World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 41: The power of the demon star, the stunning feathers are amazing

With your own strength, can you do it? Ye Jingyu asked.

Lan Ling shook his head and said, I can't do it.

With his current strength, he could draw a sixty-jin bow, but after drawing it, he began to tremble within a few seconds, unable to aim at all.

As for pulling away ten times in a row, holding steady for half a minute each time, it is even more impossible to do it.

That's it. Ye Jingyu said: In the next half month, your only task is to complete this first step goal. Only then can you enter the next step of training.

Half a month? Lan Ling exclaimed in shock.

Ye Jingyu said: Of course, this is already treating you as a genius. Normally, a person with high talent will not complete the first step of drawing the bow in two or three months. The maximum strength of your right arm is sixty If you want to accomplish the goal of drawing a bow, your right arm must be at least 80 jins strong.

In other words, Lanling's next task is to increase the strength of his right arm by 20 catties, and Ye Jingyu gave him half a month.

Then, Ye Jingyu started camping nearby, and then let Lan Ling practice drawing the bow by himself.

This exercise is divided into two parts.

In the first part, you don't use dragon power, just use your own arm strength to pull the bow, and hold on for as long as possible. Under this kind of persistent exercise, the strength of the arm will also increase, but it will be slower. Just like lifting dumbbells on earth to improve arm strength.

And the other part is to temper the muscles and bones with the dragon force, which is the most important thing in cultivation.

What is Dragon Power Tempering? It is to inject dragon power into the arm, temper the tendons, bones and muscles of the arm, and then enhance the strength of the arm.

Of course, this kind of dragon power tempering is very precious to ordinary people, because a person can only activate blood dragon power three or five times a day.

In other words, a person only has three or five chances to temper the dragon power a day.

Lan Ling asked: Does that mean that in my situation, if I want to increase my arm strength by 20 catties, I need to temper my arm muscles and bones with dragon force 300 times?

Ye Jingyu was bending over to set up a tent, nodded and said, That's right. Also, please concentrate on practicing and don't look at my ass.

Lan Ling immediately blushed, but he understood what Ye Jingyu said.

The principle of the so-called dragon power tempering is to transform the blood dragon power into body power, which is the foundation of martial arts.

So in the battle, will the bloodline dragon power be used? Of course there will be, once the dragon power is used in battle, it will form a critical strike, and the chance of such a critical strike is rare and precious, unless it is used when the battle is the most critical.

It takes years and months to enhance one's own strength through dragon power tempering, but Lanling doesn't have half a month to squander. He only had three months in total, and he was about to reach the level of a second-level warrior archer. He needed to draw a strong bow of more than two hundred catties, and hit eighty out of every shot.

If the step of drawing the bow takes half a month, then it will take at least two or three years to become a second-level samurai archer.

So, Lan Ling closed his eyes and asked, Yao Xing, can your remaining energy increase the strength of my right arm by twenty catties?

Yao Xing was silent for a moment, and said: Yes, but it will almost exhaust all my remaining energy. In the future, if you encounter any danger, I will not be able to save you.

Lan Ling said: After the strength of my right arm has increased by 20 catties, I will immediately shoot and kill in actual combat, and I will be able to replenish your energy.

After saying this, Lan Ling clearly felt that the demon star flashed excitedly.

Lan Ling asked: What I'm going to shoot next is the wild buffalo on the frontier. How much power can a buffalo consume for me?

The demon star said: I have observed that these bison are very powerful. But the bloodline dragon power in their bodies is very thin, less than a few tenths of that of humans. But your power is still very weak now, so you will improve quickly. I It is estimated that hunting a hundred bison is enough to increase the strength of your right arm by ten catties.

Swallowing a hundred bison would increase the strength of his arm by ten catties, and his goal was to have a strength of more than three hundred catties in his right arm.

Lan Ling said: Then if I want to increase the strength of my right arm to three hundred catties, don't I want to shoot two or three thousand bison?

Yao Xing said: When your arm strength exceeds more than a hundred catties, the bison's bloodline strength is already too thin, and it will not be of much use to you. You need to find wild beasts with higher bloodlines. Of course, there are also elite-level bison , the power of the dragon veins in their bodies will be relatively strong, and killing one may be worth dozens of them, but such elite beasts are rare and very dangerous.

I see. Suddenly, Lan Ling was ready to move.

Master, in fact, killing humans and devouring their cultivation is the fastest. Yao Xing said suddenly: And there are a lot of humans. I have observed that there are a lot of human warriors in this area.

Okay, don't talk about it. Lan Ling said: Then I will really become a big devil.

Sooner or later, you will become a big devil. Yao Xing said: Although your heart is relatively kind, but your personality is black-bellied and extreme, and your love and hatred are too clear. Your feelings for your sister are too paranoid , she is your life gate, you are afraid of losing her, and this fear will turn you into a devil one day.

Lan Ling kept silent and didn't refute. Yao Xing was right, because the environment he grew up in made him lack enough sunshine in his heart. Although he doesn't take the initiative to do evil, he has always speculated about others with malicious psychology.

Okay, you can strengthen the strength of my right arm. Lan Ling said.

Yes. Yao Xing said: Sit cross-legged and remain motionless.

