World Destroying Demonic Emperor

386: The Rock Demon is completely defeated!

boom! boom! boom!

Sauron's second round of shotgun, grape, and chain bombs combined attack!

Countless projectiles were thrown out like a torrential rain. Hunting text ????????????

This time the rock demon fleet was even closer, just over a hundred meters away.

The hit rate at this distance is surprisingly high!

Even though the Rock Demon's fleet fought on its own, rushing forward like a pack of wolves.

But after the stormy shelling of the Sauron fleet, the rock demon fleet still gave a sudden meal.

Then, the hellish scene appeared again.

This time it was even more obvious, as if the grass had been hit by a hailstorm, and it was all in pieces.

Countless warships had their masts broken and their sails shattered.

Countless pirates were instantly beaten into sieves, riddled with holes and killed instantly.

On the entire surface of the sea, once again, blood mist splashed all over the sky.

At this time, four or five huge steel shields were already in front of the Rock Demon.

When the torrential rain of shells came again, the rock demon's face twitched violently.

He knew that Sauron's bombardment took at least tens of thousands of lives.

The rock demon's heart was bleeding, he felt that his superb martial arts disappeared, and his whole body became stiff and weak, as if he didn't even have the strength to lift his head up.

Even, a thought surged in his heart: Isn't Sauron afraid of being punished by heaven?

This is really an absurd thing. Rock demons kill countless people, and rock pirates make a living by looting, burning, killing, and looting, doing all kinds of evil.

At this time, he actually disliked Sauron's killing too much, whether he would be punished by heaven.

Although he, the Rock Demon, killed people, and the Rock Pirates also killed people, but it would be great to kill hundreds of people in a trip to sea.

As for Sauron, one bombardment actually killed tens of thousands of people.

The Rock Demon couldn't help but recall,

How many people did Sauron kill?

From the recapture of Tianshui City, to the two wars of extermination, to today's sea battle.

More than 200,000 people died in the hands of Sauron. Is he really not afraid of being punished by heaven?

But at this time, no matter how many casualties and deaths there are, the Rock Demon fleet can only grit their teeth and rush forward.

Moreover, there is still about half a quarter of an hour before Sauron's next round of shelling.

The rock demon roared: Rush up, rush up, and kill Sauron.

Then, the charge horn sounded tragically.

The surviving pirates of the Rock Demon Fleet woke up a little bit, saw the countless corpses around them, and the blood-stained deck, their scalps went numb.

Hearing the sound of the charging horn, countless rock bandits mustered up their courage again, and roared: Rush up, stick it up and win!

At this time, the Rock Demon Fleet was getting closer and closer to Sauron's Fleet, and the faces of both sides were clearly visible, all ferocious and ferocious, like life and death enemies.

And at this moment, Sauron decisively issued a new order!

The fleet withdrew south, kept its distance, and continued shelling.

Immediately, five griffin knights in the sky waved semaphore.

Sauron's more than 200 warships began to retreat southward, and the formation was not in any chaos.

Seeing this scene, the rock demon was really going to explode with anger!

I'm your mother, Sauron! I paid a price of tens of thousands of people, and finally posted it, but you fucking started to retreat, and started to keep your distance.

If it was before, even if Sauron wanted to retreat, it would be too late, because the Rock Demon's ship was small, fast, and extremely agile.

But now, after two rounds of stormy bombardment, almost every ship in the Rock Demon's fleet was wounded, every sail was damaged and the wind leaked, and there were dead people on every ship.

So even if the distance of more than 100 meters is very short, when Sauron started to retreat completely, the Rock Demon Fleet deeply realized what it means to be so close to the end of the world.

Sauron's fleet kept retreating, and gradually separated from the rock demon fleet, keeping a certain distance.

After half a quarter of an hour, all the artillery was loaded.

But because the fleet had moved, the gunners had to aim again. Because it is a shotgun, it is a large piece when shot out, and the requirements for aiming accuracy are much lower.

When the rock pirates and pirates saw the black muzzle of the gun again, they felt frightened and their limbs were cold.


Boom boom boom...

Another round of shotgun strikes!

This time, 80% of the shot, 20% of the grape.

Because Sauron felt that there was no need to destroy the masts and sails of the Rock Demon fleet. The next goal is to kill as many people as possible and destroy as few ships as possible, because these ships will soon belong to the Soxhlet fleet.

