The airship passed through the Sky Gate and successfully ascended to the Sky World. After continuing to fly east for three days, Luo Xi finally arrived at Yunyi Port, a port in the Sky World.

Yunyi Port, this magical port located above the clouds, presents a magnificent and mysterious picture.

Above the sky, white clouds are as fluffy as cotton candy. They intertwine to form a vast sea of ​​clouds. In the center of this sea of ​​clouds, Yunyi Harbor is like a bright pearl, shining with a unique light.

In the port, huge airships were parked on the spacious landing pad. Their hulls shone with a metallic sheen, and their wingspans were wide, as if they were ready to fly high at any time. There are many small aircraft floating around the airship, which are the aerostats of the engineering goblins. They shuttle through the air and are busy carrying out various supply and maintenance work.

The buildings in Yunyi Port are scattered in an orderly manner. They are made of various strange materials. Some are shining with crystal light, while others are showing deep colors. Between these buildings, wide passages crisscross and connect different areas and facilities.

At the edge of the port, huge energy barriers flashed with blue light. They isolated Yunyi Port from the outside world and protected this mysterious port above the clouds. Outside the barrier, there is a deep and vast void, which seems to hide endless mysteries and dangers.

The entire Yunyi Port is filled with a mysterious and solemn atmosphere, as if every place contains profound magical power. Here, people can feel the perfect integration of technology and magic, as well as the infinite yearning and exploration of the sky.

"Is this the harbor in the sky? This is astonishing."

"It turns out those legends and stories are true."

Standing on the pier of the port, the three Angels looked at the bizarre and fantastic scenery in front of them in amazement. The three people who met for the first time and came to the sky world were not only shocked but also shocked.

A giant island completely floating in the air, airships constantly coming and going, and all kinds of strange biological species

They had only seen these in the legends of bards before.

"Lord Luo Xi, do you really not need us to send you to the Elemental Land? Lord Randolph has told us in advance that he has not needed to travel far recently. If you need our assistance, we will not refuse. "

On the other side, the captain of Randolph's airship, the goblin Dorick, was communicating with Luo Xi. Randolph rarely used the airship, and most of his trips in time were just flying above the ruins. It is rare to come to the sky world, so these goblins also hope to continue traveling with Luo Xi.

"I'm very grateful to a few friends for their help these days, but I just have to do the rest of the journey on my own. Wizard Randolph has already helped me too much, and I shouldn't make excessive demands anymore."

After some exchanges, seeing that Luo Xi really had no intention of inviting them to stay, Doric could not say anything more. After saying goodbye to Luo Xi, he slowly drove the airship away from Yunyi Port and headed into the distance. Fly away.

After the Randolph left, Angel came over and suddenly asked: "Mentor, where are we going next?"

Although Luo Xi did not explain in detail the reason why he drove away Dorick and the others, Angel still keenly felt that Luo Xi should have done this intentionally. It was probably because there was some special action that made it inconvenient for outsiders to participate.

Luo Xi did not explain in detail, but simply said: "We will discuss it later."

After a pause, he took out a few conch shells from the space ring and distributed them to them: "You guys help me find a place to stop the carriage, and then each of you can take a stroll here. I have to deal with something. If you need anything, just ask Connect via Echo Conch.”


"Good mentor."

Seeing that Luo Xi didn't elaborate, the three of them were sensible and didn't ask any questions. They each took a conch and happily led a few unicorns and elk to the market. It was rare to come to such a wonderful world as Sky World. , of course you have to take a good stroll.

On the other side, after Luo Xi separated from the three people, he walked alone to the west of the pier. According to the map, that was the airship trading area.

Consistent with what is shown on the map, this is an extremely wide parking port. The airspace next to it is densely packed with all kinds of airships, some of which are hundreds or thousands of meters long, with several-story high-rise buildings built on it. There are huge ships, small ones, sloops that are only a few meters long, and even lone boats that are only one or two meters long with only a floating stone installed.

"Do you want to buy an airship?"

"Look at me, this guest, I have the best airship in the entire Yunyi Port."

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He is full of rags. The truly outstanding airship is here in Loire. This guest, believe me, you will never regret it."

It seems that the airship business is also fiercely competitive. As soon as Luo Xi walked into the pier, a large group of merchants surrounded him, and they all recommended various products to Luo Xi. Airship.

"I'll take a walk first."

It wasn't until Luo Xi repeatedly expressed that he didn't want to buy but just came to take a look that he finally broke away from this group of people.

Immediately, he started walking around on the pier.

"so expensive"

Although he had expected that the price of the airship would not be cheap, it was still a bit beyond Luo Xi's expectations after seeing it.

Even the cheapest one here, which is a small broken boat with only one floating stone installed and only more than two meters long, is priced at more than 300,000 magic stones, and the slightly decent airships basically start at one million magic stones, not to mention those advanced and fully functional ones.

"I don't know if the magic stones are enough."

The magic stones that Luo Xi currently carries are only more than 8 million, which is all his belongings, including all the gains he has made from previous ruins raids, transactions with Fatty Green, business, castle rewards, etc.

8 million magic stones is not a small number, but it seems not enough for an expensive product like an airship.

Moreover, buying an airship alone is far from enough for the basic flight requirements. He needs to at least form a team, including a captain, a chef, and a series of other personnel, which is also a considerable expense.

"Let's buy the airship first." Shaking his head, Luo Xi did not doubt him and put the subsequent problems aside.

After walking from the beginning to the end of the street, and circling the dock, he looked at all the airships that were docked here and sold them. Finally, Luo Xi found the target he liked.

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