Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 448: Puyous

   The tower body is the same scale as other wizard towers, even the appearance and shape are exactly the same. The twenty-seven-story structure is very high. Standing under the tower, I feel very small.

When    came under the tower, the door that had not moved all the year round opened automatically.

  Four people, three of them walked inside with anxiety.

   As soon as he entered the first floor, Eugene took the three of them to the side of a shaft and said, "There are escalators here, so you don't need to walk."

   This kind of thing is not new, so they didn't care.

   Soon, they came to the top floor and stood at the door of a huge room.

   Eugene stood at the door, waved his hand to the three with a strange smile, which is what it meant, and then got up and knocked on the door.

   The three of them jumped up like ordinary hearts, and Duo Lai did the same.

   This is probably the strongest human race he has ever seen, not one of them.

   The door opened automatically, and a low, confident and majestic voice came from inside, "Come in, children."

   enter the room.

   The room is very wide, the top floor is very high, and it is decorated with various lighting decorations, which illuminates the whole room very gently, brightly and not dazzling.

   In the middle of the room is the hall, and at the end of the hall is the reception room. At this time, the sound came from inside.

   Eugene led the three through the hall and into the living room.

   As soon as he entered the hall, he saw an old man sitting there with a Chinese character face, tall stature, and a slightly solemn expression, a face that seemed to be only over fifty years old. The ordinary clothes he wore did not show the slightest majesty or breath. It's like an ordinary old man, but that's it, the three of them dare not show up in front of the old man.

   This is a terrifying seven-level boss who is one person against one city, how can this make people relax?

   Duo Lai glanced at the old man, bowed his head, and said together with the other two, "I have met the president."

  President nodded and looked at the three of them. His eyes swept away, and everyone felt as if they were being seen through.

   This makes them a little cramped.

   "Sit down, don't be restrained. I want to call you over this time because I want to see it. In this youth plan, only you are still cultivating seriously, and the other seven people are already far from potential."

   The three of Gretel suddenly realized that, this is to focus on cultivating them.

   Gretel immediately lowered his head and said, "Thank you, Lord President." He took the lead in finding a place to sit down, and the others followed suit and sat down one after another.

  The name of the president of the Glory Wizard Alliance is Pu Yousi, and his name is very ordinary. He glanced at the three of them and said, "Let’s talk about business first, Duo Lai, do you have Li Huo in your hand?"

Duola nodded and stood up and said, "Yes, Lord President, a few days ago, the Vice President of the Fire Indus Organization asked me for medicine. Using the Indus tree branches as the main material, I happened to be able to refine the flames on it. It’s refined a little bit from the fire, and if it’s cultivated properly, it can continue to exist."

   After speaking, he took out the sealed crystal, stood up respectfully, and handed it to the old man in front.

Pu Yousi took the crystal, took it in his hand, glanced at it, and was a little surprised, "It's really rare for you to be so good at refining medicine at your age, and to be able to achieve something in alchemy. What kind of meditation do you practice? Fa, so much spiritual power?"

   If Duo Lai wants to conceal something in front of others, Duo Lai has no privacy at all in front of this big boss.

He slowly said, "In the early years, I got a book of meditation ideas that spread from the outside to this world, called the son of element meditation ideas. This meditation idea contains more than a dozen elemental meditation ideas, all about each elemental spirit. For example, the fire spirit meditation thought, the water spirit meditation thought, I practiced the most powerful storm element meditation thought. In the future, I can incarnate the storm element elves and take control of one party."

   Hearing this, Eugene, Gretel, and Ashe were stunned.

   Storm element, that is a powerful eighth-level elemental creature, even the ninth-level element is not known. It is born large in size and unmatched in power. Any creature of the same level can't match it at all.

   Good guy, he used to cultivate this stuff, no wonder they couldn't feel the right mental power at the same level. This is too exaggerated.

   Spread from outside, outside? Who came from outside? Dorai's mysterious backer?

   There are thousands of thoughts in everyone's hearts.

   Pu Yousi frowned. He looked at Duolai and fell into contemplation.

   The room suddenly became deadly quiet.

After a while, he raised his head, looked at Dolay, and said, "The idea of ​​the eighth-level meditation is not new in our world. Ashe's ice and snow goddess, Gretel's dark star, Eugene's star fire, and even all It is at level 9, but in terms of the mental power of the same level, the elemental creatures are indeed the strongest at the same level. Of course, the summoned ones are not counted. At most, they are castrated. You have a good idea. If you can become At level 9, you can even start a country."

   Duo Lai smacked his lips. I don't know what the boss means. He is not interested in managing a country.

   "The chairman is praised. I know my talent. Level 7 is probably the limit."

  Pu Yousi smiled and said, "It's a good thing for a child to be humble, it's rare, you are very good. If I praise Eugene, his tail can be lifted into the sky."

  Grit and Ash, who were sitting next to them, couldn't help but laugh ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Eugene looked a little embarrassed, but this guy was thick-skinned, but his expression looked unnatural.

   Duola didn't know what this guy was going to do for a moment.

Pu Yousi smiled faintly, "Don't be nervous, just talk casually. Since the meditation idea is the top meditation idea, then I won't have to ask more here." He smiled and said, "A few days ago, the Huowutong organization The people from here have come to Alan. I know about this, but I didn’t expect it to come to you. How many times have I asked them for a flame like Lihuo, but no one is willing to give it to you. Half sold and half free."

Duola became shy. The branches of the sacred sycamore tree will inevitably have the nature of leaving fire. Exchanging branches is equivalent to exchanging flames. Leaving away from the fire, the branches of the fire sycamore are just ordinary branches, and the vitality inside cannot even be retained. The two are complementary.

   "They also ask me. Since the president knows each other, is there no price in exchange for Lihuo?" Duola asked curiously.

   Eugene said next to him, "It's not without a price, but the price is too high and it's not worth it. You can buy many other special flames for a price from the fire."

   Everyone realized that it was so.

   Duola nodded, he flipped his wrist, took out a crystal, put it on the table in front of him, and said, "I have been feeding this thing for a few days, and it is now larger in scale."

   At first it was just a small cluster of flames, but now the flames can be slightly larger. This kind of flame between heaven and earth, as long as it has enough energy, can always exist, it is very magical.

  Pu Yousi lowered his head, glanced at Li Huo, and lightly swept across his mental energy. He raised his head and said, "Little guy, what do you want?"


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