Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 877: big black day

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

In the dark night, in the middle of a small town, a group of people surrounded the fire, singing and dancing. It looked very lively. The young boys and girls looked at each other and showed their admiration.

The autumn harvest is over, winter is approaching, and the town is free. The mayor organizes young villagers to organize some activities to promote everyone's feelings, so that they can become a couple.

And some young and beautiful girls also showed their most beautiful gestures, expecting to be favored by noble masters or handsome men.

Beside the fire, there is peace.

Mayor Yaerlin's face was lit with fire, and he looked at the few people in front of him vigilantly, with a hypocritical smile on his face, "The three of you have come from afar. I am horrified, not to mention the Wassenberg side, even the Albis City side, wouldn’t let such a thing happen.”

One of the three hypocritically threatened, "We are not alarmist. A major event is about to happen in the northwest. Maybe you don't know yet. There will be a dark wizard in the northwest. I don't know. Have you heard of the Nightmare Empire?"

The Nightmare Empire is too long for these people, and it is not clear that it is not an old wizard who has lived for hundreds of years.

Baron Arlin shook his head and said, "Go ahead!"

The man vividly described the great achievements of the Nightmare Empire and the terrifying abilities of the Nightmare Ancestor.

Almost no one can match, and the entire Xihuan Continent is dark.

"Only I, Dahetian, can save the people and destroy the demon of Nightmare. Now that the Northwest Nightmare is about to establish a country, the Northwest will soon face endless troubles. When the Nightmare comes, the world will be dark."

The man quietly released a sorcery, fear spell, into Yaerlin's heart.

An infinite fantasy arose in Yaerlin's heart, and his consciousness was blood-red and dark. A dark sickle slashed through the void. Heads rolled in the town, and corpses were everywhere in an instant.

Shock, fear, terror, one after another chilling emotions rose in my heart.

He hurriedly asked for details.

The three of them cooperated very well. One person explained the details in detail, while the other released the fear technique and weakening technique. For a time, everyone around was caught up in the story told by the three people, and even the flames of the fire could not extinguish the feelings in their hearts. dark.

I don't know how long it has passed, just when those people started to preach the benefits of Dasuotian, a figure came quietly from the outside.

Wherever he passed, the people around him automatically gave way and came directly in front of the three and Yaerlin.

Yaerlin was listening to the teachings earnestly when suddenly, on a whim, he glanced at this man, and then the darkness in his heart was flashed by a brilliant white, thunder roared, the earth trembled, all the haze was swept away, and his heart suddenly became brighter.

His heart was bright, and his emotions naturally stabilized, and he quickly doubted the three people in front of him in his heart. At this time, he raised his head, carefully saw the image of the person who came, and was suddenly shocked.

My god, how did the Marquis come here?

He immediately stood up in shock, looked at Dorai, and said, "The Marquis is coming, why didn't you let him know in advance."

Dole didn't look at him, but looked at the three of them and smiled lightly, "If you don't come quietly, how can you see such a wonderful speech."

The three of them didn't notice Dorai's arrival at all, and they didn't feel any signs that the witchcraft had been broken. They were only third-level wizards, and faced a sixth-level big boss, they couldn't even notice it.

When Yaerlin raised his head, his eyes brightened, and he spoke, the three of them looked to the side together.

Dole? The lord of Albis City, is he here?

The three were immediately frightened, because, they knew, they had been exposed.

Dorai is a sixth-level wizard, and they preached the sect here, which obviously violated the interests of the empire. They quickly thought that the other two should have been arrested.


The three of them were about to run, but they felt that their eyes were darkened, and they fell down, feeling nothing.

Dole glanced at the three of them. Under the bonfire, the people around them became clear in their hearts and looked at him without blinking.

What happened just now? Why do you believe other people's evil?

As soon as the Lord of the City arrived, the three fell to the ground automatically?

A group of people suddenly knelt down and cheered, "Sir Marquis."

Half the town's people were cheering, and it seemed that the momentum was not small. In the dark night, it seemed that Dorai was the leader of the mission and the true god.

Dole came from a nightmare clone, his mental power was extremely sharp, and he could even feel the emotions of the people around him. At this moment, they really regarded themselves as gods in their hearts.

Great, bright, just, amiable, without any pretense.

He descended into the world like a god.

Dole shook his head and used a gentle tone to appease the people, "It's alright, these people are members of a cult organization and have the power to deceive people. The Glory Wizards Alliance has long issued regulations. Once discovered, they will be executed immediately."

Yaerlin suddenly panicked in his heart. This order has been in place for many years. Every year in Wassenberg, people from cult organizations are hanged.

As soon as his legs were weak, he immediately collapsed.

The people around didn't dare to speak, they just knelt on the ground.

Dole glanced at it and suddenly felt bored. It was not his intention to scare ordinary people. He came to announce policies and arrest people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He lowered his head and glanced at Yaerlin who was lying on the ground. Then he said, "This is the only time. If you encounter such people in the future, report them immediately. They are not something you can deal with."

When Yaerlin heard this, he was shocked again, and the Lord of the City was not going to punish him.

He immediately nodded and said, "Lord Marquis, I know I was wrong, and I will do things in accordance with the regulations of the empire in the future."

Dole was a little bored. He raised his hand and held the three of them in the air. Under the light of the flames, he slowly lifted into the air and quickly disappeared into the air.

Behind him, a group of people knelt down on the ground.

These three people, Dorai did not report to the Glory Wizards Alliance. After leaving the town, they directly turned the three of them into their own spiritual nourishment. The corpses were left in the wilderness in the distance, and the wild wolf would clean up all traces.

With the mental power of the three little wizards, Dorai felt that his mental power had risen to the fifth level.

This practice is too fast. In less than a few months, from zero to the current fifth level, it is estimated that it will not take long to catch up with the deity and the Bone Demon God clone.

It's too fast, and it's very stable, and the spiritual power cultivated is also very pure, and the quality is comparable to the storm meditation method.

He carefully thought about the pros and cons of these three meditation methods. In the dark night, he could not calm down for a long time.

The spiritual power cultivated by the Stormwind Meditation tends to be light, the quality is very high, and the quantity is sufficient. It can be said that it is a perfect level of meditation, with almost no shortcomings. The meditation of the skeleton demon tends to be dark, death, and propaganda. It is violence. Under the scythe of the **** of death, it can break through all methods with one force. The power that is cultivated is mainly explosive and very powerful. The final nightmare meditation method is mainly based on spiritual power, and various spiritual sorcery emerge in an endless stream, and can even be hidden in people's hearts.

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