Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 289 Great changes in reincarnation space and the universe outside the universe (

The next moment, the familiar light blue transparent light screen appeared in front of Chen Mu.

[Number of text simulations: 2]

[Number of reincarnation simulations: 1]

"Do you want to start the reincarnation simulation?"

Looking at the black words in front of him, Chen Mu did not hesitate.

The text simulation was accumulated again, and Chen Mu could start his reincarnation simulation without any worries.

Speaking of it, Chen Mu has not experienced reincarnation simulation after the simulator was upgraded.

Not only after the simulator was upgraded, but also before the simulator was upgraded, because of the world reshaping, he could not accumulate the number of reincarnation simulations.

If you count it, he has not started the reincarnation simulation for nearly ten years.

So Chen Mu will not hesitate this time.

"Start the reincarnation simulation."

Chen Mu's mind moved.

The next moment, Chen Mu, who was still in reality, found that his consciousness was reincarnated in the reincarnation space.

Chen Mu's face did not change at all, but when his consciousness appeared in the reincarnation space, Chen Mu was still startled.

Because this reincarnation space, which he had visited countless times before, had changed again after the simulator was upgraded this time.

If the previous reincarnation space was a complete space, then the current reincarnation space has become two independent spaces.

When Chen Mu's consciousness appeared in the sky of the reincarnation simulation space, he found that the number of light spots he could overlook was almost doubled.

And the extra light spots did not exist in the reincarnation simulation space without any pattern.

These extra light spots representing the worlds appeared below the original light spots in the reincarnation space.

The whole thing looked like an extra layer.

This is why Chen Mu was stunned when his consciousness appeared in the reincarnation simulation space.

Because he didn't expect this.

After all, the prompts that sounded in his mind after the simulator was upgraded did not have these.

Of course, it's not Chen Mu's fault that he didn't think of these. In fact, the number of light spots in the previous reincarnation simulation space was already a lot.

Even if Chen Mu accumulated tens of millions of reincarnation simulations, he was far from being able to reincarnate all the worlds represented by the light spots.

So before, Chen Mu instinctively thought that the light spots in the reincarnation space were all the worlds he could reincarnate.

But what Chen Mu didn't expect was that after the simulator was updated this time, the number of new worlds he could reincarnate in doubled again, or even more than doubled.

After all, the extra layer of light spots this time was very dense.

It was only after Chen Mu started this reincarnation simulation that he realized that his previous thoughts were too simple.

"There are so many worlds that can be reincarnated all of a sudden, how can I choose."

Chen Mu's conscious stunned was actually just a moment.

After all, although he did not expect that the reincarnation space would change so much again, his ability to accept was still very strong.

After so many simulations, Chen Mu's strength is far more than his realm.

In other aspects, Chen Mu is not much behind at this time.

However, in terms of choosing the reincarnation world, Chen Mu really hesitated.

In fact, if the reincarnation space did not change after this simulator update, Chen Mu might reincarnate in a world that is not far from the wizard world.

After all, at this moment, he would definitely not consider the world in the reincarnation abyss realm, nor would he consider the world in the reincarnation divine realm.

So before, the only world he could consider was the world in the world sea.

And the world in the world sea, except for the worlds in the central area, the rest of the worlds are actually the same for Chen Mu who has reincarnation simulation.

If you are lucky, you can choose to reincarnate into a better world, and if you are unlucky, at most you will not gain anything.

But now it is different. Now the worlds that Chen Mu can choose to reincarnate in have increased by nearly one-fold.

So how to choose is a problem.

Fortunately, the reincarnation space will not force Chen Mu's consciousness to leave.

In the reincarnation space, Chen Mu has enough time to consider.

Chen Mu knows when to hesitate and when to hesitate.

In this situation, Chen Mu still has to hesitate.

After all, if you make a good choice, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

It is absolutely impossible for Chen Mu to have no curiosity about these new worlds.

