World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 24: Spicy Fiancee, Stunning Classroom

Soon, Lanling received a letter from this strange fiancee.

When I opened it, I saw that the handwriting inside was beautiful and sharp, as if drawn by a sword.

There are only a few simple words on it: Sauron, if you dare to talk to me again in the future, or say that I am your woman, I will kill you!

Lan Ling shuddered, the content of this letter was really domineering.

Immediately, Lan Ling couldn't help being full of curiosity and anticipation for his cheap fiancée.

At this time, Teacher Xiuyan said: Okay, class starts now. Today's task is still a policy discussion, and the topic is: What is the foundation of the Nulang Kingdom's power?

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed, and the topic was completely talked about.

Instructor Xiuyan said: In the past hundred years, many others have either declined, even been destroyed, or have stagnated. Why is it that only my Nulang Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger, and there is still no sign of decline?

Immediately, a fair-skinned and delicate young man raised his hand high.

Shi Min, you are a member of the royal family, so tell me. Xiu Yan said.

There is no doubt that it is the warrior system of my Nulang Kingdom. Xi Min said: Wangcheng Academy continuously sends warriors with all-round talents in civil and military affairs, supporting the most basic ruling class of the kingdom. When the basic stability of a country is stable, have great power.”

Instructor Xiuyan didn't make any comments, and directly clicked on the name: Duoluo, you are the future Marquis. Tell me, what is the foundation of the power of my Nulang Kingdom?

The fat Doro stood up and said, Of course it is because of His Majesty the wise king of the past. A country is strong only because of its supreme leader. He will always illuminate the direction for us to move forward.

Hearing this answer, many people present laughed out loud, thinking that this person's flattering was really naked.

But Lan Ling felt that the Duo Luo in front of him really had a pig face and a clear heart, and he was definitely a smart person.

Next, Instructor Xiuyan asked the students one by one.

There are all kinds of answers, but basically none of them departed from the previous category. It is nothing more than the wise king, the superiority of the samurai system, the excellence of the aristocratic class, and the continuous supply of talents from Wangcheng Academy to the kingdom.

Instructor Xiuyan never expressed any opinion, but from his slightly frown, one can see the disappointment in his eyes.

Finally, he shouted: Sauron, what do you think is the foundation of my Kingdom of Raging Waves? Over the past hundred years, other countries have also had warrior systems, academies, and wise kings. Why is it that only my Kingdom of Raging Waves is constantly Strong, rapid rise?

Lan Ling stood up, hesitating for a while. Ordinarily at this time, he should keep a low profile and hide his clumsiness.

But since he was a child, he was a person with a gentle appearance and a sharp heart.

He stood up, and suddenly everyone's eyes fell on him, wanting to know his opinion.

It's very simple, because *********. Lan Ling said a brand new term.

Immediately, tutor Xiuyan's eyes lit up, and he said, Continue talking.

Lan Ling said: Nulang Kingdom borders Yan Empire to the north, and the Wanli Barbarians to the south. This special location is the fundamental reason why the Nulang Kingdom has always been strong.

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately snorted and said, It's really funny. The Yan Empire in the north is the overlord of the world, and the barbarians in the south are the most dangerous place. You call such a dangerous place the foundation of a powerful country.

Lan Ling said: Warrior will die, forgetting to fight will be dangerous, born in sorrow, and died in peace. It is precisely because of the dangerous location of Nulang Kingdom that the rulers of all dynasties must be vigilant and dare not slack off in the slightest. The barbarians in the south are warlike. , in order to survive, the Nulang Kingdom can only continue to strengthen itself. Who can make you strong, of course it is your enemy. Even if it is a beast, if there are no natural enemies and food is available everywhere, then its claws will blunt, and its tusks degenerate. So the beast,

The same is true for countries.

As soon as these words came out, the audience immediately fell silent.

Instructor Xiuyan showed admiring eyes and said, Is it finished? Is there any more?

Although he said so, he no longer expected Lan Ling to say something deeper, after all, it was not easy to see this level.

Lan Ling said: There is something deeper.

Say. Instructor Xiuyan was full of expectations.

Lan Lingdao: Because of the special geographical location, the strategic direction of Nulang Kingdom has been consistent for hundreds of years.

Instructor Xiuyan's eyes lit up and said, Be more specific.

Lan Ling said: North of the Nulang Kingdom is the Yan Empire, the recognized world overlord. Before it completely weakens, or until the Nulang Kingdom is strong enough, it is impossible to attack it. The east is the vast sea, and the west is thousands of miles away. The desert. So there is only one strategic direction left for the Nulang Kingdom, which is to continue going south to conquer the southern barbarians, plundering their land and turning it into the kingdom's territory. For a country, the most terrible thing is not that a king is stupid, but that there is no one. strategic direction.

At this time, Teacher Xiuyan's gaze was completely full of astonishment, and he trembled excitedly: Continue talking.

