World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 43: Genius, the first successful shot!

Ye Jingyu immediately stepped forward, put his palm against Lan Ling's temple, and slowly input a stream of dragon power.

Immediately, Lan Ling's head, which was about to split open, gradually became quiet.

This is a manifestation of mental exhaustion, and it is very normal. Every martial artist will experience this kind of pain. Ye Jingyu said: Next, I have to rest for a few hours, and then continue to practice. Come with me.

Lan Ling endured the severe pain in his head, and followed Ye Jingyu to the clear lake.

Are you sure you don't have dragon power in your body now? Ye Jingyu asked.

Lan Ling shook his head and said, No more, nothing left.

Ye Jingyu said: If you have dragon power, your mental power will recover quickly. But if you don't have dragon power, you will have to rely entirely on your body's own recovery, which will be relatively slow. You take off all your clothes, sit in the water, Holding a tube in your mouth to breathe, let the water surface overflow your head. Being in the water is very suitable for mental recovery.”

Immediately, Lan Ling was not constrained, and directly took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts, and then sat down in the cold and clear lake water with a pipe in his mouth, over his head, only the pipe in his mouth protruded from the water.

Close your eyes, don't think about anything, and enter a state that seems to be falling asleep. Ye Jingyu said: I will read you the Secret of Tranquility, you don't need to memorize it, don't worry about what I read, just listen to it Yes.

Then, Ye Jingyu sat cross-legged on the edge of the lake, and began to recite the Secret of Tranquility.

Even though Lan Ling was completely in the water, Ye Jing Yu's voice could still penetrate into his ears completely, it was extremely clear.

There are no clear words in this Peaceful Jue, it is completely like a Sanskrit sound.

Listening to it, Lan Ling felt as if he was in an extremely quiet and magical realm.

The water around him seemed to have turned into a soft cloud, supporting every part of his body, it was extremely comfortable, as if his whole body didn't need to use force.

Gradually, he entered a state of sleepiness. And this state is most suitable for the recovery of mental strength.

After less than four hours, Lan Ling's spirit had fully recovered. Four hours of this meditation is equivalent to ten hours of sleep.

Then next, Lan Ling conducted mental lock training again.

The goal is still very simple, which is to mentally lock the origin of the center of the target thirty meters away.

When there is nothing but the origin in the spiritual illusion, it is considered a success.

With Lanling's own spiritual talent, it is still possible to lock on to a target 30 meters away, but because of the lack of dragon power support, the time to lock on is very short.

After almost a few minutes, all the mental power will be exhausted, and then I will be immersed in the lake again for mental recovery.

After such a day, deducting the time for sleeping, you can only practice mental locking up to three times a day.

Once, twice, three times, four times...

Every time when his mental power was exhausted, Lan Ling felt the pain as if his head was about to split open.

Whenever this time, he would miss the demon star and the dragon power in it very much. With the continuous support of the demon star Longli, Lanling could complete the mental lock training in one go.

Finally, after the thirteenth time, Lanling completed the 30-meter mental lock practice.

Finally, in my spiritual illusion, there is nothing but the center of the circle on the target.

My own mental power completely locked on the center of the circle.

At this time, it was already the dawn of the fourth day, and Lan Ling had to suffer from splitting headaches three times a day for these three days.

You have completed the most basic mental locking. Ye Jingyu said: Next, you use the mental locking technique to practice target shooting.

Shoot ten arrows in a row, and the score is eighty.

After completing this goal, you can go to shoot the bison,

It can devour energy.


When Lan Ling picked up the bow and arrow again, his heart jumped for joy. Finally, he didn't have to stare at the target all the time, and could shoot arrows, even if it was just the target.

Taking a deep breath, he directly bent his bow and set an arrow, and pulled it away suddenly.

His eyes shrank suddenly, and he instantly entered the state of Falling the Moon, using his mental power to lock on the bull's-eye thirty meters away.

Five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds!

The lock is completed, and only the bullseye exists in the entire spiritual illusion.

Whoosh... He loosened his hand.

The arrow flew out immediately.

Bang! He hit the target directly, the third ring.

Immediately, Lan Ling felt joyful and complicated.

First of all, this mental locking technique is really good. It has always missed the target before, even if it hits the target, there is no ring number.

But after using the mental lock, he directly hit the third ring. However, the spirit has locked the bullseye, shouldn't it be the tenth ring?

As if seeing Lan Ling's question, Ye Jingyu said: The mental lock is just for you to aim. But this bow is still a bit unfamiliar to you, and you can't fully grasp it, so even though you mentally aimed at the target, But the execution of the body has gone awry, get it?

Lan Ling nodded.

This kind of deviation in mental and physical execution can be solved after many times of running-in. Ye Jingyu said: Of course, you can only shoot ten arrows at a time, three times a day. You have to seize every opportunity.

Understood. Lan Ling said.

After bending the bow and nodding the arrow for the second time, he once again used his mental power to lock on to the target.

Then I recalled the deviation when I shot the arrow for the first time, and made a little correction for the second time.

Swoosh... An arrow shot out.

Four Rings! Yes, progress has been made.

The third arrow is still the fourth ring.

Fifth arrow, five rings.

Sixth arrow, five rings!


Tenth arrow, seven rings!

From all the exercises after the dragon power was tempered, Lan Ling relied entirely on his own perseverance and talent, and no longer relied on the demon star.

