Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 239 [235] The Official Wizard's Surprise, The Last Lesson!

Chapter 239 [235] The official wizard's surprise, the last lesson!

For a powerful wizard, the distance of 10,000 meters is still within the range of witchcraft.

Wang Ya may only have one shot.

In the game between wizards, as the gap in strength becomes more and more obvious, winning or losing will happen at the moment when the idea is finalized.


The energy of the Fenji particles swelled out in the form of a burst, engulfed in the biological force field and submerged in all directions. With the help of the ground fire and the environment, black flames soared into the sky, forming a terrifying black pillar of fire.

Ten meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, even one thousand meters! !

In the blink of an eye, these numerous black fire pillars radiated terrifying fluctuations that could not be ignored, spinning around Wang Ya.

It's not an attack, but a defense. Wang Ya chose to defend first.

The Vacuum Realm was formed almost at the same time,

From a distance, a black lotus bloomed on the battlefield, and petals stood up one after another, and began to close towards the inside, forming a budding state.

Combined sorcery [Burning Formation]

The introverted black light beam scattered from the magnetic silence mirror surface, turned into a stream of light that could not be ignored, and rushed straight to the position of the fantasy wizard, at an extremely fast speed; There were traces of melting, a large number of positive and negative charges were inactivated, and the tiny substances and even more tiny microorganisms were completely wiped out.


As the black streamer flashed across, the ground fire burst out one after another, spraying out magma fifty meters high, and cracks and holes appeared on the ground, with terrifying power.

This is the [Magnetic Silence Death Light] witchcraft after a first-level rotation and the blessing of the Magnetic Silence Mirror.

The power is several times stronger than the black death light that blooms from the fission and burning silence witchcraft.

It's not over yet, with Wang Ya's black giant lotus as the center, the particle energy of the surrounding environment is quickly attracted, the buds are in a restrained state, and the next moment, countless black flames that swell suddenly gather together, forming a blossoming black flame. The energy flow composed of small lotus flowers spontaneously absorbs all the energy along the way, and blooms with its own dazzling light.

From the first few tens of meters to the subsequent thousand meters, the formed black lotus tide is still expanding and increasing, blocking the light in the sky with a sea-like overturning trend, forming a huge shadow fire lotus curtain, heading towards Submerged in the direction of the fantasy wizard.

This is a persistent witchcraft, and it is a range of witchcraft [Burning Fire Chaotian]

"It's really spectacular. With the strength of the ultimate wizard apprentice, the witchcraft released is not much weaker than ordinary sublimation witchcraft in terms of scale and degree."

"Three powerful limit-breaking witchcraft, but still not enough, Huanmeng is not the third-rate stuff this little guy has dealt with in the past."

"For the strength of an official wizard, relying on limit-breaking witchcraft alone will not pose much threat."

The eyes of the four people watching the battle became serious, even they had to face up to this kind of battle.

"The old fox likes to calculate, but I have to admit that his strength is really strong. Even among the official wizards, he can still be in the forefront." The blood wizard narrowed his eyes and observed the fantasy wizard, " Due to the secretive nature of the dream wizard, his promotion is all in the dream world, and no one knows how far his current strength has reached, so it can be said that he is one of the most mysterious wizards in the Underdark."

The blood wizard shook his head and said: "The ability Wang Ya has shown so far is not enough!"

However, it can already be said that they are extremely talented. Among the extreme apprentice levels in the Underdark, they belong to the top group and have reached the chief combat power. If you add that witchcraft, the first person under the official wizard may be a little watery, but he is definitely qualified.

Combat power is combat power after all, whether you can win or not depends on the combination of the situation and the actual situation.

Facing such a mighty scene, the dream wizard still stood in place without any movement, the yellow robe on his body was slightly rippling, and the cyan wooden mask seemed to be burning with sparks because of the high temperature.

The cold pupils reflected the oncoming black concentrated light beam, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "My disciple, let me teach you the last lesson, facing different wizards, you need to use different coping methods. "

"For a truly powerful dream wizard, the gap between dreams cannot be interfered with by a few elemental energy witchcraft."

