Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 106 [102] Harak's Infinite Evolution Witchcraft Improvement, Balrog Doppelganger (6000)

Chapter 106 [102] Harak's Infinite Evolution Witchcraft Improvement, Balrog Doppelganger (6000)

The sorcery called the Eye of Dreams, Wang Ya once used the Eye of Truth to initially analyze it in the gap time.

It's not very difficult, it's a basic witchcraft, but it's very special, a bit similar to the senseless deprivation witchcraft, and it's performed with mental energy alone.

The special points are more than these, the effect of witchcraft itself is not harmful, it is just to see, and there is an extra perspective to observe the world.

He tried to learn, but the progress of mastering was too fast, so fast that he felt a little unreal, so he did not continue after careful consideration.

Wizard Kelan's inquiry gave him a suitable reason.

Wang Ya followed the other party's words and said, "I haven't fully grasped it yet."

Surprise flashed in Wizard Kelan's eyes. In her opinion, this little guy should be able to master it soon.

Of course, she would not deny the previous judgment. Teacher Huanmeng said that Wang Yahalak's inspiration was extremely high, and that was because of other reasons that prevented him from choosing to master the Eye of Dreams.

"It seems that you have a lot of questions in your mind!"

"Yes, Wizard Kelan, what I want to know is the specific information about the Secret Realm of Fantasy Garden, and the relationship between the dream eye witchcraft and it."

Wang Ya didn't say much more, that is, his attitude and support for himself, which is a bit too good, so good that he is sure that he will definitely win the top three in the secret competition, and there will be no accidents.

This is the support without signing the wizard contract, but there must be rewards before choosing to do it.

This is where Wang Ya's doubts lie. Isn't Wizard Kelan afraid of his failure?

"The fantasy secret realm does not belong to the secret realm resources of the Underdark Headquarters, but its value may be higher than any other secret realm. It contains infinite possibilities, but there are also uncertain dangers."

Wizard Kelan's tone was leisurely, as if he was explaining to Wang Ya in the state of getting along with friends.

"Opportunities and dangers coexist, I think you should understand, and the eyes of dreams are the eyes to distinguish these dangers. It is a ridiculous world, without a pair of special eyes, it is impossible to see clearly."

"Besides, not everyone can enter the dream realm and master the dream eye. That requires some special potential."

Wizard Kelan's words meant something, and he stared straight at Wang Ya's fair cheeks, as if he wanted to see something.

Wang Ya frowned. What does he mean in his words, that is, he has this kind of potential?

Wizard Kelan stood up and said with a chuckle, "Don't worry about mastering the Eye of Dreams, it can bring you unexpected gains. The secret realm of Fantasy Garden is something that even formal wizards want to enter and explore."

Wang Ya, who returned to the wizard's house, was still thinking about something revealed by the other party.

I always feel that there are some things that he doesn't know.

He simply didn't think about it, and went to the task management agency the next day to get these advanced wizard instruments from Wizard Kelan.

A total of 1,400 dark points were consumed, corresponding to the magic stone, that is 14,000 magic stones.

This is a very scary number, and it is even more expensive for the wizards of the House of Commons.

inside the laboratory.

With the injection of energy, the Wizard Technology-Particle Bearing Instrument started to activate, exuding fluctuations in particle energy, from weak to strong.

In the end, all the indicator lamps of the instrument also lit up.

Since it is necessary to intervene at a more microscopic level, it is necessary to understand what kind of structure the cells of the filamentous granulation are. Intervening in the flesh and blood of other organisms is directly swallowing other biological cells. Still fooled the immune system, the self-killing ability of the cells, pretending to be the same kind to ingest and affect.

After figuring this out, we can then extract the extraordinary nature of the cells, and intervene in the flesh and blood of Harak through the methods of enrichment, cultivation, and implantation to complete a new round of transformation.

Wang Ya had a hunch that this time he found the right direction and was able to grasp the extraordinary characteristics of the Gendas dog.

What he wants is no longer the balance between illusion and reality, as long as this part of it has the characteristics of infinite growth and infinite devouring.

If it really succeeds, what will happen to Harak? Wang Ya's eyes are bright, and she is really looking forward to it.


Time passed, and another three months passed.

There are only eleven months left before the competition in the secret realm.

During this period, Wang Ya also completed the analysis of Hao Haiming's sixth wizard rune, and successfully brought the spiritual power and particle energy units to another level.

He has a clear feeling that the quality of particle energy is subtly improving, and it seems that the potential of Hao Haiming's idea has been fully utilized.

