and your body needs time to recover. Have you noticed your ovulation?

Xiyan shook her head.

Sauron said: Don't worry, we will definitely have children, and there will be more than one.

Xiyan said: If there is really no one, it doesn't matter. Baby Xiyu is also the blood of the Xi family, so it is not a bad idea to let him inherit the throne.

Sauron felt distressed, hugged her quickly, and said seriously: Don't worry, we will definitely have children, definitely more than one.

Hmm! Sheyan kissed Sauron, and the two of them entangled their tongues, and Sheyan fell in love again.

Sauron trembled in fright, and hurriedly said: Yan, can we discuss one thing? When we do that, can we be like normal men and women, without using any spiritual skills, and without using any dragon power to swallow!

She Yan tremblingly said: But, you are also very comfortable.

It's very comfortable, but I lost half my soul and half my life. It's too fierce. Sauron trembled.

Okay. She Yan verbally agreed well.

But her Dragon Power Swallowing has already started, and the spirit technique is already on the way.

What is psychic art? It is to use mental energy to stimulate Sauron's pituitary gland crazily, increasing the secretion of hormones, and then triggering countless illusions in Sauron's brain. The incomparably real, crazy, and incomparably magnificent illusions can completely tease the depths of the human body. In the deepest **.

Half an hour later, Sauron felt that his whole body was no longer his own, and even his soul was separated from his body, floating in the sky.

Xiyan kissed Sauron's face and said, Husband, what do you think concubine means?

Sauron calmed down his breath, and said: She came to Wangcheng on business, and the reason why she came to our house to take Zhuang Zhixuan away was just by chance.

Xiyan said: Then what is she doing in Wangcheng?

Sauron pondered for a while, shaking his head not knowing.

But no matter what the four major secret continents do, it cannot affect Sauron's rectification of the court.

Now that Xili is finished, Sauron has become the master of the Kingdom of Raging Waves.

This means that all the investments made by the four major secret continents in Nulang Kingdom will be wasted, so they will definitely take action.

But because the kings of the previous generations were more competitive, the penetration of the Dragon Temple and the Four Secret Continents into the Nulang Kingdom is not that strong. It's okay to cause damage, but it's impossible to control the political situation of Nulang Kingdom.

In the entire Nulang Kingdom, only the Fire Worship City family is completely controlled by the Dragon Temple. The rest of the princes are nothing but fools, and whoever has the most power will sway to that side.

Husband Princess Xiyan raised her head, and said in a serious tone: Are we really going to have such a deadlock with the Dragon Temple?

Sauron knew that she was referring to Voe.

Last night, Fu Lingxi came to Sauron to intercede, which was half an olive branch from the Dragon Temple.

If Sauron had let go of Voe, then the relationship with the Dragon Temple would naturally be eased.

But now, whether it is Xiyan or Sauron, they are completely cut off from the Dragon Temple and are in an absolute cold war.

Sauron said: Don't worry, now is not the time to quarrel with Shenlong Temple, I will be measured. But you have to remember, if you seek unity through struggle, then unity will survive. If you seek unity through compromise, then unity will perish.

Although the word unity is not suitable for Shenlong Temple, the reason is the same.

Sauron said: As long as we give in a little bit, the Dragon Temple will definitely press harder. I don't know how many unequal treaties have been signed between Shili and the Dragon Temple, such as quadrupling the number of the Temple Legion to reach 100,000 people. And set aside half of the province as the special ruling area of ​​the Dragon Temple. What if the Dragon Temple honors these treaties earlier?

Princess Xiyan nodded and said, Okay, follow your plan and go to bed.

Aren't you going to wash it? Sauron asked.

I don't want to wash, and I don't want to separate my body. She Yan said, and then her beautiful body lay on Sauron's body, and she closed her beautiful eyes to sleep.

Early the next morning, Sauron got up with a sore back and a sore back, and went into the palace to handle political affairs.

Because of the protection of Zhuang Zhixuan and Gao Yin, Xiyan did not follow him into the palace, but stayed in the princess mansion instead.

The reason for doing this is also to dispel the rumors that the royal family wants to hide Sauron.

After two hours of Sauron's departure, a female warrior came in to report that Priest Yanping from the Dragon Temple came to visit.

Xiyan thought that Ash Liren was in the princess mansion at this time, and Yan Ping used to be Ash Liren's husband. Could it be that he came to see his so-called ex-wife?

Unexpectedly, Priest Yanping came to visit Sheyan, and he came with great fanfare.

Yan Ping pays homage to His Royal Highness Sheyan. Yan Ping saluted Xiyan meticulously.

He looks really ordinary, but his eyes are full of wisdom and profoundness.

His face, his temperament, are really like jade, full of warmth and kindness, making people feel like a spring breeze.

If it wasn't for his ferocious face in Liren's mansion, everyone would think that he is a modest gentleman.

He and Fu Lingxi are known as the rising stars of the Dragon Temple.

He is only in his thirties, and he has already become one of the sixteen priests of the Dragon Temple. His future is completely immeasurable, and it may not be impossible to even sit on the holy priest of the Nulang Kingdom.

In this relatively peaceful era, he has been lurking in the Ashi family for more than ten years, exposing the hell knight Asuro, which is entirely a great contribution.

Please sit down! She Yan said.

Yan Ping respectfully knelt down opposite to Sheyan, and said: Sheli has committed a heinous crime, His Highness Sheyan will inherit the throne, there is no suspense, hereby I congratulate His Highness.

Thank you. Princess Xiyan said.

