World Controlling God

Chapter 805: Overwhelming battle

Why did Ling Xiao not immediately let his people kill, the purpose of course is to delay the time.

When he negotiated with the Eagle King, he quietly defended the spirit of the wolf eagle to the Dark Lord, and controlled their minds, letting them turn their backs.

Lingxiao’s mental strength is already a superpower that can reinvent the emperor, and anyone under the emperor’s level can silently control them as long as they don’t know how to defend against mental attacks. .

This means of countering the sky really makes people feel very comfortable and fearful.

The Yin Po lived for many years, and her knowledge is also comparable to that of ordinary people.

Through her careful observation of Ling Xiao, she felt that this matter must be related to Ling Xiao.

There was an inexplicable thought in her mind. "Is it the soul-controlling that has disappeared for many years? The kind of demon that only the Souls can use?"

"What are you doing, you don't want to kill them all!" Eagle King is angry, he has not encountered such a pleasant thing since he debuted.

Now seeing Yin Po pointed to Ling Xiao, immediately angered by anger, to Ling Xiao and others.

Ling Xiao said that he waved his hand. "Now you can shoot, remember, try to stay alive!"

After all, he also summoned Xiaojin, but the defeated family did not call, and the other person must not use too many cards.

And let Xiaojin come out, just to let it assist one hundred of them in this side, killing the other masters of the heavenly master, he himself is sitting behind the back, watching the change, at any time to control the spirit to block the enemy.

For a time, on top of this sky, there was a horrible attack and bombing sound.


These terrible battles were so shocking that all the birds and beasts were panicked and stunned.

Ling Xiao here, Song Minghua is a high-ranking Emperor Xuan, Du Tie, Zhuang Leopard, Fang Chen, Luo You are also middle-class Xuan Emperor, the other is the two middle-level Xuan Emperor, three low-level Xuan Emperor, from etc. In contrast, Ling Xiao is sure to have the upper hand.

In addition, Ling Xiao also sent a crazy claw so a low-ranking saints, can not take these people's words, this is simply not possible!

Now Song Minghua, with the spirits of Fang Chen and Luo You, who resist the spirits of the other five, must have been killed by the spirits of Du Tie and the Leopard, and have not had time to find a new beast.

Du Tie greeted the cold, the broken leopard was directly looking for the Yin Po, Fang Chen was on the Eagle King, Luo You was on the two low-level Xuan Emperor.

All sorts of things, the power of the colorful world kept pushing, and they were completely shrouded in the sky.

Du Tie is a high-level refiner. His power in the world is dominated by all kinds of weapons. It seems that countless weapons are used for him. It looks quite magical.

He is advanced by Ling Xiao's best emperor, and his strength is slightly worse than that of cold, but it is not a problem to withstand the cold offensive.

On the side of the Leopard, with the power of his top-grade world, the sorcerer slammed into the yin, and the knives and knives were also mad, and he could see how deeply his hatred of the yin was.

"You are blind, no one is helping you now, seeing the Emperor is late for you!" The Leopard blinked wildly.

The Yin Po was hurriedly parried, and the face was panicked. "You... are you his apprentice, or how do you know the power of his world, how can you know me?"

"He? The one you said is the one who was yin from you?" The Leopard did not explain, but asked.

" are really related to him!" Yin Po exclaimed like a ghost.

Her heart was in chaos, and there was only a half-hearted thought about it, and there was only one escape word in her mind.

The Leopard will not know her intentions, while attacking, and then screaming and screaming, "Hey, now you know, he trusted you so much, I didn't expect you to seduce men behind him to betray him. Can you afford him?" ".

The Yinpo mind is more and more chaotic, and the face of the man who is bloodthirsty for thousands of years is constantly appearing in my mind. Then I look at the broken leopard as if I saw the same person.

"No... He is a heart-rending man. Losing me does not want me to seduce him. He actually wants to have another woman. I don't accept it, I..." The yin screamed and lost.

The Leopard took the opportunity to say "You can't think of it, in fact, I am the Emperor, the negative heart that you said in your mouth!"

A good move to attack the soldiers, this is the heart of the plan!

The remnant leopard is not the old monster that has been revived. The continuous speech attack has made the Yin Po completely lost. Now she has been deceived by the Yin Po’s side and suddenly rushed toward her.

Magic knife eight style fifth magic knife broken love!

With this knife, no matter whether there is any kind of resentment between the Leopard and the Yin Po, it is completely destroyed!

The terrible magic knife, as if to make the sky into two halves, the momentum is like destroying the earth.

Each of the magic knife eight styles is in no particular order. The power of each stroke is different, but each trick has great power and cold killing.

