Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 44 The Land of Trials

On the back of the vulture, Rock felt a little hairy in his heart.

There is a red sarcoid on the top of the big vulture's head. There are many holes in the sarcoid. In the holes, a few slender insects are sticking out their heads. Eyes the size of sesame seeds are staring at him stupidly, making him very uncomfortable. .

They're my companion bugs, aren't they cute?

Yeah, amazing, they look friendly.

Hearing the words coming out of the big vulture's mouth, Luo Keqiang resisted the urge to slap him and continued to lose his integrity.

After saying a word, one person and one bird fell silent.

Where's your test recommendation certificate? Vulture suddenly asked after a while.

A scroll of animal skins with special symbols painted on it, the emblem of the Banbora family pinned to one end, and the bloody fingerprints of the Viscount.

There has been no inspection, and he is useless.

Wait, that scream just now, won't--

Every trial, there are always people who want to sneak in. They underestimate the ability of wizards, and they underestimate my red-crowned vultures, so they can only be buried in the deep valley. The vulture said nonchalantly, Fortunately, yours is true. , otherwise I will just throw you away.

These guys really don't take human life seriously!

Master Tutus said that knowledge is equivalent to magic stones. I still have a few magic stones here, about the Trial Array—

Hey, boy, what do you think we are? We are not Lord Totus, and we don't have a high status like him, so we don't dare to reveal anything casually.

Maybe it's been a long time since I communicated with other kinds of creatures, and the big vulture explained the difference a little.

The red-crowned vultures have signed a contract with a wizarding organization to be driven by wizards in exchange for remuneration. They are sheltered by wizards and are called guardian beasts.

Tutus, on the other hand, is a wizard's pet, equivalent to the assistant of an official wizard, supported by wizard Jaden, and his status is equivalent to half an official wizard.

It would be great if my tribe could also have a witch pet, but unfortunately, the bigwigs have never looked down on us! At the end, the vulture patriarch sighed with emotion.

Rock was not the one who gave up easily. He took out five magic stones, held them in front of him, and continued to persuade: You don't need to divulge any information, just tell me, what should you pay attention to when you get there?

You human boy—

Near the destination, it descended rapidly, and the wind blew past his ears, making a 'rumble' sound, drowning his hearing.

Don't let your emotions get out of control, don't accept the kindness of other creatures, and don't eat sweet fruit.

Someone whispered in his ear, whispering in a suppressed voice, and Rock noticed that the big vulture didn't open his mouth at all.

Okay, jump over! The vulture patriarch stopped at the edge of the isolated island. When it spoke, a bug jumped from Roque's ear, returned to the red crown, and continued to stare at him.

The magic stone in his hand was gone.

Hearing its words, Rock jumped onto the ground of the isolated island, and then turned back, the vultures disappeared, the cliffs and valleys disappeared, and the place where he entered was white. He reached out and touched a wall.

Turning around, in front of you are jungle mountains, dense thatch, towering trees, all kinds of vines entwined, leaves rustling.

There is no difference between it and the ordinary wild mountains.

First, he checked his belongings, a red-patterned sword, a strong bow, a beast skin bag of arrows, 3 magic stones, some gold coins, and some jerky.

To survive in the trial land for 10 days, there is definitely not enough food.

He didn't act rashly. He sat on a big rock and waited for dozens of minutes, but no one else came.

This isolated island is big enough that no one is sharing it together.

The Viscount said that the farther you go to the center of the secret place, the more dangerous it is, but it can improve your wizard's talent. It shouldn't be the center that radiates the most!

After Ales' reminder, he guessed the role of the witch formation, and he rejected the radiation thing in his heart. However, since he has embarked on the path of the wizard,

Don't allow yourself to be mediocre.

If you don't test your talent, you're definitely cheating the dead. How can there be an organization that doesn't know the truth when recruiting new people? When the talent comes out, the difference in the treatment between poor students and top students may make people doubt their lives.

