Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 433: Little things

   Duolai walked on the street, his eyes drifting away from the sky, he felt that the world seemed to become interesting.

   Everyone is coming and going, it is very lively, it seems to be like this all year round.

   It's almost noon now, and there are still fewer people on the street. Duola is walking on the road, feeling very casual.

   Duo Lai actually doesn't like to communicate with people. He only likes to stay in his own world, but there is no way, this is a world of people and people.

   He thought of himself, of the people he had been in contact with, and suddenly, he thought of Jasmine.

   He touched his chin. Now the Marcia family is clearly targeting him. I don't know what's going on with Jasmine and whether it has been targeted. She, a little wizard who joined Marcia, shouldn't be implicated.


   Thinking of this, Duolai's hands were sealed, and a wave of magic was released from his hands.


   Macia family, Jasmine stayed cautiously in another wizard's laboratory, handing tools, serving tea and pouring water.

   She didn't even have time to practice. If the penalty was not too high, she would want to leave as soon as she was here. She was too aggrieved here.

   Since the Macia family officially targeted Duolai, his life has slowly changed. If it hadn't been for the Glory Wizard League forbidding the persecution of wizards, it might have evaporated.

   Fortunately, the salary is still issued. She can barely stay here, and she can learn some things with the master.

   Hey, I don't know what happened to Dolai. Being targeted by such a huge family, life should be difficult.

   forcibly pressed the desire to send a message to Dolai, she endured all this silently.

  Knowledge, resources, abilities, the three major elements that make up a wizard, she has only the last one in front of her. Fortunately, this kind of ability is seen, otherwise, she still can't decide where to do it now!

   At this moment, he received a message from Dolai.

   "How much liquidated damage?"

   Jasmine’s calm mind broke the defense instantly, she took a breath of effort, and slowly replied, “Five hundred thousand gold coins.”

   Before a moment, Duo Lay replied, "Come and help me. After half a month, I will complete the agreement."

   Jasmine's mood calmed down, and after waiting for so many years, she was not in a hurry for half a month.



Back at the Wizard Tower, Dole saw Kanchel at the door. This little girl was standing at the door conscientiously. Standing with him at the door was another boy named Mora, who was newly bought. Two people. Guard the gate together.

   "Hello, tower master." The two lowered their heads together.

   Duola nodded, and said, "How about these two days?"

   Kanchel smiled and said, "Tower owner, the business is pretty good, and people seeking medicine are in an endless stream. It's just that you have restricted the outflow of medicine, which makes some people very dissatisfied."

   Duo Lai nodded again and said, "I did this for a reason. Okay, you guys work hard. Don't forget to practice and try to reach level three or four as soon as possible."

   Kanchel and Mora breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

   "Okay, tower master."

   Duola quickly walked inside.

   At the door, Kanchel lowered his head, but the thoughts in his heart had already flown to Zongluyuan, his father and brother, don't know where they are now, hey.

   Working in the Wizard Tower is very good. There is a lot of time and resources. The owner of the tower is also very good. She also gave them very advanced meditation practice. She has become accustomed to life here.

   Here, the welfare benefits are better than those of the Keqing wizards in the family before. What else can she do? Now I only hope to be promoted as soon as possible so that I can redeem my parents in the future.


   At this moment, Mora asked in a low voice, "Sister Kanchel, you said, will we be consumed as a test item one day?"

   Kanchel gave him a blank look, "You are too concerned about consumables worth hundreds of thousands of dollars."

   Mora muttered, "Isn't that the favorite thing those wizards do?"

Canchelton was joked when he said, "Who said that wizards like to use people for experiments, even if that person does experiments, they use some unimportant people, death row prisoners and the like, not normal people, that is Dark wizard, Lord Tower is not a dark wizard."

   Mora said, "When I was at home, those wizards liked to experiment with people." He hurriedly covered his mouth and looked around carefully.

   Kanchel heard this and immediately became vigilant, and said to the young boy with his heart, "Don't dare to talk nonsense about this in the future, otherwise, you will be treated as a dark wizard."

   Mora nodded hurriedly. After being in the Glory Empire for so long, he naturally knew the fate of the black wizard. As long as he was caught, he would be immediately pulled down and burned to death at the gate of the city, without even having the opportunity to refute.

   "Practice well, don't think that there are none, look at Uncle Tawa, you are doing very well."

  Tava is the sixth-level fighter.


   Dolai came to the top floor, and Tawa stood meticulously at the door.

   Duola now knows who this guy is protecting. Four little devil heads. Except for the volunteer butler, the other two are two women and one man. The boy is Mora. They are assigned to register at the door with Kanchel. The two girls are Hannah and Annie. The one who volunteered to be the housekeeper was the one Tava wanted to guard. The kid was called Gideon, and he was fairly talented. He is now learning about management with Rosa.

   Hannah and Annie were assigned to one of the ordinary wizards, assisting Rosa and Gideon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Libesha to deliver news everywhere.

   "I have seen the tower master." Tava gave a slight salute.

   Duolai nodded, he stopped, glanced at Tawa, and said, "If you are fine, go and stand at the gate of the tower. You don't need you here."

  Tawa shrugged and said, "There's nothing going on here, if something happens, I will go down by myself."

   Duola looked at him and said, "Whatever you want."

   The door opened automatically at this time, and Duo Lai walked in.


   in a closed room.

In Dorai’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, the storm element has grown to a certain scale according to certain rules. If it is placed outside, it will be a small storm with a range of several kilometers, but this storm is not complete or even strict. There are many loopholes.

   Because he hadn't really seen a real storm, Duola felt that he had encountered a bottleneck.

   Now adding elements to the storm, in addition to making the storm element more cumbersome, the scale has no longer grown, and even if it grows again, there is a possibility of collapse.

   Therefore, Duo Lai has always been thinking of a way, but from the current point of view, the only way is to leave here and go to a place with a storm, and feel the real power of the storm.

In fact, in the meditation of the children of the elements, no matter what element it is, it is necessary to observe the real elemental creatures. It is just that some elements are relatively simple and can even be summoned, while some elements are not normally seen at all. Go find it.

  Fire element, water element, these can all be summoned, but compared to the storm element, there is no way to summon it, you can only find it.

   It's been more than a month since he was in a bottleneck. Even if Duolai was not in a hurry, he was actually quite uncomfortable.


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