Wow, wow, wow...

Countless shotgun pellets smashed past again in a storm.

There was another blood mist all over the sky.

Countless corpses fell to the ground, dead rock bandits and rock bandits, countless!


In the next moment, Sauron began to replicate this despicable and shameless tactic.

The damage to the fleet bullying the rock demons is not fast, and they always keep a certain distance from the rock demon fleets, and they will never let their ships be bitten.

Then, from two to three hundred meters away, shot shotguns wildly!

Round after round of critical strikes from shotguns ruthlessly took away the lives of Dahua!

The rock demon's fleet is still frantically chasing and biting.

The two fleets have always maintained a distance of several hundred meters.

Boom, boom, boom...

Sauron's hundreds of cannons roared again and again.

Shotguns like a torrential rain, spraying out again and again!

This ruthless and terrifying battle lasted for more than an hour!


An extremely bleak and terrifying scene appeared.

In the nearest rock demon fleet, the decks of some battleships are already empty.

It can't be said to be empty, but there are no standing pirates, all of them fell into a pool of blood and turned into corpses.

And all the warships were riddled with holes. The battleship at the front and even the cabins on the deck were completely transparent, with hundreds of holes pierced.

From beginning to end, more than a dozen rounds of shotgun shelling!

Millions of projectiles were sprayed out, and even if most of them hit the sea, there were still a small half, more than a million projectiles, that hit hundreds of warships of the Rock Demon.

Finally, these brave rock bandits finally collapsed completely.

They are not afraid of death, and even actively pursue death!

However, their death is for victory, for looting, not meaningless death!

In the immediate battle, they see no hope.

They rushed up desperately, but they could never get close to Sauron's fleet.

Many rock pirates even bravely jumped out of the sea and swam aboard Sauron's warships.

However, this is the tragedy of tragedies. Before they climbed onto Sauron's battleship, they had already become ghosts under the arrows.

Sauron's fleet has always been not far in front of him, as if within reach, but always close at hand.

And every round of rainstorm-like shotgun attacks by Sauron's fleet will take away countless lives!

The decks of every ship were dripping with blood and corpses were strewn all over the place.

They did not surrender, and they were still not even afraid of death. But they don't want to fight anymore, they don't want to fight fearlessly anymore.

This kind of collapse seemed to be contagious. One after another, the people on the rock pirate fleet knelt on the deck in pain and gave up resistance.

Sauron rode a griffin and hovered over the rock bandit fleet.

Then, I saw wave after wave of rock bandits kneeling down, as if the straw was broken by a strong wind.

The rock demon is completely defeated!

He lost completely, completely!

And the most embarrassing thing is that he has 100,000 pirates, but he hardly caused any casualties to Sauron!

From the beginning to the end, only twenty or so desperate rock bandit warships rushed in front of Sauron's fleet, and started a jumping ship battle.


Nearly half of the rock bandits on these battleships have died, and only a thousand rock bandits have really entered the jumping ship battle.

Moreover, what is even more tragic is that half of the rock bandits chose to jump from the three giant artillery warships of Sauron.

Two are double decks, one is three decks, as high as a hill. And except for the artillery shooting holes, all of them are tightly sealed with thick ship boards.

They wanted to jump ship to join the battle, but they couldn't find a place to pick it up.

Many rock pirates bravely climbed onto the battleship and tried to get in through the artillery embrasures. However, a few sharp knives stabbed out from inside, instantly crushing their corpses.

As for the other rock bandits on more than a dozen warships, nearly a thousand people successfully jumped onto the warships of Sauron's fleet.

However, they were facing two or three times as many enemies. After fighting frantically and bravely for half an hour, the rock bandit fleet that successfully jumped off the ship died cleanly.


So, where is the rock demon at this time?

He escaped! That's right, the mighty and invincible Rock Pirate King has escaped!

At this time, he has successfully escaped from the battlefield for dozens of miles.

When Sauron fired the third and fourth rounds, he already knew that there was no hope!

His plan to die and survive has completely failed!

Because his fleet suffered huge damage and lost its advantage in speed, it would never be possible to stick to Sauron's fleet, and he would always be passively beaten, and if he continued to fight, his entire army would only be wiped out.

