"You mean, they committed suicide and then died?" a lieutenant from the anti-narcotics force said in a muffled voice.

The people in Chinatown opposite looked a little embarrassed.

Still too concerned about face.

If it were Victor, he would nod his head vigorously without blinking, "Yes, they are the Fire Union."

Telling lies with open eyes is just a casual thing.

The lieutenant was wearing a mask, so his expression couldn't be seen, but his eyes were looking at them up and down. He was a strange Asian!

The eyes of several people were wandering, as if they were looking for...bunkers?

His whole body was tense. As a soldier, the lieutenant smelled a very "familiar" smell of "comrades" on the opposite side. It seemed that... if he remembered correctly, there was still a melee on the Asian side.

In the 1980s, the entire world was in chaos, and Asia was no exception. As the gateway to the United States, Mexico received many people of all kinds over a period of time.

Some people are honestly waiting for the opportunity to go to the United States, while some people come with the intention of coming, why not make a fortune?

In 1987 alone, there were as many as 27,127 cases of robbery and homicide by foreigners!

Among them, the northern cities of Tijuana and Juarez are the most prominent.

The security situation at that time was very poor. Let's put it this way, drug dealers were afraid of someone robbing them when they walked on the road. The Juarez Group was the first to be unable to handle it. One of their Asian customers was robbed and beaten to death on their own property!

This makes the Juarez Group look very disgraceful!

So he actually stood up to administer "justice" and maintain law and order. Any gangster who robbed in Juarez would be attacked by drug dealers.

have to say…

Real irony.

After Victor came to power, the North resorted to thunderous means!



Hang it up directly for you.

We will crack down hard on all types of crimes and show no mercy.

The National Guard now sends the gangsters they capture from Culiacán every day for re-education. Well... the big memory recovery technique. Those who have done something harmful to the world are directly thrown into the labor camp to build roads. If they have not done anything extraordinary, they can pay a fine and get out. , those who have no money also go to labor camps.

The Culiacan gang is famous all over the world.

Then what…

As soon as Victor comes, you fucking have to hold a banner and stand by to welcome him. Do you still think Mr. Governor is the kind of bureaucrat he used to be?

The 42 gangs in Culiacan, with about 7,000 people, also thought about resisting. They went directly with tanks and crushed them with crawler tracks. The scene was like making a fool of themselves.

It’s just that there’s less fucking track pressure.


Victor is the biggest gangster!

An unscrupulous "warlord" who doesn't care about his reputation. Even if you are a gangster, you have to pay my taxes.

The long-standing cancer problem in Culiacan is completely over with 7.62 mm bullets and tank and armored vehicle artillery.

Victor is the new sky in Mexico!

The lieutenant did not embarrass Chen Huju and the others, but said meaningfully, "Under the command of Governor Victor, you just need to learn to enjoy life. Gentlemen, the new Matsalan welcomes you, and please abide by the law."

After he finished speaking, he took the people and left.


That's what the National Guard did...

Seeing the anti-drug troops leaving, Chen Huju breathed a sigh of relief, his expression relaxed, and he patted Ye Jihuan, who was also standing next to him. The latter smiled bitterly, "The armored vehicle's machine gun was hitting me, and I was sweating on my back. ”

As he turned around, he saw a stain of sweat on the back of his clothes.

I must be nervous. If this happens all at once, everything will be ruined.

"Don't worry, I've never heard of the Northern Army killing innocent people indiscriminately."

"I heard that Victor provides good welfare benefits to the people. There is also a mailbox at the door of his office. Anyone with grievances can complain. Brother Ju, do you think this Northern Army is going to be Mexico's home? "Ye Jihuan squinted his eyes, making his whole face look particularly sinister.

"Isn't it said in the drama back home, the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world, then Victor will probably become the emperor of Mexico!" Zhang Ziqiang, who was standing next to him, also said abruptly, and he smacked his lips in return, looking envious.

"Nonsense, what time has it been, and the emperor is still here." Chen Huju glanced at him and frowned, "But, from the looks of it, it seems that no one in Mexico can beat him. Maybe, he really wants to be beaten. If he takes over the world, then maybe business will be easier. At least the gangs and drug dealers in the north will have no place to survive. "

Ye Jihuan's eyes lit up and he started to move his mouth twice, but his expression was obviously hesitant and he didn't speak. Chen Huju happened to see it and patted him gently, "What, what do you want to say? Our brothers, just say what you want to say." Said, still hiding it."

