World Controlling God

Chapter 1097: Little lady

Yang Bin’s fist has a layer of gold on it, and the punch is like a pointed cone that has been bombarded with a jade chest.

Such as the jade's mixed yuan, the same palm is also very fierce, directly shot the golden fist.

Yang Bin’s power is exhausted, and the strength is not comparable to that of leisure. That is, Yu Yu was forced to retreat several steps.

It was just that when the jade was retreating, the body shape changed, and the body was like a fish. It plunged into the side of Yang Bin, and it was a fierce slap against him.

Yang Bin did not expect that the change of jade was so fast, and the power of her attack was actually several times stronger than before. Even if he could not bear it, he spit a blood, and his body was on the lantern not far away.

On the other side, the Thousand Valleys did not fight hard like Ruyu, but took advantage of the body and the law, and attacked like a jade.

It’s just that the jade reaction is quite agile. No matter how the attack is made by Qian Gukai, he can always block his moves in advance and let the thousands open.

Thousands of people opened up naturally and didn't want to hold on for such a long time. His body shape suddenly changed, his legs were close together, and his figure was lifted up in vain.

Mount Taishan!

His whole person stood on the top of the jade, and suddenly pressed down, forming a huge wind between his feet and stepping on it like a jade.

Thousands of dollars to open this move has been so fierce and fierce, it is really hard to prevent.


"It's good!" As Jade exclaimed, he lifted his palm and greeted him.

If the jade can stop it, but the figure is pressed against the lanterns.

A few lanterns were really destroyed by her body.

"Haha, this golden cymbal is mine!" Thousands of valleys smugly laughed and tried to sneak toward the golden scorpion.

But who knows that a strong wind hits the head and throws him out directly, and also destroys a lot of lanterns.

Thousands of valleys have settled and shouted like a jade. "What are you doing, actually breaking the rules!"

Such as jade gently shaking the white paper fan smiled "just that is just one of my avatars, not me, he is out, but I have not been out, this is not a bad rule!".

Qiangu has been speechless for a while, and he wants to say that the avatar is also part of you!

However, he did not say it, but he found that a figure has actually arrived at Jin Hao.

"Haha, it seems that I can't get it, you can't get it!" Thousands of Valley laughed.

If the look of jade is slightly changed, look at it and see a handsome white shirt. The young man has already put the gold and embroidered in his hands.

This white-shirted young man is almost dressed with him, and he also holds a fan in his hand, but the beauty of the fan is even more romantic. His body is slender and tall, and he looks masculine and arrogant. His face is full of evil smiles. It is easy to let Any woman is fascinated and indulged.

After the screen, Zhou Xiaojing looked at the sudden appearance of Ling Xiao is also slightly lost.

"Who is he? It is more handsome than the brothers of the divisions, but this strength... weaker!" Zhou Yujing secretly commented in his heart.

"This gold is not bad, it is still a top-level defense device!" Ling Xiao held the gold in his hand and looked at himself muttering.

From the fluctuations of the power radiated from the golden plaque, he can sense the extraordinaryness of this golden cymbal.

"Who is this person? It seems that he has never seen him in the league?"

"It won't be other foreign people. It's really bold enough, but the middle-level strength is also dare to go up."

"Hunting, the oriole is behind, but this oriole is too small, I am afraid that it will not be useful!".

"Yes, how about getting the golden plaque, it has not been sent to Zhou Shimei, but it is not counted. If it is jade, it will be robbed, waiting to watch the show!"


If Jade is not in a hurry, he will take over the gold scorpion in Ling Xiao’s hand. He swayed the white paper fan and looked at the guy who was dressed up with himself. He was somewhat disappointed in his eyes. He murmured, “It’s the middle The Holy Emperor dared to come up, although there was some courage, but unfortunately the strength was low."

"Hey, little lady, if you don't come to grab the gold, I can take it away!" Ling Xiao said to Ruyu.

He actually called this jade as a "little lady", apparently recognized the identity of this jade, turned out to be a female.

There are a lot of Lingxiao women, and there are more women who are in contact. Although she is dressed like a woman, her small behavior still sells her identity. The most important point is that she does not have a man’s throat. This is the biggest. The flaws are gone.

Ling Xiao observed the micro, so she can immediately determine her identity.

Such as jade face finally appeared the color of movement.

She thought that after a lot of makeup, she wanted to recognize that she was a woman, not to mention that it is now under the night, it is even harder to distinguish, but now it is recognized by the person in front of him.

In her heart, she passed a thought, "I must take him as soon as possible, or I will wear it, and it will hurt my sister!"

