Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 208 Justice cannot be killed!

Former Security Minister Restrepo's head was thrown by drug dealers at the door of the government building. This scene was filmed by reporters.

In the photo, a car is facing dozens of military police. The drug dealer sitting inside is arrogant and domineering, with his middle finger raised and his head rolling on the ground. There is no mosaic at all, he just posted it directly.

Report after report began to appear on the front page.

"Colombia is teetering on the edge of drug society!" 》

"our country! Our nation! To die from drugs! 》

I have to say that sometimes, reporters are really a bunch of stubborn people, but it is precisely with such witnesses that history will not be forgotten.

Just like during the Panama War, the US military strictly prohibited all war reporters from entering the combat zone in a "special and exceptional" manner. He concentrated reporters in places where they could only obtain official information from the US military.

This is actually a violation of the Geneva Convention.

At that time, a Spanish journalist Juan Rodriguez secretly entered the battlefield and took many photos of the time. However, in the end, the reporter was assassinated in a non-war zone in front of many witnesses...

Well...a lunatic found him in a non-combat zone of the US military with an M9 pistol used by the US military in a crowd of hundreds of reporters, and then shot him three times in the head.


As expected, I will destroy any bad comments.

As expected of Eagle Sauce... No, it must have been done by a madman.

Crazy people do it, not to mention drug dealers.

17 newspapers across Colombia reported this incident, and then drug traffickers from various regions broke into their headquarters and carried out an inhumane massacre inside!

A dozen drug dealers armed with assault rifles and masks rushed in, shooting at everyone they saw. There was even a female host in the live broadcast room. Because of her good looks, she had a large audience.

The drug dealer who broke in was shot in the head.

That blood…

Splattered on the lens!

The audience outside the TV thought it was just a "program effect", but when the drug dealers finished beating the corpse, it suddenly became bad!

A series of calls went directly to the police station.

How dare the police go?

I was so scared that I unplugged the phone line.

This behavior also completely angered ordinary people, especially college students. They took to the streets, protested loudly and held up banners: Shame on drug dealers! Get out of Colombia!

There are more and more people, even reaching more than 2,000 people.

They stood in protest outside the city hall building.

And it’s funny to say, on the same street, 200 meters across is the North American Drug Association building that Pablo chose!

Drug dealers and the government are on the same street, face to face.

Who is embarrassed?

Whoever cares is embarrassed!

The building is four stories higher than the government building, firmly dominating the other side. On the top floor, the top executives of the North American Drug Association are meeting here.

Pablo held a cigarette in his hand and stood next to the floor-to-ceiling window. He looked at a group of ordinary people protesting below and said with a smile, "These people are not busy making money. They protest all day long and earn thousands every month." Do you have the right to be patriotic if you have no money?”

"They have no idea that this bottle of red wine can kill them!"

"A bunch of bastards who don't know what they mean."

Pablo took a puff of his cigar, his eyes were sinister, and he shouted to Ochoa, "Show them, in Colombia, the only thing to do is to keep your mouth shut. Their opinions are not important, but Their voices will disturb people sitting in the office!”

Ochoa nodded fiercely and went out to make arrangements.

"In 1970, my brothers and I went out to sell drugs. At that time, I met an Eastern pastor. The man told me that my life was for Jesus, and that if I became a vegetarian in the future, he would bless me with many children and good fortune. "

"Bah!" Pablo laughed and turned to look at the three godfathers of the Cali Group, Mexico Guzman and others. "I took out my gun and asked him to guess whether I would kill him."

"He said he would!"

"I killed him with one shot. I said to his body that his guess was accurate, but I don't believe in life. In my territory, Pablo Escobar, even you, the Vatican, If you want to preach, you have to give me half of your faith.”

There are big boss voices all over the flat floor.

He looked at everyone, and finally at Guzman. The two sides looked at each other. The dwarf who kept a low profile lowered his head, and Pablo raised the corner of his mouth. He liked this feeling of persuading his peers.

"Gilbert, how is the Statue of Liberty in New York City? Is her skirt up? I can't help but fuck her!"

Ever since the death of his younger brother Miguel, the boss of the Cali Group has become more and more depressed. His former gentleman's face turned into curry, and he looked very haggard. When he heard Pablo's question, he raised his head and squinted. Eyes on.

"I contacted ETA in Spain. They have developed new explosives. My people have entered New York in batches. They just need to wait for the order. Boom! The Statue of Liberty? I will turn it into ruins!"

Gilbert spoke decisively.

In fact, what does the Cali Group say? To a certain extent, he had received sponsorship from the Americans in order to fight against the Pablo Group sponsored by the Soviet Union, but... Gilberg did not really believe in the United States, so he sent someone to eavesdrop on the U.S. Embassy in Colombia and bribed Several cleaning staff inside stuffed positioning and listening devices under the desk.