[Target: Wang Ya]

[Spiritual Power: 16 (Level 1 Wizard Apprentice)]

[Physique: 12.1]

[Particle energy: 13.3 units]

[Wizard meditation methods: basic (nine pieces), advanced (six pieces)]

Wang Ya didn't use any extraordinary medicine, all relying on the changes brought about by the outline of the wizard's meditation.

This is a good sign, there are still six wizard runes left, plus many extraordinary potions, it is not difficult to advance to the second-level wizard apprentice in eleven months.

As long as there are no accidents, it is almost a certainty.

Witchcraft testing ground.

The figure in the black wizard robe radiated powerful particle energy, and the surrounding air seemed to have an invisible medium, which began to blur and distort.

This is actually a kind of shaping of particle energy formed by Wang Ya plus the auxiliary control of extraordinary spiritual power and absolute control ability.

It doesn't have much effect, but it can reflect Wang Ya's current particle energy intensity. Among the first-level wizard apprentices, he is the best, without any frivolity or instability.

In contrast, the power of witchcraft released can also be maintained at a constant rate.

Regarding the witchcraft improvement plan, Wang Ya considers it to be carried out within the last five months, and it should be able to be completed. By that time, one of the analysis goals of the Eye of Truth can be almost normally vacated to assist his witchcraft improvement plan. .

At present, Wang Ya has completely mastered the fear of the Balrog, and the two witchcrafts of the Balrog's Roar, whether it is release, or the stability of the form, and the constant degree, are very standard.


As the particle energy around him gathers, there is a red glow gradually, which is the medium witchcraft part involved based on the particle energy shield of the fire element.

The familiar transparent flame began to spread from the palms of both hands, as if it was the source, igniting the invisible shield of particle energy on the body, forming an energy flame covering the whole body.

Too glaring, too dazzling, the Balrog fear witchcraft itself is a kind of mixed witchcraft formed by the fusion of three low-level witchcrafts.

The third low-level witchcraft mastered-scarlet heat forms continuous stimulation inside Wang Ya's body, making every inch of flesh and blood cells in a highly active state, able to carry the red fire on the body, and at the same time the internal and external particle energy resonates, form a special amplitude.

The skin on his body was almost invisible, replaced by extremely high-temperature red flames, which distorted the air visually.

From a distance, Wang Ya is like a demon god in a red flame, exuding extremely terrifying high temperature. Any enemy within a certain range of him will be melted into coke and debris.

Don't even try to enter his body with other witchcraft methods. If they attack his body, they will be burned and offset by the energy flames on the body surface.

The scarlet heat witchcraft function can make up for the shortcoming of the movement speed, and it can explode at super fast speed, which can be used to attack the enemy.

Even if it is the witchcraft used for escape, such as Fengshen Accompanying and Rapid Fire Meteor, it is not as fast as Wang Ya under the [Blaze Demon Fear] witchcraft, and the speed is equal.

Every gesture is full of transpiring energy flames, and the power increases with the distance close to Wang Ya. When directly touched, the power can reach a terrifying 28 degrees.

This is equivalent to Wang Ya being in a state of high movement speed, high attack, and high defense. Any enemy who encounters it will have a headache.

But it is not without its shortcomings. Persistence is a big problem, and the preparation work for casting is also a bit troublesome. It cannot be released instantly, and there is a three-second interval.

If you deal with the enemy's secret attack, it will be extremely weak.

When using some other methods, you should also be careful not to be affected by the energy flames on your body.

This is the fear of the Balrog, the Balrog walking in the world, bringing the meaning of destruction.

However, the word destruction is more appropriate for the second medium witchcraft, Balrog Roar.

Based on the [Balrog's Fear], [Balrog's Roar] witchcraft is the frequency of the special amplitude of particle energy inside and outside the body, constantly accelerating and increasing, making the energy flame more restrained, converging at one point and bursting out.

Forming a burst of fire elemental energy explosion witchcraft similar to Chilong's breath, the power is extremely terrifying, and has surpassed the medium witchcraft scroll of Chilong's breath used by Wang Ya.

"The maximum degree of degree of the doll in this test is 30 degrees. Do you want to start the test?"

The mechanized sound of the test field sounded.

In the far field, there was a gap in the ground, and the familiar memory metal test doll slowly rose up.

Wang Ya was in the red flame, unable to see the expression and changes in facial features clearly, only a cold voice came out.


The next moment, the rapid screaming sound was accompanied by the high-frequency amplitude of the particle energy in Wang Ya's body. The red flames and light on his body gradually converged towards his chest, and the rest of his body exposed the black wizard robe he was wearing.

This is also one of the weaknesses of [Balrog Roar] witchcraft, it will break away from the state where energy flames cover the whole body, and even the state of [Balrog Fear] witchcraft must be condensed again.

