World Destroying Demonic Emperor

380: Father and son Tullywen, kneel down and pledge allegiance!

Tu Liyang knelt on the ground, kept kowtow and said: Sauron, as long as you let me see my father, you can let me do whatever you want.

Sauron said: Don't worry, I have sent someone to fetch him, and you will be able to meet soon.

Tu Liyang was ecstatic, lying on the ground and weeping with joy.

Even though this is at sea, you'd better not show up. Sauron said, This cabin is yours. If you need anything in the future, someone will be responsible for delivering it. You'd better not go out, understand?

Yes! Tu Liyang said with a bow.

Then you have a good rest. Sauron said: You still have injuries on your body, lie down and rest well, someone will come to deliver the medicine later.

Yes. Tu Liyang said.

Farewell. Sauron turned and left.

Staying in Tu Liyang alone in the cabin, he got up from the ground. After receiving the good news that his father is still alive in this world, his belief in seeking death disappeared. The whole body felt dizzy, as if a person had gone to the empty building.

He quickly lay down on the bed, staring blankly at the top of the bed, feeling unreal for a while.

This world is really ridiculous, Sauron is the person he hates the most in this world, so in the past time he chased Sauron like a mad dog. He even offered to block Sauron economically, and then let the entire Nulang Kingdom also block Sauron, almost putting him to death.

What he didn't expect was that in the end it was the person he hated the most who saved him.

And the person he loves the most not only wants to murder himself, but also cooperates with others to seize the century-old foundation of his family.

Tu Liyang closed his eyes and began to recall, in fact, Sauron never messed with him from the beginning to the end. And all my hatred for him comes from jealousy.

And the reason why his father Tu Liwen was captured, and the reason why Luanyang City's navy was wiped out, was entirely due to his own troubles.

If it weren't for Tu Liyang's mad crush on Turingdo, Luan Yangcheng would still remain neutral and stay away from the royal family's battles.

It was precisely because of his father's proposal to the Turing family that the Tully family had to get involved in this dispute, which eventually led to today's consequences.

Immediately afterwards, Tu Liyang once again recalled the ugly scene of Shili and Turingduo's adultery, as well as Turingduo's cruel words.

Suddenly, endless anger and hatred blazed.

Turingduo, Shili, you wait, I will definitely retaliate. Tu Liyang almost said the words in his heart: One day, I will return you a hundred times the pain I have endured.


Go away from the Shaojun Mansion!

Fang Qingzhuo has officially separated from Zhili, and has brought Shenning and Bao Bao to her yard.

In the evening, after putting her two daughters to sleep, she entered Shen Ning's room.

At this time, Cheng Ning was breastfeeding the baby.

Before, the size of Shen Ning's chest could only be considered okay, but now it is really magnificent.

What's even more rare is that the shape is round and upturned, and it is so white that it bullies Shuang Saixue.

The little baby was eating one, touching one, and looking at his mother with big eyes. Although he was very sleepy, he still stayed awake and still had to breastfeed.

Therefore, the eyelids drooped vaguely, then opened suddenly, and took two more breaths, and then couldn't hold it anymore, and the eyelids drooped again.

Seeing the baby's cute appearance, Xi Ning really hurt to the bone, and Fang Qingzhuo, who came in, was also completely intoxicated by it, and couldn't bear to step in, for fear of disturbing the baby.

Sleep obediently, sleep obediently... Shen Ning patted the baby lightly, humming a little song.

As if waiting for some kind of signal, the baby closed his eyes and fell asleep sweetly, but Mimi, who still called his mother with a small mouth, was reluctant to let go.

Fang Qingzhuo glanced at Shen Ning's nipples, and said in a low voice: After you have a child, the color there is still so pink and bright red, it's really rare!

She Ning pursed her lips and smiled, feeling a little shy, and tugged down her shirt.

