World Destroying Demonic Emperor

334: Zhiwei's fiasco! Xi Ning gave birth to a child!

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Text Three Three Four: Xi Wei fiasco! Xi Ning gave birth to a child!

Sauron's army fired the first salvo of more than one hundred super-giant trebuchets, and a hundred gunpowder packs smashed down the giant crossbow positions and trebuchet positions of the Weiwei army!

Boom boom boom boom

Huge fireballs and billowing thick smoke completely enveloped the entire battlefield.

In Gui Xingchen's secret letter, the word Hong Tianlei was never mentioned.

Therefore, it was the first time for Zhiwei's 150,000 troops to see this earth-shattering explosion, and they were truly heartbroken.

It's like the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The explosive power of five hundred catties of gunpowder is amazing!

On the position of Zhiwei's army, there was only an extremely huge trebuchet, like a child's toy, which was directly torn apart by a huge force and scattered in all directions.

But the giant crossbow was even worse, directly smashed to pieces.

The soldiers near the explosion were directly smashed to pieces.

The soldiers who were tens of hundreds of meters away also flew across their bodies, spitting blood.

Countless war horses were frightened and ran wildly, causing chaos in the cavalry camp of Zhiwei's army.

On Sauron's side, just one round of volleys made Zhiwei's army jump.

The army of 150,000 people, with earthy faces, peeped at each other.

Uh, what kind of weapon is this?

Thunderbolt? Or thunder?

Why is it so loud,

The momentum is so amazing?

Duke Zhiwei's face completely changed, he was not ignorant of Hong Tianlei.

Sauron blew up and killed Grand Duke Lanshi, the monarch of the Principality of Yelan, although it was defined by the Dragon Temple as angering the dragon and thunder from the sky.

But Zhili directly judged that it was Sauron's work, and killed Grand Duke Lanshi with a very special explosive.

It's not like I haven't seen something similar before. The alchemist in Yaozhou created a liquid and a spar, which can produce a terrible explosion.

And this spar has been used as a signal arrow in the air until now.

But whether it is an explosive liquid or an explosive spar, they are extremely expensive and cannot be produced on a large scale.

From Zhili's point of view, Sauron had exhausted all the explosives made by his secret warlocks when he killed Grand Duke Lanshi.

But he didn't expect Sauron to use this thing on the battlefield, and there were so many of them?

Duke Zhiwei's limbs felt a little cold. He knew that this battle was going to be difficult, and he might really have to fight with his life!

The smoke cleared!

Both Sauron and Zhi Wei hurriedly checked the lethality caused by the first round of salvo.

The giant crossbow positions and giant catapult positions of the Zhiwei army cover a full half a square kilometer.

But at this time, it was completely bumpy, whether it was a giant crossbow or a giant trebuchet, the damage rate exceeded 30%.

Seeing this lethality, Sauron was overjoyed, while Zhiwei was completely heartbroken.

The accuracy of the trebuchet is very poor, and the hit rate of 1% within four to five hundred meters cannot be achieved.

But the explosion of four or five hundred catties of gunpowder was amazing, and everything within a radius of tens of meters was smashed to pieces.

Hundreds of gunpowder packs exploded on the ground of about one square kilometer, which almost achieved the effect of carpet bombing.

It can be said that the greater the number of super-giant trebuchets, the better the coverage effect.

Of course, the consumption of gunpowder is also extremely astonishing!

Sauron felt that the gunpowder that had been accumulated for more than a year might be completely consumed in this battle.

However, the air attack effect of the Griffin beast is much worse than expected.

First of all, it is thrown from a height of several hundred meters. If it is to attack a certain castle, it is fine, but it is almost impossible to hit a small target, and the error rate is too high.

Moreover, just five griffins are too few to form a carpet.

The most important thing is that when attacking Linhai City, the opponent did not have a dragon shooter. But in Zhiwei's army, there are dozens of dragon shooters, so it is impossible to behead Duke Zhiwei by throwing gunpowder in the air.

Even if the griffin beast flies at a height of five or six hundred meters, it will be shot by the dragon archer.

And if it flies to an altitude of one or two thousand meters, the error of air throwing is too large, and the so-called air beheading will lose its meaning.