His eyesight is so vicious, everything from Wang Ya's casting of the [Burning Formation] to form a thousand-meter-long giant black lotus, to the displaying of the magnetic silence death light, which caused the ground fire to turmoil and the magma to burst, was all a temptation. , with many calculations, the goal he wants to achieve is to make the power and scope of the third witchcraft even greater.


All of these are appearances, the real purpose is underground, and the environment of the sea of ​​fire battlefield.

The pupils under the cyan wooden mask were covered with a layer of faint yellow light, which belonged to the dream eyes of the Phantom Sorcerer, and saw more colors, more space, and unusual particle flow speeds.

The energy of the Fenji particles infested and guided all the fire element particles within the range of the 10,000-meter battlefield, turning them into a controlled natural environment.

No matter how many times he watched it, the dream wizard was still amazed by the energy of the Fenji particle, which was definitely not inferior to the bone particle and the Rhine particle, and even more powerful in potential.

After breaking through the official wizard, the particle energy will be sublimated, and Wang Ya will only be more terrifying after all-round promotion.

"Now you are not enough, you are still too tender, my disciple!"

The dream wizard's voice echoed, and an extraordinary spiritual force that was terrifying enough to arouse the celestial phenomena filled the sky in a formless and substanceless way. A large number of particle energies were deactivated, and the flow of air seemed to stagnate a little.

Wang Ya's pupils constricted, looking at the continuously slowed magnetic dead light witchcraft. This happened during the battle of Duoguyin; now he is stronger than before, but he is still being suppressed. This is Is it the power of a formal wizard? Wang Ya's eyes reflected the particle energy fluctuations that shot straight into the sky, which was vaguely mixed with the power of dreams. The yellow light infects the sky and oppresses the world on that side. The dark clouds change color, and the energy column of yellow particles pierces the sky; this is the wizarding path belonging to the fantasy wizard!

As if the dream world had replaced the entire sea of ​​fire battlefield, during the scattering of the yellow light, a large number of maple leaves fluttered, forming an environment like a forest of maple leaves. Annihilated part of the yellow light, it completely disappeared.

"The celestial environment has really been replaced!" Wang Ya murmured, with shock on his face, the sky belonging to the fantasy wizard had been replaced by the sky above Xinmeng Lake; wow! Fishes were swimming in the lake, spitting out bubbles on the water surface, and the fantasy wizard was standing on the shore of Xinmeng Lake, under the yellow wooden mask, watching him with indifferent eyes; still holding the familiar wooden yellow stick in his hand. Fishing rods, hooks with no bait hanging down gently into the lake.

Under the light of the yellow light, the ground of the sea of ​​fire and the spewing magma all became distorted, turning into a part of the Maple Leaf Forest, transformed into weird and grotesque twisted pigment trees, filled with various colors, the disgusting sense of distortion, just You only need to take a look, and you will be infected by such spiritual pollution and become a part of the dream world; no, it should be a part of the forest of maple leaves, a part of the fantasy wizard's dream territory, and your whole body and mind Under the control of the dream wizard.

How domineering! !


Like the power of the sea, the energy frenzy formed by thousands of black lotus flowers is encircling, rushing from all directions; it is also like the irrigation of the Milky Way, and the energy of the fire element particles in the surrounding natural environment is blessed in it. In terms of scale and power, it has reached An unprecedented level, not much worse than the power of the [Burning Formation] released in the White Lake Wizard City; the coverage area even reached a huge 5,000 meters.

The kilometer-sized black lotus is extremely small in comparison, and Wang Ya, who is hanging on the top of the black lotus, is even more pocket-sized.

This is the blessing of the geographical environment, as well as the influence of the previous two witchcraft.

Otherwise, this [Burning Fire Chaotian] witchcraft, corresponding to the "Energy Chapter" of the Fen Ji inheritance he created, is only a low-level witchcraft category.


Dazzling light blooms in the colliding field, the distortion of dream power and the high-temperature and high-pressure annihilation of the energy of the burning particles confront each other.

In this confrontation, Burning Huo Chaotian Witchcraft persisted for a full five seconds before being slowly eroded, disappearing into nothingness like waves in the water.