But the trembling and majestic Yufeng still can't stop it, and the half-covered one looks even more attractive.

all the time,

The relationship between Shen Ning and Fang Qingzhuo is very close, like sisters.

This relationship started in Yanjing Temple. Fang Qingzhuo was a few years older than her, and she always took care of Shenning like a big sister.

Cheli and the others killed Tu Liyang, and put the blame on Sauron. Fang Qingzhuo said, Turingo was dressed in filial piety, holding a blood book, kowtowed at nine steps, and knelt all the way from Duke Turing's mansion to In front of the palace. Behind them were more than 200 warriors of the Tully family, carrying 200 coffins. Along the way, the sound of crying was loud, and hundreds of thousands of people in the royal city shed tears. They followed Turingdo to the front of the palace. Go away from wishing.

Xi Ning said: Human blood steamed buns are the most delicious. She and Xi Li certainly enjoy eating them.

Fang Qingzhuo said: Now the whole world thinks that Sauron assassinated Tu Liyang, and the princes of the world are furious. All forces in the entire Nulang Kingdom unite, and an army of 800,000 besieged Tianshui City.

Xi Ning said: Sister-in-law, I am no longer interested in the battle between Sauron and Xi Li.

Fang Qingzhuo said: However, this is too despicable. Tu Liyang was obviously murdered by Shili and Turingduo. In the end, he put the blame on Sauron and let him suffer the disaster.

Xi Ning said: Sister-in-law, have you started to sympathize with Sauron? Don't waste your sympathy, Sauron is just like my brother, he is not a good guy.

Fang Qingzhuo shook his head and said: I don't know if Sauron is a good person, but at least I know that Sauron has a bottom line in doing things. Last time he broke into Shaojun's mansion to rescue Qin Shao, they took my two My daughter is taken as a hostage. I thought that I would have to pay a price to redeem my daughter. Even Sauron would threaten Xili with her life.

But he didn't do that. Fang Qingzhuo said complicatedly: Before they left, they put my two daughters in a comfortable carriage, and even the two little girls didn't wake up. They When he took my daughters away, he still took care to hold them in the most comfortable position, which shows that he never meant to hurt my daughters.

Hearing this past event, Xi Ning's eyes trembled, she really didn't know about it.

Fang Qingzhuo said: On the other hand, Xili actually tricked you and Baobao into being hostages. Although Baobao is Sauron's son, he is also his nephew. In this comparison, Xili is completely inhuman.

Xi Ning's eyes turned red, and tears rolled down his face, However, when I went to Tianshui City to meet Sauron a month ago, his attitude was very cold, and his attitude towards the baby was also very cold, as if he didn't care at all.

Shen Ning really cared about this matter.

You, Sauron, used beauty tricks to rape me in order to save Tianshui City. But after achieving the goal, I was immediately thrown aside.

This, I also endured.

But, I came back with the baby, why didn't you get excited at all, and you didn't say that you wanted to see or hug the baby.

This is unforgivable in Xi Ning's heart.

Fang Qingzhuo said: I heard that Sauron dotes on his daughter extremely, and loves him to the bone. The baby is also his flesh and blood, and there is no doubt that he loves him very much in his heart. However, he can't show it. The more he shows it If you care about you two, the more Xili will take the opportunity to blackmail you, the more dangerous you will be.

In fact, Xi Ning understands these truths, but it is really difficult to figure them out emotionally.

Fang Qingzhuo said: Xiaoning, I'm worried that one day Xili will be bad for the baby.

The hairs on the back of Shen Ning's neck stood on end, like a female leopard sensing danger,

Fang Qingzhuo said: Now Sauron is under attack. There are 100,000 troops of the Rock Demon on the sea, and 800,000 troops from the Raging Wave Kingdom on land. His destruction is a foregone conclusion, and after Sauron's death, I am worried. Xili will cut grass and roots, and the baby is Sauron's flesh and blood, and it's still a boy.

As soon as these words came out, Zhi Ning felt icy cold all over his body.