This is not the first time that Chen Mu has seen the changes in the simulator secretly.

After all, before this time, there were twice as many worlds to choose from for reincarnation.

When Chen Mu became a level 3 wizard, there was also a change in the reincarnation space.

Chen Mu remembered that change very clearly, and there were also more worlds to choose from for reincarnation.

It's just not as many as this time.

So Chen Mu was naturally a little curious.

Curious about what was special about these new worlds that suddenly appeared in the reincarnation simulation for him to reincarnate.

Everyone has curiosity, even Chen Mu, who has become a level 5 wizard at this time.

The next moment, Chen Mu seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up slightly.

"Choose from the extra world this time."

At this moment, Chen Mu still made a decision.

Not because of anything else, but because Chen Mu felt that he had discovered something extraordinary.

The next moment, Chen Mu's conscious gaze stopped at a dark green light spot.

It can be said to be a light spot, but it can actually be said to be a light ball.

Because the doubled light spots this time, each one is extremely huge.

At least much larger than the wizard world.

But it is still not as good as the world in the center of the world sea and the worlds in the abyss.

Of course, there are also worlds that can be comparable to these worlds, and there are many, very many.

Even more than the worlds in the three major realms combined.

This is why Chen Mu will definitely see more than double the world.

Because the light balls and light balls are squeezed together, it must be more shocking than the light spots and light spots scattered together.

However, the world Chen Mu chose is naturally not the largest world among the extra worlds this time.

It is even worse than those worlds in the abyss.

But Chen Mu understands one thing very well, that is, how big your ability is, how big your meal is.

Chen Mu has not forgotten the experience of the world reshaping in the last reincarnation simulation.

He really doesn't want to have any unexpected situation in the reincarnation simulation and then let the simulator take action.

After all, he only waited for more than three years to restore energy after the last world was reshaped.

But who knows if the waiting time will become thirty or three hundred years if a similar situation occurs again.

Chen Mu can't wait that long.

So it's not that he is cowardly, but there is no point in making such a choice.

After all, the largest world among these extra worlds this time is hundreds of times larger than the largest world in the Abyss Realm.

It looks like a burning fireball in the reincarnation space.

Chen Mu doesn't want to touch this kind of big world at this time.

Don't talk about reincarnation simulation or not. If there is any accident, it will be too late to regret.

However, after Chen Mu's eyes were placed on this dark green light ball, he also glanced around this light ball.

"The color of the light spots representing these extra worlds seems to be green."

Chen Mu said to himself.

In fact, he just discovered this point.

But now he has clearly scanned them all and knows that it is indeed the case.

However, Chen Mu did not care too much about these. After all, Chen Mu did not know what the meaning of color was to the world. Even if they were the same, it was not a rare thing.

The next moment, Chen Mu did not think much.

His consciousness gradually began to approach the dark green light ball he decided to reincarnate.


When Chen Mu's consciousness merged with the light ball, a muffled sound came from the reincarnation simulation space.

But at this time, Chen Mu's consciousness had fallen into darkness.

So he naturally did not know these.

The third rift in the wizard world, the Sea of ​​Watch, in the wizard tower.

Chen Mu frowned slightly, as if he was digesting some memory.

The reason why he did not frown was very simple, that is, this reincarnation simulation had just ended.

"This time, the reincarnation simulation actually has the mystery of the womb again?"

This is really something Chen Mu did not think of before reincarnation.

After all, as early as when he was a fourth-level wizard, his consciousness had reached the point where he was not affected by the mystery of the womb in the reincarnation simulation.

What's more, he has now become a fifth-level wizard, and his consciousness is stronger.

No matter how you say it, he shouldn't be affected by the mystery of the womb again in this reincarnation simulation.

But this kind of thing that shouldn't happen appeared in this reincarnation simulation.

As a result, Chen Mu had almost no power to resist and ended this reincarnation simulation.

