World Destroying Demonic Emperor

367: Kill Haizhier! Crazy pumping Haigang!

Sauron's mental power is so strong, how can a fifteen-year-old girl like Hai Zhi'er withstand a violent attack of mental power. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā


Suddenly, Hai Ji'er let out a scream, and the whole delicate body flew out directly.

at the same time!

Zhuang Zhixuan rushed in from the outside, Princess Xiyan broke through the wall and rushed in from another room.



The swords of the two women pierced Hai Zhi'er's chest and lower abdomen as fast as lightning.

The blood was soaring, and Hai Zhi'er was nailed to the ground alive by two sharp swords.

Ah... Under the severe pain, Hai Ji'er's delicate body struggled and twisted like a snake, screamed in pain, and then gradually stopped moving.

Everything happened so fast that Sauron, who was speechless, had no time to stop it.

The young, ignorant, sinister and vicious Hai Zhi'er was pierced by two swords without making a sound.

At this time, Princess Xiyan didn't even wear any clothes on her body, and her incomparably exquisite body was completely naked, exuding a breathless temptation.

Even Zhuang Zhixuan took a look, her beautiful eyes trembled, and then her face flushed.

Princess Xiyan looked down at Hai Zhi'er lying in a pool of blood, frowned slightly with her beautiful brows, and then pulled out the Dragon Golden Sword.

Her sword directly pierced Hai Zhi'er's chest, while Zhuang Zhixuan pierced her lower abdomen.

Sheyan walked to Sauron's bathtub, gently hugged him, felt his heartbeat and breathing, it was completely fine.

The nerves in the separated bath were extremely poisonous, and the demon star quickly devoured the toxins in Sauron's body.

At this time, there was already a sound of footsteps outside.

A maid came in, and when she saw Hai Zhi'er lying in a pool of blood, she exclaimed and ran out quickly.

Zhuang Zhixuan stepped forward in lightning, about to kill him with a single blow.


Don't kill innocents. Although Sauron couldn't speak, he could stop it with his powerful mental power.

Zhuang Zhixuan glanced at Sauron before letting go of the maid who ran out screaming.

Sheyan picked up a towel, gently wiped the water stains on Sauron's body, then picked up a robe and put it on him, saying: Husband, your body nerves have been paralyzed, but you can still use your mental power to tell me, Why not do that?

At this time, the demon star quickly devoured the toxin in Sauron's body, from the beginning to the bottom, Sauron's body gradually recovered.

Demon Star, there is no need to swallow and dissolve the toxin, and let my body remain stiff, so that there is evidence. Sauron said.

Immediately, the demon star stopped devouring and dissolving, and Sauron was still paralyzed from the neck down, and his body also showed a slightly strange blue color.

Sheyan's mental strength is extremely strong, Sauron only needs to warn her with a little mental energy, and she will be able to find out.

The reason Sauron didn't do that was because he was able to deal with Haji'er and his life would not be in danger. And once she used her spirit to warn Xiyan, the only result would be that she rushed over and killed Hai Zhi'er with a single blow.

Of course, the end result is still the same.

After being alarmed, Xiyan and Zhuang Zhixuan directly stabbed Hai Zhi'er without saying a word.

Haigang is coming soon, go get dressed. Sauron said, I don't want my woman to be seen.

Xiyan's delicate body flashed and disappeared before her eyes.

Sauron said to Zhuang Zhixuan: Take out a sword and clothes, and put them on for Hai Zhi'er.

Hai Zhi'er was naked at this time, and it was even more conspicuous to be lying in a pool of blood like this.

Zhuang Zhixuan randomly found a robe and covered Hai Zhi'er's body. But soon, blood soaked the robe.

Sheyan came out, and changed into a snow-white outfit at this time. While she was charming in a fairy posture, she also looked heroic.

Obviously, she was ready for a big fight.

Bang bang bang bang...

At this time, dense footsteps sounded outside, as well as the sound of armor hitting.

Obviously, a large-scale army has already surrounded the VIP courtyard where Sauron lived.

Husband, did I cause you trouble? Xi Yan asked.

Sauron shook his head and said: This kind of ignorant and vicious little girl is also seeking her own death. The next thing is to see if Haigang is smart enough, just wait, he will come soon.


At this time, an army of thousands of people surrounded the VIP courtyard where Sauron lived.



Thousands of archers, all bowed and set arrows.

The servants and maids in the other courtyard fled out one after another.

The young master of Yingzhou Island, Hai Wuyan, and Turingchen's fiancée Hai Naer (who used to be Ashiro's fiancée) rushed over first. The two stayed outside Sauron's house and did not rush in.

In the end, Hai Gang and a middle-aged beautiful woman walked in quickly, and the middle-aged woman stumbled, her face pale.

Haigang's face was angry, and his eyes were full of tears!

There is no doubt that this middle-aged stunning woman is Haigang's first wife, the former number one beauty of Yingzhou Island, the daughter of Patriarch Gao Lin, Mrs. Bai Ye.

Madam Baiye was barefoot, and slammed through the door and rushed in. When she saw her daughter lying in a pool of blood, she stood there in a daze. She couldn't cry for a long time, and she uttered a cry after a few seconds.