When you don't know whether gathering is useful for wizards' cultivation, it is very important to improve your talent.

He didn't understand why he kept the secret information of the trial secret.

While he was thinking, there was a small sound in his ear.

Shh! Don't move, don't make a sound, don't let the trolls find us.

Dad, the trolls look very ferocious. They won't eat us.

Little One, don't talk nonsense, this is a legendary human who doesn't like to eat us.

Rock listened carefully, only to realize that the sound came from under his feet. He lowered his head, pushed aside a clump of weeds, and saw a strange scene.

Five ants hugged and shivered, two of them were about the size of a pinky finger, and the other three were about half their size, looking like a family of five.

All right! I have seen talking vultures and bats, ants can talk, it is not a strange thing.

Hey, Mr. Troll, can you stop eating us? Under his gaze, a little ant broke free from his parents' arms and plucked up his courage to step forward. The other ants tried to pull it but didn't hold it.

Rock noticed that its small body trembled slightly, and the little ant's heart was not as calm as its appearance.

Actually, you~ Mom is right, I don't eat ants, never. He deliberately lowered his voice, taking them with great interest.

Great, can I treat you to something to eat?

It turned and ran behind its parents, then returned after a while, holding a handful of seeds the size of sesame seeds.

Cute little guy, I can't bear to refuse!

However, the words of the vulture patriarch have been haunting his mind, and he has been thinking about the meaning of it. Although he did not feel any threat from the ants, with his cautious personality, of course he had to be persuaded.

I guess it must be a very sweet fruit, right? Rock said.

Only one, the others are sour and delicious. The little ant was too small to tell the change in his face.

Sweet fruit must be able to sing, right? Roque asked gloomily, spreading his momentum as a knight.

What --- what should I do, what if he doesn't fall for it? What if he wants to eat us? After being punctured by him, the little ant in front of him didn't speak, and the other little guy behind him became restless.

A sword out, pointing at the enemy.

Rock stood up, took a half step back, and slashed the weeds in front of him with a sword.

Whoever dares to escape, destroy you all over, don't think it's okay to hide in the soil!

He never dreamed that one day, he would draw his sword and aim at a few small ants and make a threat.

Mr. Human, you can't be like this, we didn't want to hurt you, really, I promise! The little ant before said firmly to Rock with his trembling legs.

Rock was unmoved, staring at the family of five with a grim expression.

Such a small sweet fruit, with your huge body, has a very small effect. It gestured and tried to defend.

What does it do?

It can make creatures obedient. Sometimes we also have to eat it. After eating for a long time, we will not refuse other people's requests. However, it will be very uncomfortable if you don't eat, and you will benefit from eating it!

Rock pressed again to figure out what it said about the discomfort, it would itch, get sick, and die. He guessed it was the power of radiation.

You bring it to me, what do you want me to do?

I asked you to help us move. I found a safe place, but we can't go there. There is a horrible monster that eats ants. We want to get some food and good things in exchange for sweet fruit.

He found that the little ant in front of him was smarter, while the other four were dazed and timid. The little ant was the leader of the group of ants. It was the only ant with a name and called himself 'Fina'.

He consulted a lot of questions, but the ant population is small, weak, and short-lived, and they don't know much information. They only know sweet fruit, a fruit that can sing, which can relieve discomfort.

There is no need to embarrass a group of ants that are not a threat, what's more, he admires Xiao Fina's character very much, and it is not easy to pull a tribe.

Well, the main thing is that Xiao Fina is really cute, and within the scope of his ability, he doesn't mind showing a little kindness.

After dealing with an anteater, helping them move their homes, giving them some jerky, and giving Fina a magic stone, he left with sweet fruit.

Mr. Human, you haven't told me yet, what's your name?

Rock, Miss Fina, goodbye by fate!

Fina shouted from the door of the new house, he was stunned for a moment, and waved his hand to the back.

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