World Destroying Demonic Emperor

1099: Qingxuan, come and eat dung!

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This is truly a doomsday scene!

The moon in the sky was shining by itself, and it was brighter than the sun, so it looked like two suns.

Then a fleet of locust swarms appeared in the sky, hundreds of thousands of warships of various types spread out in the sky for nearly a million square kilometers, truly covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

At this time, the entire Moon Fleet stayed above the Flame Demon City, and people in the entire Rakshasa Continent could look up and see this unprecedented fleet.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, stood at the door, and looked up at the sky!

At this time, the Flame Demon Empire had already assembled all its forces.

Originally, the nine hell knights demanded that Tine, Na Xue, and all Lanling's family members retreat into the barrier of heaven and earth.

But Tine refused, Na Xue also refused, and everyone refused.

As members of the Yanlong Empire and the royal family of the Yanmo Empire, they cannot abandon their own people to escape when disaster strikes. This is discrediting Lan Ling's face.

And the point is that escaping into the barrier of heaven and earth is useless. The most important thing is that Lancome, Tina and Naxue all firmly believe that Lanling will definitely return, they don't need to escape, and they can't escape!

Therefore, at this time, all the family members in Lanling, whether they were humans or demons, gathered in the Flame Demon City.

And all the elites of the Flame Demon Empire, the Flame Dragon Empire, and the Sky Temple gathered around the Flame Demon City, forming the most powerful line of defense in the history of the Dragon Demon Planet.

A total of nearly seventy king-level powerhouses, 2,000 sub-king-level powerhouses, more than 20,000 saint-level powerhouses, and hundreds of thousands of honor-level powerhouses.

Ten giant air fortresses, tens of thousands of spar flying ships, millions of flying knights in the air, and nearly tens of millions of troops of all kinds.

The Flame Demon Empire assembled tens of millions of troops around the Flame Demon City, just to defend the Flame Demon City and the members of the royal family.

Of course, this force is extremely powerful, even the most powerful legion in the history of the post-dragon demon planet.

But in front of the Moon Fleet, this tens of millions of troops are nothing!

As long as the Moon Fleet deploys 1% of its strength, it can completely wipe out the tens of millions of soldiers of the Balrog Empire.


The commander-in-chief of this battle is the first master priest, Xu Kongyan, and the second master priest, Qingxuan.

Void Yan also agreed to slaughter the entire dragon demon planet, but he has no interest in directing this kind of battle. This is not a battle, nor is it a massacre. It is just a trick of scalding ants with boiling water, which is meaningless.

Thus, Qingxuan became the supreme commander of this battle.

At this time, the distance from the ground is less than 10,000 meters, and at this time, the sky above the Flame Demon City is cloudless, and everything on the ground can be seen clearly.

Dense houses, dense troops and crowds.

Seeing it, Qingxuan smiled disdainfully.

From this distance, this dense crowd and army really looks like a colony of ants.

If it is pure massacre, it can start now. Directly order the fleet to disperse, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of ships of various types scattered like locust swarms to every corner of the dragon demon planet, and then start the massacre.

The entire lunar fleet is constantly descending and descending.

Getting closer to the ground, getting closer!

In the end, the entire lunar fleet floated kilometers above the sky, completely obscuring nearly a million square kilometers of the sky.

At this moment, the huge Flame Demon City could be clearly seen.

After more than ten years of development, Flame Demon City has become a super giant city of more than 3,000 square kilometers.

Beautiful buildings, underground, ground, and air trinity traffic mode.

Countless gardens, rivers, and even deep forests are in the middle of the city!

The whole city is really beautiful with the mountains rolling up and down.

When Qingxuan saw it, his heart was even full of jealousy. Of course, the cities inside the moon, especially the world where the highest council on the ninth floor is located, are more than ten times more luxurious and beautiful than the Flame Demon City. But that's fake,

It is produced by various energies.

And all of this is real, the mountains are real, the water is real, and the green trees and flowers are real.

These lowly ants on the dragon demon planet are not worthy of living in such a city.

Fire directly, let's make a quick decision. The first master priest, Kong Yan, said.

Qingxuan said: Don't worry, since you're here, take a good look! This is our home planet, don't you want to set foot on the ground of the home star before you leave?

Xu Kongyan didn't have this interest, but now he didn't want to offend Qingxuan.

Because Qingxuan used to be the concubine of the emperor of the Dragon Demon Empire, and now Mu Luoyou has usurped the throne, who knows if this Qingxuan and Mu Luo have any improper relationship, even if there is not now, there will be in the future. The lunar civilization is different from before. Now the Dragon Demon Emperor is the real master, and has changed from an elite democracy to an imperial dictatorship.

Under Qingxuan's order and suggestion, thirteen master priests, one hundred and thirty-nine moon priests, and more than six thousand void bloodlines, boarded a battleship and slowly landed on the square of Flame Demon City !


Seeing a battleship land, the Hellknight Iceman asked, Your Majesties, do you want to attack this enemy ship?

The two queens he was talking about were Di Nie, the queen of the Flame Demon Empire, and Lancome, the queen of the Yanlong Empire and the queen of the Dragon Demon Empire.

Lancome and Tine looked at each other, then shook their heads.