"Brother Ju, I have been in Mexico for three or four years. I have done hard labor and hard labor, but I haven't done anything famous. I still eat white rice here in Chinatown every day..."

When Chen Huju heard this and was about to say this, he saw Ye Jihuan stretching out his hand, "Listen to me, I know that the fellow villagers don't lack my food, but I have a good reputation, so it's not the same thing to continue to eat free rice like this. , I just had a shootout with a drug dealer, and I realized that I know how to shoot and fight, but have no other skills at all.”

"The Northern Army is recruiting people, and I want to join the army."

"If you are lucky enough to be able to find an official position in Mexico, marry a wife and have children, it will be considered as continuing the family line. If you are unlucky and die..." Ye Jihuan was silent for a moment, "Then give me my pension. Go back to my hometown and let my parents have a good time.”

Chen Huju frowned, "Ah Huan."

"I'm afraid of poverty, Ju brother! When I was a child, I shared the same pants with my brothers. When I grew up, I joined the army. After I came out, I achieved nothing. It's not easy for a person to find the right direction in this life. I think being a soldier and eating food is suitable for me."

Ye Jihuan smiled, "Mazu bless you!"

I'm really afraid of poverty. Those who didn't suffer when they were young always say that they will think of the sweetness after the bitterness, but who is willing to recall the bitter days?

When you are poor, you will think of change, and change will lead to success, and success will lead to success!

Isn't it just selling your life? It doesn't matter who you sell it to!

Seeing that he was so determined, Chen Huju sighed, patted Ye Jihuan on the shoulder, and stopped saying anything to persuade him. People who have served in the army are more stubborn.

"Brother Huan, I'm going too!" Zhang Ziqiang was ready to move beside him.

"Fuck you, can you fight?" Chen Huju glared at him and slapped him on the back of his head. "Go study. I'll send you to school in a while. Study! Only study can lead to a future!"

Ye Jihan touched Zhang Ziqiang who was bowing his head. "Wait for me to gain a foothold. When I become an official, I will recruit you. But you have to study too. You can become a high-ranking official if you study. Victor will definitely need people to rebuild order. If you work hard, we can also bring honor to our family in Mexico."

The latter nodded slightly.

In fact, Ye Jihan really has other ideas. It is said that many of his comrades who retired with him did not have a good life. They were completely unable to adapt to the environment after coming down from the battlefield, and many of them embarked on a road of no return.

A black star, suppressing others to beat.

Don't even dare to show your head. It looks cool, but it is not the right way. Sooner or later, you will die.

If you can make a name for yourself in the "Mexican Northern Army", you will have to call those old comrades over.

Fight drug dealers and make money...

Ye Jihan's ambition grew at this moment.

Matsalan's drug dealers collapsed in front of the "Northern Army".

The troops behind chased them all the way to the border between Sinaloa and Jalisco, where there was a river about 40 meters long, and the deepest part was nearly three meters!

"Surrender! We surrender!" A drug dealer turned back and knelt on the ground, knocking his head hard, crying and shouting, and his forehead was scratched.

But the TPz-1 armored vehicle didn't care about you. The triangle cone in front directly knocked the drug dealer on the ground to the ground, and the 14×20 radial tires directly pressed over. The other party screamed and crawled back hard.

"Step on the accelerator! Step on the accelerator!" The commander in the armored vehicle said excitedly, and the driver stepped on the accelerator, and the OM402A engine produced by Mercedes-Benz roared and accelerated again.

The power and speed can reach: 235 kW/2500 rpm!

Even if you crawl on the ground with five legs, you will not have enough time. The tire will directly press on your ankles and then press down heavily.


Accompanied by screams, the 14.2-ton big guy directly crushed the person into a "pancake", bloody and fleshy, and the minced meat was still stirring on the ground...


Seeing that the Northern Army was going to kill them all, the drug dealers cried and shouted and could only run into the river. Those who couldn't swim could only drown, and those who could swim would swam to the other side.

The TPz-1 armored vehicle can wade, but it is not necessary.

Just put the Wildcat dual 30mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun flat. There are several models of TPz-1 armored vehicles. As long as you are brave, you can put an anti-aircraft missile here.


The cover in front of the anti-aircraft gun was spit out.

Then they started to fire at the drug dealers fleeing on the river!

Facts prove a truth.

If you can't hit others, it's not because your shooting skills are rubbish, but because there are not enough enemies. Look, the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun on the TPz-1 armored vehicle swept directly.

Tsk tsk tsk!

So cool!

