This is an obvious trap. Both of them can see that the Nilfgaard Empire is not well-intentioned and does not really want to win over the war elves.

They just want to take advantage of the weak position of the non-human races in the north, provoke their rebellion, and use them as gunmen.

Regardless of the final victory or defeat, the northern countries will definitely suffer huge losses and develop hatred against the non-human races, which will affect the stability of the north.

As for whether to fulfill the promise with the elves in the end, the initiative is all in the hands of the other party, and the outcome is unpredictable.

"I did not agree to Nilfgaard's envoy. This is an obvious trap and everyone can see it."

Francesca's expression was a little distressed. She held her chin with one hand and her face looked a little tired. It was obvious that she had been worrying a lot about this issue during this period and was quite distressed.

"But the trouble now is that Nilfgaard's black army has occupied almost the entire Kingdom of Aedirn, and has stationed at least close to 40,000 troops in this kingdom."

"Although they have not taken any military action against Baihua Valley, if we do not agree to their request, I think they will not rule out using force to force us to surrender to this condition."

Wayne nodded upon hearing this, but his expression didn't change much.

Although the Nilfgaardian Empire claims to be a civilized and advanced country, judging from its continuous invasion of other countries over the past few decades, burning, killing, looting, capturing slaves, and seizing property, this is a complete and utter failure. invaders, but because history is written by the victors, this overwhelms all opposing voices.

If the elves put their hope in its kindness and credibility, it would be the same as praying to predators to let go of their prey, which is too naive.

"So, Enid, what are you going to do?"

Although he has a cooperative relationship with the elves, Wayne rarely interferes in Francesca's management of the elves. On this issue, he will also choose to respect Francesca's choice.

The elf sorceress sighed after hearing this, and said with some frustration:

"I've been thinking about it for days, Wayne."

"If it were in the past, I might have commanded my tribe and fought tooth and nail to protect the last territory of the elves. Or I might have succumbed to the situation and had to cooperate with Nilfgaard, sacrifice some of my tribe, and preserve the fire of the elves."

"But now, I have understood that the lost territory can be regained, and the lost wealth can be earned back. But in terms of the fertility situation of the elves, only the death of the clan members is the irreparable loss for our elves. .”

"So, I am going to take my tribe members to temporarily evacuate Baihua Valley and go to a more deserted place. I will wait until the situation stabilizes before making plans."

Wayne looked at Francesca in surprise when he heard this. He didn't expect that she would make such a decision, which was completely different from what happened in the original work.

You must know that in the original book, during the First Civil War, facing the wooing of the Nilfgaard Empire, the most beautiful elf sorceress in the world quickly agreed to Nilfgaard's conditions.

Not only did they establish the Elf Kingdom in Baihua Valley with the support of the other party, they even sent a large number of Elf officers to join the Southern Empire and attack the northern countries together.

These elven soldiers are Nilfgaard's Fourth Cavalry Legion, also known as the Verihed Brigade.

After the First Civil War, the non-human races were liquidated by the northern countries, and their situation became even more miserable. The remaining elven soldiers of the Verihed Brigade became the backbone members of the famous Pine Tree Party, leading those who suffered The non-human races that were persecuted by humans resisted the tyranny of humans.

Looking at the beautiful and slightly sad face of the elf sorceress, Wayne reached out and grabbed Francesca's little hand. When she raised her head in surprise, he said with a smile:

"Don't bother, Enid."

"There are now hundreds of thousands of elves in Baihua Valley. It is not only very difficult to carry out such a large-scale migration, but there will definitely be some losses."

"After you go back this time, you can directly reject Nilfgaard's envoy."

"Tell them that the Valley of Flowers is the territory of the elves. Whether it is the Kingdom of Aden or the Nilfgaard Empire, the elves do not need canonization from other kingdoms."

This is simply provocative.

Unexpectedly, Wayne would say such words. Francesca fell silent after hearing this. She looked at Wayne with her clear eyes for a few seconds before saying:

"This is not a wise decision, Wayne."

"Such a decision will only lead to war."

"If we fight head-on, we elves are no match for Nilfgaard's army."

"I can't lead my people to a dead end."

The elf sorceress's eyes were quite determined. Francesca was always very cautious when making choices related to the interests of the elves.

Wayne also knew this very well. He waved his fingers and said:

"Don't worry, Enid, there is no need for elves to participate in the frontal battle."

"Now that the Civil War has begun, the entire North will be in chaos for decades to come."

"Whether it is the elves or the Demon Hunter Order, blindly giving in will only make others think that we are easy to bully and want to take advantage of us all the time."

"Although I have said in the past that if you want to develop, it is best to keep a low profile, but now, it is time to show our strength."

"If Nilfgaard dares to attack the Flower Valley, I will also take action and teach them a lesson."

"Only by letting the northern countries and Nilfgaard understand our strength, can we take the initiative in the chaotic war situation in the future and avoid being drawn into the whirlpool."

After understanding what Wayne meant and knowing that the Demon Hunter Order was willing to help, Francesca immediately felt much more relaxed.

In the past few years, she has watched the rapid development of the Demon Hunter Order. Unknown to everyone, it has grown into a behemoth, possessing strength that many people can't imagine. If she has no ideas in her heart, then It's impossible.

This time, he told Wayne about Nilfgaard's affairs because he wanted to get help from the Demon Hunter Order.

Originally, she just wanted Wayne to provide some help during the migration of the elves.

Unexpectedly, Wayne wanted to directly confront Nilfgaard, which surprised her.

A private organization wants to go against an empire that can easily defeat the Kingdom of Aden. No matter who hears such a thing, it will feel very ridiculous.

However, Francesca was inexplicably happy. Although she was not very clear about the strength of the Order, her trust in Wayne gave her reason to believe that the Demon Hunter Order would now be sure to fight against Nilfgaard. tens of thousands of troops.

After thinking for a while, Francesca nodded and said:

"What you said makes sense, Wayne."

"Showing some fangs at the right time can indeed avoid more battles in the future."

"If you are sure that you can defeat Nilfgaard's army, I am willing to believe you."

"However, this matter is of great importance. You must tell me all your plans, and I must discuss it with Elf Sage Ada before I can give you the final answer."

"This is related to the safety of hundreds of thousands of people in the clan, so I must be cautious."

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