Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 335: Way of Level 6 Pharmacist

   At this time, Duo Lai had arrived at the gate of Wassenberg, used the token to communicate with the Glory Wizard Alliance, reported it, and entered the city with a new look as usual.

  Wasenberg is surrounded by mountains, and the internal space is not enough. Therefore, the city walls and the buildings in the city are built very high to facilitate the accommodation of a larger population.

  Walking on the street, with luxurious shops on both sides, tall buildings, and unique local decorations, it looks very prosperous, prosperous, and has a comfortable atmosphere that makes people linger.

   Duolai walked around the street for a while, the sky dimmed, he went straight to the Wizard Tower, ready to come all night long.

   For the wizard, in addition to normal rest, once the activity starts, there is no difference between day and night. Therefore, the wizard tower is open 24 hours.

   Duolai entered the magic tower, and quickly entered the floor of the book collection. From each floor, it seemed that he now has level 10 permissions and can read a lot of books.

   He didn't want to waste time either, so he went directly to the sixth-level pharmacy book.

Unfortunately, there are very few books of this kind. It seems that someone deliberately didn't put this kind of book outside. He searched for a full two hours before he found two books. They contained information about level six medicine. Just a few words.

   In these two books, there is a sentence in common, which impressed Duo Lai deeply.

   Sixth-level potions have broken away from the scope of ordinary mixed potions and entered the realm of alchemy potions. Every sixth-level potion is a potion full of wisdom and laws.

   Duola was a little surprised about this. These wizards just like to pretend to be a god, isn't it blunt?

   He carefully searched it for several more hours, searching all the floors that can be found by the tenth level of authority, but did not find the third book.

   Duola is a little confused. The book of pharmacy is not placed in the Glory Wizard Tower, but in the Apothecary Union?

In the entire northwest, the highest level of pharmacist is level 7, but there is only one. The number of level 6 pharmacists is not very large. There are about six. These six people, except for one working for the pharmacist’s union, the other five are all Working for each family and various forces, in short, none of them are for themselves.

   These news were all told by McLaren, the number of level five pharmacists is quite large, otherwise there would not be so many level four wizards in Wassenberg.

   He thought for a while, and sent messages to Ellen and McLaren respectively, and he planned to ask about the situation.

   The news from Ellen was passed on quickly. Obviously, the adult was not cultivating, but was rather idle.

   He glanced at the news and frowned.

"The refining method of level 6 medicine has always been mastered in the pharmacist's union. In addition to the formula, you need to join a pharmacist's genre to formally learn how to make a level 6 medicine. The essence of the level 6 medicine is The medicinal power is mixed into a tiny crystal form to exert one hundred and fifty medicinal powers. This requires the direct interference of mental power, similar to magic lines."

   Seeing these news, Duola felt as uncomfortable as he had a bowel movement. How could it be possible to join the pharmacy genre?

   But the mental power directly interferes, and the medicinal power is crystallized, and he has a little eyebrows. Through some of Allen's words, he suddenly became a little bit bright.

   He carefully thought about the process of refining the sixth-level potion, from purification, to proportioning, and then to the final medicine, thinking about the possibility of mental interference.

Level 6 mental power potions seem to have a lot of medicinal materials, but most of them are neutralizing medicinal materials, and only a few of them work. If you want to combine all these things to form crystals, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of changes. possible.

   Duola closed his eyes, thought carefully, and deduced in the sea of ​​consciousness.

   The spell model needs to be deduced, and the refining of a medicine also needs to be deduced. After reading it, I feel that the profession of wizards is really difficult. It’s not like a warrior, just reckless.

   There are no drawings and no ready-made medicines. It is almost impossible to deduce a new product out of thin air.

   Duola thought for more than an hour, then gave up the idea, he decided to buy a bottle of Level 6 potion.

   Sixth-level potions are not easy to buy. Because of the scarcity of stagnant water, there are almost no six-level potions found in auction houses, so you have to wait for this.

   Thinking of this, he read other books about formations and alchemy to enrich his knowledge base.

   At dawn, Dulle received news from McLaren.

   The content of the message was basically the same as Allen, except that he invited Dolai to visit him as a guest.

   Duola thought for a while. In his current situation, he still refused this request. If he goes out and is found out, it is estimated that McLaren will not be able to live in peace. Maybe he will have to trap some traps. Friends will not be able to do it.

never mind.

   Time slowly passed, and three days passed quickly, and it was time for class.

   Dolai put down his books, left the Wizard Tower, and soon left Wassenberg and returned to Allenger College.

   came quietly and left quietly, Duola was used to this kind of life.

  Feng Xing Shu is becoming more and more proficient now, as long as it is not too close to the wizard, almost no one finds that there is a person hidden in the air.

   went back to the room and saw Rosa preparing something for herself at a glance.

   Rosa was startled by the figure that Dolai suddenly appeared, and patted slightly on her chest.

   "I was scared to death, can you be normal next time you come back." It took a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Rosa also knew Dolay's temper, and occasionally blamed it a few times.

   Duola walked forward and smiled faintly, "This is how wizards above level 4 act. You need to get used to it and be vigilant at all times to ensure your safety."

Rosa curled her lips, "I'm not you. If there is a wizard higher than me to deal with me, I can't do it." She put down things and said, "This is the content of your lecture today. In addition, my brother is also promoted to Level four."

   Duolai's heart moved, two and four levels, it seems to be a good thing.

   "Congratulations to your brother for me, I have to slip away after class today." Duola was a bit tired and couldn't go back home. This feeling was terrible.

   Rosa nodded and said, "In addition to the fifth-level wizard, there are other people visiting you, but they all left when they saw you were not there!"

   "Can you leave a name?"


   Duo Lai nodded, "Then don't pay attention to it, it will be people who hide their heads and show their tails."

   He turned his head, his gaze penetrated the Wizard Tower, and looked at the Ellenge Wizard Tower. He seemed to see Ellenge looking at himself at this time.

   Chris's furnace needs to be updated. He now needs a furnace with a level 7 or higher, but the value of this thing requires millions or even tens of millions of gold coins, which is not what he can buy now, which is really a headache.

   If there is a high-level furnace that can hold more power, he can drive the wizard wizard tower everywhere, bombard and kill any creatures of level 5 or below at will, and see who dares to come to him indiscriminately.

   What makes him gratified is that the several big families in Words City have not harassed him until now. It is really gratifying, especially the Tracy family, after being **** twice by him, now they are beginning to behave.


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