After completing the mental lock, there was a qualitative change. But after the first round of ten arrows, the score is fifty-three rings, and the bison can only be shot after the eighty rings.

After the ten arrows passed, Lanling had exhausted both his strength and his mental strength.

Next, Ye Jingyu gave him a full-body massage first, and then he immersed himself in the lake again, listening to Ye Jingyu's tranquility formula, to recover his mental power.

Four hours later, the second round of test firing practice was conducted.

This round was an improvement over the first round, with a total of sixty rings.

Next, after another four hours of rest and recovery, the third round of test firing was conducted.

The result of the third round was sixty-three rings.

Then, the fourth day of archery practice ended.

At night, Lanling didn't need any warning from Ye Jingyu, and just lay down in the sleeping bag and fell asleep, almost without the energy to speak.

Next, Lan Ling once again entered into long-term fixed-target practice.

There is only one target, and that is a distance of 30 meters, ten arrows and eighty circles.

On the fifth day, Lanling Road's best score was 65 rings.

On the sixth day, his best score was 68 rings.

On the seventh day, the best score was 68 rings.

On the eighth day, the best score was sixty-five rings, but it went backwards.

At this time, Lanling felt the boring and painful archery practice completely. It was completely repeated countless times, and after the tenth arrow was completed, his mental strength was exhausted. words to describe.

On the eighth day, instead of advancing, Lanling thought that Ye Jingyu would let him rest for a day, but it turned out that he was still practicing normally.

Finally Lan Ling asked: It was your first fixed target shooting, how long did it take you to complete the ten arrows and eighty rings?

Twenty-seven days. Ye Jingyu said: The torture and pain are still vivid in my mind.

Lan Ling said: I remember your weapon is a scimitar, why do you still shoot arrows?

Ye Jingyu said: Samurai in this world are not so clearly distinguished. While being a swordsman, you may not be able to be a one-shot assassin at the same time. And while being a swordsman, you may not be able to be a shooter.

Lan Ling nodded, understood.

After that, Lan Ling remembered Ye Jing Yu's twenty-seven days. She spent twenty-seven days, and she must be less than him.

On the eighth day, Lanling's test shooting scores improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the 72nd ring.

On the ninth day, Lanling's test shooting score reached the 75th ring.

At this time, it was very close to the Eightieth Ring Road. He was very disturbed, because the closer he was to the goal, the more difficult it would be.

However, the result surprised Lan Ling incomparably.

On the tenth day, he actually crossed the barrier of the 80th ring and went directly to the 82nd ring.

Finally completed the fixed target test shooting practice, and finally can shoot the bison.

After finishing, Lan Ling crouched on the ground holding his own bow, almost weeping with joy.

In ten days, he finally completed the 30-meter distance, shot ten arrows in a row, and scored eighty goals.

Sleep, and shoot the buffalo tomorrow morning. Ye Jingyu said.


On the eleventh day, Lanling woke up before the sky was completely bright, turned around and found that Ye Jingyu was no longer in the tent, and then the sound of swimming came from the lake outside.

She loves cleanliness very much and takes a bath almost every day.

So, Lan Ling could only lie in the tent, waiting for her to wash.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Ye Jingyu came ashore. At this time, Lan Ling only needed to look out to see Ye Jingyu's body, but he didn't do that, because he was now full of hunting for the first time. , the first energy devouring.

After Ye Jingyu put on his clothes, he shouted inside: Okay, you can come out now.

After Lan Ling went out to wash up, Ye Jingyu was cooking beside him.

And Lan Ling was beside him, cleaning his bow and arrows over and over again. Although a shooter uses mental locking, his familiarity with the bow and arrow is also very important. Only when he has fully mastered every inch of the bow and arrow inside and outside can he truly achieve a hundred shots.

Sauron, a warrior, the best weapon is the one he made himself. Ye Jingyu said, Because the most important thing in this martial arts is spiritual power, and only the weapons you make can match your own at all times. Connected spiritually.

Lan Ling nodded, indeed, the weapons of all masters in this world are made by themselves. Even, it is best to dig out every piece of ore by yourself.

Ye Jingyu's culinary skills were quite passable, completely incomparable with her sister Suoning Bing, but Lan Ling still ate two big bowls.

At this time, the sky is completely bright, and the bison in the bison valley are also coming out to look for food.

Let's go hunt the bison. Ye Jingyu said.

Lan Ling immediately picked up his bow and arrow and followed.

The entire bison valley is about a hundred miles in diameter, and there are a lot of bison, often dozens of them gather together. But now Lanling can only shoot and kill those who are alone.

Ahead. Ye Jingyu said suddenly, and then pointed to a strong bison grazing leisurely a hundred meters ahead.

Ye Jingyu led Lan Ling and gradually approached, because Lan Ling's mental power could only lock within 30 meters.

Soon within 30 meters, I am lying in ambush behind a mound.

Don't be nervous, it's normal to miss the first time. Ye Jingyu whispered.

Lan Ling took a deep breath, then bent his bow and set an arrow, concentrating all his mental strength, and directly locked on the bison's right eye.

Lock, lock, lock...

Eight seconds later, only the bull's eye existed in Lanling's spiritual illusion, and the rest was all darkness.

Locked out!

Whoosh... Lan Ling let go decisively, and shot out a sharp arrow.

The buffalo was startled suddenly and wanted to run away immediately. But it was too late.

Pu stab... The sharp arrow shot directly into his head from its right eye.


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