Spider-Man Parker returned to his home in Queens.

He hurriedly packed his suit, picked up two bottles of soy sauce and opened the door.

"Aunt Mei, I'm back from cooking."

Parker said hurriedly.

But Aunt Mei in the kitchen looked surprised and said,"Why did I tell you about this today? Wasn't it a few days ago?"


Parker was instantly confused, not realizing that he had just been hit by the Muggle Repelling Charm.’......

On the other side.

Yan Chen raised his magic wand and used"Apparition" to return home from the church.

The distance of dozens of kilometers was reached in an instant.

Once again, the magic of magic was demonstrated.

Yan Chen stood on the top of the apartment building, the night wind blew, and the cold winter wind came.

But it still did not calm the fire in his heart. After the massacre just now, the boiling fighting spirit in his body has not subsided, as if there is a flame burning in his heart.

The faint burning sensation can't be suppressed.

Even the pupils are flushed.

Yan Chen couldn't bear the suppressed pain, but after realizing that this was the power of the phoenix, he fortunately let go of his body.


Flames suddenly bloomed under the skin of his hands.

But the suddenly relaxed defense was like a valve of a dam being suddenly opened.

There was a loud bang.

The flames suddenly rose, and suddenly rose into the air, swaying constantly under the night wind.


Yan Chen looked at his hands that turned directly into flames, and was speechless.

Is this elementalization?

I didn't expect that after his soul merged with the Phoenix Soul, he not only unlocked the flame immunity physique, but also gained an elemental ability after releasing the flame skill.

This is no ordinary flame.

The devouring ability of the Phoenix flame alone is enough to annihilate the human body into ashes.

The few corpses just thrown away are the best examples.

Yan Chen tried to clench his hands hard, and the gushing flames instantly changed according to his will, and gradually turned into flesh and blood.

There was still a faint red light under the skin.

But....The strength is still a little lacking.

Feeling the power coming from his palm, Yan Chen thought silently.

Compared with the body transformed by dragon blood in the previous life, there is still a little difference, but the difficulty of solving this problem will not be too difficult.

After all, there are still a few bottles of dragon blood enhancement potion left in the broken soul space.

With his body transformed by the phoenix, it will definitely be strengthened again by this bottle of potion. It is even easier to exceed the flesh and blood strength of the previous life.

Thinking of this, Yan Chen came down directly from the eaves.

He didn't even say the spell of"Alaho Open".

The door of this duplex apartment opened directly. As an old wizard's house, it naturally has extraordinary features.

Not only that.

In this building.

It is also attached with"all protection" to defend against pure physical attacks.

Of course,"safe guard" can protect an area and defend against magic detection.

In addition, there are naturally indispensable spells such as thief sensing spell, Muggle shielding and expulsion spells.

""I'm back!"

Susan said excitedly.

She walked in front of Yan Chen like a fluttering butterfly and took off his outer robes one by one.

However, the specially reinforced cloak still had a hint of burnt smell after being ravaged by the flames.

‘'Brand new'.

Yan Chen silently chanted this spell in his heart.

This is the skill of silent spell, which is similar to wandless spellcasting, and is also a necessary skill for high-level wizards.

In an instant, the cloak that had wrinkles just now was smoothed out, and even the remaining smell of fireworks dissipated.

This is the charm of wizards!

Susan knelt down and took out a pair of slippers, revealing her plump and curvy figure, and the breathtaking curves showed her beauty.

Yan Chen put on the slippers and went upstairs.

"Oh, don't forget. Have you taken the last dose of medicine for today?"

"Drink it!"

Due to the fact that it is rare to see a spell in a century, the Imperius Curse has been imprinted on Susan's soul like a brand.

Therefore, Susan has become his own thing that obeys his words and deeds.

However, this unforgivable curse is harmful after all, so it needs to be treated with medicine.

This has eliminated some hidden diseases, but the loyalty and dedication to him has been perfectly preserved.

After the two exchanged greetings.

Yan Chen went to the fifth floor, the monster breeding house.

This is a space floor created by the"Traceless Extension Spell", so the area is extremely vast, even wider than the first floor. However, this change, from the outside world, can't see any change.

After feeding some monsters with food.

Yan Chen came to the treasure house on the fourth floor and took away the dragon blood potion sealed in the bookcase.

That's right!

He plans to let his flesh and blood leave his mortal body tonight.

The changes in the fusion of the soul made him think of a terrifying possibility.

If what he expected is correct, then he will become the most shocking wizard of all time, no one!

PS: For now, I will update twice a day. After the contract is successfully signed, I will do a small burst of updates.

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