Lan Ling complied, sat cross-legged on the ground, and closed his eyes.

All of a sudden, his mental illusion was filled with silence and darkness.

Immediately afterwards, the demon star slowly lit up and shrank slightly. Suddenly a wave of energy was released. Lan Ling suddenly realized that this energy is the dragon power, which is left over from the demon star that devoured other people before.

Lan Ling used his consciousness to control this dragon force, moving it from the heart to the lower dantian, and then to the tendons of the right arm.

At this time, following this energy, Lan Ling could even look inside every tendon in his body.

He clearly saw that this energy light penetrated into his arm veins bit by bit, millimeter by millimeter.

Muscles first, then bones, and finally muscles.

In the tempering of dragon power by other human beings, the energy utilization rate is very low. Most people are less than 10%, but Lanling's energy utilization rate can reach 100%.

The entire transformation process was much, much slower than Lan Ling imagined.

There are countless tendons in the simple arms, and there are tens of thousands of tendons of varying thickness. Every root must be tempered and transformed.

It is also fortunate that the energy utilization rate of the demon star is 100%, otherwise it would take tens of thousands of times the energy to complete the transformation, even if the strength is only 20 catties, even if it is only 20 catties.

Yao Xing continuously releases energy, transforming every tendon of his right arm bit by bit, advancing millimeter by millimeter.

During this process, Lan Ling could almost clearly see that the light of the demon star dimmed little by little.

It took four full hours for Yaoxing to complete the process of tempering and transforming the veins in his arms.

Next, start refining and transforming the bones.

Ye Jingyu had already set up the tent at this time, and the first time she saw Lan Ling sitting cross-legged, she knew that he was tempering his arm muscles with dragon power. So, she immediately gathered all her energy to protect Lanling, not letting any movement disturb him.

However, what Ye Jingyu didn't expect was that Lan Ling sat down for several hours.

You know, normal people only have three or five chances to transform their bodies with dragon power every day, and it only takes a quarter of an hour at most.

At this time, Lan Ling had been sitting quietly for several hours, but it was not over yet.


Another three hours passed, and the demon star finished transforming the skeleton of Lanling's right arm.

Tempering the bones is faster than tempering the tendons, and the next step is the final step, tempering the muscles.

This picture is very mysterious and bizarre.

Lan Ling clearly saw that after the energy of the demon star was released, the reality was controlled by consciousness and condensed into a point, which was transported to the arm through the muscles and veins of the whole body.

Then, the condensed energy suddenly dispersed and exploded. It turns into countless energy rays again, and directly disperses into each muscle cell through countless tendons.

This kind of transformation is actually at the cellular level, no wonder the transformation is so thorough.

In this way, it condenses again and again, is transported to the arm again and again, and explodes again and again.

Lan Ling clearly felt that his arm was hot and swollen.

And the light of the demon star became weaker and weaker, and finally it almost disappeared.

Another three hours passed.

Boom... The energy of the demon star exploded at Lanling's fingertips for the last time, transforming the last millimeter of his right arm.

Finally, the entire tempering transformation was completed.

At this time, the light of the demon star is almost completely invisible.

Master, my energy is exhausted. When I encounter danger next time, I can't save you. You have to swallow the energy as soon as possible... Even this consciousness signal is very blurred. Although the demon star is very evil, But for Lanling, he also did his best.

The entire process of tempering and transformation took ten hours.

After finishing, Lan Ling opened his eyes. At this moment, he felt that his arm was stretched, as if he had endless strength. The feeling of increased strength is very clear.

Looking up, the sky was filled with stars, and it was already midnight.

And Ye Jingyu, gathering all his energy, was sitting beside him. And hundreds of meters in front of her, piled up with all kinds of corpses.

These beasts and birds are not coming to attack, but passing by. But this kind of dragon power tempering process must be very quiet and must not be disturbed at all, so all animals within 100 meters of Lanling were shot and killed by Ye Jingyu.

Ye Jingyu didn't ask Lan Ling why he sat cross-legged for so long, but said calmly: Okay, let's rest today and continue to exercise tomorrow.

Muscle and bone exercise is a normal practice method, which stimulates the energy of the tendons and meridians instead of relying on dragon power.

Lan Ling said: Tomorrow, we will enter the next step of archery training.

Ye Jingyu said: Don't be so ambitious, as I said, you have to finish drawing the bow first, ten times in a row, holding it steady for half a minute each time. This is the first step in archery, and you must complete it before you can move on to the next step. .”

Lan Ling said: I have finished drawing the bow.

Ye Jingyu hissed, Impossible.

Lan Ling directly picked up the sixty-pound bow, took a deep breath, took a step lightly, and then directly pulled the bow away, persisted for half a minute without moving, and then slowly relaxed.

Before, he couldn't hold back his whole body shaking wildly after pulling away for a few seconds, but after pulling away now, his whole body is stable and his breathing is not disturbed.

The effect of this power increase is really obvious.

Then, Lan Ling pulled up for the second time, and the third time...

Pulled all the way to the tenth time!

And the tenth time is really the limit of Lanling's arm strength, because at this time he wants to pull it away for the eleventh time, it is already very reluctant.

And Ye Jingyu beside him was completely stunned.


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