Strangely, when he knew he was completely defeated, he no longer felt any pain, and his heart didn't bleed anymore, only coldness and numbness.

Watching Sauron's fleet continue to slaughter his people, the rock demon seemed to be watching a show, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Then, he gave an order indifferently: King Yan's headquarters fleet, all flee the battlefield!

After the rock demon issued the escape order, he didn't even sound the evacuation horn, but only used a very private method to notify the headquarters fleet to retreat and escape.

At that time, most of the fleets were fighting on their own, like a pack of wolves, rushing desperately towards Sauron's fleet.

The scene was chaotic, and the Rock Demon Headquarters fleet, which finally managed to escape from the battle, only had more than a hundred warships and more than 10,000 rock pirates.

And the remaining 60,000 rock bandits were all sacrificed and abandoned, becoming cannon fodder for the escaped rock demon palace empress!

Not only that, the rock demon also changed his clothes, hid in the cabin, and hid among the many rock robbers!

Therefore, at the end of the battle, many rock bandits turned their heads and wanted to take another look at their king, either before dying, or to gain courage from the rock king.

As a result, they can no longer find their rock king, and their king has escaped.

They knew that they had been abandoned and betrayed by their king.

So the group of rock robbers completely collapsed, gave up resistance, and knelt on the ground.


Flying in the air, Sauron immediately discovered the escape intention of the Rock Demon headquarters fleet.

However, he did not order the fleet to pursue!

Because, at this time, his fleet is in a normal battle order and must not be disrupted. Moreover, there were tens of thousands of rock bandits entangled in front, and they couldn't break away from the battle to chase the fleeing rock demon.

Immediately, Sauron sent a dozen griffins with gunpowder packs and kerosene barrels to carry out air strikes on the fleeing Rock Demon headquarters fleet.

As a result, as in the exercise, the hit rate was too low.

Moreover, the dozen or so griffins are too few to cause much damage to the fleeing Rock Demon headquarters fleet, or even prevent the Rock Demon headquarters fleet from escaping.

It will be more than an hour until the end of the battle on Sauron's fleet. At this time, the rock demon has led more than a hundred ships of the headquarters fleet and escaped fifty or sixty miles away.

Yan Chuo'er came forward to recruit and surrender the rock bandits and pirates who had completely collapsed.

At this time, there is no need for Yan Chuoer to appear anymore. These rock bandits have lost all will to fight after finding themselves abandoned.

Yan Chuoer ordered the surviving rock pirates and pirates to surrender, lower the sails, and cut the ropes.

In this way, the surviving enemy ships on the battlefield lose all power, cannot move, and can only float and spin on the sea surface.

Then Sauron ordered that only 5,000 navies be left to guard the captives, and the remaining 20,000 navies continue to chase the rock demon fleet!


In the evening, the sun sets!

More than a hundred warships of the Rock Demon fled frantically in front, and Sauron's fleet chased them desperately behind.

In the air, there are always more than a dozen griffins continuously attacking the rock demon fleet.

In this way, the two fleets pursued one after the other.

After more than an hour, night fell!

The two fleets were much more careful, but still one escaped and the other pursued.

Another whole night passed!

The next day, the morning sun rose, and the sun shone on the sea, as if countless gold coins were shining.

After a night of pursuit, the Sauron fleet and the Rock Demon fleet were still sixty to seventy miles away.

Most of the ships in the Rock Demon's headquarters fleet were in good condition, and all escaped quickly. So instead of closing the distance, Sauron's fleet gradually moved away.


At this time, the fleeing rock demon fleet was three hundred miles ahead!

Haigang's 50,000 main fleet is heading southward!

At this time, Hai Gang had only one thought in his mind, hoping that Sauron's defeat would be slow, and that after his fleet arrived, there would still be some leftovers to eat.

The last thing he wants to see is that the battle is over after he has worked so hard to get to the battlefield, and the rock demon holds up Sauron's head and says, My lord father-in-law, why are you so late? The battle is over, you Just go back the same way!

He traveled thousands of miles across the sea, and led a 50,000 main fleet southward, only to return empty-handed. He would really vomit blood with anger.

Sauron, you must fight hard, don't lose too fast, you have to hold on, and wait for me to come and give you a fatal blow!


Note: The second update of 4,000 words is sent, please support, thank you everyone! (To be continued.)

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