World Destroying Demonic Emperor

1135: The Truth of the Lord of the Void!

There is no safe place in the entire universe. Lan Ling sighed.

Yes, there is no place for peace in the entire universe. The ancient dragon said: It is said that gods can live happily and carefree. How is this possible? It's just that ordinary people may worry once every three or two days, But God's worries are in millions of years, tens of millions of years, and billions of years. It seems long, but for God, it seems to be only a few seconds away.

Lan Ling said: Your Majesty, most of the people with bloodless blood that you left on the Dragon Demon Planet have betrayed. Among them, the leader of the last generation of ancestors, the supreme ruler of the Dragon Demon Temple, Mu Luo, even transformed the moon, wanting to Flee to Earth.

Shenlong said: It feels absurd, doesn't it? I went to the Dragon Demon Galaxy to allow the civilization of the Milky Way to continue in the Dragon Demon Galaxy. It was to flee to the Dragon Demon Galaxy. But he wanted to escape to the Earth instead. They all said God is omnipotent, but time is omnipotent, yet God cannot even control his people.

Lan Ling said: Your Majesty, have you changed your mind?

Shenlong nodded and said: Yes, I have changed my mind. There is no peace in the universe, and it is useless to flee anywhere. The only useful thing is to face disasters and overcome them. It doesn't matter if you don't win, just wait for the birth of a new civilization. Yes, although it may be hundreds of millions of years.

Lan Ling said: Your Majesty, after the collision between the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy, will you still exist as a god?

Shenlong said: God is also a kind of life, but it is more advanced, more advanced, and a life after countless generations of evolution. If you just want to escape and live. When the Milky Way collides, of course we can survive .But without the Milky Way, we will lose our god position and power. At that time, what is the meaning of death and life?

Lan Ling said: Your Majesty, both you and the ancient dragon have chosen the Dragon Demon Galaxy. Is it because there are no gods in the large galaxy where it is located?

You are really smart, my child. Shenlong said: I am a member of the Milky Way Temple, and the ancient gods and demons are also members of the Andromeda Galaxy Temple. And there is no god in the Dragon Devil Galaxy. Without a god, it means that the galaxy has no owner. , we can enter. Of course, we later found out that the gods of the Dragon Devil Galaxy may have been killed by the Void Master. Or maybe no gods could be born in that environment.

Lan Ling said: Your Majesty, what is the Lord of the Void?

The ancient dragon was silent for a while, and said, Son, guess what?

Lan Ling said: I originally wanted to say that it is a black hole, but black holes are not so powerful. There is a black hole in the middle of our galaxy. It maintains the operation of the entire galaxy and is the heart of our entire galaxy.


The black hole is the heart of the entire galaxy and has absolute control over the order of the entire galaxy.

The moon revolves around the earth, and the earth, Mars, Venus, etc., all revolve around the sun.

In other words, satellites revolve around planets, planets revolve around stars, and there are 200 billion known stars in the entire Milky Way galaxy. Then what do these countless stars revolve around?

Therefore, the center of the Milky Way must have an infinite mass in order for 200 billion stars to revolve around it.

In fact, the center of the Milky Way is very small, about only a few tenths of a light-year away. But the mass is incomparably large, roughly equivalent to the mass of millions of suns.

Therefore, the center of the Milky Way is a black hole, which can make all the stars revolve around it.

That is to say, although a black hole is a very scary thing, it is also the central master of the Milky Way.

Lan Ling asked, Does it have anything to do with the singularity?

Singularity, the dominator at the center of a black hole, is an invisible, intangible, as if non-existent point. However, it has infinite mass.

Before the big bang, the universe was just a singularity, a singularity so small that it was even smaller than an atom.

This time, the ancient dragon did not say that you are very smart.

Son, to be honest, I don't know. The ancient dragon said: But even if it is a singularity, even if it is the ruler of a black hole, it means rebirth. Even if the universe is completely swallowed by a black hole one day, completely collapsed into a singularity, At least it will be re-exploded and re-born, because it is at least a kind of substance and has quality. The Void Ruler can turn into everything, but it is nothingness after all. It has no quality, and everything he has swallowed has no quality.

Lan Ling gasped.

This... this is horrible.

This void master is far more terrifying than imagined, and even more of a super big boss.

Everything has mass, a glass of water, a hair, a wisp of air, a bacterium, all have mass.

Light and flame have no mass, but they have energy. To some extent, mass and energy are equivalent.

However, the void creatures under the domination of the void have no mass and no energy, but they are alive, living aimlessly, and only have the instinct to devour everything.

The ancient dragon said: Therefore, the only mission of the Void Master and Void Creature is to devour the entire universe, and let all planes and all universes enter complete nothingness. Even death cannot possess the infinite nothingness.

Lan Ling said: So the black hole is not the terminator of the universe. Although it can kill galaxies, civilizations, and life. But in the end, when it is all dead, a new life will erupt and the universe will be reborn. And the Void Master wants to make the universe fall into eternal immortality!

