World Controlling God

Chapter 884: Sleepy beast


This powerful force can submerge the island and destroy any Emperor, but it is not enough to damage the eighth-order mid-beast, not to mention the most powerful one of its kind. ..

The huge gap in strength is a gap that is difficult to smooth out, even if there are more attacks, it will not help.

Tie Linggong, Yin He, Lu Yi and Liu March and others looked at the three people who were safe and sound, and their faces were extremely ugly.

They all exclaimed in their hearts that "the name of the new generation of Tianjiao is really extraordinary!".

Once again, those mercenary groups attacked with all their strength, and countless energy went on again.

This Xiaoling three people had long been prepared to defend themselves and quickly flew up from the ground.

"Dragon girl, you protect the United States and Britain." Ling Xiao was shocked and gave a golden dragon gun in his hand. At the same time, he summoned the Golden Dragon Wolf King and killed the mercenary in one direction.

At this time, Lingxiao defense has been fully opened, comparable to the body of the sacristy, and then has a high-level sacred golden dragon gun, with the speed of the wind, and the invisible mental attack.

The mercenary in that direction has not yet touched Ling Xiao. There have been more than a dozen people who have fallen.

Ling Xiao is fully engaged in the war, and the tyrannical guns are even more powerful. The terrible dragons are shocking.

Many of the mercenaries of Tianzun, even under the joint force, were torn apart by Ling Xiao, and they broke a **** road.


Those mercenaries who have not seen the figure of Ling Xiao have been killed and killed.

On the other hand, the Dragon Girl did not shoot, but protected Luo Meiying from letting her suffer.

Luo Meiying did not want Ling Xiao to be alone in danger, facing the Dragon Girl Road "You go to help him, I can protect myself."

How do you say that she is a low-ranking Emperor, isn't there a bit of self-protection?

In the eyes of Ling Xiao, she really does not have the ability to protect herself. There must be a lot of people here, and there are a few big emperors who are watching at the side. Her strength does not have any advantages.

The dragon girl does not want to shoot, but her order for Ling Xiao is to listen to her. She is only responsible for protecting Luo Meiying, and there is no need to take a shot. .

In the face of those bombing attacks, the Dragon Girl is only going back to the bounce between the wind and the light.

She did not take the initiative to attack, but there are still many people in her hands.

Ling Xiao’s killings here, holding a golden dragon gun into the sea, killing these mercenaries.

In the not-too-distance looking at the battle of several major Emperor, the look is more and more gloomy.

"Absolutely can't let him kill any more, or else our people will be finished, this kid is terrible!" Lu Yi shouted.

These people are the elites of their mercenary group. Every loss is a heavy one, not to mention that there are dozens of people missing in a few blinks. If they go on like this, they will kill Ling Xiao, then they will be the mercenary group. What is the use of the bald commander?

"Yes, we must take the second plan and get rid of this kid as soon as possible!" Liu March is also a slap in the face.

Iron Linggong hesitated and said, "Okay, let this kid know that we are amazing!"

"Must let this little thief be buried here!" Yinhe also said in a haze.

Then they each summoned their own beasts.

The reason why these people dare to lure Ling Xiao to this Hongyan Island, of course, has 100% control to kill Ling Xiao.

In addition to hundreds of days of respect, they will naturally have a move.

And their posters are based on their own powerful bodyguards.

Although Lu Yi is only a middle-class Xuan Emperor, his beast is a seventh-order high-order eight-clawed squid. It is like a small hill, with big eyes and sharp mouth. It looks very ugly, and the eight claws keep shaking and shrinking. It seems to be in the glory.

The iron beast of the iron is also the seventh-order high-order equal order. It is a giant sea shark. The huge body is bloated, and a big mouth is particularly sturdy. The exposed fangs are extremely sharp and bloodthirsty.

Liu March's spirit beast is a little weaker, but the surface strength is stronger than his low-order Xuan Emperor. It is a seventh-order middle-ordered spotted snake, quite a bit of Longwei, especially remarkable, and the momentum is not comparable. Eight-clawed squid and giant sea shark are weak. []

The Yinhe is her blue-crowned bird, and the same-level spirit beast with the dragon, is already a seventh-order low-order spirit beast, and the blue crown is particularly dazzling, and the long blue tail is also glamorous.

The other beasts summoned by the Emperor Xuan Emperor also reached the seventh order or more, and one or two heads were also stronger than the strength of their masters.

The bodyguards of any warrior will be in the same order as the warrior under normal circumstances, or the lower order, and the spirit beasts that are uniquely owned by individual warriors will be stronger than their own.

The latter type of warrior is either a beast that is eldered by the elders, or a good opportunity for his own beast to accelerate the advancement.

There are not many people like Lingxiao who can make the two beasts faithfully pursue.