My daughter, my only son...

Then, Mrs. Baiye rushed to Hai Zhi'er, hugged her delicate body, and wailed loudly.

Finally, Hai Gang, Hai Wuyan, and Hai Naer rushed in.

Sauron, you dare to kill my sister, I will fight with you! Heinar roared, drew his sword and stabbed at Sauron.

Ding... Zhuang Zhixuan's sharp sword flicked and slapped Haina'er's blade.

Immediately, Heiner's delicate body flew out.

Your Excellency Sauron, you are too deceitful! Haigang Thunder said angrily.

Hai Wuyan said coldly from the side: Father, Sauron killed the daughter of our Hai family in our territory, and he didn't pay attention to us at all. He is so insane, today we will do him.

At this time, Haizhier's mother, Haigang's first wife, Mrs. Baiye's beautiful face seemed to be crazy, she rushed towards Sauron waving her sharp claws, and shouted: You bastard, you actually tortured and killed me like this! My daughter, she is only fifteen years old, fifteen years old!

As soon as these words came out, Sauron's eyes shrank suddenly.

Because he heard a word, massacre!

How could there be traces of torture on Hai Zhier's body? Even though it was just two sword wounds, the beautiful woman in front of her actually used torture, obviously to create an illusion of rape/kill and ravage.

Originally, Sauron felt pity and guilt when he saw her heartbroken, but now he was cold and resolute.

She's only fifteen years old. It's not enough for you to rape her. Even if she resisted a little bit, why did you kill her? Mrs. Bai Ye rushed over and said, I'll fight with you, I'll fight with you! Fight.

It seems that she is determined to blame Sauron for rape/murder.

Then, she swung her sharp claws and crazily grabbed Sauron's face.

Kick it out... Sauron said coldly.

Immediately, Zhuang Zhixuan stepped forward and kicked out violently.

Pfft... The beautiful Mrs. Baiye was kicked out like a straw, spitting out a mouthful of blood in the air.

The occurrence of this scene completely stunned everyone present.

Killing someone, still so arrogant?

Just now he kicked Hai Na'er away with his sword, which is justified, but now he kicked Hai Gang's wife away with his kick, which can be called extreme arrogance.

Father, kill him, kill him! Hai Wuyan pointed at Sauron and hissed.

And Hainer hurried forward to help his mother, Mrs. Bai Ye, up.

After Madam Baiye managed to sit up, she spat out another mouthful of blood, looked at Sauron with eyes full of deep-seated hatred, and then said to Haigang one word at a time: Husband, I want them to die!

And Haigang stared at Sauron, motionless, and said: Sauron, I kindly married my daughter to you, but you killed her, and now you kicked my wife away, do you think I Don't dare to kill you?

Sauron said: Master Haigang, originally I thought I needed to clarify the truth with you, but now it seems that I don't need it.

Truth, what truth? Hai Wuyan said, Isn't it because you saw my sister was beautiful and had a wild animal nature, and tried to ravage her, but my sister Hai Zhi'er was not compliant enough to resist, so you killed her in anger?

Sauron glanced at Hai Wuyan, then at Heiner, and said, Master Haigang, you are so unfortunate that you gave birth to such a stupid pair of children, and there are no successors. He can't understand you at all. Good intentions, bad things.

At this time, Haigang deeply realized Sauron's intelligence.

It is the kind that can see through the truth of the matter at a glance, and can see through what you think in your heart at a glance.

What Sauron said at this time, no one present could understand, except Hai Gang!

What he said had two meanings.

On the first floor, the reason why Haijier tried to kill Sauron with poison was first of all because of her viciousness and fearlessness, and another reason was the instigation of Hai Wuyan and Hainer.

Both Hai Wuyan and Hai Na'er were defeated by Sauron, and they hated Sauron deeply.

Haigang can smile away his grudges for the sake of profit, and can form an alliance with Sauron to trade. However, Hai Wuyan and Hai Naer couldn't do it. They only wanted to kill Sauron, so they took advantage of Hai Wuyan's arrogant and vicious younger sister.

Fifteen-year-old Hai Zhi'er grew up in Yaozhou, ignorant and fearless, this kind of naivety and viciousness is the most frightening.

And the second meaning is that Haigang wants to use Haizhi'er's death to seek more and greater benefits, not to really kill Sauron.

But Hai Wuyan and Hai Naer were still shouting and killing.

Sauron pointed to the tub and said, I was taking a bath, and Haijier came in and put neurotoxins in the bath soup, which paralyzed my body and made me unable to move. Then, she used her sharp nails stained with poison to kill me. Slit my neck artery and she's going to kill me.

You lied, you made it up. Heiner said.

Sauron said: Why did Hai Zhi'er kill me? Because she already has a lover and doesn't want to marry me. I have promised to set her free, but she thinks it would be more enjoyable to kill me. Moreover, she knows that Xi Li was killed I've been beaten to shame, and I've been very imposing recently. So if you kill me, she will be even more imposing. Who instigated this kind of thing? How does she know about the Kingdom of Raging Waves at such a young age? It's not Heiner , did Hai have nothing to say?