The light on the chest is too big to see with the eyes, even if the eyes are closed, it will be dazzling.

The ultra-high temperature and the conflict of particle energy, the heaviness brought by the ultra-high activity, and Wang Ya's control ability are extremely difficult, and the body is trembling slightly.


At that moment, it was as if the early sun pierced through the dark clouds, and it was like a Balrog on the ground, roaring deafeningly at the sky.

Endless light and heat, forming a clustered energy waveguide, flooded towards the memory metal doll, and everything along the way turned into scorched black.

As the air screamed, a heat wave was generated, blowing Wang Ya's hair into the air.

There was an unprecedented touch in his eyes, the metal puppet was melted into molten iron at the moment of contact, and the remaining lower body tried to recover, but it was extremely slow.

After everything calmed down, a scorched black ground with a length of 50 meters and a width of about 5 meters appeared in the field.

Wang Ya breathed out a scorching hot breath, her skin was faintly red, and at least half of the particle energy in her body was consumed.

This is the power of [Broken Demon's Roar]. It is definitely the most terrifying among medium-level witchcraft.

It's hard to imagine what a higher level [He's Wrath of Faith] would be like.

"This test is over, the unnamed fire elemental particle energy witchcraft, resulting in a power of '32', and the casting time is; 3 seconds"

Wang Ya couldn't hide the joy on his face, which already belonged to the degree and power of advanced witchcraft.

However, there are still weaknesses. After all, there is no absolutely invincible witchcraft in the world, and there are always ways to restrain it.

It is still a question of casting time, it takes three seconds to gather the energy of the particles to produce a more powerful impact.

Secondly, it will cause itself to lose defenses such as energy shields, and even movement will be restricted to a certain extent.

It is equivalent to sacrificing the defense and speed of [Balrog Fear] in exchange for the highest level of explosive high attack.

The witchcraft improvement plan is to make up for the weakness of mastering witchcraft, so as to make it more perfect.

Today, Wang Ya also has the confidence to carry out such research projects.

Even without the assistance of the Eye of Truth, he had completed a complete mastery of advanced extraordinary subjects as early as a few days ago.

Relying on one's own level of knowledge and cognition, it is also possible to improve witchcraft, but it will take a little longer and the cost of trial and error will be higher.

Taking out the notebook from his pocket, the quill slipped from his cuff and began to write.

【Target: Witchcraft Improvement Project】

[Estimated time: after March]

[Plan Content: Re-improving the sorcery mastered, enhancing the casting time, degree power, and effect, making it more adaptable to any environment and region, and at the same time solving some of the weaknesses and defects of the original sorcery. 】

Closing the notebook, Wang Ya went straight to the castle, and the next thing to be done was the troublesome experiment of Gendasi's flesh and blood.

Fortunately, after replacing with a new high-level wizard's instrument, he successfully found the correct method.

At the microscopic level, the cells of Gendaz's flesh and blood were found to be extremely special. It should be said that they were not individual cells, but a combination of viruses and cells.

In the petri dish, some blood-colored drops of water seemed to sense something when Wang Ya put in a piece of fresh flesh and became active, covering the piece of flesh and blood.

In the blink of an eye, the volume of the meat shrank rapidly, and instead, the blood-colored water droplets increased, until a thin layer was formed in the petri dish.

Wang Ya was wearing a white protective suit, and his eyes were full of expectation. This is the basic substance extracted from the flesh and blood of Gendas.

Further lost the ability to form, that is to say, lost the influence of the spirit, and turned to the unlimited proliferation of instinct.

Wang Ya discovered the law. It can be said that the formation of Gendas's granulation tissue is a move under the influence of the spirit, not its real instinct.

Viruses don't think about taking shape, they just absorb nutrients without limit and replicate themselves. A cell is a cell, and the extraordinary cancer cells in the preset are also a different type of virus.

The shaped dog of Gendasi has completed the balance between illusion and reality, which is guided by the means of evil gods.

The balance Wang Ya pursued was just the result of reappearing the influence of the evil god Gendas.

Not to mention whether it can be done, at that time, will the products born still belong to him?

Or will it be influenced and controlled by the evil god Gendas, and eventually become a product out of control.

This is not impossible. Many things that are out of control are created by wizards with insufficient knowledge and strength through wizard experiments.

In the end, serious consequences were caused, and even the wizard himself was killed by the products of manufacture.

Wang Ya's research is the product of the evil god, which is much more dangerous. He has sealed the heart of the evil god for safety.

If the product of the final research is not subject to his manipulation, and even makes his spiritual imprint in Harak disappear, then he would rather this product never appear.

This is a failure, if it appears, Wang Ya will destroy it as soon as possible.