However, the spirits of the heads of the three major mercenary groups are more powerful than themselves, which is somewhat surprising.

Why does this happen?

This of course is irrelevant to this sea environment.

In fact, in this sea area, the guardian spirits of many powerful warriors are higher than the war ones themselves, and even the second order is not surprising.

This is not to say that the spirit beasts at sea are easy to conquer, but the number of beasts on the sea is relatively large and the competition is fierce.

Although the sea is vast, but the real powerful beast has its own unique territory, which is considered food for any opponent.

Therefore, there are often many dying beasts in the sea, and the mercenaries walking around the sea have a lot of good luck guys hitting these beasts, they can take them without too much effort. Subdued,

This is why their three heads can have higher-order beasts than their strength.

It is precisely because of this that they have enough enthusiasm to laugh at the sea, and have the confidence to keep Ling Xiao forever here.

It must be two heads and seven high-order spirit beasts, but comparable to the two peaks of Emperor Xuan, Ling Xiao, even if brought with people, will not bring many high-order Xuan Emperor over? Moreover, now they have only three people. Is it not easy to deal with them?

The ancient family or the dead Emperor Xuandi under Huangquan knows that they are calculating this way, they will definitely jump from the ground and scream "all are a bunch of fools who are kicked!".

If you just rely on these high-level beasts, you can have a smile, and Ling Xiao is already on the road in Huangquan.

"Everyone is spreading!" Lu Yigao snorted and directed his eight-clawed squid to attack.

Iron Linggong, Liu March, and Yinhe also directed their respective beasts out.

The ten-and-seven-seven-soul beast is comparable to the hundreds of days and the sixth-order beast.

Ten different beasts, the volley flew up, surrounded Ling Xiao, they glared at Ling Xiao, attribute attacks ejected from the mouth.

The attack of the seventh-order beast and the attack of the sixth-order beast are not comparable, and they borrow more spiritual power from the surrounding water.

The tentacles of the octopus squid seem to be able to extend innumerable. They are **** to Lingxiao. Once they are entangled, it is hard to struggle with the peak of the Emperor. The giant sea shark is open to the blood and devours away. The mouth of the basin makes people look fearful; the snakes and the birds are moving in the side of the machine; the other heads are pulling the waves around them, and countless waves of water are coming like tsunami, wave after wave Lingxiao shocked, no matter the speed and strength are extremely horrible, even if the high-end Emperor is not easy to deal with.

Ling Xiao is only a high-ranking Tianzun. The speed is only able to escape the attack of the Eight-clawed squid and the giant sea shark, but he can't escape the water waves of other beasts. Fortunately, his body is comparable to the sacristy. Although it was shocked by the blood, it was not enough to cause serious injuries to him.

However, he was worried about being caught by the octopus squid or swallowed by giant sea sharks. These two are famous and fierce at sea.

The third eye of the Golden Wolf King did not have room to play, and the water wave stunned and turned, and the dragonfly flew out.

"Dragon girl, you can save the laughter, he can't stand it!" Luo Meiying screamed at the dragon girl's arm.

"Reassured, the boss will not have something!" The Dragon Girl did not want to immediately shoot, but she did not receive the voice of her boss, generally not casually shot.

"You don't go to me!" Luo Meiying said innocently, and wanted to fly over Lingxiao.

However, she was dragged by the dragon girl, so that she could not leave half a step.

"Haha, I said that he only has one dead road in the sea, even if there are a few more laughs, he will die." Iron Linggong smiled very refreshingly.

This time, he also took great risks for his sisters. If Ling Xiaomeng had not stopped the water gate he had stayed in, he would never go right with Lingxiao.

"Yes, here is what we are, what about the new generation of Tianjiao characters, here he is the duck, and we are the maritime hegemon!" Lu Yi attached.

"Hey, here is the dragon all in the plate, the tiger is lying down, that is, the chick has to lay me down!" Liu March sneered, and he actually flew past the dragon girl and Luo Meiying.

Now in his eyes Ling Xiao is already a dead person, and these two super girls are also paying attention to his food in the plate, he is already eager to enjoy.

There are two of his men who went with him. He knows that these two best girls are not easy to master.

"The boss waits for me to leave them to give you a good enjoyment." A low-ranking Emperor wants to take the lead. He said, and the two palms are sealed, and the surrounding sea water is coming from all directions.

The water dragon is tied!

The water waves formed several huge water dragons and bound them to the two women. The momentum was rather weak.

Seeing that the water dragons are going to bind the two women, the dragon girl immediately shot.

Her seemingly petite fist with a wave of waves, a punch to splash those water dragons.


The powerful boxing power did not stop, and the low-order Xuan Emperor who rushed toward the move blew past.

When the low-ranking Emperor did not respond, the punch passed through the chest, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball, and he died directly.


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