The Yin Po is lost in front of her. Although she was greeted before the move, but the preparation was insufficient, the bone stick in her hand could not withstand this, and the bone stick was swept away by the strong trick of the Leopard.

Lost the weapon, the Yin Po is like a tigressed tooth, it is already a fish!

"No, don't... don't kill me!" The old woman's face showed a look of panic, and the old man was exclaimed.

It is a pity that the Leopard has been killing and screaming.


The magic knife is broken, the knife is broken!

The body of Yin Po was broken by a magic knife, and the body was different!

The blood splashed the face of the leopard, and did not make him feel any discomfort, but let him laugh more madly "haha... **** scorpion, this is the end of betrayal of the emperor!".

The remnant leopard has been grievous for thousands of years of hatred, and now one of them can be hand-swinged, and the heart is finally able to stretch a sulking.

On the other hand, the low-level strength of the Eagle King can actually compete with the mid-level strength of the party.

The power of the Eagle King's Wolf Eagle World is the power to stabilize the power of the ordinary world, and his momentum seems to have exploded several times. It seems that there is a mystery to enhance the combat power.

Luo You, the emperor who was collected by Ling Xiao, was one of the second, and he did not win immediately. He only had a slight advantage, and he had a feeling of being unable to attack for a long time.

It must be the same as the Fangchen is a killer who is good at secret attacks. The means of attacking the front is still a bit less.

And those who are in the battle of Tianzun, the number of people on Lingxiao is obviously much less than that of others. However, with the addition of Xiaojin, it is the emergency that can be solved, and Lingxiao’s omnipresent spirit can make them wolf eagle at any time. Killing and killing, let the wolf eagle to guard against all the people around them, in case they are suddenly killed by their own people, I don’t know why.

It is precisely because of this, Lingxiao's Tianzun here is a magnificent momentum, all of them are eager to perform well in front of Ling Xiao, and they are all trying to kill the opponent.

Because the city government has long said that every year, the owner of the city government will conduct a review. Whoever makes the most contributions can get the corresponding promotion of medicinal herbs and other high-level rewards.

Nowadays, the enemy is killing the enemy. It is the loyalty of the enemy. When they make contributions, can they not contribute?

The mad claws that have been pressing all the time watched the movements of the Quartet, observed the war situation of all parties, and also guarded the side of Ling Xiao, protecting the safety of Ling Xiao.

"Well, don't waste your time, you can shoot it with your claws!" Ling Xiao knows this way, it is difficult to win and lose in a short time, and finally let the crazy claws out.

The mad claws have long been unbearable. He nodded lightly and his body shape did not move. Two thousand years of cold chains flew out of the sleeves.

The two thousand-year-old cold irons, like long eyes, were tied to the two low-order Xuan emperors who played against Luo.

The low-end Xuan Emperor on both sides was busy dealing with Luo You, and there was time to pay attention to the two hurried and quick winter irons. When they were **** by the cold irons, they were shocked.

Unfortunately, this time is already late, a terrible traction, pulling their bodies and squatting down the ground.


Two terrible bangs rang, and the mountains under hundreds of meters were smashed into two deep pits by the bodies of the two. The bodies of the two were already embedded in the mountainside, and life and death were unknown!

If the saint does not shoot, then the shot is earth-shattering.

The super masters of the two emperors are vulnerable to this.

Luo You is still in a state of sorrow, he still does not know what happened.

"I am not going to take them down two times!" Ling Xiao hurriedly said.

Luo You came back to God and hurriedly swept away.

The mad claw once again shot against the cold, this time he did not use the same trick, but a giant palm is like a cross-space, through the power of the cold black human world, instantly appears in In front of the cold, the palm print smashed past the cold chest.


The cold body is like a broken kite, flying out into the distance.

A middle-class Xuan Emperor lost nothing in this way.

Ling Xiao on the side looked at the two shots of the crazy claws, and sighed in his heart, "The holy order really has the power of the sky, I don't know when it will be reached!".

The eagle king in the battle with Fang Chen just glimpsed the scene of the cold being being bombarded, and both body and mind were shocked.

Fang Chen took the opportunity to throw out countless swords and swords and drowned toward the Eagle King.


Fang Chen’s sword smashed on the eagle king and did not cause much damage to him. His black armor is obviously an extraordinary thing.

"It turned out to be the dark blood armor of the Emperor of the year. I didn't expect the traitor to repair it and give it to you, but now it is to return to the original owner!" The remnant stare at the set of the eagle king. The defense defensive armor came out.

This set of armor is a half-order sacred instrument. It was a personal armor of his time. Later he was betrayed and destroyed the body. This armor naturally fell into the hands of betrayal.

Just when the mad claws were going to deal with the eagle king again, the eagle king gave him the card to save his life in advance!

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