Fang Qingzhuo said: If it was before, I don't think that Xili would be so mad. But now, I don't have any confidence in him.

Then, Fang Qingzhuo said: On the contrary, if Sauron wins, my daughter and I will be safe and sound. I have this confidence in him.

Cheng Ning said: Sister-in-law, do you want Sauron to win?

Fang Qingzhuo said: I don't know, I really don't know.

Then, Fang Qingzhuo hesitated for a while and said: Xiao Ning, your brother and I have already broken up. If he wants to kill Sauron, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to protect the baby. And you want to escape back to Yanjing. It is very difficult, so we have to find a way, what should we do if this day comes?

Xi Ning was so upset, regretting so much why did he come back that day?

Fang Qingzhuo said: I have an idea, listen to it.

Xi Ning said, Sister-in-law, tell me.

Fang Qingzhuo said: After Xili ascended the throne, although he is supreme, he will still be afraid of two forces, one is the Dragon Temple, and the other is the Yan Empire. I know that Prince Ji Min is very infatuated with you, and you left the Yan Empire. After Beijing, he still cried and begged you to stay. So as long as you marry Prince Ji Min, let the Yan Empire send someone to pick you up and the baby, and Xili dare not detain you.

Immediately, Ji Ning's innocent and affectionate face came to mind.

Fang Qingzhuo said: It's just that you have already given birth to a child after all. If you want to marry Prince Ji Min, the test of the Yan Empire's royal family is very difficult. But this is the only way. You have to find a way to marry Ji Min. The prince is in touch.

Xi Ning closed her beautiful eyes, said after a long silence, Sister-in-law, I don't want to do that.

Fang Qingzhuo said: The baby is more important than anything else, and Sauron's fall is imminent, so the time is already very tight. After Sauron's fall, it will be too late.

Xi Ning said: Sister-in-law, when the time comes, I will use another method to protect the baby. But let me go and beg Ji Min to marry me, my dignity does not allow me to do so.

Fang Qingzhuo looked at Shening for a while, then sighed: Well, if that day really comes, I will do my best to protect the baby, at worst, I and Sheliyu will die.

Does Fang Qingzhuo have such ability? He really has it, because he has mastered the secret that Xili has demon blood on his body.

After Sauron's defeat, if Zhili really wanted to eradicate the grass, she would use the secret of the devil's blood to threaten Zhili to let Shenning and the baby go.

Although by that time, she herself may encounter a catastrophe.

At that time, even if Zhili compromised and let Shenning and the baby go, Fang Qingzhuo's best ending would be to be imprisoned for life, or even be planted with the poison of killing her soul like Tu Liyang and become a walking dead.

The baby was already sound asleep, and Shen Ning carefully placed him on the bed, then lay down herself, and hugged him gently.

Fang Qingzhuo also lay down gently, and asked in a low voice: Xiao Ning, do you love Sauron?

Xi Ning thought for a while, and said, I don't know, but I know, he is a bastard!


The waters of Tianshui City!

As night fell, a griffin landed on the flagship's deck.

A tall, thin man jumped off the back of the griffin, his whole body shrouded in a black cloak.

He walked up to Sauron and asked, Where is my son?

Sauron said: Inside.

Then Sauron opened the hatch.

The tall and thin man walked in, and Sauron closed the hatch.

This is Tu Liyang's cabin. At this time, he is lying on the bed and has fallen asleep, his body is completely curled up. He was originally short, but now he is curled up into a ball, making him look even more rickety.

The tall and thin man lifted his cloak, revealing a thin and resolute face.

He is Tu Liwen, the lord of Luanyang City, the Tu Liwen who both Shili and Turingduo thought to be dead, and now he has been imprisoned for nearly a year.

He was originally a man of iron, but when he saw his curled up son Tu Liyang, he could no longer hold back his tears and burst out violently.

The reason why his son Tu Liyang is so short and ugly is mostly his fault.

