Azeroth, Westfall.

Riding on the back of Deathclaw Robin, Wayne slowly moved forward in a wilderness.

Compared with the scenes we saw a few years ago, the western wilderness seemed even more desolate. Along the road, we could still see bones exposed in the wild from time to time, as well as abandoned dealers and farmhouses.

It seems that during this period, the nobles of Stormwind City not only failed to improve the environment here, but instead made life more difficult for the residents here.

However, Wayne just sighed and his mood was not affected at all.

He has seen too many families broken up by war. Compared to most of the northern residents in the wizarding world, the humans in Azeroth are obviously better off overall.

Perhaps because they were born out of the game world, the humans in Azeroth are obviously superior in terms of physical fitness, living environment, and living materials compared to the Wizarding Age, which is closer to the real life in the Middle Ages.

In terms of origin, they are a weakened version of Titan creations. Among the many races in Azeroth, they are almost the chosen ones.

It is a pity that Azeroth is too dangerous, especially in the next few decades from now, a world-destroying disaster will almost never happen. Although every time, the major races work together to solve the danger. , but the creatures living in this world are suffering from pain and living a miserable life.

While observing the surrounding situation, Wayne was thinking about his next journey.

His most important goal this time is to find a master who can use the power of holy light to help him solve the power of hell in his body.

The second step is to visit the Kingdom of Dalaran, a place where magic items are most prosperous among humans, and buy some excellent magic equipment to expand the strength of the Demon Hunter Order.

Anyway, with Vivian here, he can take out the currency of this world at any time, and his own appearance is not much different from the humans in the world of Azeroth. As long as he is careful, he will not arouse suspicion.

However, what gave him a bit of a headache was that the world of Azeroth was vast. If he wanted to travel from the current Western Wilderness to the Eastern Kingdom where Dalaran is located, he might have to rely on ordinary transportation, whether it was shipwrecks or land travel. It would take a month or two, and you might not be able to find anyone willing to go there.

He doesn't have so much time to waste here.

In addition to ordinary transportation, the only way Wayne could think of to quickly travel to the Eastern Kingdom was to rely on the wizard's portal spell.

However, this powerful spell that can teleport people thousands of miles away in an instant may be common in games, and it may even be free.

But in reality, I am afraid that only those senior mages, or even archmages, have the ability to do this kind of thing.

Such talents are quite rare, and perhaps only in Stormwind City can such masters be found.

I just wonder if he can find the kind of Holy Light master he needs in the cathedral of Stormwind City?

Thinking about these things, Wayne continued to move forward in the direction of Goldshire, occasionally chatting with Lani, who had just arrived in this new world and seemed quite curious about the things around her.

Time soon came to dusk, and when he was about to find a place to camp, suddenly there were some burning fires in the direction where he turned his head, and there were also some faint shouts.

Wayne frowned and focused his keen perception. After more than ten seconds, he could distinguish what was happening there.

There were shouts, the sounds of weapons clashing, and the roars of battle. It seemed like a robbery was taking place where the fire was.

However, this is not a simple robbery. There should be no obvious gap in the strength of the two sides. The battle between the two sides is quite fierce.

Encountering such a thing, Wayne immediately became interested. For him, no matter what kind of robbers he was, they were just gangsters. He hadn't been in this world for a few years. If he could save some useful people People may be able to provide some convenience for his next journey.

With this thought in mind, Wayne gently kicked the Deathclaw's back with his foot, indicating that Robin could move.

After feeling the master's will, the Deathclaw immediately let out an excited roar, used both feet to run wildly towards the direction of the fire at a speed much faster than a galloping horse.

At a distance of nearly several thousand meters, it took less than two minutes for the Deathclaw to arrive near the place where the battle took place.

Its size of nearly ten meters and its heavy footsteps had already attracted the attention of both sides of the battle.

When Wayne approached the battlefield and stood on top of the Deathclaw's head, under the light of dusk, he looked down at the two sides on the battlefield with changing expressions. Everyone who was fighting also looked at them high above. The witcher.

However, this stalemate did not last long, and they realized that Wayne did not immediately join the battlefield and was probably not a helper on the thieves' side.

