At the conference table, it became weird for a while.

   Allenger looked at the expressions of everyone around him, and sneered secretly in his heart.

If Wushu is so easy to deal with, why should he come to the Honor Wizard League? He can't find it slowly. The problem now is to find her quickly and rescue Dolai. Other things, how about the Honor Wizard League love? In this way, it has nothing to do with me.

   The mysterious corpse worm is indeed an ancient strange worm, possessing great power, but it is also a fate, and the advantages and disadvantages of the mysterious corpse worm are very clear, and he will be very passive when facing people with thunder magic. He knows this.

   Wallace's eyes were also full of light, and his hands flashed various gestures inadvertently.


   When everyone saw this, their hearts were shocked, and some thoughts surged wildly in their minds.

Dennis looked at everyone with a slight sarcasm at the corner of his mouth. He said lightly, "The mysterious corpse worm is one of the strange worms in the world. As long as it is transformed into the body, it can almost live forever. I know you may have some ideas, but It is not unreasonable for this kind of insect to be turned into a black witchcraft. First of all, his control is too weak, which may cause many problems. Second, if you want to perfectly control the black corpse insect, you must at least turn yourself into a corpse. The path of the demon or the necromancer is also the path of the dark wizard. I urge everyone to focus on how to rescue the wizard Dorai."

   Dennis is not without thoughts, but he feels that he can go up on his own. Although the traditional elemental flow is weaker, it is actually the same up to the sixth level.

   The cost of the Xuan Corpse Worm is too great.

  Standing, the three major families did not express their views at this time, but they were all military commanders, so they didn't know at this time.

   They are going to go back and check the information carefully, what exactly is this mysterious corpse worm, it seems that everyone values ​​it very much.

   At this time, people from the Pharmacist Guild suddenly said, "We are willing to cooperate with all our strength, but after the matter is over, we need the living Xuan Zong Worm to conduct research."


   Duolai didn't know, because of his disappearance, the entire Northwestern Province had already taken action. His disappearance not only affected the entire city of Words, but even many other forces.

   Allenger didn't hide this matter, but made a big fanfare, inviting everyone to deal with Wushu.

   In the bright laboratory, he hasn't eaten for three days, and he is frantically studying the characteristics of the Xuan Zong Worm.

   The mysterious corpse insect itself is only a little bit small, but it has amazing resilience and patience. Duola used many methods to test any mysterious corpse insect, and the abilities they showed were simply amazing.

If they didn’t like corpses, I’m afraid Dolai really wants to transform himself into a lich. If this thing can be replaced by the body of a black corpse insect, I’m afraid no one will kill anyone in this world. Yourself.

   Immortal, invincible, these two thoughts madly revolved in his mind.

   Beside him, a cloud of black mist floated quietly in the air, staring at him closely.

   That is Wuju's insect fog, she is not here, and sent a small wave of insects to monitor him.

   For her now, even if she is the Xuan Zong Worm, she is the Xuan Zong Worm.

However, academically speaking, he is at most a part of the Xuan Zong Worm. After the Xuan Zong Worm is promoted to the sixth level, the essence hidden in the body will make him reject Wushu, which will cause great conflicts between the body and the sixth level. Among the mysterious corpses, Wushu could only choose one.

   If it's an ordinary person, it's not a big deal to become a body and become an entity, but Wushu this guy wants to marry a child like a grown-up, which is very unreasonable. He is like this, that neuropathy will want her.

In the past few days, he has figured out the characteristics of most of the mysterious corpse insects, the live worms have also been seen, and the information has been read. The next step is to study the high-level active characteristics of the mysterious corpse insects and their reactions to the flesh. Record and crack the secrets in the body of the Xuan Zong insect.

  As a pharmacist, although he is not a biological mage, many of the materials are from creatures. He knows how to fix the characteristics of a creature.

   First, he prefers to spawn a weak mysterious corpse insect.

He can't use a complete fifth-level mysterious corpse insect. He has only three levels. He can't control such a high-level mysterious corpse. At most, he can control four levels. Therefore, he needs to take a new-born mysterious corpse worm, or one. Group the newly born Xuan corpse insects to observe, even introduce him to the sea of ​​consciousness, to cultivate him as his companion pet, to receive various information, and to cultivate his growth.

   But this cycle is too long. Wushu has a complete training method from level one to level five. Now only the test level six is ​​missing. Therefore, Duolai has a lot of things to do.

In the past few days, he has also figured out Wuju’s trajectory. She spends most of her time doing experiments in the cave. She herself is also a high-level pharmacist. Besides, he is also very sophisticated in biological research. Teacher, in the laboratory, he saw at least 30 kinds of terrifying creatures. Any kind of these things released can cause a city to be destroyed.

A small part of the time, she will go out, collect all kinds of information, rob caravans, collect gold and silver, why would he know, because she will bring back the dead and feed the terrible After the last glimmer of fantasy in her heart disappeared completely, she concentrated on experimenting. No matter what kind of person she was, Duola didn't care at all, he just needed to concentrate on learning knowledge.

   Soon after, ten small eggs appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

   These are the eggs of the mysterious corpse insects. At the same time, on the laboratory table, there are almost twenty glass petri dishes with a single mysterious corpse insect in them.

  Duo Lai used various methods to stimulate the growth of the corpse worm while observing.

  The raw material for the growth of the mysterious corpse insects is the corpses of various creatures. It seems to only like to eat corpses. It rarely eats living things. Therefore, the corpses in the freezer play their role.

   Morning, noon, afternoon, evening, observe four times a day, every time you observe, feed once, and observe its characteristics, analyze its characteristics with mental energy, and record them.

   As for the mysterious corpse worms that have integrated into the sea of ​​consciousness, Duo Lai uses magic power to feed them, which is another way to communicate with them.

   Wushu has always done this.

   While feeding with magic power, Duola felt the resistance of the Xuan Corpse Insect, but did not completely refuse.

Insects are generally weak in consciousness and can be used after a little refining, but the more powerful insects, the stronger their resistance. This is why many biological mages are as if they have died every level up, because At each level, the worm’s will is improving and resisting their refining. This is something hidden in the essence of living things. It is nature. At each level, the nature liberates one level. For biological wizards, it suppresses Biological nature has become the hardest thing.

   He is going to use another way of feeding, on the one hand with magical power, on the other hand with the corpse of insects.


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