Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 204: Good guy

   Dolai smiled, he stood up and slowly came to the hall.

   "Nicolas and York have nothing to say?"

   Morris sighed in his heart at this time.

   "Naturally, there are, but this time the college has not considered their opinions. Besides, your strength is obvious to all. Whoever opposes it is the brain problem."

Morris has also recently received news that the most powerful underground organization in Words City, the Fire Sparrow, came back in the hands of the lecturer. Although I don’t know if it’s true, the family has already given him an order to woo him at all costs. The price, this thing should be true.

   Duola nodded and said, "Anything else?"

   Morris thought for a while, and said strangely, "A wizard named Carl came over and said that after your retreat was over, you should inform him that he knows you?"

   Dolay blinked and seemed to be lost in the memory, "He, finally came out of the Eternal Forest, you give me the imprint of it, and I will find him."

   Morris nodded. It is normal for wizards to exchange communication marks with each other. With the temper of a lecturer, willing to meet this person, then this person is an old friend after all.

   "How is the antidote matter, how is our progress here?" Dolay asked casually.

Morris smiled and said, "Allengar College is now going all out to provide antidote to the new city, using all the strengths of the college, the caravan, the chamber of commerce, and all the connections accumulated by the college for so many years. It is just the flow of water every month. Just over 300,000 gold coins, what do you think!"

   Duola nodded and said, "The things in the new city are more than everything. This represents our value. We can't be sloppy. Besides, are there any new problems?"

   Morris shook his head and said, "No, we can solve it by ourselves, so I won't bother you."

   Duola nodded and said, "I have about a month of free time, during which time I can come to see me."

   Morris nodded, he hesitated, and said, "Lecturer, are you short of money now?"

   Duola curled his lips, "Lack, what's the matter?"

   "No wonder you want to refine poisons. Grade 5 poisons are relatively easy to refine. I'm fine."

   Dismissed Morris, Dolai went to the living room, took a break, and was about to start experimenting with refining level 5 poison.

   As a pharmacist, whether it is orthodox medicine, poison, or antidote, they are all means to get money and the foundation of their lives. This is what they should focus on most.

   Wizards without money are nothing, this is the consensus of all wizards in the wizarding world.


   Hypnosis room.

   Duolai opened the magic shield, opened the formation, and lifted a person out of it. These two people are in a coma every day, and they regularly pour medicines that make them immortal into their mouths, just like livestock.

   took the person to the laboratory next to him, fixed it to the table, and injected the medicine. Not long after, the man woke up from a coma.

   He slowly opened his eyes, and saw Dolai wearing a white dress and a mask, and suddenly panicked.

  His mask has long since disappeared, revealing a slightly mature and hazy face.

   "Dorai wizard, what are you going to do? Please let me go, I can pay my own ransom."

   He struggled, but it was useless. The effect of the medicine on his body hadn't passed, and he couldn't feel the slightest grudge.

   He regrets a bit now, why should he provoke a pharmacist?

   Duolai didn't know when there was an extra potion bottle in his hand, but he glanced at the man indifferently, and said, "Your current identity is a guinea pig. If you don't die after five rounds of poison, I will consider letting you go."

   The men were all desperate, "Five rounds of poison, wouldn't it be dead and even scum left." He struggled violently.

   At this time, Duola's mental energy moved, and the man's head suddenly seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer. He became dizzy and convulsed.

   Duolai produced three poisons, Yuhua venom, dragon snake venom, and flower cicada.

Yuhua venom is a ranged poison with strong volatility, but its toxicity is not very violent. As long as it is carried for one round, the toxicity will gradually decrease. It is often used for early detection and post-breaking in a narrow range, while dragon snake venom is the pair The poison produced by dragons' powerful magic resistance is very violent, and is specifically aimed at dragons with powerful attributes above level 4, while the flower cicada is a real poison of mass destruction.

Hua Cicada was refined for himself by Duo Lai. If anyone dared to count himself, let his whole family die. This time he was really going to be cruel. Not only did he want to make Hua Cicada the poison, but also to find ways to strengthen it. His might.

   He knew about the toxicity of the white cicada and the black cicada, but he still didn't know the harmfulness of the flower cicada, so he asked someone to test it personally.

After    overturned the man, Dolai opened the magic shield to isolate himself from the inside and outside, and then dropped a drop of flower cicada poison on the ground.

   The poison volatilized very quickly, almost dripping on the ground, and disappeared in no time.

   Dolai turned his eyes to the man, carefully observed his situation, and took out a small notebook to record.

   About half a minute later, the man's figure began to twitch slowly, his expression slowly became unnatural, and his skin slowly became ulcerated.

   But it's just that. Not long after, the powerful fighter's physique came into play, and he resumed his previous role.

   Dolay understood that the powerful resistance of the fourth-level fighter made him resist this poison~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He waited for a while, and then poured two drops on the ground.

   The man’s condition this time was a bit more serious than last time, but it was only serious. After a while, his condition stabilized and returned to normal.

   The man was in terrible pain at this time. There was no anger, and his recovery ability was reduced. This **** pharmacist did not know what poison he was experimenting with. It was really terrifying that he could burn his skin by volatilization.

   He felt a fierce pain in his lungs. At the same time, he felt the terrifying mental power of Dolai sweeping through his body, as if he was observing something.

   Is this still a second-level wizard?

After two rounds of trials, Dorai probably wrote down the corrosive effect of the flower cicada on the flesh. This poison is simply a disaster for ordinary people. It also has a very powerful effect on fighters at level 4, but for the masters at level 4. In other words, it's just a bit uncomfortable. Although the powerful physique of the fourth-level fighters will not be immune to the damage of the flower cicada, it can resist the damage caused by the flower cicada and cause loss of efficacy.

   Next is Yuhua Poison.

   The last is dragon snake venom.

  Dragon snake venom is a very violent poison. It is aimed at powerful dragon-attribute creatures. Dragon-attributed creatures have powerful magic resistance and poison resistance. You can imagine the poison they produce.

   After taking a bite of dragon snake venom, the man rolled his eyes directly. In less than five seconds, he was limp on the bed and lost his breath.

   Seeing this, Duola frowned a little, good fellow, so poisonous.

   Then, he slowly dissected the man and found that his internal organs were corroded by poison into a mass of blood, and only a piece of skin was left outside.

   recorded all this, and Duola ended this experiment.


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