Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Huge world

  The blue sky is endless, there are not many clouds, the sun is still in that position, there is no place to move, the four seasons here are always bright,

   This is already the second day after Dorai, Baal and others have entered, but there seems to be no such saying in this world. There is only day and no night.

   The long daytime makes people a little sleepy.

On the little things Dorai made, the arrow formed by the icy breath has repeatedly weakened, but the direction of flight has never changed, but so far, he has flown thousands of kilometers and still can't feel the breath of Ashe. He doubted whether this blood tracking thing was broken.

   However, he has already obtained relevant records. He knows that the world is very big, so he is not in a hurry, and the direction he is going is not far from the place opened by the old man Shangfeng, which is acceptable.


   Aixi was standing in a city at this time, looking at the devastation around her, her expression indescribably calm.

It has been three days since she came to this city. She has been shopping for long enough, but she still hasn't found the core location. The city itself is broken and dilapidated. It has been turned upside down by demons and other humans, and she has hardly found any suitable items. .

In the city, on the streets and in the surrounding rooms, there are all rotten bones. They fell to the ground in all directions, as if suddenly died instantly, without even a little chance to resist. Judging from the current traces, those who lived before I was living a normal life, then fell to the ground and never woke up again.

  What can cause such a terrifying effect?

She also visited the main hall in the center of the city. The wizard formation inside has already been shut down. Although everything is still neatly placed in the original place as before, there are many demons and humans everywhere. He should come in. The searched items were all searched, and the people who should be fighting had already collapsed some places. I couldn't see the original appearance. After a few fights, a few people and a few monsters were killed, Ashe returned to the street, and her heart was turbulent. Sorry.

  There is also, where did Dulai go, where did Lord Barr go, these are all unknowns, but looking at the current situation, Ashe doesn't know what to do?

  Walking back and forth on the street, Ashe quickly discovered a special situation, that is, the infrastructure of this city was destroyed before, and the wizard formations in many places still exist, but they can no longer play their original role.

   Something must have happened here.

   After searching for a long time, Ash came to the gate, stood on the gate, released his mental power, and carefully observed everything on the gate.

   There are wizard formations here, and some of them are still running. It can be seen that some wizard formations are very peculiar in nature, and they seem to be specifically aimed at people of a certain system or a certain system of Warcraft.

   At this moment, a voice rose in her heart.

   "Aish, Aish."

   Ash was overjoyed, and his mental power reversed and connected the spiritual power channel, "Dolly, I am here."


   In the sky, Dolai looked at the cold breath that had been exhausted again, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, while Barr was already boring to panic by the side.

   At this time, it raised its dog's head and looked at the bottom of the wizard tower.

Finally found.

   Hundreds of miles away, Duo Lai’s wizard tower turned into a stream of light, turned a corner in an instant, and flew towards the sky. Not long after, he saw a dilapidated city.

  This kind of city has been seen many times in the last day. In another place, the city can remain intact, but in this area, all the cities are dilapidated, and there is no exception.

   Soon, he fell down and landed on the top of the city.

   Ashe's blue wizard robe is very conspicuous, and the aura on her body is very familiar with Dolay. Needless to say, this is the pure Ashe.

   Ashe saw Dolai, Jing's face showed a beautiful smile, "This world is really wonderful, it can separate people."

   Duo Lai breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and suddenly laughed openly, "It's more than a miracle, it's more than just being able to separate people and lock them up."

   Ashe doesn’t know why?

  Barr was furious next to him, "Hmph, you speak carefully, and be careful to open your ass."

   Duolai was not afraid of him, but he dared not say any more. He told Ashe about Lord Barr's story by means of sound transmission.

  Barr looked at Dola coldly at this time.

   Ashe was shocked when she heard it, can she still be like this? She thought for a while, and her heart moved, "Show me the beasts and exercises of the town, and the things you got."

   Duo Lai nodded, and then directly transmitted the things in the form of information, saving him to scan.

   After the two exchanged for a while, they each breathed a sigh of relief, and now they are finally together.

   Duola carefully scanned the city while he was checking the information.

   There were bones everywhere, and there was no ability to resist, and they fell to the ground instantly. Everyone was. According to the strength of the bones and the degree of decay, many of them were powerful warriors, but they were useless, they all died instantly.

   How did they die? Along the way, he has found too many such situations and has become numb.

   The city in that direction moved people away, is it because of this strange death?

   This world is weird! What happened here?

   "Have you investigated the cause of death?"

Ashe nodded, "I investigated and found no sign, that is, at the same time, regardless of strength, suddenly died! You can see that the street ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the same as it was during prosperity, if you ignore the time if."

   Duo Lai has watched it just now, and it is indeed the case.

Barr observed for a while, and groaned, "The time is too far, and the cause of death is unverifiable, and it is impossible to say what the reason is. He was infected with the virus, or was mentally disrupted, or it was due to other reasons. Time is too long. We It’s better to go to the residence of some superior wizard to be sure, maybe there are people there."

   Duola nodded.

   The bones on the street can't move at all, and will turn into fly ash when they move. Without physical support, who knows how they died.

   There is no problem with the bones, only the physical body can find the cause.

   Now it seems that he can only go to the residence of the Upwind Wizard.

   Where is one day away from here, don’t worry.


   In the clouds, the wizard tower flies steadily and quickly, and thin clouds pass by, like flowing clouds and flying flocks, which are very beautiful.

   But if you watch it for three or four days, this beautiful scenery will become very boring.

At this moment, Duolai thought in his heart that if they could be teleported at will, other forces and other demons could also be teleported at will. The powerful might be locked in a small black room and could never escape again. Then, just now The remaining strong people of level 6 and below are wandering outside.

Regardless of whether it is Lai Guo, or who have won, or Peng Guo, the people should have been scattered now. Only three days have passed. No one should have made such progress. He should be the first to reach the upper hand. Stationed.

   Ashe was looking at the information given by Duolai at this time, and was shocked by the sheer size of this world, which was almost as big as the Western Ring Continent.


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