More than once, I heard that Americans were worried that the growth of the Cali Group would affect them, but the ambassador proudly told Washington, "Gilbert is just a gentleman-looking bastard, Miguel is an angry bull, and Chepe St. Cruz is a wretched-looking idiot, and the fourth child, Herrera, is a farmer who only knows how to farm. I think they are a combination of four bastards."

Gilbert has always remembered these words deeply, and he also understood that a chamber pot is a chamber pot after all. No matter how much Americans sponsor him, they will kick him out when they don't use it. If Pablo dies, the next one will definitely be Own.

In addition, Miguel was disturbed by the DEA people.

He grew more hateful and more angry!

You are unkind and righteous, I, damn it, don’t care whether you live or die.

He originally planned to blow up the embassy, ​​but he didn't think it was exciting enough or influential enough, so he blew up the Statue of Liberty instead.

Let this bitch collapse!

Drug dealers are very courageous creatures. They have already sold drugs, so what else can they not dare to do?


Is it awesome?

I have long been resentful of those greedy capitalists. When I was a child, I experienced the United Fruit Company occupying land and was forced to work for them. I was not treated as a human being at all. Even now in 1990, they changed their name to Chiquita. , but this hatred is still engraved in Gilbert's heart.

Let’s settle old and new grudges together!

QNMD Americans.

"Very good!" Pablo was satisfied with the efficiency of the Cary Group. He just finished smoking his cigar and threw it into the ashtray. "Perhaps, we should add a label of justice to this operation."

"For example: How about Operation Revenge? It was used to oppose the American control of Central and South America for hundreds of years. It was also a kind of revenge for the actions of the United Fruit Company in the previous decades. They overthrew more than 30 governments and suppressed 5,000 people. Many workers have protested, and they have been bloody, so we have to let them understand that resistance is always there.”

When Guzman and others heard this, they looked at each other. This excuse... was a bit second!

At this moment, a frightened sound suddenly came from downstairs, accompanied by screams. The bosses looked out the glass window and saw a dozen pickup trucks suddenly rushing into the protesting crowd downstairs. Just run rampant against them!

No hesitation at all, just hit it!

The pickup truck pushed people forward, even pushed them to the ground, and ran over their heads regardless.

Whoever dares to stand in the way will die!

Next door is the government building!

There was even a guard box inside. When the military police inside heard the noise outside, their first action was to take a look, and then... close the door!

Thousands of protesters ran in panic.

Pablo looked at this scene very happily, "The protest is also the protest of the strong. It is successful. It is not the compromise of the strong, but... I think it is too troublesome, but I prefer to solve them physically."

"Okay, gentlemen, don't worry about these untouchables. Let's discuss how to carry out righteous actions in the United States!"

"We need to make those people understand that the lives of ordinary people in Central and South America also matter, and they should return."

Guzman glanced at the crowd of protesters below who were crushed by vehicles. There was blood everywhere. Screams came and went, but they slowly subsided, while the gang of drug dealers chased them wildly.

It’s really a magical Latin American version of mockery.

He kills ordinary people, and then asks the United States for debts on behalf of ordinary people.

Wait...the PUC is burned.

It is worthy of being able to bring the Medellin Group to the greatest extent. Guzman must continue to learn this kind of shame.

"Guzman!" shouted Aguilar from Juarez next to him, pulling the dwarf. As soon as he came back to his senses, he saw Pablo frowning and looking at him, "You're distracted. "

"Sorry." Guzman said solemnly.

"I will send my soldiers to an expedition to Mexico! Send an expeditionary force of more than 6,000 people, and equip you with 20 Mi-8 armed helicopters, 25 BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles and 10 T55 tanks, which will arrive by sea. Mexico."

"In addition to us, the Guatemalan warlord General Ubico Castagne has also made it clear that he will cooperate with the Trout Gang and send about 3,000 people from the south into Mexico to fight Victor!"

"Drug trafficking organizations in Honduras and Ecuador have also clearly expressed their support for you and provided US$20 million in financial assistance."

"These are the first batch of support from the association. The second batch of support will be coming soon. What we need to do is to press Victor to death!"

"He's just too jumpy."

"I don't like it very much."

Pablo said with a worried expression, "I will leave these people to your command. Don't let the association down. I have also prepared a staff team of 10 people for you. Most of them are retired officers of the US military."

"Just give them money, they don't like being in debt."


Engage in an expeditionary force?

Nearly 10,000 people still have so much firepower?

Guzman was a little suspicious. Was he a drug dealer or a warlord?

However, I have to say that this feeling of having someone's support is really good. If Victor can do more than himself, can he do more than the "United Army"?

The planes and cannons fired together and killed you directly.

However, the gloomy Guzman felt that perhaps, he could find a way to find a solution from within Victor.

He likes to play dirty tricks, so it's impossible for everyone to be satisfied with Victor.

Stir up internal chaos in him!

Then external troops invaded the territory.


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