A middle-aged officer wearing guard armor and helmet with a bearded face immediately shouted to Wayne:

"Sir, we are the guard captain Genset of Stormwind City. We are being attacked by Defias thieves, a group of despicable bandits. We hope you can help us to repel these thieves."

Wayne, who was still considering which side to help, quickly made his choice when he heard the word Stormwind City.

Although the Defias Brotherhood still has some strength in the Western Wilderness, it is basically impossible to rely on them to reach Dalaran.

Since the people who were attacked were the official guards of Stormwind City, if they helped them, they might be able to get in touch with the military of Stormwind City, and maybe they could also find the Archmage or the master of using the Holy Light.

After the guard captain Gengsett finished shouting, the strong man who was confronting him also realized that something was wrong and immediately shouted after him:

"My friend, we, the Defias Brotherhood, are not bandits. These bastard guards are the lackeys of the nobles."

"The fight between us has nothing to do with you, please don't interfere."

However, even though the thieves leader shouted loudly and sounded harsh, Wayne, who had already made his choice, ignored him at all.

Wayne just patted Robin's head gently, and upon receiving the master's command, the death claw immediately exhaled a large puff of sulfurous breath.

Then he raised his head slightly and opened his huge mouth towards the bottom of the crowd, where the largest number of Defias thieves were.

A large ball of orange-red, high-temperature flames with thick smoke spit out from the mouth of the Deathclaw.

The power of this high-temperature fireball is comparable to advanced fire spells. Not only is it extremely fast, but it also has a sputtering effect.

It flew into the crowd in an instant, and then exploded under the horrified eyes of the Defias thieves, burning seven or eight surrounding thieves to death in an instant.

The Stormwind City guards' morale immediately increased, and they roared and rushed towards the members of the Defias Brotherhood.

Wayne also jumped off the back of Deathclaw and jumped to a boulder nearby. While admiring his pet slaughtering Defias thieves, he casually took out his bow and arrows and shot those who tried to kill them. The other robbers escaped.

Because of the strong addition of Wayne and Deathclaw, the balance between the two sides on the battlefield was instantly broken. The Defias Brotherhood fell into an absolute disadvantage, and could even be said to have become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Some of the timid Defias members were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. Others, probably diehards, still held their weapons and blocked the pursuit of the guards with ferocious expressions.

However, these resistances are in vain. In front of the giant beast Deathclaw, even a heavily armored knight wearing plate armor is nothing more than a tin can that deflates with a squeeze. No one can stop this monster's attack.

After casually shooting seven or eight Defias bandits with a bow and arrow, Wayne suddenly felt quite bored.

He did not continue to attack, but quietly watched the killings on the battlefield, watching the number of people in the Defias Brotherhood getting smaller and smaller, and at the same time observing the fighting style of the warriors of Azeroth.

According to his observations, ordinary soldiers and Defias bandits do not have particularly significant performance in combat effectiveness. They are generally higher than soldiers in the wizarding world just because of their stronger physical fitness.

However, among the dozens of people fighting in this battle, the guard captain Genset and the bandit leader of the Defias Brotherhood showed that their combat effectiveness was much higher than that of ordinary soldiers. They were also able to use a fighting method that instantly enhanced explosive power. Quite conspicuous.

Although he didn't know if this was a manifestation of anger in the game, he still wrote it down and prepared to investigate.

After all, compared with the other origin energies of the main world, the energy of anger seems to be the most special.


Because of Wayne's joining, the battle ended quickly.

This group of Defias Brotherhood members suffered heavy casualties. All members, including the leading bandit leader, either died on the spot or were captured.

The guard captain named Genset came to Wayne immediately after the battle and expressed his gratitude to him.

"Thank you, sir."

"You helped the kingdom's guards. This is something worthy of praise. I will report it to the military department and you will definitely get the reward you deserve."

Wayne nodded politely, exchanged greetings with the guard captain, and took the initiative to talk about his origins.

"So you are an adventurer! It's really rare. I have never seen an adventurer like you who can take such a huge dragon beast as a pet."

"Are you a professional hunter?"

Wayne was stunned when he heard Genset's question. Indeed, he used a bow and arrow to attack, and was accompanied by an obedient beast companion. He was indeed very similar to the hunter in the game.

This is also a good excuse, just used as a disguise.

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