Yan Ping said: Holy Priest Ge Li has returned from Yanjing Temple, and he also brought His Excellency Ning Er's greetings to you.

Ning Er, the holy priest, was once the mentor of Princess Xiyan.

Thank you. She Yan said.

Yan Ping said: Now we can clearly feel that Your Excellency, Duke Regent Sauron, has obvious hostility towards our Dragon Temple. This is very detrimental to our relationship, what do you think?

Sheyan said: Whether it's me or my husband, Your Excellency Sauron, we all attach great importance to the relationship with the Dragon Temple.

Yan Ping said: However, Your Excellency Sauron actually arrested the Marquis of Voe and carried out inhuman abuse. This kind of behavior is very unwise and outrageous. What do you think?

She Yan said: However, Marquis Voe did commit an unforgivable crime.

Yan Ping narrowed his eyes and said: Your Highness, there is one thing that cannot be avoided. After you and Your Excellency Sauron are married, His Majesty the King will abdicate immediately, and you will immediately ascend the throne as king. But you and the Dragon Temple The relationship is so deadlocked, who will crown you then?

Princess Xiyan frowned.

Yan Ping What does this mean? Was the Dragon Temple threatening her with a coronation ceremony?

Yan Ping said: For thousands of years, without the coronation of the Dragon Temple, it means that you have not received the blessing of the Dragon, which means that the throne is illegal and not recognized. Your Royal Highness must not want to see this result. .”

What do you mean? She Yan asked coldly.

Yan Pingdao: Holy Priest Ge Li, Holy Priest Ning Er, and Chief Referee Rogo are all willing to participate in your enthronement ceremony. The Sky Temple is even willing to send a sky priest to crown you.

As soon as these words came out, Xi Ningfang's heart trembled.

The coronation of the king's change is only the appearance of the holy priest.

Only when the monarchs of the Dongli Kingdom and the Yan Empire ascended the throne, can there be sky priests present.

Now Yan Ping actually said that there will be a sky priest to crown her, which is of course a supreme honor.

However, there is no such thing as a cheap lunch, and everything has a price.

What conditions? Princess Xiyan asked.

Yan Ping said: Dragon Temple and Sauron, you can only choose one! If you want the support of Dragon Temple, you must abandon Sauron!

Abandon Sauron? !

Princess Xiyan's delicate body trembled violently!

Shidu Temple!

It was still this familiar tower, the tower where Shen Ning's mother and son were once imprisoned.

It is still the underground secret room, but now the prisoner has become Xili!

He has been reduced from a high-ranking prince of the kingdom to a prisoner under his rank.

He is really only an inch away from the throne. It's a pity that everything has become a dream now!

Ji Xiuning, who is full of righteousness, is full of murderous intent. She wants to use Xili to carry the blood of the devil to set off a heinous case, and to carry out a huge cleansing of the upper echelons of the Dragon Temple.

She didn't trust the entire Shidu Temple, so all the Templars guarding Shili were her direct descendants in the Yanjing Temple.

Of course Ji Xiuning knew that if she was a little negligent, Xili would be killed immediately!

Therefore, in the high tower where Zhili was imprisoned, there were hundreds of people inside and outside, all of whom were Ji Xiuning and Huai Ji's confidantes.

Ji Xiuning had already sent people to Yanjing, asking her father Yandi Lord to send a team of Griffin Knights to escort Xili to the Yanjing Temple for trial.

She didn't even dare to go by land, that way she couldn't resist the pursuit of Yinzhou and Yaozhou.

It has been two days since Xili was imprisoned here, and he will be escorted to Yanjing soon.

During these two days, he lived like a year, and time flew by.

He felt incomparable pain and incomparable relief.

The pain is because he has nothing, and the relief is because he finally doesn't have to fight anymore.

He was just so dazed, he didn't think about anything, he ate and slept, and he ate and slept.

At this time, footsteps sounded on the steps again, and someone delivered food.

The person delivering the food was a mute, extremely ugly, with hideous wounds on his face and a short tongue.

As usual, the mute brought a simple meal and a jug of wine in front of Shili.

These meals and wine have been checked countless times. The mute was also searched countless times, and he was not allowed to bring any notes.

After putting down the food and drink, the mute suddenly said in a low voice: High Priest Naru has committed suicide. I don't want your wife and daughter to die unexpectedly. You should know what to do.

Sheli was horrified, the mute actually spoke.

What was horrifying was that these templars guarding Xili seemed to have heard nothing. These people are all temple warriors that Ji Xiuning brought from Yanjing.

It's hard to live, but it's easy to die. The mute said hoarsely.

Someone didn't want him to live alone, wanted him to commit suicide, and threatened him with the lives of Fang Qingzhuo and his daughter.

This is chopsticks. The mute handed the chopsticks to Shili, one of which was sharpened, very suitable for suicide.

You have half an hour. The mute said, After half an hour, if you don't die, your wife and daughter will die.

Zhili looked at the guarding Templars and suddenly let out a weird laugh: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

After laughing for half a minute, Xili nodded and said, Don't worry, I know what to do.

The mute nodded and left the secret room.

Xili feasted, finished the food, and finished the wine.

Yeah, it's easier to die than to live.

Picking up that sharpened chopstick is indeed a good tool for suicide!

Fang Qingzhuo, take good care of your daughter! Sheli muttered to herself, and then stabbed herself in the head with a sharpened chopstick!

Note: The second more than 5,000 words are sent, please support, thank you everyone! To be continued.

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