Wang Ya didn't waste the five seconds. As a dream wizard, he knew how to deal with it. The dream gap is the core. As long as the connection with the dream world is cut off, the dream witchcraft will have no effect. .

But this is only for the dream wizards in the apprenticeship period. Wang Ya can't confirm whether there are some changes and special places in the dream power of dream wizards at the official wizard level after breaking the limit and sublimating.

"What's the matter, my disciple, if your strength is only like this, then unfortunately, you will lose this bet."

The fantasy wizard held the fishing rod and swung it lightly. The fish in Xinmeng Lake were biting the hook frantically. His expectation for Wang Ya is to break the two [Xinmeng Lake] [Maple Leaf Forest] witchcraft. As long as he can do this, he will let Wang Ya touch the corner of his clothes.

This is his bottom line. If you want to release the water, it doesn't mean you can release the sea.

If you can do this, even if you are incapable of facing ordinary official wizards, you can still fight for a while, escape from their hands, and have the power to protect yourself.

Of course, I still have the intention of waking this kid up.

The dream wizard looked at the black robed figure in the black giant lotus from a distance, with gloomy eyes. Facing the dream wizard's teacher, but still using elemental witchcraft, he had to wake up this kid, he was on the wrong path! !

Heart Dream Lake is inside, and Maple Leaf Forest is outside. Although the fantasy wizard stands in place without any movement, those distorted color lines are still spreading, infecting more reality, and Maple Leaf Forest has more appearances. showed up.

Wang Ya frowned, and it could spread to his range within a dozen seconds at most.

The witchcraft of the Burning Silence Formation slowly dissipated, and the shadow robe was fluttering, suspended in mid-air.

If he guessed correctly, this is the strange thing he once noticed in Xinmeng Lake.

Consume the power of dreams, and project the projection of the dream territory into reality, so that the false will become real.

‘What a powerful witchcraft, the teacher is worthy of being a teacher. ’ Wang Ya was amazed in his heart. With the strength of an official wizard and the personality of a teacher, he reckoned that even if the realm of dreams was fully unfolded in reality, it could be easily done.

Not to mention the scope of the dream territory in the dream world.

Just the extension in reality, Xinmeng Lake and Maple Leaf Forest are already more than 50,000 meters.

The more the environment is occupied, the natural particle energy will be deprived by the other side.

According to records in the classics, the biological force field of an official wizard is similar to a completely controlled personal field, and the more points it occupies, the more points of blessing.

The dream realm is equivalent to a more advanced manifestation of the dream wizard's biological force field.

The teacher must not be allowed to continue.

Wang Ya's eyes changed, and he changed the wizard's strategy. He guessed the opponent's thinking wrongly, thinking that the opponent would end the battle immediately and quickly, and directly attack with the most powerful force.

The relevant backhand is also related to the response to such a fighting style.

But the effect was not great, he raised the magnetic silence mirror held in his right hand, and injected more particle energy into the magnetic silence bottle.

Soon, the black mirror luster showed a series of deep light spots, obviously without any breath coming out, just looking at it, panic and heart palpitations from the heart; the mirror luster flickered, like flowing water, like a road leading to The entrance of the abyss, people can not know the depth.

The brows under the black lotus mask frowned slightly, and a little sweat appeared on both cheeks.

Each point of light is a fission fire core, and the fission reaction of the bottle of magnetic silence will be much easier and faster. The current number of fission fire cores has reached about 50, and the consumption of extraordinary mental power is only about 30%, especially without consuming 50% of the mental power force to maintain the fission channel.

The existence of the magnetic mirror, the irregular angle between the two mirrors, and the magnetic mirror presented by the reflection and ejection, the fission fire core formed in this process is itself in the fission channel.

Wang Ya only needs to consume 10% of particle energy and 10% of spiritual power.

And more!

Wang Ya stared fixedly at the spreading maple leaf forest. Those distorted colors spread from the earth, from the void, and from the sky, and they were swallowed up like the whole world, and everything that existed in itself would be swallowed up by the dream. Instead of the territory, transformed into a dream creature in the fantasy garden.