Hai Wuyan sneered and said: You killed my sister now, of course you have to fabricate a lie to beat it back. Even, the bath soup must be poisonous now, you want to use this as evidence? You can't deceive us, sure It was you who killed my sister and then poisoned the bath soup, and you even pretended to be paralyzed and unable to move. You worked so hard to act in order to kick back and bite people, and beat them back!

Master Hai Wuyan, you are very smart, you have blocked all my paths. Sauron said: Master Haigang, do you know what people are most afraid of? Smart but narrow-minded, it will really kill people. It’s too bad that you have such a successor.”

Haigang's face twitched suddenly.

Sauron said this sentence directly to his heart.

Regarding Hai Zhi'er's murder, Hai Gang can see the truth behind it at a glance, and he can also guess what Hai Na'er and Hai Wuyan did at a glance.

He had already warned the pair of children in advance, not to try to harm Sauron, and not to put his personal anger above the interests of the family.

But they didn't expect that this pair of children would still do the same, and go so far as to encourage the fifteen-year-old Haizi to poison Sauron?

Stupid, downright stupid.

Hai Wuyan roared angrily immediately: Sauron, you killed my sister, not only did you not feel guilty, but you still talked nonsense and turned black and white?

Wrong! Sauron stopped drinking and said to the sea speechlessly: You keep saying that I raped Haizhier and got resistance, so you killed her. You just want to plant the crime of rape/kill on my head, Let me jump into the Nu River and I won't be able to cleanse myself.

This is the case. Hai Wuyan said: This is the truth of the matter, you beast.

Hahahaha... Sauron laughed loudly and said, The truth? The reason why I explained the truth about Haizhi'er's murder to Haigang is just out of respect. Do you think I'm just trying to justify it? Absurd, the absurdity of the world You idiot, who do you think would care about the truth, even your father, Lord Haigang, doesn't care.

Now that his face was torn apart, Sauron no longer pretended to be paralyzed, let the demon star continue to devour the neurotoxin, and his hands resumed moving.

Pa... He slammed the armrest of the chair, and said coldly, Hai Wuyan, so what if I kill your sister? Even if I kill her because she is not submissive, so what? You splashed it on me. I don't even have to wipe the dirty water on my body. He was assassinated by Qin Shao, and he became notorious. So, you also want to copy his experience on me? Stupid, ignorant, The reason why Xili is in today's embarrassment is because he lost to me, not because he molested Gui Qinshao!

Sauron supported the armrest with both hands, stood up with his paralyzed body, stared at Hai Wuyan like a falcon, and sneered: If Xili defeated me, then what is the scandal of him molesting Gui Qinshao? Even if he Rape and humiliation of Zhiwei's wife, his own aunt, no one dared to say a word. You idiot, you will only focus on some corners and corners, you will only be negative and narrow-minded, and you will never have a bullshit in your life!

This phone call scolded Hai Wuyan until his head was bloodied and his face turned pale.

And you, Haigang! Sauron pointed at Haigang and said, How do you think Hai Wuyan's character came from? He inherited it from you, and he inherited all the shortcomings of you and your wife. You are scheming Shen, loves to calculate, loves to take advantage. But you are really smart, although you are narrow-minded, you have a high vision, so you are still a hero of the generation.

Hai Gang didn't expect that Sauron would start pointing at his nose and cursing, his spine felt cold and his scalp went numb.

Sauron sat down slowly again, and said: I came to Yingzhou Island to negotiate an alliance with you. It was originally beneficial to both parties, and it was a matter of hit it off. In the end, you were very scheming, and you gave me a front and back, and then you knew that I Disagree, but still let me marry my sister and aunt, just to make me refuse, just to make me wrong. The purpose is to blackmail me to get huge benefits, and I don’t want to be too ugly. To make you look more wronged , and even used his fifteen-year-old prostitute daughter as a sacrifice to marry me as a concubine, just to make your blackmail more justified.

As soon as these words came out, Hai Gang's body trembled slightly.

Sauron continued: It was you who benefited the most from destroying the rock demon, but in the end you turned your hands into clouds and rain, and blackmailed three to four hundred thousand gold coins from me every year. The price of your daughter is really sky-high. Not only In this way, you still have to pretend to be a victim, you are really a bitch, and you still have to set up a memorial archway!

Sauron's words were already slapping Haigang's face wildly.

So, your daughter Haizhier died at your hands. Sauron sneered, After she was killed, your first thought was not whether she was saved or not, but whether she was saved or not. Once again, astronomical benefits were blackmailed from me. Pretend to let thousands of troops surround the other hospital with murderous intent, are you acting? You have to fight such a big battle? Why don’t you seek medical advice after so much time wasted? The monk came to see if Hai Zhier is still saved?

Sauron's words were very loud, completely beating Haigang to pieces.

Finally, Sauron took a deep breath and said, Then I will tell you officially now, your daughter Haizhier deserves to die. You don't want to blackmail me for anything, I won't give you half a gold coin!


Note: The first update is here, please support, thank you everyone! (To be continued.)

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