Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 210: Silent Valley

  Famous under the mountain, a small group of adventure groups approached the bottom of the mountain.

   A short man rushed out of the mountain quickly, he landed silently, and came to another young man very smartly.

   "Brother, the road ahead is clear, and that person didn't lie to us."

   The youth nodded, then looked back at his brothers.

   A total of five people, including him, are all students of Allengar College. Unlike those talented students, they are all civilian students and the top students among civilians.

   "The intelligence should be correct, but everyone can't take it lightly. If you can catch the three-tailed fox this time, you will be able to go back for a while." The young man sighed.

   The four agreed.

   At this moment, the young man turned his head and glanced at the Nanwan Marsh, suddenly a little stunned.

   In the distant swamp, a young figure came over from the water lightly, very unrestrained. His purpose seemed to be to famous the mountains. They saw that this man was wearing a magic robe, he was actually a wizard?

   Does he dare to come here alone?

   Five people have an idea at the same time, this person is really brave.

Since Nanwan Marsh was attacked by the Empire, large monsters have been driven into the mountains. The entire Nanwan Marsh has become a back garden for humans. This has the advantage, that is, the expansion of human territory and the greater scope of activities, but also the disadvantages. Obviously, the tentacles of the adventure group were forced to extend to the farther Mingyang Mountain, which is more dangerous than the Nanwan Marsh, and the risk factor is greatly enhanced.

Therefore, recently, the number of adventure groups in Mingyang Mountain has increased greatly. However, because the relationship between humans and monsters is itself hostile, and the South Bay Marsh incident has occurred, the fighting on the mountain has been fierce, with daily casualties and almost no People dare to enter the mountain alone.

   The young man glanced at the short man and said, "Go and ask, is he willing to form a team? Does he have any goals?"

   The short man nodded, quickly melted into the darkness, and walked away.

  He is the scout position of the team, the fastest and the strongest.

   Duolai passed through the Nanwan Marsh and soon came to the foot of Mingyang Mountain. He carefully compared the positions for fear that he had gone in the wrong place.

There are actually quite a lot of locust trees in the famous mountains, but there is no one in a million locust trees with a tree heart, let alone a thousand-year-old tree heart, which is even rarer, and without investigation, one would not know that a locust tree has There is no tree heart, so he will waste a long time here.

   He also saw the five-person adventure group, and when he saw the short man approaching him, he shook his head.

   This is a student of Allengar's own academy, but he doesn't want to refuse it hard.

   Just came to the bottom of the mountain, and perceiving, the short man jumped out from the dark, stood at a distance, saluted him, and said, "Brother Wizard, are you alone?"

   Duola nodded and said, "Are you all students of Allengar College?"

   The short man was taken aback and said, "Yes, if you are alone, do you want to team up with us? We are going to Silent Valley."

   Now it is Dolai's turn to be stunned, and his purpose is also Silent Valley.

   It seems that I am taking the correct route. He thought for a while and said, "There may be feminine occupants in Silent Valley, do you dare to go?"

   The short man smiled suddenly, "We were naturally prepared!"

   Duola shook his head and said, "I may have to stay in the mountains for a while, which is not in line with your goals."

The short man is a little unbelievable. The people who come here basically go to Silent Valley. Recently, it is said that there are many warm jade mines in it. Most of the people are looking for warm jade. This person obviously does not want to be with them. Team up.

   He didn't ask too much, and gave a slight polite, saying, "Then it's a goodbye."

   Dolai gave a gift.

   The short figure jumped back.

   Not long after, he returned to the team and said to the young man, "This wizard gives me a familiar feeling. He seems to be a student in the academy. He said that he will stay in the mountains for a long time, which is not in line with our goal."

   The youth nodded and said, "Forget it, Gus, let's go. Recently, Silent Valley has been turned over several times and many people have been killed and injured. We have to go as soon as possible and occupy a good position."

   Gus, the short man nodded.

   A group of five people quickly entered the mountain.

   From a distance, Duola looked at the five people, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

   Originally, he didn't know the specific location of Silent Valley, but it was great that these five people wanted to guide him.

   He used a little trick to leave a mark on the short man, as long as he hangs them from a distance.

Mingyang Mountain is a larger mountain range than Cameron. The mountain is tall and treacherous, and the valley is extremely long. In this mountain, no passage is opened by humans. It is the real World of Warcraft, except for the edge. It is for everyone. All are unknown.

   Silent Valley has actually gone deep into the mountains, and before entering the mountains, there is still a long way to go inside. It was a very quiet valley, surrounded by hills, and most of the trees were dominated by vintage locust trees.

A place like    is easy to attract ghosts and feminine objects. In addition, it will also attract some human wizards who practice darkness, death and necromancy. There are very few living creatures here, and it is usually quiet, so it is called Silent Valley.

   It's just that in order to prevent this from happening, the Glory Wizard Alliance will drive the magic tower to come over regularly, so there are almost no high-level evil wizards in this area.

   Followed the team ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From noon to night, Duo Lai only saw the existence of this locust mountain area.

   He felt a little strange, because the closer he got to this mountainous area, the more he felt his spirit was very active. There seemed to be a strange energy in the air, slowly nourishing his spirit.

   Spiritual power belongs to Yin, and Sophora tree is also Yin. He seems to understand something. If he cultivates in such a place, will it be twice the result with half the effort?

   But here comes the problem. Such a place must be full of evil creatures and ghosts with various Yin attributes. In fact, it is not safe by itself. If evil spirits and ghosts invade during cultivation, then it is the real big event.

   Duola just thought about it, and then put the idea behind him.

   He gave up tracking the youth team, then turned his eyes, looked around, looked for references, determined his position, and carefully compared the position of the thousand-year locust tree's heart that Master Lamb said.

   As he walked and watched, he soon found the reference object, which was a large rock with some words written on it.

   Duolai lived in the jungle for a period of time. He knew that in the mountains, the most troublesome thing was not finding the way, but also finding the direction. In the dense forest, it is difficult to see the sun. The surrounding mountains are exactly the same. It is normal to not know the direction.

   took out the compass, Dolai quickly went deep into the mountain and walked towards the designated location.

The deeper you go into the Silent Valley, the more you feel the coldness around you. This coldness causes great damage to your body. It feels a bit cold and biting, but it's good for the soul. The more excited you are, the more you are surrounded by it. Affected by the environment.

   If you only care about the spirit and ignore the body, I’m afraid it’s easy to get some damage here.

   walked slowly in the dense forest. He hardly saw any kind of insects here, and the surroundings were clean and terrible.


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