Wang Ya, who owns the land of bubbles, understands the seriousness of the consequences; he can't do this, and the dream wizard path he chose is not in this direction.

"Teacher, are you so confident?" Wang Yaheilian's lips moved up and down under the mask, and only he could hear the inaudible voice.

With such an unscrupulous way of opening up the realm of dreams; this is the absolute power that Teacher Huanmeng said?

The Phantom Sorcerer is definitely aware of his Fission and Burning Silence witchcraft, and the Wizard City of White Lake is a good example.

Wang Ya's heart was filled with turmoil, and he became a little angry. This kind of behavior was ignoring his burning silence and fission witchcraft, thinking that he could easily take over.

Holding the magnetic silence mirror high with both hands, it seems to weigh ten thousand catties, one hundred thousand catties.

Wang Ya was struggling, but he also held the Magnetic Silence Mirror parallel to his body.

That being the case, how could he not satisfy the teacher's idea.

chi chi!

Subtle trembling sounds sounded, and dark beams of light radiated from the mirror, one, two, three, until seventy-six beams of magnetic silence were shot out, corresponding to seventy-six fission fire cores.

The black rays of light gathered together to form a diffuse fission channel, rotating and fluctuating, turning into meteors and flying towards the location of Xinmeng Lake.

Inside, it is a small black ball formed by the gathering of seventy-six fission fire cores.

The black light beam is the guard and the driving force. It breaks through the air resistance, annihilates any obstacles, and sends the black ball in the middle to the destination accurately.

[Fission Burning Dead Light Fixed-point Witchcraft]

As for the level, it is one of the three high-level witchcrafts of the "Energy Chapter" inherited by Fenji.

this is

The four official wizards watching the battle couldn't sit still anymore, and they all leaned forward a little. The blood wizard even took a step or two forward, clinging to the edge of the 100,000-meter battlefield.

His eyes were serious, and his deep voice echoed, "It appeared, it was the terrible witchcraft released by this kid in the Wizarding City of White Lake. According to the old fox, it seemed to be called 'fission and burning silence witchcraft'. Energy is the core, and the witchcraft created by evolution is terrifying."

The blood wizard paused for a moment before continuing: "It is said that it has the power to destroy the Wizard City with a single blow. According to the investigation of the White Lake Wizard City, the initial power is still secondary. What is more terrifying is the particle energy radiation and Pollution, preliminary assessment invades hundreds of meters underground, and it will take at least three thousand years to be naturally replaced."

"The explosion layer of the core degree of power is within 1,800 meters. No living things can survive in the middle, followed by the high-heat radiation layer, the air-burst shock wave layer, and the seismic wave diffusion layer."

After listening to the investigation data that the blood wizard said, the expressions of the other three official wizards changed in different ways, and the eyes of the deadwood wizard were a little worried.

The bone wizard frowned, secretly evaluating which of his bone witchcraft could reach such a range. The power may be achieved, but the range is definitely not so exaggerated. This is also what the fire elemental witchcraft is good at, high heat, burst, and wide spread.

The Rhine wizard became excited, "Yes, I already have the power of my Rhine's hand. Is it really possible for the dream wizard to be so powerful? I'm not afraid of capsizing the gutter. The turbulent particle energy will destroy the stability of the power of dreams, causing Is the connection between the dream gap and the dream world affected?"

His voice changed again, "This witchcraft is indeed very powerful, but the flaw is the time and consumption of the technique, and it is estimated that it is the last resort of Wang Ahalak. If it fails to cause damage to the illusion wizard, it will undoubtedly lose. "

"That black mirror is very special, and it seems to make up for part of the defects of the burning and fission witchcraft. Could it be the work of the blood wizard!!"

"Wizard Rhine's vision is really vicious. The mirror is called 'Magnetic Silence Mirror'. I will keep the rest of the information secret."

The three wizards present smiled, staring at the seventy-two rotating black light beams and the light flow formed by the black ball in the middle. The twisted lines and colors spreading in the Maple Leaf Forest formed entangled line tentacles one by one. Those who collide instantly!

(end of this chapter)

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