World Controlling God

Chapter 1609: Gas of the dragon

"There has been no popularity for many years. It is estimated that no one is retreating here. I went in and read it again!" Lingxiao hesitated and decided to open the stone door to see what secrets are hidden here!

Ling Xiao collected the dragon girl and the defeated family and observed the situation around.

He was afraid of hiding secret secrets here, and once he touched it, he would have to spend some time to solve it.

Ling Xiao carefully leaned against the stone door and looked at the various lines carved on the stone door and the strange patterns.

"Good complex patterns, good old patterns!" Ling Xiao muttered to himself.

He has seen Xuan Yao's depiction of his formations, but the patterns he has painted are quite far from the ones in front of him.

Re-association of the big array just above the ground, Ling Xiao can not help but suspect that if you encounter the formation of this large array of divisions, maybe the other party is the kind of top gods who can lay down the source of the big array!

Just before this two-meter array, Ling Xiao felt the floating energy of the float here.

Although these energies are hidden, they are not full of his induction!

"The defense is really rigorous, this is not bad!" Ling Xiao secretly paid a voice.

These patterns are engraved on the stone door. Before he reaches the stone gate, it is naturally inevitable that he will be killed by these forces.

This is a pattern that is always open, and it can be broken by ordinary people!

Now that you have reached this step, you can only break it with brute force!

After Ling Xiao retreats a few steps, he has a piece of wood-like artifact in his hand. He murmured, "Mu Ke Tu, here is a fierce land, I believe that it can be restrained by the power of wood property!"

After all, the green long sword in his hand began to throw a sword toward the stone door!


The power of Ling Xiao touched the power of the formation before the stone door, and made an earth-shattering sound.

With such a force, it is entirely possible to blast the caves here, but the caves were only shaken for a while, and after some stone chips were dropped, there was no other movement.

Before the stone gate, there was a burst of yellowish light. These radiances are extremely thick, and they are like a small dragon swimming here, full of chilling meaning.

Ling Xiao sensed the power of the front of the stone door and found that these forces are powerful, but still in the range he bears.

He took the artifact up, and after a big bang, a blue fist rushed toward the power of the pattern.

Once again, the sound of the explosion rang, and the strength of the soil was sagged by Ling Xiao, and the cracked lines spread all around.

At the same time, all the dragons are rushing toward Ling Xiao, with a strong force of strangling, enough to kill any strong under the king of God, even if the low-end supreme must be twisted Seriously injured.

But Ling Xiao's body can wait for metamorphosis, these forces give him a general itching, and did not cause too much damage!

He sighed again, and the other fist slammed down again, and the powerful force completely destroyed the power of this pattern.

However, as the power here was destroyed, the grotto was shaken. Like a 12-magnitude earthquake, it would fall completely down, and the ground under Ling Xiao’s feet began to crack.


Ling Xiao had been prepared for it. His strength had already spread out, and the fallen rocks were all shaken out.

Such a power is unlikely to hurt him.

Ling Xiao did not hesitate, rushed straight toward the Shimen, a green palm printed on the stone door past, want to completely destroy this stone door!

Only when Ling Xiao’s hand often touched the stone door, the stone door automatically opened.

Suddenly, the breath of an ancient sang sang rushed over, a feeling from the ancients, making people feel cold and bogey!

Not only that, but after the Shimen, there was an astonishing roar of noise, which was also the sound of the dragon and the sound of the footsteps of the mountain.

Ling Xiao’s eyes were so big that he had a look of horror on his face!

He actually entered the inexplicable world as if he had fallen into another piece of nothingness!

"Real earth dragon!" Ling Xiao saw at first glance a terrible earth dragon bite into the face.

This earth dragon is not a general subway dragon with impure blood, but a real earth dragon of the real beast family.

I saw that it is 10,000 meters long, and the huge body is much bigger than the Golden Dragon and the Water Dragon. The dragon scales are filled with the ochre light, and a heavy breath is coming. The terrible dragon mouth is like a black hole, with a bloodthirsty killing that makes people feel chilly and scared!

Ling Xiao hurriedly withdrew, his eyes gathered together, exuding a burst of green mans, seeing all the nothing!

I just found out that this dragon is really a real existence, and here is still a chaotic desert.

"Is this true?" Ling Xiao exclaimed.

The dragon had already arrived before him, and the fierce atmosphere was very strong, making people cold and embarrassed!

Ling smiled and danced, and the dragon slammed into the dragon.

