Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 208: Slip out

   The corners of Dolai's mouth twitched, and Barr was really cold.

   "Don't worry, I'll do some things first, let's talk about it tomorrow."

  Barr grumbled a few words of dissatisfaction, then lay back down again. Duolai saw Harazi at the corner of his mouth, so the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

   I have done a lot of poisons in the past few days, and I will do some more today, so as to ensure that it is foolproof. The Fire Sparrow can send Level 4 masters, so other hidden forces will definitely do.

   You need to prepare more poisons to deal with the fourth-level masters. In addition, there are healing medicines, mental potions, and powerful hallucinogenic potions. You have to prepare more. Who knows how long it will take to go out this time.

   This time going out was a test for him, and it was also a test of the results of his recent practice.

   After sending a message to Deputy Chief Lamb the next morning, he changed his face, hung a piece of tortoiseshell type thing on his body, and slowly slipped out of the potion hall.

   At this time, the sky was not completely bright, he was dressed in a samurai costume, with a delicate looking sword hanging from his waist, and slowly walked out of the Allenger Academy.

   As soon as he walked out of the academy, he didn't walk directly on the highway, but fell into the jungle.

   As soon as he enters the jungle, he unfolds his body skills, manipulates the energy in the world, and quickly walks through the forest.

   The sky lit up slightly, and when the city gate just opened, he was already standing at the gate, together with other people, waiting to enter the city.

  Waltz City is not open 24 hours a day, and the gates are closed every night from 11pm to 6am.

   The flow of people in the city of Words is very large, and the caravans of various colors have a long line of time at the gate.

   After paying the money, Dolai walked into the city and went straight to the Adventurer's Guild.

   At this time, the city has begun to become active, especially at the city gate. It is already waiting for the morning market at the gate to open, and waiting for farmers outside the city to enter the city to sell vegetables.

   Came to the Adventurer’s Guild, Dorai came to the window and submitted the task.

   The tasks he took were all about poisons, which needed to be tested by a dedicated person, and the teller asked Dolai to wait for a while.

   Duolai didn't worry, and stood at the counter waiting.

   After a short while, an old man walked over, and he took a look at Duolai's dress and lost interest.

  Most pharmacists don’t like to come out on their own, but find others to sell them. This is a common practice, because wild pharmacists are easily attacked outside and then taken away.

   "What kind of poison do you sell? If the effect is not good, the buyer will be angry." The old man's voice was dull, and he spoke slowly.

   Duo Lai found out a pile of potions, and said blankly, "You can use various methods to test, I have confidence in these poisons."

   The old man nodded, then took out something and sat on the counter to check it.

   The more he tested, the more surprised he was. These poisons are really good.

   This is a level 5 poison, and there is another level 5 pharmacist in Words City?

   After the inspection, he glanced at Duo Lai with a heavy expression, "Young people, can we talk to the person behind you, we can hire him."

   Dole shook his head and said, "He just passed by and asked me to sell these things. He himself will leave here soon."

   "That's really a shame, level 5 pharmacist!" The old man sighed and said, "These poisons are very good." He waved to the teller and said, "Make the settlement, these are all qualified."

   The teller opened his eyes wide at this time. It's impossible. This is a task that is almost 100,000 gold coins.


   Not long after, Dolay got the gold coins as he wished.

   But it is not a real gold coin, but a gold ticket of one hundred thousand gold coins, one thousand and two, which can be exchanged at the Imperial Bank at any time, absolutely childish.

   took the golden ticket and walked out the door, and Duola felt a lot of gaze behind him.

  He slowly walked out of the adventurer, and then down the street to the auction house.

  He came to the auction house not to buy anything, but to borrow the spare room inside to change clothes.


   At the gate of the city, Duola, dressed in the equipment of an ordinary wizard, slowly walked out of the gate with a symbolic staff in his hand.

He went to the South Bay Marsh. The South Bay Marsh at this time was very different from before. The road was full of adventurers, troops, and ordinary people, and the road was completely paved, unlike the previous cement road (with Water and mud road).

Although the Nanwan Marsh was beaten down, many toxins remained and many other creatures arrived. The whole Nanwan Marsh is actually quite dangerous, which breeds a large number of adventurers, and there are indeed many in the South Bay Marsh. The treasures left over by the predecessors are waiting to be developed. Every day, people find rare animals and get rich overnight. Some people also found abandoned ruins in the Nanwan Marsh, and found some rare weapons, armors, and even exercises.

  South Bay Marsh is definitely an adventurer’s paradise now.

   Therefore, the construction of the new city seems to be something that must be done in Words City, which can bring them benefits.

   Just walked less than ten kilometers away, and Duo Lai saw several nobles coming out of the city, leading a large number of teams, and heading straight to the Nanwan Marsh.

   Duo Lai doesn't like nobles, and he usually hides far away when he sees it.

   This time he came out, he was taken to relax, and it was too boring to be in the Potions Palace during these days.

   Come out, if you don’t have those disgusting stalkers, you are actually in a good mood, one person, one dog, and enjoy your leisure time.

   Their weird combination naturally attracted a lot of people's attention~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But seeing Duolai's face that strangers don't enter, few people came up to talk.

   It was noon very quickly, and they also walked a distance of almost 30 kilometers. At this time, they were still far away from the Nanwan Marsh.

  Barr was a little impatient about this, "It would be great if you were at level three, how good would you be to fly directly."

   Duolai was also a little helpless, and said, "If I have three levels, I don't need to come out at all, or I can have a better staff."

  Bar said, "You are an idiot, the spiritual gem can also be held in your hand, and used as a wand, but your magic power is probably not enough."

   Duolai naturally knew that if he took out the spiritual gem, I am afraid it would cause a beating from everyone.

  He said helplessly, "Master Barr, if you want to have fun, please go."

   Barr grunted, rolled his eyes, turned and disappeared into Dolai's field of vision. He had long wanted to hear this.

   Seeing Baal slowly disappearing into his vision, the corners of Dolay's mouth twitched.

   "I'm just talking, don't take it seriously."

  Without Barr, Dolai felt that the world around him was much more insecure. He looked around, as if no one had noticed himself.

   At noon, I found a place on the side of the road that is relatively high, took out the baggage, took out the dry food, and ate.

  On the newly built avenue, I was a little lonely, and from time to time I could see carriages and horses walking by.

   When these people saw Duolai, some of them looked at it, and some looked at it carefully.

   Not long after, there were as many as six adventure groups that greeted Duolai, but these adventure groups were small adventure groups, and the strength of the group leader was not long before it became extraordinary, level one or two.


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