Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 20 Bastard Todd

The town of Caidu is a magical place. The specialties in the cafeteria are moth egg soup, and the specialties of the town are roasted snake meat, roasted centipedes, roasted scorpions and the like.

According to the book, the largest mountain range in the whole world is the Wuzhao Wuzhongling Mountain Range, which is connected to the world and is known as the 'source of life'. Caidu Mountain is just a very small branch that extends out of it, which is rich in various poisonous insects.

Rock, what kind of horse are you? It's ugly—

Ales helped me choose. This child may have been stimulated by something. The taste makes people sigh, hey!

Whenever anyone asked, he would be happy to make a name for Ales, who asked him to choose an 'ugly donkey' for himself.

'A Chou' is a good horse, but it has undergone mutations, with particularly large ears and hooves, a short tail, and a height of only 1.7 meters.

It is indeed a magic horse.

Haha--- Lawrence laughed hard.

The patrol starts tomorrow, you and Rand are in a group, are you okay?

no problem!

Rock understands that this is the rule. The old guards lead the new guards, and the task will not be too heavy at the beginning, giving the newcomers time to adapt.

At this time, a man stood in front of the door frame, a burly bearded man with a cloth bag in his hand.

Captain Lawrence, don't bother you!

Todd, why did you come to see me?

Apparently, Lawrence knew the visitor, Todd was the Viscount's nephew and had been on the squad for a short time.

I'm here to find Rock. Bearded Todd looked at the teenager in the courtyard, his eyes dodging a little.

Rock is looking disgusted, and his cheerful face just now turned gloomy.

Lawrence was well-informed, and he almost guessed the reason at once, and went back to the room by himself, leaving the space for the two of them.

Sorry, Rock— After a few seconds of hesitation, Bearded Todd spoke up.

You don't need to apologize to me. You didn't feel sorry for me. Under the care of Ms. Stasi, I have lived a good life since I was a child. I don't worry about eating or studying. Everything is very happy.

Before leaving the castle, Ms. Stasi told him about his father, who was Todd in front of him. On the way, he had been thinking about how to deal with the relationship with Todd, and he had never been clear.

At this moment, he found that he was very calm, but also very angry, the calm was for himself, and the anger was for Stasi.

I understand that I didn't take good care of your mother and son, let you grow up in a slum area, and have a bad life. There is something wrong with me. Bearded Todd approached and tried to explain.

You're wrong, I'm doing fine. Hearing the word 'care', Rock waved his hands in disgust.

From Stasi, this bastard was not even when she was pregnant, and then Roque was born. When he was one year old, because of some things, mother and son were kicked out of the house by their grandfather and lived in the rocky streets of Karis City. District, the bastard Todd didn't show up until Rock grew into a teenager.

It is in line with the consistent style of noble children, and adds a graceful affair. For the parties involved, especially the abandoned woman, it is very cruel.

Rock, you have also embarked on the path of knighthood, and you should understand the importance of strength. Todd frowned and continued, At that time, I was seeking to break through the path of knighthood and ignored others, you can trust me ?

Rock suddenly shot and punched him, and Todd didn't fully expect his move, and received a solid punch in the face.

I said, it's the right hand that moves by itself, do you believe it?

For a low-level knight, this punch was not too heavy, and the blow to the face made Todd a little annoyed. He was a full-fledged knight and was beaten by the apprentice knight.

You---you don't know what's wrong!

Glancing at him, Todd slammed out the door, taking back what he had brought.

Bah, scum, it's disgusting!

From his attitude,

Roque understood, this guy may have come to recognize his son because of a momentary touch or other additional reasons. The so-called apology did not exist in his heart.

He also put out the thought of recognizing the cheap father, just didn't know what Stasi was thinking?

Rock sent Ah Chou to the stable, frowned and returned to his room.

What's the matter? He put his hands on his chest and lowered his head to say to himself.

As an apprentice knight who has mastered the energy of life, he knows his body very well. At this moment, his heart has been beating faster, and there is no tendency to stop at all, which makes him feel inexplicable heart palpitations.

After waiting for a few minutes, the heart gradually returned to normal, but it was half a minute faster than usual.

He couldn't figure out such a profound problem, so he simply went to the yard to exercise, and after developing the habit of cultivation, not exercising for a day was like something was missing. He hadn't practiced swordsmanship for three days.

Horizontal slash, vertical slash, oblique slash—

The sword moves are in his hands, regardless of the order, every move can be squeezed by hand.

Well done, at your age, to have such a sword skill is worthy of the name of a 'genius'! Lawrence stood by for a while, applauding and applauding when he saw him stop exercising.

Thank you captain for the praise!

Rock is proud of himself. Under the guidance of Larry's teacher, he perfectly coordinated his sword skills and breathing techniques. Once the sword moves, it will inevitably drive the breathing frequency, and the energy of life will follow.

The next step is to turn the breathing method into an instinct of the body. Whether walking or sleeping, the breathing method is running all the time---

Cough, captain, your requirements are too high! Rock sneered.

He knew that at the step the captain said, he could basically break through to the knights, and he was still a long way off.

Lawrence couldn't see the young man being complacent. Seeing him admit his mistake, he stopped nagging. He patted him on the shoulder and said, Don't worry, with your talent and hard work, you will get there.

Remember, in the color poison town, with me, Lawrence, you don't have to be afraid of anyone! At the end, he made a promise.

Hearing this, Rock's heart warmed, and he understood that the captain was afraid that he would be hit by Todd's attitude.

Remember, I will definitely not use the captain's reputation to bully others.

You boy!

In the afternoon, Rock strolled around the color poison town and found that there were many other residents in the town, as well as mercenaries, gathered in the tavern in the west.

In front of the tavern, there was a small market formed by vendors, mainly selling eggs and materials from insects and beasts. He was not in a hurry to do anything when he first arrived.

It was night, and the town at night was surrounded by the sound of insects.

I haven't had a good rest for a few days, and I lost sleep last night. Rock couldn't stand it any longer that night, and soon fell asleep.

The moonlight poured in from the small window, vaguely allowing people to see the figure on the bed.


Rock snorted unconsciously.

Suddenly, a dim light burst out from him, and the dim light gradually solidified, turning into an illusory figure, with both feet off the ground, floating in front of the window.


Staring at Rock on the bed~, the figure laughed lightly. With this smile, two eyes and one mouth were elongated upwards and curved into an exaggerated arc. His facial features suddenly became distorted, and his blue and white face was added. , this smile looks very intimidating.

The sound doesn't seem to come from the throat, it seems to be squeezed out from a gap, not like a human voice.

Rock, who was lying on the bed~, didn't notice it.

After careful comparison, you will find that the faces of Bai Ying and Rock are almost the same, and the difference is the disparate temperament and demeanor.

One was lying on the bed~ and the other was floating in front of the bed, forming an eerie serenity.

After staring at Rock for a few minutes, the white shadow flickered and floated out, directly passing through the wall of the room.

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