Ling Xiao is extremely powerful, and this dragon is not weak. He actually eats Ling Xiao, which is a dragon, but he is forced to retreat slightly!

The dragon is writhing, and the powerful dragon tail sweeps over, with the power of breaking through the power of the sky, enough to destroy the land of most of the mountains.

"Whether you are true or not, in front of the palace, you have to give me a plate!" Ling Xiao roared, 70 times the combat power increased, a mighty golden dragon appeared behind his back.

Ling Xiao dropped the dragon's palm and shot it all the way to the dragon's tail.

Jin Mang splattered, thick soil is in constant impact, and the power is staggered to make an earth-shattering sound!

Under the strong pressure of Ling Xiao, the dragon was repulsed.

Ling Xiao’s move was strong, and immediately enhanced the power of the attack. A golden palm was caught with the power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth.

The dragon roared more than the dragon, the dragon's body kept tumbling, the dragon's claws were caught in the anger, and the dragon's tail swept swiftly!

A lot of meteorites are constantly squatting, all with the power of tens of thousands of scorpions, enough to make the average mid-level supreme can not afford.

Fortunately, the power of Ling Xiao is strong enough to be able to suppress this dragon.

The power of Ling Xiao’s rushing into the sea kept blasting out. The earth dragon was finally unable to withstand the ravages of Ling Xiao, and his body was beaten and collapsed.

Ling Xiao discovered that this is not a real earth dragon, but a dragon essence. It is the dragon ball that is doing the strange, which contains the most pure real dragon power, and does not dissipate, so it can be shaped Just like a real attack.

Ling Xiao looked at the disappearance of the dragon, and many of the dragons that were about to collapse were swallowed into the abdomen by Ling Xiaosheng. This accumulated a lot of dragons that did not know how many years, which made him more capable of the dragon and strengthen the body.

When these dragons entered the abdomen, the dragon-shaped warfare contained in the blood of Ling Xiao immediately swallowed it.

Ling Xiao only felt that his body had a slight "squeaky" voice, his body, his organs, his bones... everything was changing.

The body that was already at the peak of the middle-aged ancient artifacts is moving in the direction of high-order ancient artifacts!

In addition, he only feels that the combat power is lingering, as if there is a kind of inexhaustible strength, so that the endless power!

After Ling Xiao’s body, the golden dragon is more and more solid, just like the real existence, it’s not condensed, it’s so lively, it’s daunting!

I don't know how long it took, and these dragons were refining and ruined by Ling Xiaosheng.

Ling Xiao opened his eyes, like two dragons roaring out, a feeling of not angry and self-defeating, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

And the golden dragon behind him seems to live alive, with a breath of life, let people not see if it is illusory or real existence.

"There is a strong atmosphere here. Although it can't improve my power and strength, it can make me condense the dragon-shaped war into reality, and let it attack the enemy like a real dragon!" Ling Xiaoxin is extremely happy Said, then he exclaimed "Give me!".

As his voice fell, the dragon-shaped screams behind him screamed and swayed around.

"Come back!" Ling Xiao thought again, the dragon-shaped warfare flew back again, and hovered behind him, like a body-warming beast, especially real and compelling.

Ling Xiao was overjoyed and took this dragon-shaped battle back. He said to himself, "This dragon battle is only a little worse than my real strength. It is really easy to deal with the general middle-level supreme, haha!" .

At this time, he has time to observe the situation here.

He found that this space is as independent as it is, such as the general extraterrestrial space, but it is not like, because there is no hurricane and various turbulence, but it is full of chaotic five elements.

These forces are very pure, and they are all gathered from the original source.

At the same time, Ling Xiao also saw a little bit of stars flashing, and there is a round of the sun and a bright moon, the scene is like a psychedelic psychedelic.

In addition, there are many exotic flowers and grasses and some beasts that are condensed by the chaos.

They are not real existences, but they are not much different from living ones.

They absorb the chaotic atmosphere here, and they are carrying out the heavens and the earth and carrying out the law of life.

The only thing that is a pity is that these things are missing something, so that they can't be real.

It’s just that Ling Xiao doesn’t understand that this is a scene of emptiness and coagulation, but why is it so real, and why does his green eyes not see it?

Ling Xiao was caught in deep thought. After a while, his look kept changing. In the end, he seemed to think of something, and there was a fascinating color in the eyes!

"Difficult... Is this the eternal legend, open the world, create life!" Ling Xiao exclaimed!

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