Just now, five griffins launched an air strike on the enemy's giant crossbow and trebuchet positions. As a result, he was shot six hundred meters away by a dragon shooter on the other side, and his neck was directly shot through. Although he did not die, he was also seriously injured.

Therefore, Sauron immediately ordered that the griffin beast should not be used to fight, but to pass orders and observe the battlefield.

My lord, of our fifty-three giant catapults, nineteen have been damaged. Of the 2,300 giant crossbows, more than seven hundred have been damaged. More than 300 people were killed or injured in the catapult position, and more than 300 in the giant crossbow position. More than nine hundred people!

Duke Zhiwei received the casualty and damage report immediately.

Immediately, the scalp felt numb.

This was just Sauron's first salvo.

The first round of volleys from one's own side caused little damage to Sauron's Fengleibao defense line.

And Sauron's first salvo caused such a big loss.

A decision must be made immediately, whether to remove all the trebuchets and giant crossbows, otherwise, after only four or five salvos, the long-range attack equipment on their side will be wiped out.

And once all the long-range firepower is withdrawn, it will take human lives to pile up, and the number of casualties is astronomical.

But if he doesn't withdraw, his crossbow position and trebuchet position are completely passive roles.

Don't retreat, Duke Zhiwei ordered: Not only will we not retreat, but the siege army will immediately prepare to attack the city with giant crossbows and giant catapults. The first wave of siege troops, come on!

Yes! The deputy commander shouted loudly.

Then, the shocking drums of war sounded!

Bang bang bang bang

Siege! Siege!

Immediately, the siege troops, which had already assembled a long time ago, ran wildly.

One after another, tens of thousands of troops rushed towards the Fengleibao defense line like a tide.

Giant crossbow position, change row of arrows, salvo

Giant trebuchet positions, salvo

whoosh whoosh

The dense rain of arrows flew directly above the heads of the siege army, like a torrential rain, and slammed into the Fengleibao defense line.

Puff puff puff

The soldiers on the city wall kept falling to the ground and died.

This time, the giant crossbows of the Zhiwei army were no longer shooting giant arrows three or four meters long, but thin arrows two meters long. A giant crossbow could shoot ten arrows at a time.

Therefore, in the second round of volley, more than 10,000 arrows were shot directly, taking the lives of more than 100 people from Sauron's army.

However, the soldiers on the city wall remained motionless like pillars.

At this time, you have to face the rain of arrows. If you are really shot, you will be unlucky. If you hide and run around, the casualties will be even greater.

Sauron and Zhuang Zhixuan rode on the griffin, overlooking the battlefield from a few hundred meters above the ground.

Under the cover of firepower from trebuchets and giant crossbows, Duke Zhiwei's tens of thousands of troops rushed towards the city wall frantically.

A total of three phalanxes, 30,000 troops, carried out the first round of siege, and the black pressure came like a tide.

Ten minutes had passed since the first salvo of Sauron's giant trebuchet. No way, this kind of giant trebuchet takes ten minutes to complete a shot at the shortest.

Super giant trebuchet, ready, salvo

A roar like a thunderbolt.

Immediately, more than a hundred giant gunpowder packs drew a black line in the air, and once again fell towards the giant crossbow positions and giant catapult positions of the Xiwei army.

Boom boom boom boom boom

Another earth-shattering explosion, another soaring fireball, and billowing thick smoke completely covered the entire battlefield.

Zhiwei's siege army charged from both sides of the giant crossbow position and the catapult position. But it was still affected by the shocking explosion, and the bones of hundreds of soldiers flew everywhere.

But the 30,000 siege army was getting closer and closer, and soon they were only 300 meters away from the wall of Fengleibao's defense line.

Arrows on the crossbow, prepare, fire

The thousands of giant crossbows on Fengleibao's defense line were all replaced with ten thin arrows in rows.

Immediately, tens of thousands of arrows, like a torrential rain, smashed towards Zhiwei's siege army.

Puff puff puff

Countless blood spattered and countless soldiers fell to the ground.

But even if tens of thousands of arrows rained, the casualties would only be thousands.

The remaining 28,000 or so siege troops were still rushing with their heads buried. Everyone knew that at this time they could only run as hard as they could, and it was impossible to retreat.

The enemy attacking the city is 200 meters away from the city wall! The archers are ready, the medium-sized catapults are ready, launch! Sauron roared!