Thinking of this, if the shape of the jade begins to move, her body is elegant, like a fish swing, and like a spirit bird, with an inexplicable situation.

At this moment, she is really moving.

Ling Xiao’s pupils shrink, and he actually feels that this woman’s body has actually reached the realm, and that feeling is really wonderful.

Ling Xiao was at the moment of this slight loss of consciousness. If Yu had already arrived in front of him, the mixed yuan slammed his hand and took it toward Ling Xiao’s chest.


A snoring sound rang, Ling Xiao figured out and flew out.

Seeing that Ling Xiao body was going to hit the lantern, Ling Xiao figure instantly turned and the whole person stuck with the lantern and did not destroy it.

Such as jade did not expect Ling Xiao to lose balance and can observe the surrounding things, and the hand that she just shot is not small, even if the high-level holy emperor can not afford, but the people's home is thus resolved.

"There is a bit of skill, but you are still too weak!" As Yu said with disdain, the body changed again.

In a few directions, there appeared a figure like jade, but it was only a residual image. Her true body once again came to Ling Xiao, and both palms shot the momentum of the mountains and the sea, and wanted to make Ling Xiao seriously injured.

However, at this time, the laughter momentum has changed dramatically, and the speed has become faster, so that the jade has taken an empty shot.

If Jade passed the strange color, she found that she was still a little stunned, and immediately became interested, speeding up the speed and chasing the past toward Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao did not counterattack, let him chase as jade, he just blindly dodge, so that Ruyu always fails to return.

However, he was almost beaten, but fortunately he has the wind attribute, and he is fully dodged, or barely hide.

If jade is a wind attribute, but also has a body and mind concept, then Ling Xiao can not escape.

However, Ling Xiao’s dodge does not counterattack but has his reason.

Ruo Yu also discovered the clue of Ling Xiao. He actually observed her figure. She wanted to scream for a moment. "This guy is a **** person, actually looking at me like this!"

Her face gradually became flushed, and her heart was anxious and shy.

"I killed you, this prodigal son." If Yu Yue sees Ling Xiao’s evil smile, the more he feels that he has no power to make it, he immediately gnaws his teeth and sighs, and the power pushes to the peak and the momentum locks Ling Xiao, countless The palm of the hand shrouded the past toward Ling Xiao.

A burst of screaming sounds kept ringing!

This is the highest level that the mixed yuan is trying to make, and it can cause great destructive power.

Ling Xiao is nowhere to hide this time, only to fight back with a hard scalp.

Instead of using Jiuyang Burning Heaven, he used the Paiyun palm.

The palms are printed together, and a lot of winds are staggered.

In order to avoid breaking up the lanterns, the two men went to the sky and let the people underneath look up one by one.

The two played very fast, but the strength of the shot was great, and the low strength could not capture the figure of the two, let alone see their moves.

If Yu Yue is more shocked, the other party is obviously only a middle-level emperor, but the strength is not less than her, it is beyond the general peak of the Holy Emperor.

Ling Xiao is equally surprised. The general peak of the Emperor is not his opponent, but the woman in front of her does not reach the peak, but it puts pressure on him.

Unless he mentions his strength to the highest, or uses the spirit of God, it is difficult to win.

Ling Xiao is too lazy to pay attention to so much, let's take a quick start.

He first made out the cloud, and then turned into a frosty boxing, and then even the leg method made it out. The changeable attacks made people feel overwhelmed.

Ling Xiaoben wanted to drag the jade like a jade, but he found that the other side knows a lot of mysterious skills. Like him, he can be the most powerful attack.

In the strength of the competition, the two are indifferent, and nothing has been revealed for the time being.

In this way, I am afraid that I have not scored a victory for three days and three nights!

"The two men are quite equal. I really didn't expect the middle-aged emperor to have such strength. I don't know which elders are under, is it the existence that has entered the ranks of true disciples?"

"I don't know this, but most of the people who can enter this ship are people in the league. It is also possible to join the disciples halfway. Seeing his moves is not from the League."

"The enchanting ah, it would have been powerful to defeat the two brothers, such as Jade Yang Bin and Qian Gu, but this mid-level sacred emperor can play with Ruyi, which makes us not live." .

"Who said that it is not, it seems that we have to practice hard after we go back, or else we will be eliminated sooner or later."


Such as jade played a war, her woman dressed as a male makeup is to play against the people present, a happy picture, I hope to be able to play a good, to prove how strong her new level of strength.

But now it is impossible to suppress a middle-aged emperor, which really makes her feel angry.

Although she can't let go of the property battle, the battle power is discounted, but the other party is not the case.

"I want to make a win with you!" If Jade doesn't want to entangle any more, he immediately screams and makes the last kill.

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