Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 451: Eat hard

   Gretel nodded hurriedly, and said, "Yes, Sir, I have been working hard."

   He looked at Eugene, did not speak, and then slowly said, "That's it, look back, and wait until the war is over. If anyone can make great progress, I will have a little surprise for you."

   Everyone's eyes lit up, and then they were overjoyed.

   "Thank you, Mr. Chairman (Master)."


   Coming out of Tower 5, a group of people were full of smiles on their faces, without saying a word, they went gently, just as they came.

   As soon as he walked out of Tower 5, Gretel slapped Dolay's shoulder sharply behind him, and said excitedly, "You have touched all the good things, don't say anything, please treat me." He said bitterly.

   Eugene also had a little bit of resentment at this time, and said, "That's it, you have to make you bleed once, this time you are making a lot of money."

   Duo Lai smiled bitterly, "If you can, what you want to eat or drink, let's kill it." He quickly gave up a smile, this time it was really a lot of money.

   Lihuo is a top treasure of heaven and material, I can’t see it at all at ordinary times, but using Lihuo for the formula, this thing can’t be said that he suffers, but makes a profit, and it is a big profit.

   For him, it is not important what Lihuo has, but the formula is very important. This represents his future and his future.

   It is worthwhile to use a piece of top-quality material that he doesn't need to exchange for his own future.

   Anyway, it means eating and drinking. The most expensive place in Wassenberg is only a few thousand gold coins.

   For ordinary people, a few thousand gold coins may be impossible to earn in a lifetime, but for a few people, it is not a problem at all.

The highest consumption in Wasenberg is the various red houses, but the second highest consumption is a delicacy restaurant, which operates a variety of precious Warcraft ingredients, which tastes very good, but the price is also higher than the sky, the more advanced the meat of Warcraft The more expensive.

The restaurant is not very big, there is only a five-story building, but there is a lot of people inside, the number of people coming in and out is not small, and the people who can come here are either rich or expensive, or all kinds of rich occupations. By.

   came to the door, everyone climbed up the stairs, quickly entered, and asked the waiter for a five-story private room.

   The four of them came to the stairs, Dolay took the lead and walked up.

   The area on the first floor is very large, and most of them are adventurers, ordinary nobles, and the fragrance fills every corner, which makes people have an appetite for smelling.

   After entering the second floor, there are small private rooms, and there is no one to see, only the waiters coming in and out.

   The waiters here are not ordinary people, at least they have martial arts skills, strong skills, and the speed of serving dishes is very fast.

   Duolai is also here for the first time. With a light glance, he has an idea of ​​the general situation here, which is indeed good.

   Soon, they came to the third floor.

   The private room on the third floor is slightly larger. They just walked up and saw a group of people walking down.

   Duolai didn't respond much. When the young man in the lead saw Duolai, his face changed slightly, and when he saw the person behind Duolai, his face changed even more.

   "Good fellow, how come you got together with these four people. It's troublesome now."

   He was the last time he was looking for the Sagong family who had troubled Duolai at the auction house, and next to him were a group of little nobles.

   Duo Lai leads people up at this time.

   Behind Sikong Xun, the few people saw that each other's face was wrong, and one of them asked, "What's wrong, Master Xun?"

   The few people who rushed upstairs slammed their lips and said, "That person is the arrogant pharmacist I mentioned last time, Dolai."

   The few people next to him were stunned, "No way."

   "You offended him? Didn't you see? Next to him are Master Gretel, Miss Ash, and Master Eugene?"

   Sikong Xun's face changed slightly, "I naturally saw it, so that's why..."

   The man patted Sagong Xun and slowly said, "Forget it, it doesn't make sense. People and you are not at the same level. Among us, Taer and them can get some sides. Don't think too much."

The people next to him suddenly started booing, "That's right, they have tens of thousands of gold coins per minute. Your family only has a lot in a year. I heard that they are building a second wizard tower, which is still an octagon. Your Sikong family has only a few wizards. tower."


   Behind Duolai, Gretel patted him on the shoulder and slowly said, "Is the kid below that offended you?"

Duola turned his head, nodded, and said, "When I first came to Wassenberg, I had a conflict with that kid. That kid was very arrogant. From now on, the entire Sagong family began to target me inexplicably. I was really sick. The cause of the incident with the Sagong family is this person."

   Gretel was a little surprised. Sagong Xun was just a dude. For a dude, he fell out with a powerful pharmacist like Duo Lai, and the Sagong family became more and more alive.

   "Is there anyone else?" Eugene asked.

   Duola thought for a while and said, "There is another named Duke."

   "Oh, oh, Duke, his elder brother is Duck in the youth project, but he is a character, no wonder."

Eugene said from the side, "Dark is also considered the number one person, but he is not the same as us, but the last one. He is now the mainstay of the Sikong family, and is now a fifth-level wizard, Dorai, you can I must hurry up and get promoted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hehe."

   Duolai curled his lips, "If you are a year older than you, then he should be a fifth-level wizard in his thirties, and his talents are not bad."

   The other three people curl their lips at the same time.

   Soon, they came to the fifth floor.

   The private room on the fifth floor is even bigger. When I came to the landing, a well-dressed waiter was waiting.

"It turns out to be Master Gretel, Master Eugene, and Miss Ash? Please come with me." She smiled professionally and said to the four people. As for the foremost Dolay, she hadn't seen it before, and she looked suspicious at this time. look.

   These three are celebrities in Wassenberg, but the young man next to them doesn't know where they come from, but to be with the three, they must not be ordinary people, she thought.

   Gretel knew that Dolay was low-key and would definitely not want to talk. He just smiled lightly, "Well, today we just came here to eat, find a quiet place and don't disturb people."

   The waiter nodded in agreement.

There are only a dozen private rooms on the fifth floor, each of which is very spacious. As he walks, Gretel introduces to Dole, “The Treasure Restaurant is the only restaurant in Wassenberg that can refine the meat of Warcraft. Behind it is the alchemist. The union is in control, and this is also one of their sources of income. The fifth floor is relatively quiet here, but the price of the private room is a little higher. I can't bear to come often." After finishing, he licked his lips.

   Eugene also replied from the side, "We look beautiful, but in fact, we are also relatively poor in private. If you hadn't given the opportunity, we wouldn't dare to come to places like this."

   Ashe smiled and nodded beside her.

   Duolay smiled faintly, "Give you a chance, but also give myself a chance. I won't say anything extra, and I will eat hard today."


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