"Escape." Seeing the size and trajectory of the fireball, the person in black knew that this person might be at level 3 or above, and there are unknown methods that can make people fall silently. play?

  Who is this guy, the dark wizard in that city?

   The fireball sank into the jungle, and suddenly it exploded.

   Boom boom boom.

   Several silhouettes were rubbed by the air waves caused by the fireball explosion, and they flew out directly and crashed into the woods. Some fell to the ground and turned dozens of somersaults. Some hit the locust tree and made a loud noise.

   Some of these people seem to have nothing, just get up and run, while others lie on the ground forever.

The sorcerer is Dolai. He wrapped the powerful hallucinogenic potions in the air, and used his mental power to activate the magic and send the air over. After being recruited by these warriors who weren’t even a wizard, they couldn’t hold on for a second. Fall into a illusion.

   There were almost two dozen of these people. Under his sneak attack, three or four fell on the spot. The others ran very fast and didn't get a shot. That's why they had the fireball technique behind them.

After level 3, the power of fireball has increased again. When a fireball goes down, a pure explosion can directly blast a five-meter pit on the ground. The splash damage is up to 15 meters. The shock wave of the air wave has a larger range. The fireball is exploded. During rubbing, you will die without fighting spirit body, but it is not very harmful to people with fighting spirit armor at level 3 or higher.

   Therefore, the five-shot fireball technique seems to be very powerful, but the trajectory is easy to be judged, and it does not cause damage to the third level, and only injured two second-level ones.

   But the violent explosive effect and the terrifying power made other people's complexion frantically changed and fled.

  The warrior wants to escape, unless the wizard possesses flying witchcraft, he will not be able to catch up.

   Duola raised his hand, and fireball was formed next to him again, flying towards the depths of the jungle, and suddenly an explosion sounded.

   This time, he was scaring them.

   The man in black quickly dropped the body and ran without a trace.


   Gerry and the others were a little dazed at this time, they all stopped, gathered around, and looked behind.

   What's the matter, who did those people fight with?

   Listening to this voice, it seems that they have met a wizard? Is the wizard an archer's opponent in the middle of the jungle?

The poor group of traditional elemental wizards is only a mobile turret in the adventure group. Its defense ability is limited to magic shields and its mobility is weak. As long as it is targeted by high-speed moving professions such as archers and assassins, it is basically alive. Target, who is this person, dare to contend with a small group of adventure groups?

   Gerry gritted his teeth and shouted, "Go and help him. These people must be the murderers behind the scenes and kill them."

   Val, who was beside him, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, brothers, come on."

   Saibansi jumped out of the giant axe without saying a word, and rushed straight down.

   At this time, the second round of fireball exploded, and the explosive air wave set off a vibration wave of more than ten meters, which made everyone a little frightened.

  Who is this? I'm afraid it's level three. A level three wizard, I'm afraid they will all walk sideways in the city.

   They rushed over quickly, and when they arrived, there were no other sounds in the jungle.

   Everyone is a little flustered, what's the situation?

   At this moment, Gerry saw the corpses of some people in black. He pointed to the side and everyone turned their eyes.

   Seeing this, everyone was a little surprised.

  The third-level wizard is so cruel? The third-level fighters are scum!

   At this moment, Duo Lai walked slowly from a distance. He had touched two corpses, and there were no signs at all, only some gold tickets were on him, and the identities of these people could not be seen.

   The corpse was fed to Barr.

   He saw Gerry, the aristocratic adventure group he had done once.

   Gerry also saw him, and his expression was a little frightened.

   "Boss, is it him?" Waal had a war in his calves at this time. Damn, this wizard was actually a wizard they had encountered on the road and had offended him. What can I do?

   Other people's faces were also a little stiff. The most stiff was Moses. He once praised Haikou to make the little wizard look good. Now that people are standing in front of him, he doesn't even dare to move.

   "Boss, what should I do? Is it him?"

"So young, he is actually a third-level wizard, how is this possible? Even the geniuses of the Words family, Sia and Nora are not so powerful, he is still so young." Moses wanted to step back a little bit, and at this time he admitted. It's not something to embarrass, it's called a strategic retreat.

   At this time, the distance between the two sides is more than one hundred meters, but in terms of professional vision, one hundred meters is almost equivalent to standing in front of you.

   Duo Lai also saw these people like Gerry, and said in his heart that it was really Yuan Jia Lu Zhai.

   He ignored the other person, but touched the corpse on his own.

   Although these people didn't bring anything, they still had a lot of golden tickets, and there were also some other odds and ends, medicinal materials and other rare items. The harvest was not bad. They should have robbed a lot of other people.

   He also found a few magic cores.

   Good harvest.

   Murder and set fire to the gold belt, this is true.

   At this moment, he saw that Gerry seemed to be coming over with his scalp straight, so the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

  Geri is a nobleman, so naturally he doesn't want to admit defeat, but he is a third-level wizard with extraordinary methods. The people in black who chase them around the world are not opponents of the other party. What can they do? An apology will not die, what is face?

   He came to Duolai, just in time to see him stripping the body of the man in black, and then slammed behind him.

   The corpse suddenly disappeared in midair.

   Seeing this weird scene, Gerry's pupils shrank, and his heart jumped up in pain~www.wuxiaspot.com~Destroy the corpse? What is this method? "

   He hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Master wizard, thank you for your assistance. I didn't know how great you were before. I offended you. I hope you don't blame it."

   Dolai opened his mouth and smiled, the expression on his face full of evil.

  Gerry's heart beats, is this guy going to deal with himself? He carefully estimated the opponent's combat power ratio, and he felt a little bit agitated.

   This man has a lot of methods, and there are some pharmacist methods, Lao Tzu's life is really bitter.

  At this time, he heard the other party suddenly say, "Which family are you from? It's not easy to pull out such a noble team."

   Gerry hurriedly said, "Tell your lord, I am a member of the Tracy family, and my name is Gerry. Our Lizard Dragon Adventure Group is still a small force nearby."

   Duola slowly put away his smile, and said, "Then you know who these people in black are?"

   Gerry smiled bitterly, "I don't know."

   Duola thought for a while, took out the purple sword from the ring, "Do you know this sword?"

   Seeing this sword, Gerry was buzzed in his head and his expression was extremely horrified.

  This sword, this sword belongs to a brother in his family? how can that be?

   Duola saw Gerry's expression, this guy must know him, and has something to do with him, otherwise, it is impossible to say nothing.

   His gaze condensed, and his mental power was released from his body, wrapping Xiang Ge.

Gerry was surrounded by a burst of cold air, as if standing in the snow in the winter without clothes. He was stiff. He hit a sharp spirit and immediately said with an ugly face, "Master Wizard, I know this sword. This is me. A cousin’s saber is made of amethyst, black iron and other noble metals."


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