Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 230: One catty of 100,000 gold coins?

   This wooden man is the same size as a real person. The outside is all wood. It has a complete human torso, limbs and head. It is vivid and vivid.

   Both hands are the same as a human being. They have five fingers. They are very flexible. They are similar to a real person. Their legs are also very flexible. They walk very fast. It seems that the force value should not be low.

   But facing Allengar, Duo Lay didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and he didn't directly check it mentally.

   Allenger looked at Duolai, saw his curious eyes, and said to his heart that it really came from the Northern Kingdom. Where can ordinary wizards have seen such delicate things.

   "This kind of puppet is an extraordinary four-level creation, and it is very valuable, about 150,000 gold coins."

  He explained, "His biggest role is to protect, not to serve. A wizard, if he gets close by a warrior, is a terrible thing."

   Duola nodded, and then a little shocked, "Fourth-level creation!" He was more powerful than himself.

   He was not watching, and slowly let go of his mind, and set his eyes on the fruit.

   He has never seen any of these fruits. They contain strong magic elements. They are fruits of magic nature. After eating them, they should have an effect on the body.

  In the wizarding world, energy-rich things are generally not too low in value. This guy is spending his money today.

   He raised his head and looked at Allengar with a slightly serious expression, "Master Allengar, what do you want to know?"

   Allenger's expression slowly became serious, "I know you are from the northern kingdom, but I don't know why you have confidence. I want to know who is behind you?"

   Now it's Duo Lai's turn to feel interesting, Allengar finally discovered his little secret.

   He shook his head and said, "There is no one behind me, or else I won't travel all the way to the Glory Empire alone. If there are people behind me, how can I let the clown Nicholas persecute me."

   "Joker?" Allenger smacked the word, which seemed appropriate.

   The management of Allenger College is all three-level, and the strength is not that strong. For the current Dolay, Nicholas and Williams are not enough to be daunting.

   "Well, you are now a member of the management team. You will know the future. A huge academy does not depend on one or two people to operate. This requires coordination in many aspects."

   Dolay lowered his head and agreed with this concept, but it did not mean that he agreed with the character of Nicholas, Williams and others.

   "I'm very curious about your promotion to the third level, can you tell me?" Allenger raised his doubts.

   Duola looked around.

Allenger's room is very simple, the style of the room is biased towards the dark style, the floor is earthy gray, the walls are dark, and the room is slightly dim. It is said that the dean is proficient in the dark and earth witchcraft, but this style is not enough. Surprising.

   And this style will give people a feeling of depression.

   Duo Lai felt depressed now, especially after his questioning.

   As a fifth-level wizard, he has already achieved certain achievements in a certain elemental element, so it is not surprising that he is aware of what happened to him.

   He raised his head, looked at Allengar, and smiled faintly, "I drank about twenty catties of red dragon blood."

   Allenger's gaze changed from serious, to shock, and then to incredible.

   "Twenty catties of red dragon blood?"

   Duola nodded and said, "Yes, about twenty catties."

   Allenger's heart is dripping blood. If these twenty catties are given to him, although he can't directly break through the bottleneck, at least it will greatly reduce the difficulty for him to promote to level 6.

  His attributes are the dark and earth elements. The blood of the red dragon is not in line with him, but it can greatly increase the attributes of other aspects of the body.

  He immediately thought that there was someone behind this guy who could hunt the red dragon. This was simply... he suddenly remembered that a few days ago, the famous mountain dragon clan suddenly mobilized to sweep the other beasts in the mountain. Is it because of this?

   How strong and powerful is that person?

   This guy is not innocent.

He thought for a while, looking at Dolai, it felt like a walking nuclear bomb. Twenty pounds of red dragon blood could slowly improve his system to a certain extent, until he was promoted to a slightly lower level than the red dragon that died. A little degree.

   This guy has a bright future.

   He thought for a while, raised his head, his eyes hoping, "Any more?"

   Dole shrugged, staring directly at the other person, "One catty and one hundred thousand gold coins?"



   Coming out of the Allenger Magic Tower, Duolai's expression has become extremely calm.

   Three hundred thousand gold coins, a five-level alchemy platform, a little bit satisfied in his heart, and he already recognized the identity of the academy.

   This is the first time he feels a little bit of belonging.

   Passing through Tallinn, Dolai quickly came to the door of the Potions Temple.

   At this moment, a figure jumped out from the crowd on both sides and stopped in front of him.

   is a knight, his aura is very huge, when he stood up, everyone around him was looking at him.

   He did the standard knight's benefit to Dolay, and smiled and said, "Sorcerer Dolay, my lord would like to please." He stretched out his hand and pointed to the side of Tallinn.

   Duo Lai glanced at the man, then turned his gaze to the direction he was pointing, and saw a luxury carriage over there, with the exaggerated flags of the three major families on it.

He just glanced at it, then turned his gaze to look at the knight, smiled and said, "Please call me the Lord Duolai. From now on, the Pharmacy Palace will be under my jurisdiction. What kind of medicine is needed~www.wuxiaspot.com~What's there? Request, please go to Mr. Lu Ming or someone else."

   He stepped forward and left directly.

   The knight was taken aback, Lord Duolai? He was a little shocked.

   When Dolai came over, he didn't know what was going on, so he took a step to the side.

   Duola passed by him, hearing a lot of discussion behind him.

   "It really is!"

   "Hall master, Lecturer Duo Lai deserves his name!!"

   "Now the medicine hall is saved."

   A series of voices came from behind, and there was no sadness or joy in Dolai's heart.

   The knight looked a little ugly when he heard those words around him. The lord of the first palace of Ellengar, how can a little knight of him be able to move, the other party has not turned his face, and has done his best.

   He turned around hurriedly, saluted Dola from a distance, and then headed towards Tallinn.

   At the same time, not far away, several other forces also didn't know when they stood in the dark, paying attention to this side silently.

   "He personally admitted that he became the lord of the palace. It seems that this matter is inevitable." A man in a gorgeous armor spoke heavily beside a corner.

   "If you are a second-level wizard, we can still use money to win you in. If you are a third-level wizard, I am afraid it will not be so easy. This guy is promoted too fast, and he didn't give us enough time." Another man said in a gloomy tone.

   "No, I'm all going to use the beauty trick. This guy is suddenly promoted to the third level. Although the beauty trick is still useful, ordinary vulgar fans are no longer useful." Another feminine man said.

   "Forget it, win over the students from the other element side, this guy from the Northern Kingdom is no longer what our students can win, haven't you seen the failure of the three major families?"


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