World Controlling God

Chapter 582: 蛊虫皇界超强一指

Chapter 582 蛊虫皇界超强一指

Don't worry, there is one more in the evening~~

Just when the 愁 扑 扑 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to quit.

You have to guard against it, and you can swipe them aside with a wave of energy.

The two thunders fell to a point where the swamps of the swamps flew.

It’s full of killings. “I see what else you have, even if you let it out!”.

Between two steps, he is going to catch up with Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao endured the pain, his mouth was boasting blood, and his mental strength was waiting to be sent. "Reassured, my back will definitely kill you!"

call out!

The mental power made a strong blow, and it slammed into the past.

Yu Wei only felt an unknown sign, and then he stopped.

Suddenly, a strong mental force rushed into his knowledge of the sea.

"Hey, let me die!" Ling smiled with a smug smile, and the ice sword in his hand smashed out a powerful sword and went to the smashing scream.

Unexpectedly, the mental power that has always been tried and tested seems to have failed.

I saw that the sword mang that Ling Xiaoyu went to was stunned with one hand and one cross, and immediately became a black.

Ling Xiaoda, ready to pull out immediately, that stunned voice of the yin test "Your boy really knows the mental attack, if the Emperor had prepared for it, it really made you stunned, now give me to die! ".

After all, he slammed out ten layers of skill and planned to kill Ling Xiao in one fell swoop.

Because he knows to continue this way, and when the blue dragons are killed, they will all be finished.

"It seems that only the land is coming out of the fire!" Ling Xiao looked at the energy that was imminent. He had no ability to stop it. He had already prepared for the summoning of the tiger.

However, at the beginning of the millennium, a powerful green and black energy rushed out from the side, and the energy that was smashed by the slamming was hit and hit the other side.

"Who dares to break my good deeds!"

I saw a pretty movie coming from a volley, the gauze was attacked, the figure was graceful, the temperament was noble and elegant, and the face of the face and the country was made, so that everyone was a stagnation.

"Dare to hurt my husband, I want you to die!" The comer is just breaking through the Fengxian rhyme of Tianzun.

Now she is a big player, and her momentum has long been compared.

I saw her holding the mother and the two swords, the two swords dancing, the green mangling, the sword gas formed a powerful locust appearance, roaring toward the hustle and bustle.

"New Jinzun also dares to let go!" 愁 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋 憋The old palm is caught in the chest of Fengxianyun.

It seems that this old guy is also trying to take advantage of the opportunity.

Feng Xianyun is still not afraid, only to see her petting, and to promote her small world.

Feng Xiaoyun's small square world is very extraordinary. I saw her between the heavens and the earth covered with a sly and terrible locust, as if this is the world of locusts. These locusts are compared with the common locusts. To be terrible and powerful, each of them is a locust king in the real world. They are the kings among the millions of locusts, and one of them is a locust emperor, who sits in the middle of the town and directs locusts. Going around and swallowing away.

"This... This is the locust kingdom, how... How can there be such a legendary world? This is impossible!" You can see the origin of Feng Xiaoyun's small square world at a glance, and see him. The expression seems to be particularly surprising.

Tianzun comprehends his own way, belongs to his own world, and evolves it into his own strongest attack or defense energy. In this world, he can raise any state of his own to the highest.

The same is true of the Emperor Xuan Emperor, but after reaching the emperor's rank, his world's ability has gradually become perfect, and the power is really more and more horrible.

However, whether it is a small world or a generous world, its attack ability varies from person to person.

The nature of the nine elements is different, and the roads that each person has different perceptions are different.

Therefore, the power of these equal worlds is also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and there are essential differences between them.

This kind of world power can also be divided into three or six levels.

The three ranks belong to the worst one, and the most common one, both in terms of attack ability and defensive ability; the six ranks belong to the power of the upper middle level, and can understand this world of the order. The power of those who belong to those who are better than Tianbin, their combat power in the same order is quite powerful; and the achievement of nine levels belongs to the existence of that kind of rare horror level, the world of this level Force, no matter in any aspect, has an absolute advantage, and they can suppress the power of the world in the first two levels, belonging to the invincible existence of the same order.

The blood lemur of the Leopard Leopard has reached the sixth-class existence. In addition to the terrible attack, there is a feeling that makes people feel fear, so that the opponent will have the effect of not fighting.

As for the **** world that the sinister has learned, it belongs to the third-class superiority. Naturally, compared with the blood-prisoned demon world of the Leopard, his ending is foreseeable.

