Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 854: parties

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

As for being with Dorai, it was also to pay off the kindness of the third prince.

It was only after being together for a long time that Yunuo realized that she could learn a lot from Dorai. No matter what aspect, the other party surpassed him by a lot, and her eyes were far away. She liked being with Dorai very much. , and also like to be with Ashe, both of them are geniuses among geniuses.

Daphne is also a genius, but like herself, she is from the element side, not the alchemy side, so she can't help herself.

But both belong to geniuses, and the two can communicate much more than others, such as the manipulation skills of magic, the cohesion skills of witchcraft nodes, etc.

In the dark passage, two people stood alone in the innermost, and they did not communicate with other people, and they seemed to be alone and weak.

The team keeps coming, and everyone keeps in touch with their own side, while mourning the loss of teammates, companions, and brothers and sisters, while secretly communicating other aspects, such as the empty robbery beads.

Da Vinci and Danazzi walked all the way, and they collected all the air robbing beads on their bodies, but they didn't tell anyone about their number.

Others were also asking each other, and no one around said it.

This seems very strange. In this competition, the number of empty robbery beads is compared, and now everyone does not know how many empty robbery beads the other party has.

Augustine's face was gloomy, but he knew who had the most air robbery beads, it must be that Dorai, he can penetrate walls, and his attainment in alchemy is very high, the scanner made by refining must be more advanced, plus wizard The tower's powerful amplification ability, he has at least more than a hundred air robbery beads in his hand, as for other people, the number is not comparable to himself.

At the current position, he has seventy empty robbery beads in his hand, and logically speaking, it should be the first.

Collecting all of them, the Alexander family should have more than 120 or 30.

But he didn't do that. Anyway, when he finally counted, it would be counted as the pressure mountain family.

The rewards for this competition are very rich, and each family has brought out a lot of things, such as medicines, medicinal materials, heaven and earth treasures, various equipment, strange objects, etc., and they all hope to get them.

The prizes are so generous that almost no one tells others how many empty robbery beads they have.

The scene is very weird.

Just then, the last team arrived.

At the end of the passage, a large group of people came over. It was the last group of the three major academies. They were led by two young people, one male and one female. Rachel and Markas were well-known in the empire.

Rachel is a member of the Kandy family. This time, she represents the family and the Wizarding Academy. The two do not know what agreement they have.

In terms of the overall background, it must be that the Wizarding Academy is stronger, that's all.

Markas is another fast-rising family, the Romandi family is one of the representatives of the high family.

Although the people from the Vocational Academy are not as powerful as the people from the Wizarding Academy, they are better at refining all kinds of tools. They are not as good as the Wizarding Academy in terms of name, but they are not bad.

At this time, after the arrival of the last group of people from the Wizarding Academy and Ares Academy, Augustine, Daphne, Fitz, Danez and others raised their brows.

Everyone is here.

Everyone counted, the number of people who came here this time has almost dropped by half. When they came here, there were more than 3,000 people. Now that they are here, there are only more than 1,600 people left, which is simply tragic.

Whether it is the Glory Wizarding Alliance, the major families, or the royal family, this time, the loss is not small.

Augustine glanced at Daphne with a gloomy face. The first place is out of the game, so it's up to the second place. This time the competitor is Daphne. The royal family has many treasures, not inferior to their Alexander family, and even in the three major colleges. Above, if there is a powerful scroll or other alchemy equipment, it may be Daphne who can compete with him.

As for the three major academies, and the major nobles, they are not worth mentioning.

At this time, he glanced at it, did not see Dorai, and did not know where he had gone.

He lowered his head and thought about it, what to do with this matter, so many people, no matter who killed the monster in the end, there is no way to fake the credit.

Alas, it's up to fate.

At this point, Fitz had already communicated with the two and the others, and was preparing for the final matter.

However, these people have to rest, and it is estimated that it will take two or three days before they can act.

At this time, Mavic leaned in front of Augustine and whispered, "Augustine, when I set off, the second uncle told me that although you are the core this time, he also gave me a big killer, the last one. The means, start right now, I'll tell you about it."

Augustine didn't care at first, but when he heard the back, he immediately turned to Mavic, his eyes fixed on him.

"My father also gave you a trump card?" he said in disbelief.

In his heart, he has always been the only person his father trusted, but he didn't expect that in this matter, his father still hid one.

His face became gloomy, but the next moment, he calmly said, "Keep it for use when the situation arises, and make sure we take it down in the end. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Mavic nodded, actually relieved in his heart, as long as Augustine was not really angry, everything is now the bigger picture.

This mission, the final mission is to kill the monster in the center, whoever can get the last big head, glory, honor, merit, merit is at your fingertips, so this time, almost every family has paid for it.

Augustine made a plan in his heart, quietly observed Mavic for a few times, shaking his head slightly in his heart, his father was still worried about himself.

On the other side, people from the three major colleges are also organized together at this time, each discussing their own direction, the vocational college has no masters, they are all taking money to hit the road, and their combat effectiveness is not strong, although the losses along the way are minimal, but at this time already I can't get anything in stock. There are special alchemy made by a few geniuses with great power. At this time, they are almost out of stock, and they are working overtime in several shifts.

Needless to say, Ares Academy, their purpose of coming here has been achieved, and the next step is to make up the number.

And the three young leaders of the Wizarding Academy are sitting together at this time, discussing what to do next?

Fitz said at this time, "According to the current situation, that monster has only one kind of killer, that kind of terrifying attack, and it is much more powerful than the hairless monster, so most of us may be attacked, only a few Part of it can be spared, as long as one of the three of us is not affected, the next things will be easier to handle."

Rachel is a woman, she thinks more than men, and said at this time, "What if we are all affected?"

Markas is very handsome, and the corners of his mouth twitched at this time, "Crow mouth, can you say something nice, among us sixth-level wizards, only you and Augustine have the strongest attack power of meditation, you can't say it all at once. Blast that thing.


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