After the enemy ship landed, the ship door opened, and then two people walked out slowly, a man and a woman, wearing gorgeous priestly robes, one was Kong Yan and the other was Qingxuan.

Immediately afterwards, another eleven master priests, one hundred and thirty-nine, and more than six thousand people with no blood came out of the battleship.

These 7,000 people are all people with no blood, and they were all people with the blood of the ancestors created by the two creator gods.

The place where they landed happened to be the square of the Balrog Empire.

The peerless beauty Qingxuan squatted on the ground, gently stroking the ground, and even lying down to smell the smell of the land.

This is our hometown, our hometown, don't ask me why I am so emotional, because I love this land deeply. Qingxuan sighed while sniffing the land,

Then, Qingxuan turned around and said to Void Yan, the first master priest: After killing all the people in a while, do you want to destroy the entire dragon demon planet by the way?

All the master priests couldn't help being stunned when they heard this, just now you still loved this land deeply, now you want to destroy the dragon demon planet, and destroy it by the way?

Cold-blooded, hypocritical, hypocritical.


Sister, are you going, or am I going? Tine asked.

Lancome said: You are the master, you go.

Empress Di Nie of the Flame Demon Empire stepped forward and said, Who are you waiting for, why did you enter the country illegally? Please leave immediately, or you will be killed!

Qingxuan was pressing his forehead to the ground, as if he was feeling the pulse of the whole earth. When he was drunk by Empress Tine, he frowned, raised his head, and then burst into jealousy!

In her eyes, the people on Dragon Demon Planet are all ants and monkeys.

In terms of energy civilization level, in terms of military strength, there is indeed a lot of difference between Dragon Devil Planet and the moon. But in terms of appearance and beauty, the Ti Nie in front of him is not inferior, even above Qingxuan.

Not only Tine, but also Naxue, Ashi Liren, Demon Queen Daji, and even Ji Xiuning transformed in November, etc., no matter in appearance or figure, they are no less than the peerless beauty Qingxuan of the lunar civilization.

Suddenly, jealousy surged in her heart!

These monkeys on the dragon demon planet are not worthy of such a beautiful appearance.

Of course, she would not show this kind of jealousy on her face, but asked lightly to the people next to her: Which fool is this?

Qingxuan before, never said half a dirty word. But after sleeping with Lan Ling, something changed. At this time, in order to express the extreme disdain in my heart, I learned from Lanling's way of speaking.

Di Nie said: I am the Queen of the Flame Demon Empire, the wife of Chaos Emperor Lanling, Di Nie!

Oh, it's this stupid/pussy. Qingxuan smiled, and then turned to the void beside him and said: Your Excellency, this female monkey looks good, are you interested in sleeping once?

Kong Kongyan looked at Qingxuan in astonishment. When he was on the moon, especially before Lanling went to the moon, how dignified and elegant this Qingxuan was, but at this time he was so arrogant and reckless, with no taboo in words. It seems that after becoming the concubine of the Dragon Demon Great Emperor, she has indeed exposed her nature and has no scruples.

Xu Kongyan wanted to sleep in his heart, but in front of other master priests and moon priests, of course he had to behave decently. After Qingxuan became the concubine of Emperor Muluo, he had no political enemies, but he, Kong Kongyan, had political enemies.

No need! Xu Kongyan said: I have already been close to the earth, so don't waste time, let's start!

Tine said: What to start? What are you going to do?

Void Yan said: Following the will of the Emperor of the Dragon Demon Empire, destroy every demon race and every human being on the Dragon Demon Planet!

Qingxuan said: Then, let's start with the female monkey Tine in front of me. Now any cat or dog dares to call itself the queen?

After all, Qingxuan raised his jade hand, and wanted to slap Ti Nie directly with a palm!


At this moment, an eleven or twelve-year-old demon boy came out.

Are you that humble monkey again? Qingxuan said.

I am the prince of the Flame Demon Empire, Lan Suo! Lan Suo walked out.

He has grown up. Although he is only eleven or twelve years old, he is already 1.7 meters tall. He looks very similar to Lan Ling and has become the greatest pride of his mother Dina.

Oh, you are the son of that monkey in Lanling. Qingxuan said, Do you have anything to say?

Lan Suo clapped his hands and said, Woof, come here!

Suddenly, a big dog ran over and licked his hand flatteringly.

Shit! Ranso ordered.

The big dog immediately pulled a pile of shit, which was inaudible.

Lan Suo said: My father is Emperor Lanling, you are Qingxuan from the moon, right? You can kill everyone on my dragon demon planet, how about fighting with me? If you win, I won't stop you. You start killing, if you lose, how about kneeling down and eating this piece of shit?

As soon as these words came out, Qingxuan's complexion changed drastically.

The faces of everyone around changed drastically.

Although Lan Suo is Lan Ling's son, he is only eleven years old this year. How high can his cultivation be? And Qingxuan is a twelve-star emperor-level powerhouse.

Bitch, court death!

Qingxuan slapped Lan Suo with a sudden palm!

Eleven-year-old Lan Suo directly slapped him!


Immediately, Qing Xuan, a twelve-star emperor-level powerhouse and the second leader of the Moon Temple, flew out like a straw.


Note: The second update is here, please support, thank you all.

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