Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 504: Breath of wind

   The wind blade rotates, and after a certain acceleration, Duo Lai stretches out the wind blade at a certain angle, and draws them one by one, and they land on the lock buckle one by one.

   time after time.

On the stone wall, energy appeared one after another, and it collided fiercely with Duolai's wind blade, bursting out a strong light, but Duolai released more than one or two wind blades. There were thousands of paths, a few breaths. With his skill, he has attacked this position tens of thousands of times.

   The energy was quickly overwhelmed and consumed fiercely. After a while, the wind blade broke through the energy for the first time and touched the magic pattern on the wall.


   The magic pattern was instantly collapsed, and a small hole was directly blown out of the door.

   At this time, all the energy flow on the stone wall collapsed, and there was no protection anymore.

   Duolai didn't reduce his aura when he saw this, but directly increased his aura to the maximum, deterring people from all directions, and walked directly into the room.

   This room is where the entire five-story magic circle converges, and it is also the most protected place. Duola firmly believes that there are good things in it, so he needs to be deterred to prevent others from approaching.

   On the fifth floor, everyone else was shocked.

   They attacked for a long time, and they didn't take the stone wall. Why did this person open up a few breaths, so cruel?

   Reminiscent of the aura around him, the hearts of the people around him stunned, this is probably a ruthless character.


   After entering the room, Duola saw a stone table. Behind the stone table was a stone bench. At this time, there was a pile of dusty jade slabs on the stone table.

   then walked in and glanced around, as if these jade boards were out, and there was nothing else.

   But when he saw behind the stone table, his eyes lit up, and there was a small door, but it was open.

   He glanced at the jade stone slab, felt it, his heart began to bang bang, and after putting things away, he immediately went into the small door behind.

   As soon as he entered the small door, strong spatial fluctuations spread out from it, and Duolai's eyes were greeted by small pebble balls.

   It was these little round stone balls, exuding strong spatial fluctuations, Duola hurriedly swept these things with mental energy, and then suddenly shuddered.

   Just now I was thinking about what kind of storage equipment this is. I didn't expect that this is a space bomb, and the blame has to be taken away. The space fluctuates so sharply, and it can't be put in the storage ring, so it can't be carried.

   Where is he standing, touching his chin, and thinking for a while, how to take this thing out?

But after thinking about it, it seems that there is no good way to put it in the storage ring. It is not suitable. The space fluctuation is too strong. If it is placed in the wizard tower, the space fluctuation is still too strong. With the current strength of the wizard tower, Still can't adapt, if you want to bring it, you can only bring one or two, that is, hang it around your waist.

   Duola thought for a while, squatted down to observe.

   In this room, maybe the only valuable thing is this thing, but what is the use of this thing, you have to take it back and study it.

   This palace doesn't seem to be too valuable. The valuable ones are the jade pieces just now.

   At the end, he reached out and took one, then turned and left the room.

   came to the door and glanced left and right. Those people were still attacking hard. One of them glanced at him, but didn't pay attention to it, and then placed it on the door in front of him.

   Duola raised his head and glanced at the sixth floor above.

There is a corridor between the sixth and fifth floors, which can be seen from below. At this moment, one of the few people he saw has opened the door of the room. The door is empty, the door is open, and the others are still working hard. attack.

   Duolai thought for a while, it seemed that the person was using the thunder-type witchcraft, and the thunder-type has a strong attack power, so it is normal to open it first.

Thinking of this, he didn't go up to the sixth floor, but walked directly outside. He was going to find Ashe and Barr to join. Just glanced at the jade boards, they only recorded ordinary information, and there was nothing here. good stuff.

  As he went down, he became strange.

   Soon, he came to the third floor. At this time, he felt a very familiar wave of witchcraft, the light witchcraft.

   fell to the third floor, he took a look, and quickly saw the person using the light witchcraft.

   He was at the door of a room, with two hands, each with a blazing light shining at a certain point on the door.

   Dolai raised his brows to break his face, he has an idea!

   At this moment, the man stopped the witchcraft in his hand vigilantly and looked behind him.

   In mid-air, many came to look at him with ugly expressions.

   He snorted coldly, "My friend, I didn't offend you." He was a little guilty, because he also released a few witchcraft at the door just now, not knowing who hit him.

   Dolai looked at him condescendingly, speaking indifferently, and slowly said, "I will not trouble you if I buy a thousand middle-grade magic crystals."

   The man suddenly sneered, "It's your Excellency? I'm afraid I don't have this ability."

   Duolai's tone became more cold, "Since this is the case, your Excellency hit me at the door, and I will also hit your Excellency now. We evened each other."

   The man's expression was solemn, and he was a little surprised. Was this man really hit by his own witchcraft?

He is a wizard of the Light Element. The power of witchcraft itself is greater than that of ordinary witchcraft. It also has a healing effect and is respected by people. Therefore, he has a sense of arrogance on weekdays. Hearing Dolai say so, he still Some sneered.

   "It's up to you, as long as you dare to make a move, I will dare to kill you." He was also angry, and light appeared unconsciously on his body, his aura rose greatly.

   Duo Lai did not speak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even without much expression, stretched out his right hand, fingertips began to entangle with white aura in his hand.

   After entering the fifth level, his mental power greatly increased again.

   Although the five-level witchcraft has more nodes, more changeable models, and more numbers, each witchcraft model is like a huge wizard formation, but for Dolai's current spiritual power, it is not a difficult task.

   After reaching the fifth level, so far, a total of three witchcraft have been analyzed, one is the eye of the storm, which is the first witchcraft analyzed, the second is the breath of the wind, and the third is the tornado storm.

He currently uses the breath of wind, why did he analyze this witchcraft model first? This is because this witchcraft is very similar to the ice spear technique to a certain extent. Each breath of wind is composed of one third Water, one third of wind, and one third of ice. Water and ice seem to be one thing, but they have two completely different properties. Water represents softness and impact, while ice Represents the cold, represents the hardness, and after adding one-third of the wind, a breath of wind is formed.

  The nature of the breath of the wind has various attributes, each of which is difficult to wind, corrodes, cuts, and has the power of impact. As long as the attributes can be imagined, the breath of the wind has it.

Each white breath can be regarded as an independent breath of wind, but the sorcery of breath of wind is composed of thousands of white breaths as a whole, which can be transformed into a form of sorcery, in the storm system. Five-level witchcraft is the most typical witchcraft, not one of them.

   When Dolai's white aura entangled in his hands, the various auras exuding from it immediately made the light wizard's heart tremble, especially as the white aura grew more and more, his expression became more and more solemn.


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