Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 28 Late Night Killing

You are so brave, dare to sneak into the castle of the Banbora family, go to hell, madman!

In the darkness of the night, Noah's heart beat violently when he met the twisted pupils, and then he stabilized his mind. This is the old castle of the Banbora family, and he is safe.

Maybe he can still make meritorious deeds, get the reward of the Viscount, and improve his status.

He shouted loudly, took the first shot, and slashed over with a sword.

Got it!

Heiying seemed to be frightened by his words, and stood there, seeing that the black-patterned sword was about to hit the target, Noah was overjoyed, his arms bulged, and he slashed quickly.

The sword's edge was as bright as a ray, and it was not hindered in the slightest. He found that the situation was not right, and only then did he realize that the shadow did not look like a human at all.

After the long sword passed by, the black air instantly merged into one.


The long sword fell to the ground, and the resentful spirit held Noah's neck, mentioning the height at which he could look at himself.


That's right, I'm the grandson of Viscount Bambora, let me go, you monster--cough!

The harsh sound of the monster sounded in his ears, and Noah felt that he was about to suffocate. He tried his best to make a sound, so that people outside could hear it.


The monster repeated three words, as if he remembered something, but the movement did not stop, the black mist turned into a rope, wrapped around his arm, and the rope was tightening.

He already felt bad, his arm was aching, and he couldn't help screaming.

Noah, what's going on?

The door slammed, someone heard the movement and came to ask, the voice outside the door made the resentful spirit become irritable.


With a flick of his hand, the resentful spirit threw the body in his hand and slammed into the door, hitting the door together, including the people outside the door.

The sound resounded throughout the castle and spread far away.


Immediately afterwards, a rapid whistle sounded, and it sounded one after another. This was the warning sound of an enemy attack, which put the castle into a state of first-level security.

Some illegitimate children hid in the room, seeking self-protection, and most of them carried their swords to kill in the corridor, or probed for movements.

On the corridor on the first floor, under the dim candlelight, the body of the resentful spirit looked even more terrifying. Ordinary people would dare to do it when they saw its appearance, let alone these immature bastards.

Ah, there are—there are monsters!

The first time, either go back to the room or run away.

Those who fled far away were lucky, the resentful spirits did not pursue, and the illegitimate child who locked the door was miserable. The mere door could not stop the intrusion of the resentful spirits. After a while, screams sounded one after another.

The castle has just transferred a group of guards, and the manpower is tight. There are more guards patrolling at night. After the warning was issued, the guards did not dare to act rashly, for fear of being caught in the enemy's transfer strategy.

After the three guards investigated the situation, they found a monster they had never seen before and quickly reported it to the Viscount.

After a while, the Viscount personally led a dozen guards to arrive, and the resentful spirit just came out of a room.

It really is an evil spirit, breaking the arrows of evil.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Viscount Harlan had already determined the identity of the monster and prepared for it. He had inherited the family for thousands of years.

The mere evil spirit did not shake his mood, and even the patrolling guards did not mobilize.

The arrows that had just been wrapped in a layer of 'Evil Breaking Powder' were equipped with a strong bow and crossbow, and shot out from the guards' hands, attacking the resentful spirits from all angles.

The ancestors of Banbora were very far-sighted. From the inside to the outside, especially the inner fort, every room was built according to the requirements of the war.

The guards were familiar with the structure of the castle and could easily find the angle of attack to attack with arrows.

The arrows corroded the black mist, making the mist more violent, and the resentful spirits were injured and became more violent.

With a roar, all kinds of black energy were drawn from inside and outside the castle,

It merged into the body of the resentful spirit, and the body suddenly rose up, turning into a giant creature of five or six meters, and it fell outside the inner fort.

It was another wave of arrows, but it was dodged or shot by the resentful spirit. It is not stupid. I tried the taste of arrows once, but I didn't want to taste it a second time.

Against such monsters, apprentice knights are of little use.

Leo! Larry! Cole! Do you still dare to fight with me? Viscount Harlan named the names of three henchmen. Besides them, there were also two people who led a team to inspect the city wall. There was no other person in the castle. Official knight.

In order to support the town of Caidu, in addition to sending knights and guards, he also sent people a large amount of combat supplies. The team had only left for two days before someone invaded the castle.

Our pleasure!

Haha, I haven't fought with you for a long time.

Viscount Harlan took the first step with his sword, and the long sword was covered with a layer of silver-blue vindictiveness.

Seeing his gray hair, many people forget that he is a great knight.

The great knight's fighting spirit is further sublimated, with an incredible feature, such as tearing, smashing, paralyzing, corroding, cutting and other mighty powers, and can also be attached to weapons.

After a few steps, the three of them walked half a step slower and followed him.


The resentful spirit roared, and slapped it with a palm, greedily trying to sweep the four of them.

Seeing the giant palm getting closer and closer, the ground under the four of them exploded, and the speed surged. Larry exerted the most force, and the grudge covered the whole body, and the acceleration was the strongest.

Larry rushed out from behind the Viscount, and used the secret killing technique of the Red Stone Array Chopping Sword - a horizontal and heavy slash. The slash is inexorable.

The blue-veined sword was quenched with a layer of 'frost agent'. For this reason, the three of them specially brought anti-freezing animal skin gloves.

The blue-patterned sword met the giant palm, and the black mist was frozen and shattered. It was cut into the palm of the hand more than halfway. In the blink of an eye, Larry was shot back.

At this time, the Viscount took the other two over the giant palm and continued to fight forward. The other palm of the resentful spirit patted, and the captain of the guard, Leo Hengjian, greeted him and stopped in front of the giant palm.


It was also a secret killing technique, but Viscount Harlan used it even more fiercely.

The red-patterned sword swept across, drawing a cyan edge, with the characteristic of 'shattering', piercing the air, piercing the body of the resentful spirit, where the blade passed, the black mist annihilated, and a 20-centimeter fault was drawn.

Affected by this attack, the body of the resentful spirit froze, the mist in the lower part of the body quickly dissipated, and the upper part of the body was faintly unstable.

Cole also held a blue-veined sword, and he followed behind the Viscount. Once the Viscount was in danger, he needed to rush over as soon as possible.

The resentful spirit froze, and it was the moment when the guards shot, and the arrows shot at the monster in the air.

Under the attack of the crowd, the resentful spirit seemed to have shrunk, quickly returning to its normal appearance, the black mist faded, and the struggle dissipated unwillingly for a moment.

Lord Viscount, someone broke into the castle at night and was killed. The guard came to report.

Let's go and see, I want to see, who dares to pay attention to my Bambola family. Viscount Harlan was angry, leaving Cole to deal with the mess, and rushed to the city wall with the injured Larry and Leo .

A group of dead men.

Looking at the men in black lying in a row, based on his experience, he can make a judgment. Fortunately, he did not move away from the patrolling guards on the city wall.

It seems that someone knows about the situation of Bambora, and I can't wait to step on us, I Harlan will not let you do!

Thinking of all the recent events, Viscount Harlan felt that there must be a huge conspiracy behind it, shrouding the castle.

On the second floor of the castle, the little maid was hiding in the closet, feeling very uneasy, missing her young master more and more.

In the entire Redstone Town, the movement from the ancient castle was vaguely heard, and many people were as uneasy as she was.

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