After all, in the state of the mystery of the womb, Chen Mu didn't even have any memory, and the whole person was in a turbid state. How could he have the power to resist.

"And the world of reincarnation this time is too similar to the world in the immortal cultivation novels in the previous life!"

Chen Mu rubbed his eyebrows and said to himself.

That's right, the world he reincarnated this time is not much different from the immortal cultivation world he saw in the immortal cultivation novels in his previous life.

The reason why Chen Mu can know this is naturally because of the memory retained after the end of this reincarnation simulation.

If it weren't for the memory being retained after the reincarnation simulation, Chen Mu might not even know what the world he reincarnated this time was like.

But fortunately, although Chen Mu died in the stage of the mystery of the womb, his memory was retained.

His reincarnated identity is exactly the son of two immortal cultivators.

So although Chen Mu's consciousness was turbid, he was still instilled with a lot of memories of the world of immortal cultivation.

This is why Chen Mu learned all this at the stage of the mystery in the womb.

In fact, if there was no mystery in the womb, Chen Mu would definitely be able to learn more.

After all, he has so many memories to help him, and his parents are already immortal cultivators. There is definitely no problem for him to survive and become an immortal cultivator.

"Qi refining, foundation building, golden elixir."

"Good guy, if these memories are not real, I would doubt whether I have reincarnated into the novels I read in my previous life."

Chen Mu thought in his heart.

Even though this reincarnation simulation has ended, Chen Mu's surprise still exists.

After all, novels are novels, and he reincarnated into a real world.

And it is one of the extra worlds in this reincarnation space.

But it must be said that he really did nothing in this reincarnation simulation.

It can even be said that the reincarnation simulation that can only be accumulated once in four years was wasted.

Chen Mu would not find any reasons for not being fully prepared or not thinking of it.

If you didn't think of it, you didn't think of it. If you didn't expect it, you didn't expect it. There is no reason to find.

It can only be said that he didn't think enough and didn't expect enough.

The next moment, Chen Mu's frown relaxed a little, but there was a hint of solemnity on his face.

This time he was indeed not fully prepared.

Even the world of reincarnation was decided by him temporarily.

But in this case, Chen Mu only allowed himself to appear once.

The number of reincarnation simulations has become more and more precious to Chen Mu at this time, and he can't afford to waste even one.

However, although this reincarnation simulation is not perfect, Chen Mu is not without gain.

At least he has some of his own guesses about these worlds that appeared in the reincarnation space this time.

"These worlds do not belong to the three major realms. I'm afraid they may really be worlds beyond the transcendence!"

Chen Mu thought in his heart at this moment.

This is actually not groundless.

In fact, as early as after the last reincarnation simulation ended, Chen Mu was thinking about one thing.

That is transcendence. Is it really as simple as transcending the world where one was born, or transcending a realm?

If this is really the case, why is it possible for a transcendent to be born in every world?

And why is there a transcendent in every world in every realm?

According to Chen Mu's thinking.

If the wizard world is compared to a small world, then the world sea is a big world, and all the worlds in the three realms are a universe.

And outside this big universe, are there other universes?

In other words, is the transcendent transcending not just a small world or a big world, but a universe?

And if there are other universes outside the universe where Chen Mu is, how many universes are there in the entire universe?

Can all transcendents go to other universes?

It has to be said that Chen Mu thinks very far, but these are indeed in his thinking.

After all, he also lived in an era of information explosion in his previous life.

So even if he reincarnates into the wizard world, his way of thinking will occasionally be the same as in his previous life.

Chen Mu couldn't figure it out before, but in the changes in the simulation space after the simulator was updated, Chen Mu figured out one thing.

That is, there are other universes outside the universe.

Otherwise, how to explain the double world in the reincarnation space.

At this moment, Chen Mu's memory of the simulator's perversion has been further enhanced.

The status of the simulator seems to be not limited to one universe.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for the monthly ticket, love you guys. (End of this chapter)

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