It is not easy to fly an airship, and driving an airship for a long voyage is not something that Luo Xi can accomplish alone. It requires a captain, a master, a sailor and a chef, and a whole team.

It is not realistic to rely on wizards to dig and cultivate these things by themselves, which is time-consuming and laborious. Therefore, most wizard towers choose to buy ready-made ones from the Effort Market, and there are wizards in the Effort Market who specialize in this business.

Select talented slaves from various intelligent races to train them in the driving and flying skills of airships, and then sell mature crew members to wizards in need. The selling price of such slaves is much higher than that of ordinary slaves.

After choosing the airship, Luo Xi did not delay and went to the slave market immediately.

The slave market is next to the dock, and the dusty air is filled with sweat and fear. The sun shines through the sparse clouds, sprinkling on the simple wooden fences, stretching the figures of the bound slaves.

In a corner of the market, a middle-aged man was tied up with rough ropes, his hands were tied behind his back, and his ankles were tied tightly to prevent him from escaping. His face was haggard, and his eyes revealed endless despair and sadness. His clothes were tattered, covered with dirt and blood, and his exposed skin was tanned and rough by the sun.

The slave traders around looked at these captives with indifferent eyes, and their conversations and bargaining sounds came one after another, as if these slaves were just commodities in their hands, not flesh and blood people. Occasionally, buyers would come forward to check the physical condition of the slaves. They would pinch the slaves' muscles with their hands, or let them show simple movements to assess their value.

In this slave market, no one cares about the past and future of these slaves. They are just regarded as a resource that can be bought and sold. In this place full of cruelty and ruthlessness, life seems so fragile and humble.

"Goblin, young blue-skinned goblin, the best airship pilot!"

"Want to taste the taste of a beast-eared girl? That's a completely different feeling from a human girl."

"Minotaur, sell a minotaur, a minotaur who is down-to-earth and hardworking. He can work for three consecutive days for a piece of black bread. He is definitely the most hardworking coolie."

The slaves in the market are of all races, blue-skinned goblins with pointed chins and monkey cheeks, young girls with beast ears, and minotaurs with a burly figure and a huge bull head.

Although he knew about the existence of the slave market a long time ago, Luo Xi had never visited the slave market before. Seriously speaking, this was his first time here. For a while, these bizarre scenes in front of him attracted him.

He saw some wizards selecting human slaves, checking their teeth, eyes, skin, etc., probably to check if there were any germs on their bodies.

There were also some people with wretched faces who stopped in front of the traffickers who held young girls, their eyes shining and their hands on these young women. It was obvious what the slaves were buying for.

Faced with such an offensive act, these slaves did not show any resistance or rebellion, but cooperated very well, and even sought buyers to buy them with a bit of flattery. Even the molested female slaves tried their best to show the attractive parts of their bodies to the buyers, and used all kinds of coquettish voices to seduce the buyers.

This is not surprising, because there are corresponding regulations in the market. Now the buyers who come to the market to buy slaves are generally relatively normal buyers. In the past, buying slaves was mostly doing hard labor or becoming toys to vent desires, etc. Although it was hard, at least they could live normally.

But if they cannot be sold for a period of time, the slave traders will no longer waste food and resources, but will transfer them to the more dirty and ugly underground market, and the buyers at that time are uncertain.

Some will be sold to the Colosseum for a fight to the death. What's worse is that some wizards who lack experimental materials also like to buy from underground markets.

That's why these slaves are so hard to promote themselves. After all, in a way, this determines their future destiny.

After a stroll, Luo Xi stopped in front of a slave trader with several large iron cages. One of the iron cages contained dozens of goblins, and there was a sign next to it that read "Excellent airship crew".

The slave trader was sitting on a stool next to him. He was burly, his face was full of wrinkles, and his eyes were sharp and indifferent. He was wearing a dirty silk robe, the hem of which was stained with dust and blood. His greasy black hair was casually tied behind his head, revealing a face full of flesh, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and he often played with a heavy gold chain in his hand.

Luo Xi walked over and took out the slave scroll he got from the airship owner, and asked, "Do you accept this?"

The slave trader took it and looked at it, nodded and said, "Yes, one scroll can select a slave, and the price of a single slave cannot exceed 30,000 magic stones. What kind do you want to choose?"

Luo Xi said, "I want a captain and two crew members."

The slave trader asked, "Do you want humans or goblins? The slaves here who master flying skills are only from these two races."

The easiest and fastest way to master airship driving skills are humans and goblins, so most slave traders will only choose from these two races when training corresponding slaves.

Luo Xi said, "Goblins."

Goblins have unique talents in mechanical construction. If it comes to this part, it is absolutely right to choose goblins with your eyes closed.


The slave trader nodded, then ordered his men to open the goblin's cage and pulled out a dozen goblins from inside.

He then pointed at the group of goblins and said: "Those with blue bracelets on their hands have captain abilities, and those with yellow bracelets have greater abilities. However, I personally recommend that you choose a human. If If all goblins are used, they may be lazy, and the situation will be much better if there is a human to supervise.”

Luo Xi raised his eyebrows and followed the slave merchant's opinion: "Really? Let's take a look at the human ones too."

The slave trader then called his men to pull out a group of humans, and agreed that the one with the blue bracelet on his wrist had the ability to be a captain, and the one with the yellow bracelet had the ability to do so.

Luo Xi looked around but couldn't figure out the reason. He was about to ask the slave merchant for advice, but at this moment, an urgent voice sounded.

"Sir, look at me, I can pilot an airship for you."

Luo Xi glanced over and saw that the person speaking was a middle-aged man with a haggard face. Luo Xi had seen this man when he first entered the market, because the despair and sadness in his eyes were very rich and left an impression on him.

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