Twenty years ago, Tu Liwen fell in love with an extremely beautiful woman named Huang Huan, and he wanted to marry her as his concubine.

And at that time his wife was already pregnant, it was Tu Liyang.

Hearing that her husband wanted to take a concubine, the wife was very calm and said that she agreed with her husband to take a concubine, but she couldn't take the yellow ring because she had an unknown background and had ulterior motives.

Tu Liwen felt that his wife was jealous, and after several quarrels to no avail, he proposed separation, alienated his wife, and lived with that woman, making his wife lose face.

In the end, the wife was proved right in her suspicions. That beautiful woman is the daughter of the enemy's family, her body is too weak to kill Tu Liwen, and the one-night husband and wife have been kind for a hundred days, it seems that she can't do it. So, in the name of hunting, she led Tu Liyang into a deadly trap.

Many women are thoughtful and strange. They can't do it by themselves, but they can be killed indirectly.

Tullywen was terribly ambushed, and the generals around her were all but dead. Although he was strong in martial arts, he was outnumbered. When he was about to die in Huangquan, his wife came with the family warriors, killed all the assassins, and rescued Tu Liwen.

After hesitating for a long time, Tu Liwen still let go of the beautiful and vicious woman Huang Huan, and just drove her away.

However, Huang Huan, who was unable to make a move before, made a decisive move at this time, and shot a hidden weapon at Tu Liwen.

The distance was too close, and there was no defense, Tu Liwen got a poisonous needle in the chest.

At that time, everyone panicked. Tu Liwen's wife stepped forward, hacked the woman to death with a knife, then tore off her husband's clothes, and sucked out the poisonous blood from her husband's wound with her mouth.

It was because his wife sucked out the poisonous blood in time that Tu Liwen recovered his life.

Although the wife was very careful, a small amount of venom still entered her body. Although her life was safe under the treatment of medical monks, after giving birth, Tu Liyang was extremely ugly and weird.

Although there was no evidence, Tu Liwen always felt that the reason why the child was born like this was definitely because his wife helped him suck out the poisonous blood.

Therefore, Tu Liwen felt extremely guilty in his heart, and he didn't have any dislike for Tu Liyang's shortness and ugliness, on the contrary, he loved him even more.

When Tu Liyang was five years old, after confirming that his IQ was fine, Tu Liwen resolutely made him the heir of Luanyang City, and cut off all thoughts of other sons.


While sleeping in a daze, Tu Liyang suddenly felt a person beside him with a fiery gaze.

After waking up with his eyes open, Tu Liyang saw his tall, thin father.

He really didn't die, and Sauron didn't lie to him.

The father, who had never been stern and as resolute as steel, now had tears all over his face.

Tu Liyang was incomparably ecstatic and excited, and threw himself into his father Tuliwen's arms like a child, crying loudly!

As if to pour out all the grievances and all the pain.

Tu Liwen hugged his son tightly, patted his back gently, and rubbed his hair to comfort him.

He hasn't done this action for a long time.

Tu Liyang was always bullied and laughed at because of his ugly appearance when he was a child. Every time he ran into his father's arms and wept, and every time Tulewen comforted him like this.

But after ten years old, Tu Liwen felt that his son was too old to spoil him anymore, and he had to face it bravely, and never did such an action again.

Today, he once again comforted his son as he did when he was a child, the only difference was that his own tears kept falling.

While Tu Liyang was crying, he told his father everything that happened one by one.


After more than an hour!

The cabin was opened, and Tu Liwen, Tu Liyang and his son came out, and knelt down in front of Sauron and Princess Xiyan.

The Tully family in Luanyang City is willing to use their lives to serve Her Majesty the Princess, Your Excellency the Marquis of Sauron!

After finishing speaking, the two kowtowed their heads deeply and stuck them on the ground!


Note: The second is more nearly 5,000 words, please support, thank you everyone! (To be continued.)

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