Biquge, the fastest update of the space of the best hands: reborn sweet wife wants to rebel the latest chapter!

When she heard that her son had come to find herself, Su Xin's slight acid in her heart was gone, and she looked at Lu Zhan's face distressed, "Thin!"

"Is it thin?" Lu Zhan touched his face, which had to be replenished. I wonder if the fish in the yard's fish tank can eat?

"It's thin! Eat some dried fruit to fill your belly!" Shi Moqing nodded in agreement and dropped the dried fruit into the kitchen. Although she didn't think Lu Zhan was thin, she couldn't say that all mothers in the world felt missing for a few days. Son is thin!

Lunch was ready, but Shi Moqing did not take a bite. The patient who made the appointment came in advance.

"Doctor Shi, can my waist really get thinner?"

"Yes, but stay with me for a few days! Mrs. Chen!" Shi Moqing nodded, and stretched out his hands to pinch Mrs. Chen's fatty meat around her waist.

"Okay! As long as it can become a small waist, let alone a few days, I will be willing for a year! The cost is not a problem, the problem is not painful, right?" Mrs. Chen's fat face was shaking because of excited speech.

"There will be a little bit, but there will be no scars." Shi Moqing said frankly.

"So, that skin ... is the meat gone, will the skin be loose?" Mrs. Chen asked worriedly.

"Theoretically, it won't be very serious. After all, you have a long time for obesity. I will try to concentrate it. If you want a vest line, then you need to exercise after the injury. Health is more You have to stick to it. We can only give you advice or plan for you as a doctor! "

"Then ... can you give me a plan after the operation?" Mrs. Chen asked tentatively, such a young doctor, she couldn't tell where she could be trusted, but looking at her confident smile, She felt that she could do it.

"Yes, I will give you a whole set of programs including diet and exercise, as long as you develop habits and restore three-fifths of the peak period is not a problem!" Shi Moqing nodded and looked at the table. In the photo, the beautiful young lady is the young lady in front of her. Three-fifths, she can only say that it is conservative. After all, she is too fat.

"Oh! Don't say three-fifths, I'm satisfied with half recovery!" Mrs. Chen covered her mouth, her eyes were full of excitement, and she used to be as beautiful and beautiful with this doctor because of love when she was young She gave up staying beautiful and turned around her working children every day. After that, she got better, her body rebounded, and she was afraid of herself, but she was afraid of pain, and even more afraid of rebound after plastic surgery.

The husband said he didn't mind each time, but she saw him and other women going in and out of public places again and again, and she didn't dare to question. For her, it was a shame to herself.

Su Xin was her friend. She heard about the accident. It was said that the imprint of her face was almost ruined, and she was rescued by the apprentice of the old Lu family. So she also wanted to try it. Failure would fail. Is it worse than her now?

"Let ’s do this, I think your spirit is good. If you have enough time, we can start surgery in the afternoon, but you need to find someone to take care of you during the hospital stay. After all, I am the only one here, except for changing clothes and toiletries. You do n’t need to bring any of them, I ’m all new and disinfected here! ”

"Come! I'm going to call now!" Mrs. Chen nodded quickly, of course, the sooner the better.

As soon as Mrs. Chen went out, Shi Moqing set out to prepare things for surgery.

"Eat something first! Didn't I say you, you have to take care of yourself! Are you busy coming by alone? Should you find someone?" Lu Zhan walked in with a meal and frowned.

"I'm really hungry!" Shi Moqing put down his hand and took the meal with a smile. "You help me put these into the operating room. If you are free in the afternoon, help me!"

"It's easy for me to go in?" Lu Zhan raised an eyebrow and sent the things in front of the operating room.

"It's tricky. I need an assistant. It's not easy to find someone, unless your second brother comes to help me." Shi Moqing muttered as he ate, only to be dismissed by second brother Lu, she couldn't afford him! She can only find trusted people here.

"Let me find it for you?" Lu Zhan stepped out, relieved to see her eating.

"Would you like to find a caregiver, help to make the bed clean and sanitize, and disinfect the instruments!" Shi Moqing ate quickly, "the assistant is not needed for the time being, you can help me if you have time!"

"Okay!" Lu Zhan expressed compromise, and basically everything she decided was thoughtful. After all, her plastic surgery method was a bit weird, and people who didn't trust it were better not to use it.

The man Mrs. Chen was looking for was coming quickly. She was young and young, so she had a good job and arranged everything. She just went straight to the operating room.

Su Xin and Yuezhang sat in the consultation room and waited. Lu Zhan changed into a white gown and put on a mask to follow in. When he helped Mo City several times, he could make a chance.

Obesity is actually the most difficult condition in today's society. Sometimes liposuction can't solve the problem of loose skin, unless you remove the excess skin.

Mrs. Chen's obesity is mostly on her face and thighs, but in fact, according to Shi Moqing, she wants to give her a few doses of diarrhea medicine. After pulling it for a few days, she is expected to lose weight, but It's so unreliable, you can only use bone rubbing plus her special essential oil to burn fat, but the effect is not fast.

"It's okay! It's okay one place a day, and I've arranged it at home, I have time!" Under the shadowless lamp, Mrs. Chen took a deep breath to cheer herself up.

"Don't worry, imagine that you are on the beach at this moment!" Lu Zhan wearing a mask sat gently on her head, her long fingers pressed against her temples, and her soft voice overflowed from the corner of her mouth, like a hypnosis on her. Ears rang, and Mrs. Chen's eyes slowly blurred, as if she were really in such a place ...

"I'm going, I don't even know that you still have these means. Who do you do if you don't be my assistant!" Shi Moqing held the silver needle in his hand, and became a little stunned.

"The little hypnosis I learned from special training can't be controlled for a long time. You move quickly and I'll wait outside!" Lu Zhan's eyes were half-smoked, praised, and she was very happy.

The first thing to do this time is the stomach. Lu Zhan avoids suspicion and plans to wait until Mo Qing is ready to enter.

Shi Moqing's silver needle was quickly pierced into a sleepy acupuncture point, and she started to prepare. She put on a sterile towel to expose only a circle of obese belly. After Mrs. Chen's belly was disinfected with special pharmaceutical water in a wide range, she quickly turned her hands and disinfected. Put on the essential oil and start the operation under the shadowless lamp.

Bone rubbing combined with acupressure, but also bringing spiritual power to burn fat, is actually a very labor-intensive task. Lu Zhan had already entered when Mo Qing was preparing to start the operation. At this moment, she stood seriously and watched her action. .

Every time she turned pale, he quickly fed her with spring water to keep her strength ...

Except that the spiritual power couldn't keep up, the others were okay. The kneading operation was just like kneading the mud, swimming in Mrs. Chen's fat, taking away a lot of oil every time.

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