The more than 20,000 defenders on the city wall suddenly let go of their strings.

whoosh whoosh

Another round of tens of thousands of arrows rained down, once again taking away hundreds of enemy casualties.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

Hundreds of medium-sized trebuchets were launched, and hundreds of gunpowder packets crossed an arc, falling into the siege army!

Boom boom boom boom

Another earth-shattering explosion.

Nearly 100,000 catties of gunpowder exploded within a few hundred meters.

Once again, countless soldiers were smashed to pieces, and the corpses flew everywhere.

Thousands of soldiers died in Huangquan!

A terrible explosion happened nearby, and countless soldiers stood there dumbfounded like a lightning strike.

Don't stop, charge, charge

The commander of the Zhiwei army screamed desperately.

Now is the interval between launching the trebuchets of Sauron's army, which is the most precious time. We must use this gap to rush up the city wall.

Charge, charge

Despite the volleys of giant crossbows and medium-sized catapults, they caused huge casualties to the Weiwei siege army. But there were still more than 20,000 people who rushed under the city wall.

Bang bang bang! He slammed countless siege ladders against the wall.

The huge battering ram began to pound the city gate.

Although the trebuchet gunpowder packs are amazing, the interval between launches is too long, so it still cannot stop the enemy from rushing under the city wall.

Seeing that more than 20,000 soldiers had already begun to climb the city wall, Zhi Wei from the Chinese army camp shouted with joy in his heart: The second wave, the third wave of siege troops, charge relay, go!

Immediately, another 50,000 troops charged frantically under the shocking drums of war.

The entire battlefield is full of fighting!

One or two hundred siege ladders were set up one after another on the wall of Fengleibao's defense line.

One after another, the mighty warriors, holding a large shield, climbed up the siege ladder.

Behind him, densely packed with people.

Countless soldiers, like ants, climbed up the wall of Fenglei Castle.

Seeing this scene, Zhiwei was ecstatic once again.

With such continuous climbing of the city wall, despite the astonishing casualties, they were able to break through the Fenglei Castle's defense line in the end.

Sauron's trebuchet tactics are amazing, but the launch speed is too slow!

However, at this moment, a terrible scene appeared!

The nightmare began when the Zhiwei army rushed under the city wall!

Countless kerosene barrels on the city wall were smashed down crazily!

It takes time for the trebuchet to launch each round, but manual throwing does not need it.

Thousands of warriors in Sauron's army frantically threw barrels of oil.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

bang bang bang

In a short period of time, thousands of barrels of kerosene fell.

Numerous kerosene barrels hit the city wall and the ground, shattering violently, and the crude oil inside splashed out.

In just a moment, the entire ground under the city wall was covered with a thick layer of kerosene.

Almost every soldier in Zhiwei's siege army was splashed with acrid kerosene.

Then, thousands of small and medium-sized gunpowder packets fell down.

boom boom boom

The violent explosion ignited all the tens of thousands of fire oil barrels that were dropped before.

Boom boom boom!

Shocking fire, completely burning!

Millions of catties of kerosene were ignited, causing a shocking sea of ​​flames!

The damage from the gunpowder explosion is one-time, but the burning of the kerosene does last.

Zhiwei's tens of thousands of siege troops were all crowded under the city wall. At this moment, they were instantly surrounded and swallowed by the entire sea of ​​flames!

Under the four-mile city wall, it turned into a terrifying purgatory.

Ah ah ah

A terrifying howl.

Countless soldiers screamed, struggled, and fled in the fire!

The sharpest weapon for defending the city is boiling oil.

But in the era of cold weapons, boiling oil was poured down, at most tens of thousands of catties, hundreds of thousands of catties, and it would take several days and poured down countless times.

And after Sauron dug a crude oil mine, the fire oil resources are completely endless for the battlefield at this time.

In one go, tens of thousands of barrels of kerosene, more than one million catties, were dropped.

Looking at the burning hell below.

Keep throwing! Sauron roared loudly!

whoosh whoosh

Countless wrestlers frantically threw barrels of fire oil from the holes in the city wall.

real fuel to the fire

On the ground for four miles, millions of catties of kerosene were poured, creating a sea of ​​fire hundreds of meters wide and two kilometers high.