Yes, eternal immortality, eternal nothingness! said the ancient dragon.

Death is already the most tragic ending, but death at least means rebirth, while nothingness means eternal loss.

The ruler of the void wants to kill the entire universe.

The ancient dragon said: Three billion years later, there will be an unprecedented collision between the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way. Countless stars and planets will die, and all gods will also perish. But new stars, planets, and stars will be born. A brand new galaxy will be born, and a brand new god will be born. Therefore, compared to the master of the void, the big impact after three billion years is actually a trivial matter.

Lan Ling said: Your Majesty, what is the solution to the Lord of the Void in the Temple of the Milky Way and the Temple of the Andromeda Galaxy? The power of the gods should be much stronger.

The ancient dragon said: That's right, there are countless gods in the Milky Way, and there are even more gods in the Andromeda Galaxy. But my children, they have verified one thing, that is, void creatures, the ruler of the void, cannot pass through the barrier of the plane. The Dragon Demon galaxy and we do not belong to the same plane, nor the same universe. Therefore, in the known future, void rulers and void creatures cannot invade the Milky Way, unless a certain god brings void creatures to the Milky Way.

Lan Ling was stunned and said: Your Majesty, I once tried to transform the entire moon, so that the moon can jump into space and enter the solar system where the earth is.

The ancient dragon said: He can't do it. He can turn the entire moon into an intelligent life form and jump out of the dark star field of tens of light years. But it will never reach the earth or the Milky Way. Because it can't go through the space. The surface barrier, that is the power of the gods, the demon star can, because it is the chaotic will of the gods. You can too, other people and other substances cannot. Mu Luo may know the coordinates of the way to the earth, but he will never reach it , even if it was still the master of the demon star at that time, it did not have enough energy to travel to the earth.

Lan Ling said: However, the demon star brought me from the earth to the Dragon Demon Galaxy.

The ancient dragon laughed and said: My silly child, what the demon star took away was only your soul, a soul with almost no mass. After arriving at the dragon demon planet, it used energy to reorganize you and restore your body and life. And The energy needed to go from the earth to the plane of dragon demons is completely different from the energy required to come to earth from the plane of dragon demons.

I see.

Then, Lan Ling's complexion changed: Because the Lord of the Void cannot travel through the planes, so the gods of the Milky Way decided to ignore this matter?

The ancient dragon said: Yes, and they have calculated it. Even if the Void Master can travel through planes, if he wants to reach the Milky Way, it will take countless billions of years to pass through countless plane universes. By that time, the universe has already It has collapsed and exploded many times. Therefore, they have made a decision that the Dragon Devil Galaxy is not worth saving, and this colonial galaxy will be abandoned directly.

This is really huge bad news.

And Lanling must not have the idea of ​​persuading the gods of the Milky Way Temple, the gods cannot be lobbied.

Lan Ling looked at the ancient dragon and said slowly, Then what do you decide to do?

The ancient dragon said slowly: I colonized the Dragon Demon galaxy, so that is my domain, the domain shared by me and the ancient gods and demons. I have the responsibility to protect my domain and my people. So, of course, we must save ...If a god cannot protect his domain and people, then there is no need for him to exist. Gods exist because of faith, and faith is a vow of protection. If a god violates the oath, it will be wiped out.

Hearing this, Lan Ling bowed to the ancient dragon and said, Thank you, Your Majesty.

The ancient dragon smiled and said: My child, you have been promoted to a god for too little time, so you said such childish words, so you came to thank me. Just because you are also a god, you will also know your responsibility in the future, your mission.

Yes. Lan Ling said: Your Majesty, how can we destroy the Lord of the Void? I found an energy in the Dragon Demon Galaxy, a barrier in the Fallen Land. At that time, the traitors of the Dragon Demon Temple decided to escape from the Dragon Demon Planet, so they sent The most quintessential part of the dragon demon planet split off to become the moon. And at the crack of this planet, there is an energy barrier that can prevent the devouring of void creatures.

The ancient dragon shook his head and said: That energy barrier is the scar of the dragon demon planet being torn apart, and it is a kind of energy with a tendency to destroy. But it can't stop the devouring of void creatures.

Lan Ling said: I have seen with my own eyes that void creatures do not devour it.

The ancient dragon said: Void creatures have a devouring instinct, and they have a priority for devouring energy. Pure light and energy-connected matter are the most leisurely devouring. And destructive dark energy is at the end of the devouring priority. After the void creatures have devoured all the other energy substances around them, it will be the turn of this destructive dark energy.

Lan Ling nodded, I understand.

The ancient dragon said: Therefore, there is no energy in the entire world that the Void Lord will not swallow, and there is no energy that the Void creature will not swallow.

Lan Ling was stunned and said, Then...they are unsolvable?

The ancient dragon said: That's right, they are unsolvable, at least in the field we know, they are unsolvable and invincible.

Lan Ling asked: Then can we destroy the Void Lord? Can we save the Dragon Demon Galaxy?

The ancient dragon looked at Lanling for a long time, nodded and said, Yes, yes!


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