You can see hundreds of drug dealers lying on the river. The bullets hit them, and basically there is no hope of saving them. The blood instantly dyed the river red, and the broken limbs of the corpses floated on the river.

But there were also "survivors". When the gun was fired, some people had already dived into the water, swam diagonally to the next door, and reached the other side of the river in one breath, lying on the ground gasping for breath.

The drug dealer looked young, about 20 years old. He looked back at the piles of corpses on the river, his pupils shrank, and he couldn't help crying out of control.

The drug dealers were beaten to tears!

It was too miserable!

The Northern Army was all devils, all devils!

He was crawling around the river full of stones in a hurry, like a... wriggling maggot.

The soldiers chasing on the other side of the river were laughing, and some of them raised their guns and aimed.


The bullet hit the stone next to it, and the drug dealer was so scared that he shuddered, tears and snot were in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was shouting.

"Stop playing, shoot him to death!" said the lieutenant leading the team.

The commander in the TPz-1 armored vehicle responded and signaled the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun to level. When he was about to fire, the commander suddenly heard a sizzling sound of electricity in the headset, and then heard the panicked voice of the observer in the car, "Bazooka!!!"


The RPG brushed over the drug dealer's head and hit the front of the TPz-1. The self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was directly blown away, and the body of the car was blown up.

The anti-drug soldiers standing next to him were also involved.

Dozens of armed men emerged from the woods and fired at the other side of the river, and bullets flew everywhere...

This sudden "ambush" made the Northern Army a little confused. The lieutenant leading the team was shot in the arm. He lay down behind a rock and held down the communication tool. "Support! Call for air support!"

"Retreat! Retreat! Don't be obsessed with fighting, let's go!" A drug dealer on the other side of the river shouted loudly, waved his hand, and attacked very fast and ran very slippery.

This group of people did not intend to annihilate the Northern Army, but just taught them a lesson.

This side of the river is Jalisco!

Union boys, put your hands down.

By the time air support arrived, these people had long since fled.

A total of 9 crew members in the TPz-1 armored vehicle, including 3 nearby, were killed. They were usually hit from the front by the RPG. The violent impact could completely displace all the internal organs in the body.

Jesus has to become a sandwich cookie inside.

Looking at the bodies of the dead Northern troops, the lieutenant who led the team felt his chest swell, his breasts ached with anger, and his face was ashen.

Now it's over, I have to face criticism.

In Tepic, a town at the junction of Jalisco and Sinaloa, it is in a forest, a natural barrier, and there are many mosquitoes.

This is said to be a town, but in fact it is a village.

Five heavily armed gunmen can be seen standing at the door, and there are many hidden and open whistles nearby. If there is any sign of trouble, they will be discovered immediately.

"Win! Win! Win!"

The village was buzzing with people.

I saw a group of people in an open-air open space, three circles inside and three outside. Inside, a bald man held a straw in his mouth, connected to a bottle with a lot of liquid in it. He lit a lighter. , took a sip, and the whole person was in ecstasy.

The expression is very ecstatic, don't think too much.

On the opposite side was a young man wearing a turban, holding a revolver filled with orange bullets, and with scars on his face. He waved to the people next to him, gesturing for everyone to cheer louder.

Of course the people around me gave them face, "Ouch!!"

Take the banknotes in your hands and throw them directly in front of the two people. Hong Kong dollars, US dollars, rubles and even Italian lira can be seen. Here, money is equal.

The young man wearing a turban turned the wheel, clicked the gun, stared at the bald man opposite him fiercely, put the gun into his mouth, and raised his middle finger towards the other person with his other hand.


His head exploded!

The body fell heavily to the ground.

The bald man opposite jumped up immediately, grabbed the banknotes on the ground, waved them towards the sky, raised his hands, and shouted excitedly!

The people next to him who were winning money with him also shouted and started running around while carrying him.

El Mencho stood by the window and watched this scene, tilted his head, lit a cigarette for himself, blew on the smoke, turned his head, and saw the new generation of Jalisco's top executives sitting in the room.

Mostly his brothers.

Drug trafficking groups are like this, and the main members of the interest organization are blood relatives and township parties.

El Mencho doesn't like being in a big city, he thinks it's not the right place for him right now.

"We can't fight the Northern Army head-on." He looked at the senior officials and said in a hoarse voice. The weather in the woods was a bit different between day and night, and he felt a little cold.

"The weapons of the Northern Army are not comparable to ours. The idiots in Sinaloa and Tijuana have already tested us. In a head-to-head confrontation, we are far inferior to them, but..."