Duke Zhiwei's tens of thousands of troops were all buried in the two to three hundred thousand square meters of sea of ​​fire.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

At this time, the super-giant trebuchets on Fengleibao's defense line fired the fifth round of salvo.

Boom boom boom boom boom

At this time, the positions of giant crossbows and giant catapults of the Zhiwei army were all scattered. After carpet bombing with 200,000 catties of gunpowder, they could not find a complete catapult, and almost none of them could be found. With a complete crossbow.

Duke Zhiwei was trembling all over, his limbs were cold!

At this moment, the entire battlefield was covered in thick smoke. Under the city wall, there was a sea of ​​flames.

Father, hurry up and withdraw your troops, or else the 80,000 army will be crushed under the city wall. Xiyou roared loudly.

Duke Zhiwei seemed to wake up suddenly, and shouted: Retreat, withdraw!

Immediately, hundreds of gongs were rang out in Zhiwei's army.

This is the signal to retreat!

Then, Duke Zhiwei waited in the thick smoke to see how many troops successfully retreated.

I don't know how long I have been waiting!

The smoke cleared and the fire went out!

Father, there are only over 3,000 people, and they returned successfully! Prince Xiyou stepped forward to report.

A total of three waves of 80,000 troops participated in the siege, only 3,000 returned, and the rest were all killed.

In addition to the giant crossbow positions, more than 5,000 casualties were caused by the giant catapult positions.

In just four hours, Duke Zhiwei's army of 150,000 lost 85,000 men, leaving only 60,000 men.

More than half of them were killed or injured, but they didn't even climb up the wall of Fenglei Castle.

Not only that, but the casualties on Sauron's side were minimal.

He exchanged an astronomical amount of kerosene and gunpowder for this shocking result.

Standing on the handsome platform, Duke Zhiwei looked at Sauron on the castle in the distance, and the distance between the two sides was two thousand meters.

However, Zhiwei seemed to feel that Sauron was laughing!

In just half a day, more than half of his 150,000 army suffered casualties, while Sauron's army was not damaged at all.

Duke Zhiwei has never suffered such a disastrous defeat!

You shouldn't be so impatient, you shouldn't be so eager for quick success, you should be steady and wait for the arrival of Turingtuo's army.

In that case, it wouldn't be such a miserable defeat!

Zhiwei first felt a sharp pain in his heart, and then it seemed that there was a huge force tearing his internal organs, his stomach convulsed violently, hot blood gushed out from his stomach, and rushed to his throat.

Pfft... The hot blood spurted out violently.

Then, Zhi Wei felt his eyes darkened, his body was cold, and he felt dizzy.


Duke Zhiwei's tall body suddenly fell to the ground, completely fainted, unconscious!

at the same time!

In the capital of the Yan Empire, in a manor!

From the labor pains to now, Xi Ning has been in pain for more than three hours, and she still hasn't given birth.


The baby is strong, but the fetal position is not right!

Shen Ning's screams were completely exhausted.

Prince Ji Min outside the house was terrified and frightened when he heard it.

For a while, I covered my ears and dared not stop, and for a while, I knelt on the ground and prayed desperately.

The midwives, maids, and medical monks inside kept coming and going.

Pot after pot of blood was poured out.

There have been three waves of female doctor monks coming from the Dragon Temple.

Four of the midwives sent from the palace of the Yan Empire also came.

Still not born!

Princess Shenning's screams ranged from hysterical at the beginning to dying at the end.

Prince Ji Min went to the back and knelt on the ground, praying, praying!

Whether it's a dragon, a demon, or a god, please, please hold Xining in your arms, hold her safe, and keep her mother and child safe!

God bless Ji Ning, bless Ji Ning!

Sauron, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!

I, Ji Min, would like to live a short life of ten years, no, twenty years, thirty years! In exchange for the safety of Shen Ning's mother and child!

Please, please, please

Prince Ji Min, knelt on the ground and kept shaking, talking to himself, and praying constantly!


Ah! Princess Shenning let out a roar!

Wow, wow, wow Then, there was a burst of crying in the room!

Finally, it was born!

Prince Ji Min's legs went limp outside, and he collapsed on the ground, completely soaked.

Woo Then, he covered his face, sat on the ground and cried loudly!

Note: 5,000 words for the second update, and 9,000 words for the second update today, please support! to be continued

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