Lan Ling continued: As we all know, most of the kings of various countries have a generation of ten or twenty years. Each generation of kings has its own ideas. This generation of kings wants to go west, and the next generation of kings wants to go east. , The confusion of the direction will lead to a huge waste of strategic resources, and the previous efforts will be wasted. The Nulang Kingdom has only one direction, and every generation of kings strives to fight for this strategic direction. Although the barbarian is the most dangerous enemy, the conquest of the wild is the most important. Difficult means of expansion. But hundreds of years of hard work are enough to add up. More than a hundred years ago, Nulang Kingdom only had two provinces, but now there are six provinces. The extra territory, All of them were obtained from conquering the barbarians, which is enough to prove my theory.

This is not only true in other worlds, but also on Earth. What a country fears most is wrong and chaotic routes.

At this time, Teacher Xiuyan was already incomparably amazed in his heart.

I didn't expect that Sauron, a ridiculous prodigal son, would have such insight. It was completely unexpected.

So, he continued: So, in your opinion, what is the strategic direction of the Nulang Kingdom?

Lan Ling felt a bitterness in his heart and said: The next words are not suitable for me to say anymore.

These words directly hit Teacher Xiuyan's heart.

Sauron, a prodigal son, actually has such wisdom?

Many people present couldn't understand Lan Ling's words, but Mentor Xiuyan was a master of strategy, so he understood it in an instant.

Now the pace of going south to conquer the barbarians has stopped for more than ten years.

Why, because the battle in the wilderness has entered a bottleneck, and the front is blocked by a hundred thousand mountains like a natural moat, and it is already difficult for the kingdom's army to enter. If you can't climb the 100,000 mountains, you can't continue to conquer and expand to the south.

Today, the Hundred Thousand Mountains are like a barrier cast by the sky, lying between the Nulang Kingdom and the barbarian tribes.

And the only thing that can pass through the 100,000 mountain barrier is a valley, about tens of miles wide.

This valley is called the wild valley, and the army can pass through this valley smoothly and enter the wild plain.

However, the territory to the north of this canyon does not belong to the royal family, but to the princes of the Suo family.

The Tianshui City of the Suo family happened to be stuck between the Nulang Kingdom and the Wild Canyon.

If you want to continue to conquer the wild, you must win the wild canyon. And before taking the wild canyon, you must first take Tianshui City.

That's why Prince Xili planned so hard to seize Tianshui City. Because his strategic direction is to enter the wild plain with the wild valley as a breakthrough point, and continue to expand southward.

Teacher Xiuyan was amazed that Sauron, a prodigal son, could see so far and clearly.

Instructor Xiuyan said: Sauron, what do you think should be the Kingdom's new strategic breakthrough point? You know, the Kingdom's southward expansion has encountered a bottleneck. If the strategic breakthrough point you mentioned is correct, then I can make your strategic breakthrough point I will convey my opinion to His Majesty the King.

Lan Ling felt excited, and was full of respect for Teacher Xiuyan.

Prince Jili wanted to use Tianshui City as a breakthrough point to enter the wild land, but King Jibian hadn't made a statement yet. If Lan Ling proposes a new direction, then the two strategic viewpoints will form a dispute between the royal family and the cabinet, and it will be possible for Soxhlet to keep Tianshui City.

Taking a deep breath, he said, First of all, I don't think Tianshui City and other vassal territories should be used as a breakthrough point. Because the system of aristocratic vassals is still the national policy of Nulang Kingdom at present. Once we attack Tianshui City, it will inevitably cause serious damage within the kingdom. great upheaval.

Xiuyan said: That's right, but the kingdom must have a breakthrough point, and continue to expand southward.

Lan Ling said: Develop the navy and attack the hinterland of the barren land directly from the sea. And with a powerful navy, you can not only attack the barren land directly.

At this time, the classroom was already silent. This topic is too high-level, and many people have been unable to intervene.

This point of view is really unheard of, but it makes people's eyes suddenly brighten.

But Teacher Xiuyan's heart trembled suddenly. He originally thought that Sauron's strategic breakthrough point was to cross the desert and attack the Xiliang Kingdom. Unexpectedly, he proposed to develop the navy, bypassing the 100,000 mountains from the sea, and attacking the hinterland of the wild continent.

Although this point of view is not known to be feasible, it is indeed a very innovative and heavyweight point of view.

Xiuyan said: You can't be judged by appearances. Although I can't comment on your views, I can pass your views on to His Majesty the King and the cabinet. I believe that Duke Xiting will need your views very much.

From this sentence, Lan Ling heard a lot of information.

After Duke Xiting received the bribe, he worked very hard for the Suo family and directly opposed Prince Xili.

However, after Prince Xili proposed his own strategic direction, Duke Xiting lacked the same level of strategic point of view to refute. The Nulang Kingdom must stop expanding, so Duke Xiting is now temporarily passive.

After Lanling put forward this point of view, he put aside whether it was correct or not, at least it gave Duke Xiting a direction to debate.

Thank you, Teacher Xiuyan. Lan Ling bowed deeply to him.

At this time, the bell rang and the class ended.

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