El Mencho raised his voice, "We are more familiar with the mountainous terrain of Jalisco than they are. We want to fight guerrilla warfare, invade small groups of troops, devour them if we can defeat them, and run away if we cannot defeat them. The Soviet Union was Afghanistan is in ruins."

I have to say, he is really smart.

He is also very cruel. Compared with El Mencho, he is simply inhumane. At least Guzman will not harm innocent people. Guzman’s son was arrested twice, and the violence affected the poor Guzman’s family. The family members all paid compensation.

As for El Mencho, his weapons were armored vehicles converted from stolen civilian cars. His men would also go to the homes of some wealthy people to steal luxury cars for him. Once, a rich man had six taels stolen from him by his men. Luxury car.

Why are there no locals in this village?

All 121 people were silenced by him!

He doesn't allow others to know where he is.

What a bastard!

"Have you read the book I gave you? Codoni..." Elmenjo glanced at his brother-in-law. He was very young, only 18 years old, but he had made his sister pregnant.

You have to be responsible!

You can either choose to get married or bury you, and Codoni will definitely choose the latter.

When he saw El Mencho, he was as scared as seeing a tiger. Hearing his name, he shivered subconsciously, "Look, look! In a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak, we must understand that the enemy is advancing and we are retreating. When the enemy is stationed, we harass him; when the enemy is tired, we attack him; when the enemy retreats, we pursue him, which consumes the opponent's strength and prevents us from engaging him directly."

El Mencho nodded with satisfaction, "Well done."

Kedoni's face turned red with excitement when he heard the compliment. He is also an ambitious person. Since he can be his brother-in-law, he naturally hopes to go further on the road of drug trafficking!

"You must remember this and not fight a war in which both of you will die."

"Understood!" The higher-ups in the room responded one after another.

"I plan to send a force into the northern mountains and deserts for guerrilla fighting. Which of you will go?" El Mencho said. As soon as these words came out, his brother-in-law Cotoni, who was originally smiling, also shrank.

Are you going to do some activities at the rear?

Isn’t that a narrow escape from death?

Codoni lowered his head.

Still don't have the guts.

El Mencho glanced at everyone, and all he saw were looking left and right. No one took the initiative to stand up. After all, they were still drug dealers, so they could only fight with the wind.

"Since no one stands up, I will call the roll myself."

He narrowed his eyes and spoke in a bad tone. Just as he was about to order someone, he heard a knock on the door, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

"Boss, Antonio called." said a confidant standing at the door.

El Mencho nodded, took the phone, and walked out of the room. All the brothers and blood relatives inside breathed a sigh of relief.


"Brother." Antonio shouted from the other side.

"How about it? Will the Mexican government accept our surrender?"

Antonio's voice was a little weak, "I have contacted the local CIA and they said they would help us. However, I think they are talking lies. Victor's influence is too great. Now the members of the parliament dare not speak out against him." Voice, but people from the CIA also said that this is just the surface, someone will stand up to re-establish the Mexican government, and when the time comes, they will oppose the puppet Cuauquemot in the National Palace, and we will become the armed forces of the new government!”

CIA wants to invade New Mexico? !

El Mencho raised his eyebrows. He had no problem with this. He, a drug dealer, didn't care whether the country perished or not, as long as he could satisfy his own selfish desires.

"Then who does the CIA plan to support?"

"They didn't say anything, they were very strict," Antonio said.

El Mencho pondered.

"Brother, I heard some news in Mexico City."


"The puppet Kwaukemot is planning to move the capital! To Tijuana, that bitch Victor is not going to pretend anymore!"

Move the capital?

Mexico City is a city that was rebuilt on the ruins in the 16th century when the Spanish conquistadors razed Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, the Indian civilization in Central America. It is also the capital of New Spain, the country established by the Spanish in the New World.

This is different in terms of politics, economics and influence.

Victor plans to become orthodox?

So brave?

El Mencho actually "admired" him in his heart.

He is worthy of being his opponent. Only he and himself can be called heroes in the entire Mexico. Others? Just a local dog.

"Publish this matter. If Victor and Cuauquemot want to move the capital, I will let everyone see their faces. I want to see if Victor, the King of the North, dares to do it to the whole of Mexico. One spit from the 140 million people in the country can drown him."

"By the way, after the publicity is spread, let's say that the new generation of Jalisco is firmly opposed to the plan to move the capital! This is discarding the civilization and heritage of the Mexicans, and requires Victor to come out for dialogue."