Illusion and reality, a spiritual experiment at the illusory level, is a hidden pit that Wang Ya only fully figured out in the past two months.

Flesh and blood experiments at the realistic level can be used, and it is also the correct path Wang Ya has found.

Eliminate all external influences of spiritual will, only observe the most essential proliferative cell structure of Gendas granulation, and study why it can achieve infinite proliferation and infinite phagocytosis

There is life at the macroscopic level, and there is still life at the microscopic level.

The essence of life is movement all the time, even at the molecular level, the atomic level is the same.

After such a study, Wang Ya really found the reason.

In the petri dish next to it is a layer of faint gray-black substance, which was excavated from Harak's blood cells and cultivated.

The infinite proliferation and infinite phagocytosis of root-dass cells come from the special nucleic acid and long chain of genes in the cells, which are extremely stable in shape and full of activity.

Once lodged in a living organism, it will absorb nutrients crazily and start self-replication. Every time the host body is injured, heals and recovers, the original flesh and blood are replaced by the flesh and blood of Gendas.

Even if there is no injury, this process is still going on.

Wang Ya had a terrible guess. The final result of the boarding body was that it would become the dog of Gendas in its own existence. The spiritual self-awareness, and even the soul, are confined to the flesh and blood of Gendas.

It was like being eaten abruptly by the dog of Gendaz.

Everything encountered in the Mayan Kingdom can correspond to it. This is the method of the evil god Gendas, which is carried out in a subtle way.

All believers are the nourishment of Gendas evil god.

In the end, these flesh and blood will also be fused with the main body, and will be slowly digested to enhance Gendas's own strength.

Wang Ya's back felt faintly cold. If the previous experiment was continued, he might not have directly sent Harak to the mouth of Gendas, or even actively created such a big mouth.

It is uncertain whether Gendas evil god can sense him through the connection of flesh and blood.

It is expected that it should not be possible, otherwise the dozens of Gendarz dogs in the laboratory would have already had major problems.

The means of the evil god should not be underestimated. Wang Ya has already carried out the highest level of protection and monitoring on that laboratory, and the center of the witch formation will notify him of any abnormalities.

As for how to endow Harak Wang Ya with the characteristics of infinite phagocytosis and infinite proliferation, it is to reorganize the special nucleic acid and the long chain of genes.

It also uses some theories from the previous life, the shell and seed operation at the cell level.

Root Dass cells are a main body, which is equivalent to extraordinary cancer cells.

The special nucleic acid and the long chain of genes that exist in the cell are viruses, which Wang Ya named 'Gentaz phage'.

These are also present in Harak's flesh cells.

Separation of Gendas phage and Harak phage was carried out, and then by imparting nutrients, they were cultivated, and finally the two were combined and recombined to form a new extraordinary phage to form an "infinite genome" named by Wang Ya.

This is a species, and it needs an environment that can grow out of the shell, that is, it can only mature after being bred by cells.

The infinite replication of Gendasi bacteriophage means that its own shell is extremely powerful, which can break through the shell existing in any biological cell, thereby parasitizing and absorbing cell nutrition.

Wang Ya's plan is naturally to use Harak's flesh and blood cells to cultivate.

In this way, the infinite genome can also be inserted into Harak's genome, and it can be replaced naturally, changing the composition of cells without generating too much rejection.

It can even be inserted into the genes of humans and even other species by using this method.

The implantation of extraordinary bloodlines has not reached such a microscopic level. Wang Ya even thought of whether the bloodline shackles, which plagued the way forward for bloodline wizards, could be solved by this method.

Rubbing his sore brows, it was already his limit to carry out these experiments, and even using the ideas of his previous life, he still had the result of the eye of truth.

Whether the wizards of the wizarding world have explored in this direction is unknown, but it is expected that they have not, or they cannot do it.

Without the analysis, analysis, and insights from the Eye of Truth, Wang Yaguang would not be able to do it by himself. The experimental variables involved are too large and too complicated.

In contrast, some wizards choose to use the survival of the fittest and natural evolution method to get the result, which is understandable, but the process is a little cruel.

[Target: Infinite Genome ‘Halak Evolution Experiment’]

【Duration: 6 hours】

[Purpose: By splicing, arranging, and recombining the gene chains of Gendas phage and Harak phage, obtain a mature infinite genome, and implant it into Harak's body, so that it can acquire the ability of infinite proliferation and infinite devouring, thus breaking the shackles of blood , gain unlimited potential. 】

[Experimental success rate: 62%]

While Wang Ya's eyes glowed with a delicate blue luster, there was also a sense of determination. The experiment was not 100% successful, but 62% was enough.

This is the limit of what he can do.

The fate of Harak depends on this experiment.


(end of this chapter)

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