As for the small square world that Feng Xianyun shows, it is the power of the world that has reached the top of the ninth level. It belongs to the invincible existence in the equivalent stage, and has the ability to fight more.

Because what she understands is the locust kingdom, the most terrible existence in the locust world, it can command countless locusts as used, more horrific than the average locust world, and it is still a hundred poisons. The Emperor, all the poisonous worlds can't make it work.

This is where the poisoned singer is surprised.

He had an understanding of the world that the poison masters have evolved in the past. This worm kingdom was also born. He also learned from some ancient books, so he seems so taboo.

"Fortunately, the strength is still weak, otherwise the trouble is big, now must kill her, or conquer her, and in the future is also a big boost!" 愁 心 起 起 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

He promoted his own world of scorpion venomous world with powerful energy to press down the locust kingdom of Fengxianyun.

At the same time, his hands are changing countless ghost claws to the Fengxian rhyme.

The phoenix rhyme gradually produced an unsatisfactory situation. The opponent was much stronger than her, and it was not her that she could now compete.

At this time, the ghost in the sky has been wounded by the remnants of the leopard, and it is only a matter of time to lose.

The magical leopard and the black ghost wolf are fighting the same. They are all fighting-type beasts. Once you start the battle, it is not that you are dead or I am dead. The battle between the spirits and the beasts rarely uses attribute attacks. They all use between the bodies. The collision, the interpretation of the **** smooth battle.

The blue dragon gradually smashed many sixth-order spirit beasts. Only the five or six sixth-order peaks and beasts were struggling, and they should stop for a quarter of an hour.

Although the blue dragon has the upper hand, but many injuries on the body, it also proves that it has to pay a huge price for victory.

The sixth-order mid-level golden wolf king is relatively fierce. Although it has the third eye of the Tianbin supernatural powers, it will bite several people and several beasts, but it should deal with many respects and spirits. Attack, it is already blood, it seems that I can't support it for a long time.

The defeated family is not much better, but his record is several times better than the Golden Wolf King.

The poisoner of the other side must have summoned a lot of demons from the emperor and Tianzun, to besiege him, and let him kill his hands.

On several occasions, he couldn’t help but change the body to fight.

However, before leaving the barren hills, several of his grandfathers had warned him that he would not be allowed to dissect the ontology unless he had no choice but to incur countless troubles, so he was still holding back.

Back to Ling Xiao, he did not summon the fierce tigers when he was entangled in the phoenix.

The more he goes to adversity, the more he has to prove his ability. He never wants to show all his cards.

He is now preparing to make the strongest blow to Yu.

He didn't understand why his mental power was ineffective, but he didn't have time to think about anything.

I saw him as the center ### gathered five different attributes of aura, these attributes aura formed a powerful air mass hovering over Ling Xiao, creating a multicolored energy group.

Ling Xiao slowly put a finger up.

This finger and ordinary people's fingers generally don't seem to have anything special, but now looking at this finger gives people a feeling of tenacity like a stone pillar, as if it is no longer a finger, but a Optimus Prime!

The multicolored auras continually gathered above his fingers, and a mass of energy-like masses formed on the fingers gradually formed.

This energy group doesn't look big, but the energy it contains makes people feel scared.

Xuan Yao, hiding in the darkness, looked at Ling Xiao in the gathering and secretly thought, "There is a terrible energy. I feel that the aura of this world has been brought over by him. If you are lying on your body, I am afraid. It must be turned into gray!".

Many people have sensed the change of aura between heaven and earth, but they are all in a fierce battle, and no one is going to see it.

The singularity that is about to win is obviously sensing this energy.

"A terrible energy!" sighed softly, and set his gaze on Ling Xiao, and the old eyes contracted instantly.

"Yueer will give me a sneak!" Ling Xiao has already noticed that he is stunned, and immediately stunned at the injured Fengxian rhythm, while his fingers sneaked toward him.

call out!

The terrible energy slammed into the past.

Looking at the energy that blew up, his face became astonished and "no!".


The powerful energy smashed everything in the direction of hundreds of meters into a powder, and a huge deep groove appeared in front of everyone.

Most of them stopped fighting, and they all looked at the hundreds of meters of deep ditch with a shock, and the eyes were full of fear.

Is this horrible destructive power really caused by a low-ranking emperor?

I am afraid that the Xuan Emperor’s step is just like this?

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