"And call on everyone to march in the streets against this behavior! Demand that Kwaukmot step down."

El Mencho, who is good at using public opinion and propaganda, immediately thought of ways to disgust the other party. Victor, I want to see if you dare to go against everyone!

Of course Victor didn't know at this time that a bigger storm was brewing.

The temple is small and the demon is strong.

There are many tortoises in shallow water.

Now he was standing a little nervously on the backstage of the United Nations General Assembly, waiting to go up. His godfather "applied" for another "Executive Director of the Drug Enforcement Administration" speech for himself.

It’s great to have a daddy’s kid.

Iraq: CNMDB!

"Don't be nervous..." Girlfriend Bertha Rumsfeld helped him adjust his suit and said with a gentle smile.

"Have I? Haha, why am I nervous? I have fucked Iraqis before, would I be nervous?" Victor explained, but when he saw the other person's expression, he suddenly laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll always be with you." Belsaria said, holding Victor's hand and kissing his cheek.

At this moment, there was thunderous applause outside, and a staff member came in to inform him to come on stage. Victor took a deep breath and walked out with a calm smile on his face.

Smiling and bowing slightly to everyone.

When he stood on the stage, he was actually really nervous.

No one else cares...

There are five great good people below.

When you were fighting with the Iraqi representatives, you didn't pay attention. Now when these big guys raise their heads and look at you, the pressure is completely unnecessary.

It is also clear that when Ka Dazuo was able to tear up the charter in front of everyone, it was clear how fearless he was. In other words, he had no idea what the Five Good People represented.

Have you ever eaten fist? Oh, when we ate later, there were no people around, so there was a saying that spread: Don’t be too stuck in life.

However, have you heard of copy, young man?

Ruling the earth is very simple and consists of "five steps"!

1. Raging sea waves

Difficulty: Inferno

Description: Choose one of the 2nd, 3rd, and 7th U.S. fleets to sink them all.

Mission introduction: The U.S. Navy is the defender of the shipping and commercial hegemony that the United States relies on for its survival. The elimination of any aircraft carrier formation will cause heavy damage to the U.S. hegemony.

Hidden mission: Any U.S. Navy fleet destroyed below 50% will trigger the "Memories of Pearl Harbor" event.

2. Winter is coming

Difficulty: Inferno

Description: Choose a city among Volgograd, St. Petersburg, and Moscow to completely occupy and eliminate all hostile armed forces.

Mission introduction: The winter of the Russian bear is the nightmare of the invaders of Russia. The occupation of the above three cities will greatly hit the morale of their homeland.

Hidden mission: The occupation of any city by more than 50% will trigger the "Patriotic War" event, and the output value of Siberian potato carts per mu will increase by 100%!

3. Great Wall Watch

Difficulty: Purgatory

Description: Choose one of the ace armies and destroy it completely until the number is cancelled.

Mission introduction: The army is the rock of defending the country. The elimination of any of the above strategic duty army groups will greatly weaken its resistance.

Hidden mission: The elimination of any army group by more than 50% will trigger "Memories of Humiliating Modern History", all army groups will be restored to full strength, the upper limit of troops will be increased to 500%, the reinforcement speed will be increased by 200%, the conscription speed will be increased by 300%, and the "Ocean of People's War" will be triggered!

4. Oliver Twist

Difficulty: Epic

Description: Destroy all Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, occupy London.

Hidden Mission: Eliminating any of the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force will trigger the "Glory of the British Empire" event. The United States and other Commonwealth countries will immediately declare war on you. NATO will join the war and increase the number of troops entering the battlefield by 10% every 5 minutes after the war begins (but the troops entering the battlefield will not actively attack you).

5. The Tower is Still There

Difficulty: Epic

Description: Occupy Paris before France surrenders

Mission Introduction: Historically, the French army can only win under the leadership of foreigners and women, so please occupy Paris before they surrender.

Hidden Mission: Occupying the Lorraine region without completely eliminating the French Army will trigger the "Last Lesson" event.

Although the old French Zhengbai Banner, to be honest, their army is indeed first-class or even top-class in Europe. At least in the "Battle of Verdun" and the "Battle of the Somme", they performed very well!

Don't look at him down, but he has been awesome.

These people just look at you with suspicion, curiosity, and doubt in their eyes...

Victor took a deep breath and opened his mouth with a king bomb.

"Gentlemen, it is time for mankind to be destroyed and extinct!"


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